The Brunswick times-call. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1900-1902, November 03, 1900, Image 4

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The Brunswick Times. Established 1189- The Brunswick Call. KtUblUthed 1892. The Brunswick Times Call COSBOUDATEIJ iW. Published XVBKY MOUSING EXCEPT MONDAY. H. LEAVY Editor BOLAND A. MULLINS, Business Manager onric*} .TO SUBSCRIBERS: Subscribers are requested to notify the office When they fail to got any Issue of the 'Hmee- OaiL Attention to this matter will be appre ciated by the publisher*. The Times-OaU will be Delivered by terrier or mail, per year. $6.00; per week 16 eentr Correspondence on live enbjocts ■elicited. Beal name of writer ibonld ac eempany tame. Subscriptions payable in advance. Failure to receive paper should bo reported to the bueinees office. 'Address ail •omoaunication* to THE TIMEB-CALL, Brunswick, Ga. NOTICE. Hereafter all legal advertise ments must be paid for after the first Insertion. The management has been put to a great deal of trouble and delay In collecting in the punt, and in future must take advantage of tli§ Georgia law on this subjoct. Oot. 10, 1900, Uemocratic Ticket. For President, William Jennings Bryan. For Vies President, Adlai E. Stevenson. For Electors of the President and Vice President of the United States: For Electors State at Large, Augustus DuPont Fulton Colville, For Elector First Congrgselonal Dist, W. W. Sheppard. For Klee'.or Seco id Congressional Dist U. W. FulwooA. . For Elector T bird Coogrctsional Diet. . W. C. NOkUiigbum. Fcr Kicv'.oe Pqurih CAtgre* B. I*. .Lt.ifbU. ■ ( Fcr Elector Fif h Ccnfresiiooal Disi. IE. 1 fas Ua'. hir.l. , \ For Elctfhr Sixth Cougics-ionaT Dist. .T M. Strickland. , Fur Elector Seventh Coogr.safijtfai J. I’. JacWuw.y. For Elec'ot Hlgbtli <.oegr. ssionaUD si A. O. JleCurry. Foe Ekctor ISlutli Coi pretfloral Diet. J. .1. Kihuy Fi r Elector T<n‘h Go ,'grerstonal List. T. E 6 a o>eele For. Elector 11 l> < onal Did, A- E. Cochran. Fr Representative in Fifty-Seventh Congress, V. S., F.<m Eleventh C. og’Cssiunal District, WHllam CL. Urn tley. Anil now il>cirpet buggers iollov tki U^ Mr. 1<• ttso ha* rblni, lie refused I *o care for tfca ha Hoi while his better batt made McKinley r j e?ches. Colonel I.awron baa received about at much notoriety out of the present campaign as co’onel anybody else. A New York woman told & judge ftwxe days ago that she refused to talk, " verT lishy but U. U a fact JURY BOX REVISION. The people of this county are to be congratulated on the revision of the jury box because it certainlv needed it. The December term of the Superior court will see men on the jury who have never been there before and some of the old professionals will be con spicuous by their absence. Those w'io are drawn should be made to serve and the court should con sider well any excuse hat 3 so off fer. It is an honor to be a juror as it is u good citizen’s duty to devote some time to hla country especially when he get paid for it. In connection with Jury duty the Timeb-Call dggireg to. Ipjl of a little Incident-which happened some time ago. One of leading citizens who had served several terms on the grand jury got caught on the petit and on the op ening day be was as lull of excuses as Rooseyelt is of mouth and lie had never objected to serving on the one but he was very much opposed to the other. In this gentleman’s case Ben net promptly refused to excuse him and be was compelled to “alt it out The petit jury for the coming term of the court is a good one and we tincere 1y hope that each man drawn will make up his mind to serve. IS BRUNSWICK BAD.. ■ The Timbs.Cau. received a com munication from a citizen yesterday which read as follows: “Will you please answ. r this ques tion through the columns of your valu able paper, Is Brunswick worse than other cities of her size?" This gentleman wili have to be more explicit. Will have to tell us In what particular. He must eay exactly what he means attd then we will endeavor to answer him altbowfih wc could not be callod an authority on the subject. The Cbstthnooga News give* out the following Informal 'out “Only four states of the union—Georgia, Missouri, Tbxss and Tenucjste—have been soi hlf and cooai.tly and, mccratic in ra tional election- s.ccs IStIS Oily eight have been . liilly lepnb ican Aloce that Cate—l .we, Mvnc, Ma sa ohus-u is, Minncs t, New lluhj>?h'r. , P innsjlya'if*', llhod Island acd t Vet rnont. Moatgomery Ward,- a mail rrUcr men hi nt ot Ctilcat'o, cn ieav ired to k 'eu his rasid ncf. Tb'sm iu r;e!voa ra;l liuns of dtillsrs fiom tV o domoorai* iitinuiTi. an ! thi’V attould see get* no more of the r iuiu‘y He Is too small p live iu Auicr'.ot. We notice the papers a'o UevOtiig a grstt deal of spues to the p as to whulb.r rr n t Clcvatac t wili voto. This is all boh. Who c.ris whether this oiil |a; Iy trait, r wll • ast a ballot or lay np la I is l> at o i c -eot on ilny. -s " ii Dr. W. U. UyjfiP, I.awr'fnorv lie, V*.. writer: *•! aui tminr Kodul Dy Pd'sia Cure in my practice among en ter* o*e of indigestion, and tlnd an admirable remedy.” kjeny ban dreds f physician* depend upon the use of tvodoi Dyspepsia Cure io stom ach troubles. It digests what you eat. •>nd allows j on to eat all the geed fooi you need, pci v ding jcu do not over luad your stomsuk. Hires instant re lief and a t ejuisnent cure, W . ,1. dull*. No Other pilla cao e<juai lie Wilt s Little Early Kisers for promptness, 1 certainty and efficiency. W. J. Butts. \ THE BRUNSWICK TIMES-CALL, NOVEMBER 3, 1900. -jr Many a woman (Vreaeei to go ewit, fwb irresolute, sits down, and falls into a fit of despondent mustem Ask her where the matter, and a. 1 -*u probably atSSmst r just the touts. * And what art o*6 braes? Only anotbef Ham*, In general for a dberoered liver and a (Haeased stomach. Cleanse the liver, heal use stomach, purify the blood, and there*!! be no morej blur*. It can be done by the nee of Dr, Pitre*'* GoMen SS.Aicai Discovery. This medicine puts the dis eased organs of digestion and nuiritkxa into a condition to sound health. It eliminates from the Wood all impure ara* poisonous subetauCee, and cleanses q* dogged live*. It contains neither A coho* nor narcotics -V -I hall ljvj*.corn pi* w< ft* the cwst offerer, years, complicated with dyap-y*& ami sail *osei.<vSta Mr* N Dernier, of 461 Kim W, o.hkosti WG *1 doctored with e*a of onr protnlccnl doctors, ti ud jhj\ one ** sfl;af tbe have done me the *00*; nor began to do wbs* your medicine* have I have us#,Uireet**.ib' of Dr piercea* Golden Medkai idJXoA-ery, mat vial of ill* 1 measant PettetV and one hofai* of Dr. fierce’* Favorite PrUMEtptkw. and have auiued about rlghtefdJfain ftUWeJ fir be*an to take lisp* retoc<lieC* w M. ... ' Dr. Pierce’s Pel!** cure hiUoiisnesA GOVERNOR \pEDB, Oweosbbroagh, Efi, Nov 2, —Gov J.f 1 . W. Beokhara'at*d Hiss Jeanne Fuqua, one of the • prettiest girls In j this citjr, ware married todayat tht*: First I’reb>teriati church. This is the'culmttttfroD of a long vc-irtship and the leading social event: to the aeacon. Mice Fuqua, who is a tail brunette, is the daughter of a large dealer ia leaf tobacco, and the family is one of the mott prominent In Owsne borougb. WARNING! * Tenderness, aching in the small cif the back, is a serious symptom. The kidneys are suffering. Take Saaith Sure Kidney Care at once. It it a re liable kidney remedy and rego* latoh, and will cure the trouble before it develop* its dangerous atage Pric£ SOoeuts. p’or sale by aii druggists, Mr Leo Kaufman has returned from a pleasant trip to Valdosta. •% WHY SUFFER WITH BACKACHE? 1 have MjfTdi and several years with beckeohe, end after takiiff one bottle of Uuivlt’x Bure KTdn-y Cure, I hay.* bet a enroll. ’Since th. u, I have' no* been troobbd with ley.tack. Too inn ill cannot be e-id in its Ca|it. Wm, Forresi, M-mpbia, Tenn, Brice 50 cent*. F*fr : sale by all drug- 1 gieia. m ' ' If you l ave ckthingtu ba dy.d eeiid 1: to Jim Carter, Ntw G O'-tfta -}iuy nd wfceet,! at, 1., t. Riibrrte' o rrt rK/ t< > ' in AlVemeele ctret*. It-w of dreen F. nit.- Now in th ! ! h * ed icrirr i eop’e -hould pay a.t'ir>. ! ton in tiie.r diet, *;4lof uc'.’pt , ru>tß’ifl tyle ver-ofsi ea, which Invy riadily l rin*r on or. mpi,oh. 1r m,.r. | hue, or dtarrl'ffl*. CHtdrcu tre par ncolarly eubj o> '.i o u)i-:air>ti of . hie aind, aid r.o tr > le* <i f- I r ite wf’bout having * botticor I*-iu-K.! < r It ia a safi e'sro sed -i-ii; cur :\void eubat t it' e. There i* bn one i Pa'i.-Killer, :w, ti avis’. I’riri *so. j m l 51,j. We Receive^-* By eveiy steamer new and up-to-date goods, comprising the laicst styles in CDFR V' CSCOC3L3SS. MOTIOMS, ETC. J H HELLER <& EROS, 314 Newcastle St-. Between C'.'Mc(fcrve>’s and|Thora&s Kcaney, SHIPPING REPORT. Oorreeted Daily by Oapt. Otto JohanneMo Port of Bransffiok, Nov. 2, 1800. ARRIVED. Sohr. Dora Matthew*, Lab! nee,New York. Scbr. Sylvia C. Hall, Falkenburg, New Yorkr Schr. Wertley M. Oler, Harrim&n, New York. Schr. L'zzie Chadwick, Brown,Nrw York, Scbr Goodwin Stoddard, Andrea | sen’, K"y West. ULEAftBD. Sohr. John A. Berokmao, Denran, Philadelphia. Schr. ViofiFßeppard. Mocdy, Bos toc. - . SAILED. BS.'“ , jßtO GranJe, Johnston, New York. - - , , Schr. Aopa R Bithop, Bowen. Sa tilla. * CURES BLOOD AND SKIN {TROUBLES, - . :* : , Trial Treatment Free. U your blood pure? Are you auie of it? Do cuts or scrat&ftes heal slow ly? Doea your g|iMttch or burn? Have you Ptmplerf Eruption.? Ach ing bones or tiKkNT EexeraaOld Soree’jLßoiia? Scroftafta? Rheonjs tism? Foul BreatbT Catarrh? Are you pale? Then B, Botanic Blood Bainrj will pwlff iiyts blood, heal every sure, asd clear, amooth, healthy skin. Ocep-eeated ca*e, iika ulcer?, cancer, eating Bore*. Painful Swellings, Blood Poison, sre quickly cured by Botanic Blood Balm. Cures when all eJle fails. Thoroughly tested for thirty year*. Drug stores, fl per large.#otyie. Trial treatment free-by wff&ig BLOOD PALM CO., - Describe tt 'ntble—free medlegl Over 3,000 vol uutary > tsetuauniali of curee by B. B.fe. ‘ 'fe'-- Ooiiielete , a,* ’. tg '4L •• <**?■* ‘ ■ Is THE UNE OF 1 |i is Ms wbicluX now I 4yc on ibi* ion. •'he >i. . •.•. *' < I ■ • v . k ■ ' ri ' CALL’ AND EXAMINE Til. F. Winter, Tile TAILOR, 31! Newcastle Su f<) oo Drops] WSfORIA PrepacationforAs simila ting the Food andßefi ula ling the Stoinactts ancLßoweisof INFAN 1S /( HILI)RI.N Promotes Digesiion.CheerfuF ness andßestXontains neither Opium.Morphme nor Mineral. NoiNarcotic. ntofit ofrrhiJ)rSAKVB.PtTCHBH /Mi Smt- Jlx S atM . AXqWZ, W stni- SvW X v WfrW'tW VZgJVU.. A perfect Remedy focConstipa llon, Sour Stomach,Diarrhoea Worms .Convulsions .Feverish ness and Loss OF SLEEP. Facsimile Signature of KEW YORIC. Alb iiollIH% old J j Dost S- I IN is EXACT COPV OF WRAftPER. H. M. MILLER £ SON. | steamer will bring us a line of Oriental Tapestries, | Screens, Couch Cover, Cur ! tains* etc. .direct from those fa ( mous importers of Orientaj ; goc ds of iA- A. VANTINE& CO { a iot of muslin nd i Bobbinet Curtains, Cut Glass, \ Silverware, Rugs, etc- wine*. oja-cA'-ftEajl How a Womasd Suffers. —n W -IV / , pm\ HOWEU,, li, KoT.U. / Iwflt alwsi7 praffte Wine rf Car ui It f TANARUS" ft j \ j d'.'39 me iroro good ili&tj ml taem*di- / ill \ II clfce* I have *st takftn In viy It* l*le tse / 1 *IV =4 •end book ft bo u i i<unal riUeftse* to tue / 1 LJ I iftditfi whoft tiftififtt I enclose a Mrs. MiNJSiB BTOIKIUILL. “B * •* Wngmra*' ft isn’t necessary for t woman to cire particulirs. When she says She has “female troubles", women know wltt that means. It means days and nights of en.lies-. su fermg. It means h •adaHies which no tongue can describe It nuns tin trmble be.-in . and dragging down in the lower abdomen. It mean* agon nig backache. and shoulder ache, and arm ache, and aches fn tie I awer I mbs. It meins nerves on edge—the blues— despondency a; and Inc-* of ho;e. It mains debilitating drains that the doctors csl! Wucurrhoea. It means mum rdom--some times even death seem* preferable. And Still Wine ol Car’dui will utterly putthose diseases and piins to rout v uriEl’ aimoil lItARTMENT, It has cured thousands of casw <, For ftflTicf* In when nothing CISC on Wrtn WOUla. ' To the budding woman, to th ■uiui.ilns, t:bAuar.o<,ii, ifnn. bride, to the wife, to the expectant ——mother, to those going through the Charfe of Life, this Vegetatla Wine is a b!%iing. Druggists Sell Large Bottles for SI.OO. iWINE^OF CARPUI emu For Infants and Children The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the £ | Signature fflkW Thirty^ CASTORIm WtSP TMI OKNTAU * *Ot-P*-Y. NCW TO** OITf.