The Brunswick times-call. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1900-1902, November 03, 1900, Image 6

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THOSE WHO CET HOMS School Pupils Who At tain Excellaoce i mmm list. The First Month> Report Shows That the Children are Hard at Work Following are the pupil* who at tained honor* In the public school* for Octobe: GRAMM Alt SCHOOL. Firit Grade—Jordan Traylor, Wil aon Spear, Marion Moore, Sam Mc- Crary, Wm. Cline, Sarah Vertlery, An nie Screyene, Millie Silver*tein, Flor ine Newman, Carrie Lorentzen, Joseph Lowe, Florence Dav!*, Colon Byltma, Ethel Brown, Hattie Brlgge, Carolyn Atkinson. Second Grade—Ruby Harvey, Mo zeile Traylor, Olivia Kay, Dorothy Burford, Barnnell Robert*, Pahline Gineburg, Mis* Rita McKinnon, Third Grade—Louise Baker, May Scriven, Stella Wentz, Rachel Rogo win, Keaneth Ammon*, Sam Brown, Fourth Grade—Lille Gornto, Katie Franklin. HIGH SCHOOL. First Grade—Carrie Stacy, Matilda Roberson, Letitia Lewi*, Gus Orr. Earnest Bennett, Joseph Lambrlght. Second Grde—KUa Bxtrowl’.cb, Ir ma Simpson, Emma Cornell, James Osborne, John Bylsma, Rebecca Cavls, Bertram Kaufman. Third Grade—Clare O’Connor, Leah Johnson, Tallulah Fleming. FIUJi Grade— Leonide Courier, Edna Ferguson, Edith Ferguson, Janie Symons, Carl Baumgartner, Anita Courier. Emma Lee, Maggie Lee, Mag gie Lee, Maggie Ralston, Mac Bur roughs, RECOMMENDS IT TO TRAINMEN. G. H. Hausan, Liras, 0., engineer L. E. &W. railroad, writes: “I hare besn troubled a great deal with bck ci>e. i was induced to try Foley’s Kidney Cure, and one bottle entirely relieved me. I gladly reoommend It to any one, especially my friends among the trainmen, who are usually similarly afflicted.” Pure rendered chicken—fat. Thomas Kesny. * For Fine 1 Me! : ■ Fancy Large Celcryj ■ Fancy Cranberries,l OrangcSw The Quakers Are Honest People. tThe Quaker Herb Ton ic is not only a blood purifier, but a Blood maker for Pale, Weak and Debilitated people who have not strength nor blood. It acts as a tonic, it regulates di gestion, cures dyspepsia and lends strength and I tone to the nervous sys tem. It is a medicine for weak women. It is a purely vegetable medicine, and s*n be taken by the most delicate. Kidney disease, Rheumatism and all diseases of the Blood, Stoma* b :ja<l Nerves soon succumb to its woiulenul effect on the human system. Thous ands of people in Georgia recommend It, Price |I,OO. QUAKER PAIN BALM is the med loine that the Quaker Doctor made all of his quick cures with. It’s anew and wonderful medicine for Neuralgia, Toothaohe, Backache, Rheumatism, Sprains, Psin in Bowels; in fact, all pain can be relieved by it. Trice 25c v>d 60c. QUAKER WHITE WONDER SOAP, a mslioated soap for the skin, scalp and depiplexion. Price 10c a cake. QUAKER.. HEALING SALVE, a vegetable oin tmtuA (OK - the cure of tetter, eesema and eruptioJ* of the akin. Price 10c a box. FOR SALK BV ALL DRUG&ISTS. F. A. DILLINGHAM, Proprutor, Cincinnati. PoUulTs Drug Store Second hand household furniture bought and sold, also pianos, organs, trunks, mirrors, carpets, etc. J, W, Watkins. The Plant System will sell round trip tickets for tbe annual fair, Way cross Fair Association, at one fare from Tbomasville, Albany, Savannah, Brunswick, Jacksonville, Lake City, Monoicello and intermediate points, A splendid program of attractions bss been arranged and visitors will be well enterta'ned. B. W, Wb*kn, Passenger Traffic Mantger, Savannah, Ga. The profit ot afield mine depends, not on tbe amount ot rock crushed under the stamps but upon tbe amount ot gold wb'ch can be extract ed from tbe rook. In a similar way tbe value of food which It oaten doee not depend on ;tbe quantity wbloh Is taken Into the stomacb but upon tbe amount of nourishment extracted from It by the organs of nutrition and digestion When these organs are diseased they fail to ex tract the nourishment In auJßcient quantities to supply tbe needs of the several organ* of the bedy and these organa cannot work without nourishment. The result le heart trouble, liver trouble and many other ailments, Ilr. Pierce’s Golden Medical Discovery, acting on every or an of the digestive and nutritive system, re ores it to health and vigor. It cures diseases remote from the stomach through the stomach In which they originated. Golden Medical Disoovery contains neither alcohol pior nar cotics. P. DEVARIS, Gocerics, Country Produce* "<Bl—Vegetables, etc. Also Confectionery. MONK STREET. BRUNSWICK, GA Kl-na Ki-n*.-Quinine in tnsiele,. form, without affecting 11s medicinal value, combined with molanUid niul Iron. Just the thing tor children. I‘leusant to Like. 2Se a bottle. For sale bj*VV. J, Butts, the druggist. Stops the Cough an i works off the Cold. I.axaiitc Itronio Quinine Tablets cur*, a cold In one day. No Cure, ho-Pay. Price tit cent* Cbninbei lain's Stomach and Liver Tablet* cure btnonane*.-, constipation and headache They are easy to take and plu.isaut in offert For sale at Bishop's Drug Store. For Bladder/Troubles use STUART’S GIN and BUCHU. T. POOL, Contractor and Builder, jgt'llO South Stonewall Street. Mt" -taJjEORGIA. xfcf ' TT ■ ■kOarter will send fof your’otd Hfthd make them new. and V ~om. aratively nothing. B W Beale the bugs. WE ug from a racking cough take Oleg’s Honey and Tar. The soreueaa RrlU be relieved and a warm, grateful fooling Kud healing of the parts affected will be expo- Bated. Take no substitute. W.J. Itntte. FI, * dresses cleaned and pressed •st’s. 806 Monk St. THE TIMES-CALL NOVEMBER 3 ,’19005 REED DEAD IN MEXICO A Former Brunswickian Dies of Heart Failure i mmm no. Was En Route From His Mines Home When Death Came. Mr. H. W. Reed, former president of tbe National Bank of Brunawfcki died suddenly in Mqst'co some days ago, but the particulars have not as yet been reocived A deeps'ch from >eksonv.Ue Ssyr... "News was received beta tonight o' the sCflden death in Mexico of H, W. Reed. *s m of ex-Gjv. Reed of Florida He was a#' extensive gold miner and was on his way Uom bit mines to the City of Mexico wbift.he died of heart, disease- His family is yieitjng in Georgia. y The Tihes-Call made an effort to hear the death but could not do so, notwithstanding the taot that tevcral telegrams were sent in the effort to investigate. Mr. Reed resided in Brunswick a number of years and was among our leading citizens. Ho was president of the National Bank and was Interested in other business enterprises here. He was a leading light in the Yeung Men’s Business League and assisted greatly in its organization. Before coming to this oily Mr. Reed edited the Waycrots Herald and had lived in the Magic City a number of years: Brnnswickians will regret to bear the news ot his death. KIDNEY DISEASES most fatal of alTcCs^ CadtlSs H cm CY’C KIDNEY CUHE Is l lULL I 0 6uaranteid Remedy or money refunded. Contains remedies recognized by emi nent physicians as the best for Kidney and Bladder troubles. PRICE 50c. and SI.OO. ■*' W. J, Butts, the Drugist. LOW RATES—VIA. THE PLANT SYSTEM To .Savannah, Ga., for the Elks’ Grand Carnival and Street Fair, No vembsr sth to 17th. One fare for the round trip. Tickets to be sold Novem ber stb, 7th, 9th, 12tb, 14th and lGtb, with float limit to 18th. A splendid program of attractions has been ar ranged. Plant System tioket agents will give full particulars. B. W. Wkknn, Passenger Traffic Manager, Savannah, Ga. =>a Been the /f Us Kind You Haw Always BougN To Stop a Gold, HWBW After exposure or when you feel a cold com ing on take a dose of Foley’s Honey and Tar. H never falls to stop a cold If taken in time. W J. Butt*. For Backache use STUART’S GIN and BUCHU: Fresh maccaroont, lady fingers, cream nils and fancy cakes at CityJ Bakery. WOMAN IS LIKE A DELICATE MUSICAL IHSTRUMEMT In good condition she is sweet and lovable, and sings hfe'ssong on a joyful harmonious string. Out of order or unstrung, there Is discordance and unhappiness. Just as there is one key note to all music so there is one key note to health. A woman might as well try to fly without wings as to feel well and look weli while the organs that make her a woman are weak or diseased. She must be healthy Inside or she can’t be healthy outside. There are thousands of women suffering silently all over the country. Mistaken modesty urges their silence. While there Is nothing more admirable than a modest woman, health Is of the first importance. Every other con sideration should give way before it. Brad field’s Female Regulator is a medicine for women’s ills. It is <===> est way to cure leu- \ (hewomb. nervous- \ \ ness, headache, Pt j!)Jj 4 backache and gen- 1 I i eral weakness. You jj 1 I will be astonished 1 \ **i’’*„*js( tng with other so- tIPw called remedies. feSSSIB We are not asking jimW rnKjl/ youtotryanuncer- £ / lalnty. Bradfieldt 'igf iSfSHSfck Regulator has made Jg JwlWjfgjjb, happy thousands of M. women. What it Mfj imFMj&jg has done for others flf /BSIjP Sold In drug stores Wj / A frx Illustrated A.-.F? S> e v:,lN.iit to who wiiteio IMf BRAIHffID REGULATOR CO. Large, fat mackerel, 10 and 19^eta., at O. W. Harper's, George A. Points, Upper Saodusky, 0,, writes: “I have been using Fo ley’s Honey and Tar for hoarseness, and find it the beat remedy J ever tried. It atopped the .cough tenmedi mediately, and relieved all soreness.” After exposure or when you feel a cold coming on, take Foley’s Honey and Tar. It naver falls to sure, and will prevent pneumonia or consump tion if taken in time . Fresh oyster crackers, walnut marshmallows, vanilla jelly, orange bars, just In, at Harper’s. ;Ship Notice. Neither th"niaster, owners or con signees of the British steamship “Dromore,” will be responsible for any debte oontract* and by the crew of said bark. Vfu. Johnstos & Cos., Lt’p, Consignees. -u. ’ ,' h Jim Carter leads in the clothes clean ing business, He floes good work. , I Wmm Rainy Day jHats. The very best of the m rt favored shapes are shown in ut.assorttAent. Trimaed a;i witriamsd Felt Hits ta variety of shapes, style* and colors. \VU have bought and made them up to #ell to those whd* desire aomethiag serviceable, yet pretty; good, but low priced. These are right and priced right. HISS KITE SLATER, 5W QLOCCKSTKH ST., Money toiLend on Ini Droved Real Estate. Apply to W. Merchant, Secretary, or F. E. Twitty, Attorney, of the ATLANTIC INVESTMENT ,CO. Wall Paper AT.THE PAINT STORE, 502 MonklSt. W:H. LYTLE PROPRIETOR. PLANT SYSTEM PASSENGER DEPARTMENT. .. *las dgws ~~~ ~ tr —~ *<>• .Time Tab!© i _ , Effective Oct 1, 1905. I Paseenger Mixed Passenger Mixed :::::::::::: *uv. ©any. i iy. ;*. *,*?*?"" *4* W-” Brunswick *u f * oo£n.‘. ‘ msiwm‘,.7l i®*®* 1 “•••• eeopm... M Vaycrore Iv ; 4 IsPm.... 7 30am....: MWnm... IS Lpm... iv Wayeroas ar •4 0* pa... j iHsain.'...' ,, '‘ v J| I &*“••• ap Tilton iv ; 1 Mpm...J 2 15am.. M * 60am.. iv Tiftton at ! 2 00am._ ’ .SO,pm... 4 seam... ar Albany. Iv 12 SOwn.... 1) oiam 'L MlO pm... MHO am... * r Bavannah It \ i aS' IT : 1 3 , nTn T - '■ . 1 ■ J' ? —•j ViA W AYCROSS A MON TGOMERY . IS 25a m... li 59am... at Birmingham Iv 4 05pm 0 tOam ... no pm... ar Naanvitle lv 900 am. ’. ~ • t 16pm ... T 99am... ar BuLcuia lvt 8 55 pm... —— r-r:,':,, : ; : VIA SAVANNAH AND CHARLESTON. I9 Ob nt. 645 pm.. Lv Brunswick Ar 00 pm WOO am r'.'T.".’! i 419 pm.. 828 am.. Ar Charleitot Lv 11 15pm i BIS am. TSt pm.. Ar Richmond Lv 9 06am , yisnC t 823 am.. lee am.. Ar Baltimore Lv * ■ * 1035 am. 850 am Ar Philadelphia Lv . - jilA®.. .... | 115 pm.. 700 am Ar New York Lv V' ' BETWEEN BRUNaWICH AND bAVANNAH VI4JTO*TP? ...*. eOOam.. 10 30 pm.. ar Jesup lv 500 \ pm.. 1015 am.. lsiOßm.,l ar Savannah lv 3*55 pm | qs 00pm., I * Direct connection made at Wnvcroas with Pullman Sleeping Cart tor all point*. Between Port Tampa, Key West and Havana. ‘ GOING. \ RETURNING Lv HortTamp* 11 00 pm Mon, Thor*. Sat. j Ar Port Tampa 2 30 am Thai-. Sac. andtuea. Ar Key Wests 00 pmTnes. PtLSur | Lv Ky West lOOOp. m. Wed. Sat. and Mi .... Lv Key Weattt 00 pm Tries. Frt. Sunday I Ar Key West 9 00 pm Wed. Bau and Mo| Ar Havana 5 00 am Wed.fta’w Mon 1 Lv Havana 2 30pm Wed. Sat. and M 04.... I WJB. EYSRAM . W. COATES, B. W. WR4CNN Genet al elon Pass. Agent, Pass. Traffic Mgi Suva Brunswick, Ga. Savanna; Ga vRtERANS - n find. ® • A Good e O‘ V jN <*-.! > .• . Prescription JIT fbr maiOdiid i Whe hr An tmst,al Drmha Snm, lanspa' ' (SierJ Stan* nS BuS r mr gwee NM P# metier - h.t S fl. meWm, m. # W Tm me.pL. u 4 m Ammi* rn*. !H>lu>l< W * mertpsuSimp, IpamMpmncSi miuai Cm. idTpnm *k, HmVimSMSf J. J. LISSNER, | WHOLESALE 7 Groceries, Tobacco, [Flour, Bacon and Provisions, GRAIN,(HAY AND BRAN;A SPECIALTY. 216 Bay Street, Brunswick, Georgia. W H. BOWEN. J, . N. BRADT BOWEN & BRADT, ANO| BUIL.DERB] Of Stone* Brick and Frame Bnildinw Man affect iursn ef Cvuac&t, Tfle and Artificial Stone-