The Brunswick times-call. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1900-1902, November 01, 1900, Image 6

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GEORGIA BEITS KENTUCKY; SOW THUD SOUTHERN STATE Georgia i oow tbe (bird large*! state In the sou*h in population ! Hhe bar bentco out Kentucky for tbM position in the past ten years. Tbe Blue Ora Slate bad teariy 20,000 more people in 1800 tnan.Georgis, bu Georgia ha* swrp* ahead of her with tbe apeed of a Kentucky th roughbred. Georgia’* gain i§ largest of all tbe southern rtatei save Missouri and Texas, whose population 10 years ago was lsrget than that of Georg:-;• at Here is the way tbe states rank In the order of populstior, with tt>- ir pop ulatloo to 1890 ai well: 1. Missouri, 1900 8.107,117 1890 .....2,679 184 2. Texas, 1900 3,048,828 1890.., 2,235,523 2. Georgia,'l9oo 2,216,329 1890 1.837,353 4. Kentaoky, 1900 .2,147.174 1890 .1,858,635 8. Tennessee, 1900 2,022,723 1890 : 1 707*618 6. North Carolina, 1900 1,891,992 1890 ....1,617.947 7. Virginia, 1900 ....1,854,118 1890 ~... .< 1,656,980 The profit of a gold mine depends, not on the •imouut of rock crushed under tbe stamps bat upon tbe amount ot gold wbch can bo extract ed from the rook, tn a similar way tbe vatu* of food which It oaten does not depend on |tbe quantity which Is taken Into tho stomach but upon the amount of nourishment extracted from it by the organs ot nutrition and digestion When those organs are diseased they fail to ex“ tract the nourishment in sutllcient quantities to supp’y the noedß of the several organs of the body and these organs cannot work without nourishment. The resnll is heart trouble, liver trouble and many othur ailments, Or. Pierce’s Golden Medical Discovery, acting on every or an ol the dlgesti ve and nutritive system, re- j ores it to health end vigor. It euros diseases) remote from the stomach through tho spumm'd In which they origin"**' l 'cnMien Medical Discovery contains neither alcohol ;nor nar cotics. P. DEVARIS, Gocerics. Country Product* a Vegetables- etc. Also Confectionery. MONK STREET. BRUNSWICK. GA Kl-ns Kl-na.-ifuinlne in a tasteless form, without affecting its medicinal value, combined with aaetanllid and- iron. Just the thing for children. Pleasant to take. SSo a bottle. For sale by W. J. Butts, the druggist. || ■ yr—• Stops the .Cough and work!) off the Cold. Laxative llrnmo Quinine Tablets cure a cold tu one day. No Cure, No Pay. Price 15 cents Second hand household furniture bought and sold, also pianos, organs, trunks, mirrors, carpets, etc. J. W, Watkins. 1 — pif. The Plant System will sell round trip tickets ter the annual fair, Way oross Fair As-ooiation, at one fare from ThomnsiGlt*, AlbanyftSavanuab, Brunswick, .isotsonvillc, Monoioello aiut intermediate pjflHK A splendid program of-ariflj has been arranged Hint viCHraPtigl well enterta'ned. B. W. Whunn, Passenger Traffic Manager, Sivaouab, Ga, Ofanmliei lain’i Blomauh nod Liver Tablet* uiilc biliousness, constipation anil headache Tj*y am ay to take and pleasant In effect Far sale at dishop's Drug Store. Pure rendered chioken—fat. Thomas Keany. For Fine '<lq! ■ 8. Alab&mi, 1990 1,828,697 1890 ...1,513,017 9. Mississippi, 1900 1,511,372 1890.... 1,289,600 10. Louisiana, 1900 1,381,627 1890 1,118,587 It. South Carolina, 1900 1,340,312 12. Maryland, . ."*} ’^W1,U,946 18, West Virginia. 1H 958,9'0 14. Florida, 1900. 528,542 1890 391,422 <§o©iety. Tbe following is self explanatory. Mr. Editor:—Will you kindly give following from last Sunday’s Constitu tlon a prominent place in your columns with such notice as you tbink it de serves, We desire -W*< these faets a wide circulation for two reasons. First, in this way we come into pos session of historical data, names of sold erg and other facts that would otherwise be lost. Second, the hand some souvenir gives great pleasure to the old ladies who receive it and be comes a valuable he'rloom to their de soendants. Thanking you for your kind asal t uuce In this pa'.noiic labor of love, I am, Yours truly, Mits. Marion L Cotton, Assistant C. S. Joseph Uabersbam Chapter. Many people who read this oo umn from week to week and enjoy it never tbink of adding to its interest by an swering some of the questions. We are collecting unwritten history. Some of these questions oannot bo answered ex ccptb y the old, who will Boon pass away, and tholr knowledge with them. It is the duty and should be the pleas ure of all to help where they can . Another thing, We are auxtous to have the address of every woman wlnao j lather fought In tbo revolution, as she tta entit'ed to a gift from the national Kaucbtors of the American iicvolutlon tivir spoon. Hundreds in the north bayo received these souve nice, but few in the south. Why? Be cause they have never claimed them. The Joseph Habersham chapter glad ly undertakes, through the courtesy of The Constitution, to become the stand ard-bearer of the old ladles and would be honored to teport, at tho next con gress, a* many as li'ty name* in all : parts ol the south. There were revo uihnary soldiers living as late as UKKIhMIM, of course, there are many of their daughters left if only j*! oould Bod them. Now, please, all who read this, put on your thinking cib, whether in or remote country, see ; if .you cannot find us a real daughter^ Tho Josejjib Hflsertfhsmi vtlll guaran ty one of them t£Ys handsom ■>ow ' awaiting, them, wu cb •r old-ihcarts vears a precious n of tho gratitude body, the Xstiona jhlere of the American hn c3l¥t* of St. Simon ipeut day in Ihis.eitj, “ Mrs.Pinkfiam Saved me [ flym an Operation." • I**?., ■’ ", .! * i ’ .y", Operations Avoided. When a physician tells a woman suffering with ova rian or womb trouble that an operation is novessary, it of course frightens her. The very thought of the operating table and the knife strikes terror to her heart. And our hospitals are full of women who are there for ovarian and womb operations ! It is quite true that these troubles may reach a stage where an operation is the only resourq&but such cases are much rarer than is generally supposed, because a great many women have been cured by Mrs. Finkham’a med icine after the doctors had said the operation must be performed. Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound has been very successful in curing ovarian troubles. In fact, up to the point where the knife must be used to secure instant relief, this medicine is certain to help. Ovarian troubles are easily developed from womb troubles, and womb troubles are so very common that ovaritis is steadily on the increase among women. It is, nevertheless, a most serious trouble, and to recommend wrong treatment for it is a crime for which there cannot be too deep a penalty. It is, therefore, with full consciousness of the serious ness of the disease and the steady failure of other medicine to cure it, that we present for ovarian and womb trouble Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound as the most certain to help of any medicine in the world to-day. Any person who could read the letters in Mrs. Pinkham’s files at her office in Lynn, Mass., would be convinced of the efficiency of Mrs. Pinkham’s Compound. The strongest and most grateful statements possible to make come from women who have escaped the operat ing table by the use of this medicine. Let any woman suffering from these troubles, or anything which may de velop into them, write and get Mrs. Pinkham’s advice. If you are beyond the reach of the medicine, you will be frankly told so, but, if not, you will be fully and carefully and kindly advised. The most serious o! all the diseases of women, as well as the minor file, are promptly overcome by r Lydia £• Pinkham’s Vegotablo Compound *SOOO C3 r*\§J j\ C3 F\ ... Owln* to the fao* that m# skeptical people have from time to time questioned n Ui V¥n Ini la# gTOuWaoI the teetimtmial fetter* we are constantly publishing,** ham Z ■ ™ yJT* * ",T7 „ vith til* National Ciiy Flank, of Lynn, Maes.. tS.m be paid rfL,*PY, 525®, Tr * !o ?*? AtxT >* testimonial* are not genuine, or were publiatal bafore obtaining tba writer*’ special pemlalotn-Lmu. K. PikKbjoi Kmccit Cos., LymAMu:* puwuaa* • ™ ooaunmg w Earnest Words of Gratitude. was born, blood poison wet in, which left me with granulated inflammation of the womb and congested ovaries, I had suffered from suppressed and painful menstrusttop from a girl. The doctors told me the Ovaries would have to be removed. I took treatment two years to escape an operation, but still re mained in miserable health hi both body and mind, expecting to part with my reason with each coming month. After using one bottle or the Compound, I became entirely rid of the trouble In my head. 1 continued to use your remedies until cured. The last nine months have been passed In perfect good health. This I owe entirely to Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vege table Compound.’—MßS. F. M. KNAPP, ■ -■ n I.- Is2B%innickianic Ave., Milwaukee, Wis. “ T)*ab Mr*. PwaHAM! —Your Vegetable Compound has completely cured me of the worst form of womb trouble, and made me a strong, rhealthy, robust woniiui. Before using Lydni E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound, 1 suffered with severe pains ip back and side, headache and nervousness. Menses would sometimes occur every two weeks, and once I had a se *tk vere hemorrhage Which lasted a month. I was X’ff 'felgML’ confined to my bed and the attending physi ""'v ciaus told me I would have to undergo an oper- W m stion as soon as I was strong enough. I read *3 J * n one y° ur I'ttle books several testimonials \ fj from ladies who were cured by your Compound \ S*. Jjm after having been told by their doctors that an V y/F operation was necessary, and I made up iuy mind then and there to commence taking your m Compound. I did so and it has completely re* stored me to good health. I have gained twenty two pounds since taking it and my flesh is as iMRS ANNit martuy i solid as a rock. My friends remark about the l- . "SH*J change in me. I am a living advertisement of what Lydia E. Plnkham’s Vegetable Compound can do, and have in fluenced many of my frieDds to try it, which has proved very gratify ing in its results. I thank you for restoring mo to health.”— ANNlE HARTLEY, 221 W. Congress St., Chicago, 111. “ Drab Mbs. Ptskham:—l feel It my duty to publish the wonderful help Lydia B. Pinkham’s Vegetable propound has been to me. I was like a craay person—could not eat or sleep; there was no rest for me day or night. Physicians examined me and said an operation wm necessary. Before undergoing it. however, I determined to try Lydia E. Pinkham’s Compound. I am so glad I did, for it cured me. lam a well woman now and can do any kind of work. I want this published throughout the land, so that ail my suffering sisters may read, and if in any way afflicted with female troubles, they may 1 be induced by my sincere statement to try this VflHhv wonderful Vegetable Compound and be cured.” ~ MRS - MARGARET BAM FORD, Centennial Uar ' SeK® Ave., Crescent Beach, Revere, Mass. w “ B*ab Mb*. Ptskbam I wish to send you yC&sfs£y X* my testimonial stating the grand effect Lydia B. Plukhora’s Vegetable Compound has had on my \ S health. I was suffering to such an extent from \ -<5” JY ovarian trouble that my physician thought an j operation would be necessary. Yonr medicine MhhL having been recommended to me, I decided to Th, r **T lt After usin Aseveral bottles I fonnd that I w cured. My syftem was toned np and I snf kiPyi IffiJif fared no more with my ovaries. Your medicine is I Mil J. ANNA ASTON I the greatest boon on earth to suffering women.” ' I I -MRS. ANNIE ASTON, Box 137, TrOy, Mo.