The Brunswick times-call. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1900-1902, November 01, 1900, Page 5, Image 5

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Hurry!— —-—-Hurry'— —— Hurry! BIG CUT RATE SALE. ■ .. ' ;• - -s. OUR STOCK MUST QO —EVERYTHING AT COST f Shoes. \anic Shoes- at $D • <HX at • 2.50 \ißals at • 2.25 -25 My..;...: 2.75 fpL at ••• • • -\25 at M 2 25> Ladies' Patent Leather French'Heel Ties at 2.75 A LARGE LINE OF MISSES’ AND CHILDREN’S SHOES AT COST. .PALMER SHOE COMPANY. I 116 He Street. ■ ' 4 7&t-& : w -*" CHEAP ADVERTISING. CASH IN ADVANCE Advertisement. in this column will be insert eu the. uniform rate of One Cent a Word for each Insertion. No advertisement, however ■ jnall, less than 50 cent.. Cash in advance. FOB RENT.—Furnished rooms it 405 G streat, near center of the city. Ntoellem winter rooms. ME~RJSNT—Large furnished front Wroom, nil privtiegee. Mrs. Julius ay, 510 GlOldest*r street. For T?£st—Three untarnished rooms up stairs, suitable for light house keeping. G street. Moroblno, opium, laudanum,cocoatne habit; myself cuted. will inform you of harmless, permanent home cure. Mary S. Baldwin, box 1212, Chicago. ‘ h OST— Winchester SlfG'gun, 28 inch barrel; between Freedman’* Beet and Brunswick, via shell road; drop ped from buggy. A reward will be pa u for delivery of same fo Poihili’o drug store. DISSOLUTION.—The lirm of Deva ri* A Levada ß , competed of P. Deva ris and S. Levada*, is dissolved by mutual oonseut. P, Devaris will ood tioue the grocery business at the old stand. Hustling young man can make S6O per montb and expenses. Permanent position. Experierce unnecessary. Write quick for particulars, Clark & Cos., 4th A Locne Streets. Philadel pbia, Pa WANTED.—Christian man or wo man willing fo qualify for permanent position of (rust, here or in borne county. S9OO yearly. Enclose Beif aildresied stamped envelope to Secre tary, care of Timzs-Call. HELP WANTED —M ALE, —Old es tablished mercantile house, extending > business in this section, wants to ar range with capable man, of habits, to manage branch. Salary, ' flsoo yearly. Extra commissions. Must furnish SBOO and satisfactory references. “Opportunity," Drawer 74, New Haven, Conn. 11-18 £FOR SALE,—Hillery Island, sit uated on Turtle river, containing 32,'y acres of high land, suitable for truck ing or poultry raising: ahjift 15 acre* cleared; good fibbing and oyster beds around the Island. Ah. . Island View,] contain* 50 acres, more or )*“, situ ated on Gibson and Pervh'.-s creek-, six acres of wtich is under new wire fenoe: 75 to 100 pear trees, ar.d im provements on ssm. For f iring in formation, applf to I’, Jus. Dierflin-I gir, 310 L’niau street. wan t^d. ArfeSiSU wells to drive at $233 en h Rise and capacity gusrantsed will aiso guarantee u> complete wells m 13 1 days, ' alt aor address A 3. Laker .1 SOGI .uce gi* .„. Xii J' , t T C.TI’LS - *i ' i+¥ t Litb til* 1 . - St 7 It, st/t lute w. u r. JfciUdft dsug iwre. COLLECTOR’S ROUNDS. Glynn county property owners should r rad the Collector Read, which will be found in this Issue and bs ready for him when he visits your neighborhood. With city tax payers it is different, they know whe e and when to find the collector, but the county people can save a trio to the eby by h rememb“rlog his notice. FOR REN L—Five-room cottage on Norwich 9treet, cor, Albemarle. Apply next: door, *f, to ’Phone 102. A BONA-feV IDE WEEKLY. —Men and point agent ■ .ad represent us—Maty* to travel, others fo* 1. ol w*. lily sc!ry and espeases Old es- ÜbUsrtei hr, plvasaat, prrnrCAt p ion; rapid adv* ncernea r and In ores *e of wages. Write aionee Ad dress Butler ,i A tiger, luept., E, New- Ha ;jfc Cone. 11 j Prickly Ash Bitters cures disease of the kidneys, oieafistt and strengthens the liver, stomach and bowels. W. J. I Butl? Brunswick-made Fandies, You’ll I, find all kinds at Lloyd e, , Phone 255-2 11 THE WEATHER. Fur Wednesday : Fair; light to fresh j northeast to east winds . The Quakers Are Honest People. tTh Quaker Herb Ton ic is not only a blcod purifier, but a Blood { tusker for Pale, Weak : and Debilitated people who have nut strength nor blood. Tt art* as a tonic, it regulates di gestion. cores dyspepsia and lends strergr.h and tone totbe nervous sys tem. It i a medicine for weak women. It is a purely vegetable medicine, aid ran be taken by the most delicate. , Kidney disease, Kbeumalism and a'l ! diseases of the Blood, Stomar b f.nd i Verves aoon surrumb to its wondo/fi I ■fl’ec’. on the human system. Thous ands of people in Georgia lecominend j t ('rice SI.OO. QUAKER PAIN BALM ;.s the tned- I icinr that the Quaker Doctor i t.ilo all 1 f bD. quick 1 nr ■■ w.fli D’s atv ,v svd i ’.vonderfa) inedirlne for J-’ttralg? Tcothach®. Bii-kach'\ Rheumatism. Sprains, J'a . , 1$ ve.s: mi if , >. pain rcri be i -.'ievi-d by t. V. • i .*• aud nOe. OUAKEH wan E V. i-NDbL ,y 1/ i\ Pri l'l a • ~v I tetter, P iecitt and eruptioti of tin i EOS'; HA Ml i;Y , LL f RU<3KS i f. A. i v.u t’ro; ..' • r [jPfitAliiil •* DiU? Store THE BRUNSWICK riMES-CALL NOVEMBER l, LGO sr Jj&3) l jyWK-rx UNITED Embezzler Alvord to Uncle Sam.-fc, New York, Oct. 81 decided this afternoon to turn ove^^jln: ed States authorities tne arch embezzler of *7oo,ofl?>, C. P. AlvbrdTyh^l’jolice court hearing will be Magistrate Flamjjßff' t * jfriffif 'r‘ ~ The tiankiugfcUws of to^^i^d.ijUtes having been vlOTHtedhl^PlSdß|p#gtafs i r'.minaj, iu tcv- a! j has to yield to. the federal . ntil these offences vr&V ' the state will trbe banc in tbe brosid . t Tjgja cutioh. ‘nW**! Ship Notice. . Sjj; • Neither the master, owner* or.ciip jfetflflees of the Brityfjja sWtr.idiip ’TWhasore," w|il be responsible for Any dilit* ooiitracud by the y raw of • ti i’bstk' Wm Johnston A Cos., Lt'p, Cons gnee*. ’ T POOI,, •Opr.tractor and Builder, fly South Stonewall Street. Brunswick, - Georgia. Jim Cartsr will s n nd for your Jold clothes and make them new, and charge you c irnpara ively nothing. It Heals the LaagJ. Wiien suffering from i. rucking co igli take dose of Foley’ Honey and Par. Tbo eoreiice* will be relieved and a warm* grateful feeling and healing of the parti affected vvill bo expe rienced. Take no substitute. VT. J. Butts. c 7 j: Jrpo> it l -/sb. , Bosk tbo Kind iOl -id', Al fi/s Bqu 0 -y To Stop a Oold.iflh. J After exposure or when you feel a cold com ing on take a dope of Foie v’g Honey and Tar It never fails to stop a cold Jf taken in time. V\ J. Putts. For Backiu'li-? use BTOAKi M S (JJN an ■: jBUCHU. Wall Paper pi-—■> PAINT y— W'f— /•*> '-v 1 i , , 5.. > A \J X Urflh i> ■(. i. , (f J&Ajtl* • - -r. ttt t it VW „ O.i Li J. t p r , ... ... pufi > and funcy ckkcsatClty ijur.ciy, V %IG%m THIS. Wprth, Oct. 31.—A suit for has been filed against 25 ofa&c most prominent' citlzsns of lySjwhy of Bell county. alleges that the defend* <|ta. to gMB possession of hi* righ's Waco^property And ca%se<ljslftti ■%> tie k placed.. in an fk vw%' ’' - asylum fae+Awo years. lo w rates- via . tre" plant . SYaSCEM I To -iavanokh, G*., for,> the Eike’ Urand ikynivaT and Street Fair, No- Sjfftnbsr s’h to 17.tb. One fare for the ri.i r.d trip. TScketijrto behold Novem jpr s’h, 7th, 9th, Bill, 14th and l*i;K, gt'. tb iliia) IffSlt to 18tb. A splendid ifin gram otaiiraotibris has been ar rsnged Plant SysTetp ticket agents : '.vrji give foil parrioulars. I ’ 8, W. Whkn.n, Patiger Traffic Manager, Savannah, Ga. -I ‘ r : ."'CURBS BLOOD AND SKI If 4 TROUBLES., '1 n*l Tr“ift-.'l||rt. I your blood purtf Are yon ue of n? Dr cuts or scratches heal slo|f- Ijf lio’ ■ your skin itch or burn? I! ivi you Pimplee? Kruptious? Ach i.g boue* or backV Eczema? Old Hr-? Boils? Scrofula? Rheuma ii in? Foui Breath? Catarrh? Are you pah? Then B. B. B. (B .tanfc Blood Balm) will purify your blood, evry son, and give a clear, siii'. i l li, bi alt.hy skin. Deep-e“ated ct■ , Hie i Icet-, career, eaiing sores, Pji in ivel ngs, 8100 l Poison, are •pi i v cmed by B itanio Blood Balm. Otoe* wtien nil elie fails. Thoroughly tee eii lor i.biriy years. Drugstores, $1 p* i laige bottle. Trial treatment tree by writing BLOOD BALM CO., A an’a, •a. D-rcfibe trouble—free i.i ica) dvicr g'V n. Over 3,000 v-l --i r.n*bt tcatim’ri' ils ol cure- b> B. | B J! 1 V <IAI E \Vf K' 11881 Ii .. 1 1.1 , >. . I " tre '■ 1. v. v '■ 1 Cih' s w Soil ■* vo . k I*.M I' . l hi 111 i *l| kty I, i >• . no -i ly It p> ) ‘ a? V t . i• . I *ic -rn of Built l But 1 Ko < '.in-, hi and a**, tu ma l ! " T one it o h I f/-,d Kyn I) cm td, atvr, t-v .... Jm: ./--Mo ir at f rci.K (I tiv‘. o'w {t *> t• ft me. tr i'll Aft:. J J i ‘ v ' /1 i/.tl i "., Gi. i*tn • )'M> Hl* I Dj mi ejoibtog lo b. dyed send ! i". J.i.i 'I •rtn. ' * ’ T> • ;. * • •’ • ..’1 . .O-- A.ihsii'- e:<3 si*sow. Gent’s Furnishings. Men’s Gold and Silver Shirts at 7Qc and|'sl.oo Men’s Sumiiig’ Underwear at Cost. at Cost. of Guyei Hats $2,2? latest styles 1.7? Roys’ aSdTTouth’s Shoes at. 7 $1,20 A large line of half hose and £. & W , Collars at|cost. Our line of Neckwear is swell and complete. |l Men’s Work Shirts all sizes at ; £s e Come and See Us, Doctors find A Good Prescription formanMnd lor w enwo, Imno **, Xrrre-Staß&yr-Str.crd Sum nU BirCeij WKyo. rtwr jam, indue* drrj.. aiul erolmr Wl Ov* S*v” idull K. uulter vvh.t’, ib. uurtur. OM oil 4 JOO (o*4. Tm,,. U.S . 1 oa*. Z2&Z&SZ2 SI j. j. lissner, I wholesale — : Groceries, Tobacco, IFlour, Bacon and Provisions, AND BRAN;A SPECIALTY. /216 Bay 'Street, Brunswick, Georgia. r W H. BOWEN. J, N. BRAD^I I if 'b BOWEN Sc BRADT. V OOMTFTAOTOR3 x / Nr" JOf Bi 4' 'e .. .uA . ' .iiie ManutavDiirw of (Jt n,ct, TJle u-; : > rtKld4l CtC^p. 5