The Brunswick times-call. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1900-1902, November 02, 1900, Page 8, Image 8

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8 g 'SJv T&qLt, ■: >sy WHY / r go away from home treated and fitted with GlaßsdKL ; j|p you can have the same work done*<J(? r just as accurately and good? Besides/ Save Money Here at Home, and get just as strong guarantee. We refer you to any one who has had us fit them with prescription lenses. If your Eyes trouble you in any way at all, call on me and I will examine them FREE and tell you what you need. We have glasses from 25c up, and you don’t have to buy the expensive ones unless you want to. Hnolion and Cnillali HE.-*— KENNON MOTT, / ' . *** / Jeweler and Graduate Oetician; IIS NawcMtla Street, In, pee tor oi Wetohoe tor Southern Railway. Time by Wire daily from Washington Coney&Parker DEALERS IN Coal and Wood, Brick, Lime, Cement, Plaster, Hair, Shingles'and Laths, Phone 18 525 Bav St. We’ve Got Shoes On The Brain, Because that’s part of our business. We think Shoes, dream Shoes, and in ♦ fact do most everything but eat Shoes- That’s why we have the best Shoe business in the city. Our fall lines are ahead of all for mer efforts. Burt & Packards Korrect Shape $4 00 Burtwe&t's $3 50 Are TWO proposition hard to beat. A Full Line Drew Selby’s nffb foot wear for ladies. > SCHOOL SHOES for your boys and girls, the kind that wear. LEVA’S THE BKUNSWICK TIMES-CALL, NOVEMBER 2, 1900, BRAVE BOERS Played Havoc With a Briti-h O-t.xwt and a Cap* Town Mail. Cape Town, Nov. I.—lt transpires today that a Boer command captured a British outpost and 90 men in the vicin ity of Geneva on Oct. 28 and a(t< rwaid held up the Cape Town mall train loot'd the carriages and passengers, destroyed the mails, set fire to the train and decamped on the approach of an armored train. Not wishing to be ham ycred the Boer* later released the pris oners they had captured. BOCKHILLS COMMISSION Secty. Hay Appointed Him Counselor to the American Legation. Washington, Nov. I.—Secretary Hay today cabled Commissioner Rockhld his appointment as counselor of the American legation at Pekin. He has been directed to proceed at ones trout Shanghai to Pekin, to assist Minister Conger in that capacity in the negotia tions for a final settlement. pose to applet Mr. Rockbill aod Gen eral Wilson fellow with was abandoned only he caugc it appeared that no, othet power was to appoint comml-aioner* \ _ J THE tiA BT SPEECH. Hundreds Should Hesr Brantley Mo nday Night. Cuogrestmaa W. G. Brantley shonld be greeted by a large crowd Monday night. He has been in parte of hie dictriet telling the people of de mocracy, and be ends bfs campaign in h<e home county. There is absolutely-' bis oppuneot, but this faot should not keep bis friends away from tbe polls on eleo’ion day. Let tbe majority be a Urge one. A Monster Devil fish Destroying its victim, is a type of Consump tion. The power of this murderous malady is felt lon organs and nerves snd muscles and brain. There]* no health till it’s overcome But- l)r. King's New Lite i'lUs are a safe and certain ears. Beat la the world tor Stomach Liver, Kidneys and Bowels. Only Sts cents at at) druggists. RESPONSIBLE WOMEN can add easily to tbeir ioootne by earning a commission, and also an opportunity to share In our distribution of 117,500 in cash, by taking subscriptions Tor the Delineator. No ou’fit required. Coats only a postil card to enable vou start. Address Butterlok Publishing Cos., Dept. D, 17 West 13tb tt., New York. References: Any bank ores p -ess a gen BIG DIVIDEND. Philadelphia, Nov. l.—The board of directors of the Pennsylvania railroad today deolared the usual semi-annual dividend of 2 1-2 per ceul, and an extra dividend of 1 per cent on the capital stock. •■'- N A Card. Tho manufacturer, of Bonnet Salvo have u. thorued the undeivigned to guamutec it for burns, cuts, ioren, t ’eein, tetter, eczema and all akin diecaaca. You have your .money back td > I't do all It claim*. W. J. Butte. Half the World is in Darko*a aa to the causa of their ill health. If they would start to treat their kidneys with Foley’s Kid ney Cure, the woarlneta of body and mind, back ache,;headache and rheumatic pains would disappear. W. J. Butts. B. J. ULEWINE J s icy Belllng, Renting, Repairing, Messenger service Wc sell Cleveland,' Monarch, Crawford. Eagle, Elk, Dixie. Best of Wheels for the Least Money Tfll Jim Carter whoa to send for your clothing to be cleaned and preaaed, ' ANOTHER LIST. Industries Which Are Seeking New Loeat-oas. Following is the fourth list of in dus'ries winch are looking for new locations: A . U. Andrews Furniture Company of Chicago, 111., ie seeking anew io eet'O’. Tbis company has two fac tories in Chicago, eight miles apart, and they wish to consolidate them. Tanner Broe., proprietors ot the Belftß'. Canning Company, of Beifas’, N. V , are looking for a suitable loca tion for a branch faotory. The Binghampton Ga Engine C m pany of Bmgbimptun, N. Y., is seek ing a suitable location for large worka which it will build for tbe production of portable, stationary aod marine gas aod gasoline engine*. Centrally located oitiee desirous of adding to their Industrie*, are invited to corre spond concerning this plant. K. V Inderlied, HU Rose. Blor-S, JSfngbsmp taa, N. Y., can be addressed. C. 8, Foster, who is oonneoted wltb tbe Quigley Furniture Company of Wbiteaboro, N. Y , is oasting about for a loeatioo to establish a furniture facto^ Tbe Tlffiobigan Aoobor Fence Com pany of Hgsitb Haven, ie seeking a cow location. V *,' Tbe Susquehanna Canning Faotory, operated by E. L. Phillips, aod tbe Siisquobanna Knitting Factory ot Selina Grove, Pa., were destroyed by dre. Lose SB,OOO. It is wall to know thatDeWitt’i Witob Hssel Salve wilt heal a born and stop tbe pain nt once. It will care eczema and skin diseases and ugly wound* and sores. It ie a oertain curs for pile*. Counterfeits may be offered you, See that you get tbe original DeWitt’e Witch Hazel Salve. W. J. Butt*. AT TH S OGLETHORPE. T. A. Stubbs, Darien; J. J. Foots, Atlanta; S AUrons, Jr., E. J Hsitaer, New York; 8. F. Floyd, Way cross; J. R. Thornton, B. F. Teague, Atlanta; 3. G. Evans, Aehborn; A. Barnett, J. Baunbaum, Sarah; J. J. Bireks,Louis- Ville, Ky.; W. T. Tatum, Atlanta; J. H. Neill; Chicago; C. D. Eaton, Niw York; J. R. Bickbstn, Moor t For Diabetes use STUAKT’S GIN and BUCIiU; CASTOR IA For Infanta and Children. Tfce Kind You Have Always Bought Signature of I Have Them (Jerman Dill Picfclea in bulk Sour Cucumber Pickles inlb.ilk C ape Cod Crantenf', 1 H’ good, we have It. •M E 158. * GENUINE > ‘ OLD FASHIONED Molasses Candy. “As Ever Unexcelled/' 10 Cents.; W J BUTTS, The Druggist. “On the Corner.” Brown Drug Cal | LEADING DRUGGISTS. A | Are headquarters for everything in the drug line. Our stock of Toilet Articles is complete. W e carry the finest stock of Soaps and Per fumery in the city. Prescriptions accurately compounded by compe tent men day or night. j Opera Glasses for Rent. i BROWN DRUG CO. | Druggists to the People. | FRESH LCLL^-^ j NUNNALLY’S CANDIES. wards, in latest designs and patterns. Fresh and new goods arriving weekly. See our new lilg ini Ms. LOOK THE WORLD OVER AND YOT CAN’r;{BEAT CREAM OF “KENTUCKY Whisky. SI.OO PER QUART; $4.00 PER GALLON. N ° T MADE BY ASTRUST* I. Irager & Cos,, Independent Distillers. Sold Exclusively in by , j F= *- V- DOUGLAS, 206 Bap Street. The World Listens When Leaders Talk. This is as true of Jthe Fur niture business as of state craft, naturally, we we have considerable pride in being LEADERS IN OUR BUSINESS. Quite a strong expression, but quite easily proven—the fur niture and prices to be the evidence, you to be both judge and jury. Come ind be eon jvinced.