The Brunswick times-call. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1900-1902, November 04, 1900, Image 3

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- ■, - wS&SRf& r VwSwwwPHwS ®#W (//u&® ruS iff-. J's-'&'.iA 1 ? ■ \2jXZQj ' ■ JYffIJP'FiCS WAtfsJJcjsantfyandJhxnpt/y. Cleanses the System r ;,a " Effectually wK 'HP rious or costive. m 9 s f aoceptable/aim Me s**mrmtf>nnc/p/es of plants ten own m y mast beneiicittlly. TO GET ITS BE*ar£ro3rcCTS BUY THE GENUINE MANFD. BY CALIFORNIA FIG STRUPCO! SAM rUAMCISCO, CAL. tOUISVIUt . KY. NEW YOfiK, N Y . foe stU ty Jrtffgbit - prict SQt ptr A*y>. f :iiiiisi" Shrewsbery Asparagus Points, 16c per can. • CsDceninted Toioto, made from the red meat of ripe tomatoes'. Contains neither skin, seed or core. 10c oan A valuable addition to any soup, sauce * or bouillon. Thos. Keany, Groceries. * _rbouell. 312 Newcastle street. at KESSLER’S Cor. Monk and Grant Sts] L. J. Leavy &c T3o Auctioneers, Commission Merchants and Gener al Collecting Agents Consignments Solicited and Prompt Returns Rendered. Special Attention Paid to Collection of Rents eCURE YOURSELFI Vm BigCJ for unnatural disch*nt*s,inflanjmation*, irritation* or ulceration* of mucous membrane*. rainless, and not aatrin* , geut or uAonoua. aoi4 itrneruta, or *ent in plain wrappm by express, prepaid, ft* tI.OO, 0r.3 bottles, |2.7fi. Circular *ut on reoues* MITCHXLL & THOMAS. Livery, boarding: and sale stable*. Finest turnoats In the city. Tel. 87. Newcastle Bt TO HOLD A BIOALLY Danis 111 esllsr lamilsll The democratic rally to be held a the Grand opera house tomorrow night promises to be one of the largest and most suocessful in Brunswiok’a history. It is fitting that the people of Brunswick, regardless of party affil iations, should give a great ovation to our young congressman . Mr.jßrant ley has rendered his distriot, and par ticularly Brunswick, special services during his brief career. Notwithstand ing the fact that the policy of both the political parties has for a number of years been stubbornly against appro priations for new pnblio buildings, be succeeded in getting a bill through appropriating $50,000 for a Federal building for Brunswick, This appro priation is now available, but the ex penditure is being delayed beeause Mr. Brantley bae a bill pending for;an additional appropriation of >75,000, and it is probable that be will get at least an additional >50,000. He has also bills pending for deepening the outer bar and for dredging the chan nels of our harbor. With proper co operation and support from our oiti zens, these bills will probably ail be oorne law'll B!FBre karoh 4th, 1901. Mr. Brantley ie very popular with the people of Brunswiok, and it goee without saying that the large audience which will groet him on Monday night will be thoroughly and Instructed by an able and eloquent addresa. Following will be found the oall of Chairman Twitty of the Demooratio exeoutive committee: To the People of Brunswick: Every oitizen and alljthe ladies of Brunswiok are oordially Jinvited to at tend the demooratio rally to be held at the Grand opera house tomorrow, .Mon day nijfht. Our worthy.oitizen and able congressman, Hon. W. G. Brantley, | will be the speaker of thß evening. It | will, of course, bs the pleasure of all our citizens, regardless 0/ party bllilia tions, ta aooord our congressman a splendid reoeption. Upon his efforts, assisted and supported by our oltizsns, we are depeudent to seoure the Fed eral aid that is essential to the growth and prosperity of our oity. We should show our appreciation of the excellent results Mr. Brantley has already ac complished, and should assure him, by our presence at the meeting on Mon day night, of our hearty support of h s efforts In the future. All members of tbe exeoutive com mittee, offloers of the Bryan and Ste venson club, tbe oouoty members of the congressional distriet democratic committee, mayor of the city, and chairman ofj commission ers, are requested*to occupy seats on tbe stage. Veryjreapeotfully, F. E. Twitty, Ctirn’n Dem. Ex. Com. Glynn county. Many of your fraende, or people whom you know of, have oontraoted' consumption, pneumonia, or other fa tal diseases, by negleot of a simple oold or oougb, Foley’s Honey and Tar, a safe, sure aod pleasant oongh medicine, would have saved them. It is guaranteed. THE BRUNSWICK TIMES-CALL, NOVEMBER 4, 1900. ECZEMA'S ITCH IS TORTURE. Eczema is caused by an acid humor In the blood coming In contact with the skin and producing great redness and in flammation ; little pustular eruptions form and discharge a thin, sticky fluid, which dries and scales oil; sometimes the skin Is hard, dry and fissured. Eczema iu any form is a tormenting, stubborn disease, and the itching and burning at times are almost unbearable; the acid burning hunior seems to ooze out and set the skin ou fire. Salves, washes nor other exter nal applications do any real good, for as long as the poison remains in the blood it will keep the skin irritated. BAD FORM OF TETTER. h u F t ltl t rce >’ carß I which cause! was iu the form of run! g nlng sores, very pain- RiwSSSS !j ful, and causing n:e L--•‘l u much discomfort. Four A, doctors said the Tetter IffiVpyw-. ifcafey to l~t cored, l ■jLstftfey * nothing for was comp'etely cuied' This was fifteen years ago, and I hare never *“ •nice seen any sign of my old trouble." —Mas. U • JacasoH, 1414 McGee BL, Kansas City, Mo. 8. S. S. neutralises this acid poison, cools the blood and restores It to a healthy, natural state, and the rough, unhealthy skin becomes soft, smooth and clear. Afa AZ& tSSk cure. Tetter, Sry m.™ Wk/' sipelas, Psoriasis, Salt Rheum anti all skin &_gp k,J§} kJS diseases due to a pole- W*W oned condition of the blood. Send for our book and write us about your case. Our physicians have made these diseases a life study, and can help you by their advice; vre make no charge for this service. Allcorrespondeifoa la conducted in strictest confidence. THI SWIM SeSOIFiC CO.. ATLANTA, QA. A Night of Terror. “Awful anutsty was felt for the widow of the bravo Hen Burnham, of Mactum, Me., when the doctors said she could not Jive till morning, writes Mrs. S. H. I.incolu, who attendod her that fearful night, “All thought she mnst soon die from Pneumonia, but she begged for Dr. King's New Discovery, saying it bad more than once saved her life and had cured her of consumption. After three small doses she rosted easily allTught. and its further use completely cured her. ” This marvelous modieino is guar anteed to cure all Throat, Chest and Dung Dis eases. Only 50c and tl 00. Trial bottles free at all drug stores. The best method of {cleansing#*i f liver is the use of the fsm'oudPlj pills known as DeWitt s LittleTOp Risers. Easy to take. Never gripe. W. J. Butts. Cold Steel or Death. “There Is bat one small ohanco to save your, ife and that Is through an operation,' 1 was the awful prospect set before Mrs. I. ](. Hunt, of Lime Ridge, Wis., by hor doctor after vainly trying to oure her of a frightful ease of stomach trouble BDd yellow jaundice. He didn't count ou the marvelous power of Electric Bitters to cure Stomach and Liver troubles, but she heard of it, took coven bottles, was wholly cured, avoided surgeon’s knife, now weighs more and feels better than ever. It’s positive ly guaranteed to care’Stomach, fitter and Kip nay troubles and never disappoints. PrioeGOc at all drag stoics. ‘'-- ■ - . ) Sftnvannah, Ga.,’Kike’ Grand Carnis ral and Street Fair, Nov. 5-17, lUOO. One fare for the Found trip, plus 25 cents admission to the Gr.rmvaJ. For military companies 'And brigs bands in uniform, $l.O for (ha rouud trip per oapits, £0 or iiuue on one ticket. Tickets on aala Nov. 5,7, 0, 12, 14,.id; with lloal limit Ndv. IK, Inclusive.-; WHY HE CURES; Greatest' of the Tlioie Olvcmi HI very Cum* Uin fe’etuoiut} Attention. Sififtr,** doctorß ii.i’Ob-.-' curtain number wncior of stock reiucdlea which theytißOin Hathaway's Ci wos wiuch **m at nil Bimilar. . r - his In not Dr. Hathawa>”n muthod. MBUioa* lavorp cane unto mm i looMtuacelullv 1 dlHgnound and th *ct j i. position of tliofllfK afndc.on dlHon dcUsMimiod. 'j’liun 1 every cane 1m treated v ■ utuly andtucdiciUGHore sd smr m oilnißtered which ur * fd fipucially prepared under [ IB; •*1 #y Dr. Hathaway’s i.orHonal 1 IOmK-A s j*/ HuperviHlon foraach case. kL*2j3HF- ’-v. m Notwo people are affected by apartlcular disease in the “arae manner, cououuent- MMc&ilfarL ly no two people should be .Ofej, treated In the same way complaint. l>r. Hatha tt uy 1h a spec ml Ist In the beet senwe of the word—he trouts spoclal dlß< I mm,,. ,m —— ■■■.* os sea In a special manner|of ofblsown—a system studied out years ago while in CuftinJ college and hospital t>rmctlceand Ira every proved and enlarged uj>on constantly Speolally during the twenty year* since— - . twenty year* of the most eatenslve ■ roatca. practice enjoyed bv any *poclalist In thiacountry. Dr. Hathaway’s great and uniform suc cess I* due to this individual system of treatment. • rvnliialvn * n of hundreds of requests tA.o!. yearly from doctors In all parts of the I roatmeni world, asking for the privilege of using Dr.Hatha way’s method of treatment, he believes it wiser to allow none beside htinself the knowledge of his remedies, as he Is too well aware of the mis chief which may be done by the unskillful use of any _. . . , system, nevermind how perfect. BfOOd Ond Skin r>r. Hathaway’s treatment for . lUiAssn* blood diseases In whatever stage euros all forms of ulcers, sores, blotches, plmnles, etc., and not only restores the skin and scalp to their natural condition, but so purifies the blood that tbe disease is permanently and com pletely driven from the system and all this without administering poisonous or dangerous drugs. Varloooelo and and stricture is a method ezclu (a Stricture. "L V 0 U ~l# own an l ln w wt cent w wsrswswrws o j. cfIBOH results In a perfect and permanent cure. No operation Is required and no pain or inoonveoleoce are experienced by the K Merit. The expense of this treatment is much less in that of any operatlon.or hospital or Institute treatment, and Is both safe and sure, restoring the organs to a condition of perfect, normal health. . Dr.Hatha way has Just prepared anew Kidney tost question blank for thoee’who have niwwwwAe re*wrn to suspect Kidney trouble and ■******®** this blank lie will gladly send free to eroryone who eends hlrn his name and address. m. . B . The demand for Dr. Hathaway's new New BOOK book M Manllness, Vigor, Health” has FREE already exhausted the first edition of . rnfct 100,000 hut for a limited time a copy of this book will be sent free to anyone who sends his DMrn '* Bnfl “ddrese to Dr. Hathaway. Consultation Dr. Hathaway makes no charge FREE. for consultation and advice at either office or by mall. . f J. NEWTON HATHAWAY M. O. A Dr. UatliMWar & Cos., JUS Bryan Street, Savannah, Qa. BXRTIOX TUIB If ana WTiita vurma A CHECK OK THE ACRE. Mayor Orflerefl tin Mt yiilfi DMnn 1 oere was no mirth, music or danc ing in the now famous acre last night, nor were the gambling tables the •oenea of excitement as heretofore. Yesterday afternoon Chief of Polios Robert Levison received orders from Mayor Atkinson to close down the vaudeville part of the sore’s dally program, and ha at onoe Issued orders to the police to put a stop to it, whiob was done without delay. The ebony hued singers and danoers repacked their uniforms and spent the evening disousaing the probable out oom* oi the mayor’s sweeping order. They reached tbs conclusion tbet their business would not be tolerated in the future and many of them are seeking other Helds. The mayor also Instructed the ohief to stop women of questionable char acter from entering barrooms, wine rooms, or remaining on thF streets after dark. Ttrts means that a reform is soon to sweep the oity and it started in the worst plaoe, the acre. HOW’S THIS? lie offer One Hundred Dollars Re ■j/ffd for any oase of Catarrh that oao |hot be cured by Hall’s Catarrh Cure. F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O. We, the Undersigned, have known F, J. Cheney for the last fifteen years and believe him perfeotly honorable in all business trensaotionsjand finan cially able to oarry out any obligations made by tbeir firm. West & Truax, wholesale’druggists, Toldo, O. Welding Einnan it Marvin, wboleeale druggists, Toledo, O. Flail’s Catarrh Cure is taken inter ally, aoting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaoes of the system. Testimonials sent free.aPrioe 750, per bottle. Sold by all druggists. Hall’s Family Pills are the best. QUESTIONS ANWERED. Yes, still has the largest salejof any medicine in the civ ilized world. Your mothers and graud oisithers never thought of using any thing else Jfor Indigestion or bilious ness,. Doctorgjwere scarce end they :seldOE hoard of apeadlcltls, nervous -prostration, heart failure, etc. They U“6d August Flower to clean out the and atop fermentation of unJl* ge-ited food, regulate the action of the Hv'tr, alimulate of the ner vouo and organic tysStem, and that Is ail they took when feeling dull and bad with headache and othei laches. You on'yneedafow doses of Green s au jtust Flower, In liquid form, to make you satisfied there is. nothing serious the matter with you Sample bottles at Btftts drugstore or Brown Drug C Should be tn every household mede cine chant. Tt affords certain relief A Frightful Blander Will oftcnjcaiieo a horrible Burn, Scald, Out or JirulMi.ffßucklan'a Arnica ;salve, tbe bent In the world, will kill tbe pain and promptly heal It. CnresOld Sores, FeverJKorea, Ulcers, Boils Felons, Corns, all Skin Eruptions. Best Fils Cure on learth. Only 25 cts, a box. Cure guar an teed, Sold by all drnggist. J. W. Bryan, of Lowder, Illinois, writes: “My little boy wee very low with pneumonia. Unknown to the dootor, we gave him Foley’s Honey and Tar. Tbe remit was magical and /.led the dootor, as |t Immediately stop ped tbe raokiog cough, and he quickly reoovered.” Have yon a sense of fullnessln the region o your stomach after eating? If ao yon will lie benefited by nsing Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablet.*Tbey;;alao ;cnre belching and •onr stomach. They regulate the bowels too. price 25c. Sold by Bishop's Drug Store. J. W, Watkins will loan you money on personal proj> erty and real estate. An Expensive “Tip” is the one which you cut off and throw away every time that you smoke a Five Cent cigar. There is nearly as much labor in making this end as all the rest of the cigar, and yet every man who buys a cigar cuts it off ana throws it away. You get all you pay for when you smoke Old Virginia Cheroots Tlfiree Hundred million Old Virginia Cheroots smoked this 9 7* f. Ask your own dealer. Price, 3 for 5 cents. ■* r %lft h/Ufjg MM HI ML WllwMwWfS When ;the liquids cobnc from' our stock. We oarry such a fine line of 1 which Is not pleasing in some point, These goods are fully matured, fj iaVC aDe body and mellow Excellent for family or any use. R- 'V- DOUGLAS. _______ 206JBay Street. CHIrijUSE RESTAURANT, ESTBLISHED 1889. CHUE HALL, Proprietor You’can get.the best the market affordsiby eating here Advertisers lways PPRECIATE Reaping K icH Heturns Regular eturns eported By Advertisers ibo Use These Columns. Juantity and Quilty of Circulaticn gives (Jaantitj and Quality to Advertisers And We Give Both ALSO——k GUARANTEE TO GIVE SATISFACTION IN JOB WORK. DON’T SEND3AWAY FOR ft VVWAA/S/W'/..V./ /W- - - -r".— /VWW'/VWVV'/WAA *•* ENVELOPES, LETTER HEADS, BILL HEADS, SHIPPING TAGS, ETC., When you can get them at home for the same price and besides you save the cost S of freight and drayage. OUR PHONE IS 31, and a message will receive prompt attention. We don’t mind calling an talking the matter over with you and giving you our estimates, and if we fail to get your' order that is our fault, not yours. ALL WE WANT IS A TRIAL. Time&=Call, and 2od'tHoucester £imt.