The Brunswick times-call. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1900-1902, November 02, 1900, Page 5, Image 5

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Hurry! Hurry! -—— Hurry! BIG CUT RATE SALE. OUR STOCK MUST QO—EVERYTHING AT COST \ Shoes. IBr Shoes at.,, 13.00 YiciKid Bals at. 2.50 3 Tan Vici Bals at..... 2.25 s Calf Bals at... . . 2.25 RLs Ultra >ts 2.7.) gL" 2.25 if Button Boots at 2 2*> Aat Leather French Heel Ties at.. 2.75 W iRGE LINE OF MISSES’ AND W ..CHILDREN’S SHOES AT COST. PALMER SHOE COMPANY. 116 Newcastle Street. CHEAP ADVERTISING. CASE IN ADVANCE ew insert '* Advertiteinents in this column or( j y or e<Sat tat mtlora *te ot 0 '-Kent, however earn ;n*nim. No in u ,-uc*. rtati. iftiai than 50'ceiu* FOR REST.*— Furoiahßd rooma at 1405 G streot, near center of the city. Excellent winter looms. FOR RENT*—Large furnished front bed room, all privileges. Mrs. Julius May, 510 Gloucester street. FOR KENT—Three unfurnished rooms up stairs, ''suitable for light house keeping. 4fH) G street Morphine, opium, laudanum,eocoalne habit: myself eutea. will inform you ol harmless, permanent home ture. Mary S. Baldwin, box 1212, Chicago. LO S T—Winchester Shotgun, 26 barrel: Setween Freedman's Rest and Brunswick, via shell road ; drop ped from buggy. A reward will be paid for delivery of same to Polhll)'* drug store. DISSOLUTION.— The Arm of Deva ris & Levada*, composed of P. Devs- Tie and S. Levadas. 1* dissolved by mutual consent, P. Devaris will con tinue the grocer) business at the old I stand. Hustling young man can make {CO per month and eipeuses, Permanent position. Experience unnecessary. Write quick for particulars, Clark & Cos., 4th <Jfc Locua Streets, Philadel phia,-Pa. WANTED.—Christian man or wo man willing to qualify for permanent position of trust, here or in borne county. S9OO yearly. Enclose self addressed stamped envelope to Secre tary, care of Times-Call. HELP WANTED-MALE.-Old es tablished mercantile house, extending business in this section, wants to ar range with capable man, of correct habits, to manage branch. Salary, 91500 yearly. Extra commissions. Must'furnish SBOO and satisfactory references, "Opportunity,” Drawer 74, New Haven, Conn. 11-18 HFOR SALE,—Hillary Island, sit nated on Turtle river, coctaitfiDg 33 l , aoree ofjbigb land, suitable for truck ing or pooltry raising; about 15 acres oleared; good fishing and oyster beds around 'he Island. Also, Island View, oontaing 50 acres, more or less, situ -lted on Gibson at i Pervises creeks, six aorrs of which is under new wire fence; 75 to 100 pear trees, and im provements on same. For farther in formation, apply to F. Jos. Doerflin ger, SIS Union street. BIG BAR BE 2 U£. Peru, led., Noy. I.—The deir'.< ; “* t 8 have filled r> ' ‘ n 0,10 ° r the biggest demonstrations ever seen in this part of Indina Stevenson, the candidate for vice president; Bailey of Texas, Jones of Toledo, Rainey, ot Il linois, and Welty, ot Cantor, were the speakers. A huge barbeoue was the feature of the rtemonstra .ioo. Thirty beeves were roas ed MADE HUNDRED DOLLAR 4 . Mr. Stetson Fleming's horse, Bay View, made a hundred dollars for its owner :.y winning the at Valdosta Tuesday, r.nd as this amount will more than pay the exp.nse of carrying him Mr. Fleming is ab'sid even if the her.- does nbt win another race. The boormvker bet five to one against Bay View and it is said that when tfce race was over this gentleman woDt out of business. FOR RENT,—Five-room collage on Norwich street, cor Albemsrle. Apply next door, or to ’Phone 102. Nearly tbr- whole of Brunswick's male population will go tlie ope-a house Tuesday to hear the election re turns. COAL PRICES UP. New York, Nov. I.—The price of an thracite coal has been advanced 50c a ton over the nominal price of the July, of the anthracite mining and carrying companies. The change coy era the whole country, beginning with today Prickly Ash Bitters cures disease of the kidneys, cleanses and strengthens the liver, stomaob and bowels. W. J. Batts. Mr Leo Kaufman has returned from a pleasant trjp to Valdosta. Brunawiclt-made Cand'os. You’ll find all kinds t Lloyd s, Piling: 255-2 THE WEATHER. Fur Wednesday : Fair ; light to fresh northeast to east winds THE BRUNSWICK TIMES-CALL. NOVEMBER 2, Ia JO i ! llm r;- * 2- ihOeauwaugA]), Boxer Movement May Become More Formidable Than Ever. London, Nov. I.—Sir Rohetj llaTt| the British functionary who holde‘htgh official rink to the Chinese govefAmeat. and who has for many years exercised au’ocratic control oyer tfift- c.oliediSonof the Imperial revenues, lijs u article to a London review rn which he declares that the Bexar movement is im.p’red by slacer; psViattem* J on the part of the Chinese masses, aqil lhaf it is destined to become more general and i formidable as time passes. - He astefta I that within a few years the members’of | the boxer societies will number many j millions: that they will rnanugs in some i >vay to acquire modern arms and mill* t-iry dieeipline, and that “they will take from theforeigttf r everything Dial the foreigners have tekeu from China and | will pay old grudges with interest." , Officer Isaac Smith, acoi dtritly shot some time ago, le i.ut again out it will be some litm: before he will be able lo go on dutv. CURES BLOOD AND SKIN TROUBLES. TrieliTreatmeot Free, I- your blood purr? Arp yon suie of it? Do outs or scratches heal slow ly? Doee your skin itch or burn? Have you Pimples? Eruption*? Aob tng bones or back? K'.zema? Old Sores? Boils? Scrofula? Rheuma tism? Foul Breath? Catarrh? Are you pals? Then B. B. B. (Botanic Blood Balm) wili purify )our blood, heal every - -re, snu give e cler, smooth, healthy skin. Deep-sea'ei case’, like ulcers, cancer, a‘it,g sore., Painful Bwel.mgs, Bljoa Prison, are quickly cured by Botanic Blood Ha'm. Cures when al 1 else fails. Tboro gb l l tested for thiriy years. Drug stores, $1 per large net,He Tiial treatment ,re by wt it pg BLOOD BALM CO* Atlanta,‘Wa. Deeoilhe tronblk— free oedical advioa gtv n, Over 3,000 vol* unary testimonial) of cures by B. B. B. Jft' ,wr NEfTING jNEAUER EVEN. dq'h'ot seem to be belt* tog mueb'otr the Residential election nd so fur only very few have pul up money. 'At first odd* were five to one '°n M<^inley t but lately it has been dropping ujgil it has been neaiereven the past few dfys tkau any time since the contest- started, WORTH MORE NOW. ' a That MfUnewick is to aga'n haven Aral class oyster fad ory has* Increased 1 tEe pi oo of sma'i tlrts and sailing ! lighters at least 20 ,pe- cent. The A k • i cn wtll keep a large number of these boa s busy and wten the Bell I Canning Company starts many new ones : will have to be built. hunters are jj a pry. Toe game -tifw expired yesterday and the sportsmen who get elf, put in a (food (lay -f it Gums,is not a[ len til ul to these parts now as some year ago, A prominent, hunter to?d a re. porter yes'erdsy that the woods had been"burned to death,” • Mr T - Q- Fleming is attending the slate fair at Valdosta. j Business should oe go. ui a Hruns j wick right now as the wharves arc lired with voeseis ajd work on the river front • pUnti'ul: Mr. If. 11. Brady is ciettlLg several houses on the o', t o recemly pur chased at the co-nt r of Gloucester and Storewall street. Ci'iite a large numb'*r ol Bt ursw ck tana will take in tl c strei t fair in Savan nah next week.; hir ftnim i v einiige si and tsirriteis there nothing,o cod as (Jlieniln rlain’r J'sm Balm hr' li, Dr. Bishop's drug store. If vou have to b: dyed sent It to Jim Carl i r. New Georgia syi up and buckwheat, et. L, F. ILoaria’, icon'isr Egniont ami Albi uii rle "Irtils. Gent’s Furnishings. Men’s Gold and Silver Shirts at 7 c and SI.OO Men’s Siuu.'i'p LjjU&twear at Cost^ Men’s at Cost. Large Line ot Guyei Hats $2.25 Hats, latest styles 1.75 Boys’ and Youth’s Shoes at . 7 ! $1,20 A large line of half hose and E. &W, Collars at.cost. Our line of Neckwear is swell and complete. Men’s Work Shirts all sizes at... '. t’sc tfl. JV y” ' ' , ’ /}'■ • . Come and See Us. 'Nj? FOUR IN ONE [I fg PRICKLY ASH BITTERS 1 nil J. Buttß,.Speciiil, Agent. 81-BMPS xsßMia ' * -/ • , f ' Doctors find * • . * M$ - 0 \ A Good Prescription. ? for mankind i / *" —•. t>trttt tttacan, * n- g fciMM, Gene.-W States Mad (Mai * **• Thn kaatsh pals, indue. •!<*, tag aialm. au Rff-S" •Mss.-s? itfjrJS W H, BU WE - * J. BOWEN & BRADT, UONTPACTORe r'xi C3 SL-J , p ' ,de!:rso Of Stone Jiuldlo^' '• lul ' hum® 5