The Brunswick times-call. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1900-1902, November 04, 1900, Image 4

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The Brunswick Times. EitablUhed 1889. The Brunswick Call. Kfttttblifhed 1692. The lirunswick Times-Call, CONSOLIDATED WOO. PuMUbad SVEKY MOUSING EXCEPT MONDAY. AXTEUU H. LEAVY Editor BOLAND A. HOLLINS, Business Manager nrnn . I in Oglethorpe Block, 211 V Btreet OYYIOK J MO St... Subscribers are requeMeKonotify the office when tbey fall to get any Issue of the Ttmea- OalL Attention to this matter will be appre ciated by the publishers, The Times-Oeli will -be Delivered by •arrler or mail, per year. #5.00; per week 15 eectr Correspondence on live subject* solicited. Beal name of writer should ae sompany same. Snbscriptiona payable iu advance. Failure to receive paper should be TvpoTted to the business office. Address all eonuunnicationi to • THE TIMES-CALI,, Brunswick, a. NOTICE. Hereafter all logal advertlte menlß must be paid for after the first Insertion. The management has been put to a great deal of trouble and delay In collecting in the paat, and In future muat take advantage of the Georgia law on this subject. Oot. 10, 1900, Mocraiic Met. For President, William Jennings Bryan J For Vice President, Adlai ]£. Stevenson. ■" ' ■ ’' 'V,': 1 ',.. For Electors of the President and Vloe President of the United States; For Electors Slato at Large, Augustus DuPont Fulton Colville, For Elector First Congueeslonal Dist, W. W. Sheppard. For Elector Second Congressional Diet G. W.4ulwood. For Elector Third ConiEresSional Diet. W. C. Nottingham. For Elector Fourth CoDhrssslonal ’bist B. F. MeLaugJjllo, For Elector Fifth Congre-siona! Dial. Edgar Latham. For Elector Sixth Congressional Hist. J. M. Strickland. ‘ For Elector Seventh Congressional Dut J. P. Jaokoway. For Elector Eighth C'oogmsionHlJDiat A. O. MaJJurry. For. Elector STinth Congrestional Dist. J. .T. Ktmey. For Elector Tenth Congressional Pist. T. E. Matscogalo ForlElector 11th Congressional Dlst. A. E. Cochran. Fir Representative in Fifty-Seventh Congress, U. 9., From Eleventh Congressional District, William G. Brantley. SUNDAY THUUHTS Bishop Waltham How. Lot me tell you what l think Is -necessary to make prayer real. First, <t 1* necessary to know what we want, and weau to aak for and to say. A great want ta'Oplo say the!-' prayer# without win lie g anyth uj l . They coni a tv 11 you no dou’i.wbsti they ought to want, such a. pardon, grace, holiness aul n a: ries for tlera, hut do they really want them! And #> the good Bishop Wilson says, “The/wßbtv. souls desire nothing, pray for' noth ing.” Then it li necessary, or of the greatest ass’atance, to put one self by a distinct act of the soul—ln the presence of God. It is well, when we kneel down, to Bay to omaelves, “Now lam entering the presence of my God. I am aboutjo speak to Him. O God, give me the spirit ol prajer and suppli cation.” This will help to fix in our minds tbe solemn naure of that which we are doing. Then thirdly, it is quite neeess ry ibat we should not hurry. Of all the things la the world praying is at least able to be done in a hurry. Praying is a calm, solemnf earnest work. A hur ried prayer Is generally no prayer. Then must be time to ({tel the presence and power of Ood, I do not forget wb#t a herd question that of time real ly Is, hlany a one seas, "How long ought Ito pray How ealPI tell, my b-other? I can only answer you that your prayers must be like your alms, in proportion to your'’ meant—as God gives you power. Avery few minutes are all a pcor labouring man can give, jußt as a very few pence are all be has to give. Yet Gcd will accept both the minutes and tbe pence, if they are hon estly what he can gif#. Hut many have tbe blessing of J,eleo¥?t; It is not always a blessing, built ought to be. It is able sing If It is hallowed by more prayer. Would a quarter of an hour be too much tor one who has leisure to give to God morning and night In prayer? This quarter of an hour, if spent in real spiritual worship, would iM ggcatly blest. My friends, do not try to make your prayers a greater realty than , they sometimes are. Do not BacrlOce to the Lord of thst which costa you nothing, Give tune, give bought, give effort, give perseverance to this work of pjayar. It Is worth while and oh! beware of indolence. Nothing ruins prayer so surely as in dolence, Oh Lord, we pray tbeo gve tby servants the spirit of prayer. Lord teach us to pray. Amen. OUR GREATEST CAMPAIGN. Whether victorious or defeated, Mr. Bryan will bo remembered in history >s tbe ablest camppiguer thisoouutry Ua v s eyor ktio .ru. beginning hi., great crusade with a brilliant burst of Oratory that stam peded a national convention, this young man has marked hL line of travels \yith ovation after ovation, and at the zenith of his ma'cHesß tuccesses, has stiri ed ChNSft)~en thua&ttfc Chicago— to a frenzy of demonstration never droamed of before tn that city of iiq monstrations. t With the acclaim of millions ring ing In his ears, he will, cn Tuesday, re tire t.’ his heme at Lincoln to await the verdict of the great national jury to which he has submitted his case, Hie campaign has been a picture qfie oue, full of color and spirit. lie has Verified Carlyle’* pbrase, “the loudest roar of the as’Lion ’’ Everyw -aro fluttering flags btvt 1 greeted him and fragrant flowers Uiyvri beautified his welcome, Thowand-thraatcrt "cheers have res; oudetl to his anokau, words, tie ha beta escorted by tong of uniformed men en white horses, Wd fall women bearing baunt ri tl JLyer No 6u c who bai mingled in one ctlh c (kmoastratloni’w.Jl e.ea- forfeit lu C % , them the • voice- o. the pe. ;,)e has spoken, Mr: Bryan's rcuSeVfcrblo endurance is pot to "wor Jarful as his personal m;<g nettrus. AVberever he" has rp. en -W TIMES-CALL. NOVEMBER 4, 1900. Many a women dresses to go out, frets irresolute, sits dov-n, and foils into a fit of despondent rousing. Ask her what’s the matter, and she’ll probably nnuwey "lust the blues.” And what are the blues? Only another numb, in general, for a disordered liver aud a cnaeosrd stomach. Cleanse the liver, heal the stomach, purify the blood, and there'll be no more blues. It can be done by tbe use of Dr. Pierce’s Golden Medical Discovery. This medicine 1 pits the dis eased organs of digestion and nutrition into a condition of sound health. It eliminates from the blood all impure and poiaonou;* substances, and ck-auses tins clogged, liver. It contains neither al cohol nor tjrrcrtics. "I li*<l !||SjE<utpliat for lis prat fifteen with -K> [>>; and gjdl <hW?> writes Mm, nerut-r/fif <si BJfo M-. Oshkosh, Wls. "I diwfered wall. uergu of out doctonr. 33Fuot ongoijF of them have Sufi; me the gftotr. nor bqhffl’Tn Jo rrluU your medleinea have. I have ukßSYhr** hotttes of Ur. Plate. Golden Medical DiiK.’riVfw, one rial of hie; Pellet*,’ and oka> brail* of Ur. Pi. rceS Favorite PrcscriiAfoit, MM have Xaluvtl about eighteen pouuds since T Seat began to take Onae remote*.- Dr, Fierco’# 1 Pellets fare bilMmsiicaa. the people bars gathered by lloUjßpds ami, cemiagto se# and hearybsvc re mticed to endorse and applaud. He has every day. the hero of A mlgluj'orowd. If his mmecedlutui crusade pr*ves on TuesffiSyßjMfeve been unsuccessful, It will establish the* tact that the A marl long distance froi*. and totally Independent of his hearr* It will mark us as a shamefully tlve sort of people. It will our uatlonal applause is by no moaw Indicative of cur national vote. . But, however that may be, the can* palgn of William J. Bryan will be given, in the history of the Unl££d States, a chapter to itself. Is is foj the voters of the eou.try to say whether ha shall have an opportunity to add to and exemplify, in the presidential of fice, the brilliancy, the abil'ty and the Krentnoss that he has so strongly dis played in hie candidacy therefor. Or. W. B. Lewis, V., writes: “t am using pepeia Cwre in my practice among: se vere oases of indigestion, and find it an admirable reteedy." Alanv hun dred! of physicians depend upon the u*a of Kodol Dyspepsia <sore In stom ach troubles. It digoat* what you eat. and allowS you to eat.aldtbe good food you need, providing you do not over load your B'otuach. Gives instant re lief and a remanent cure. W . J. mu - ■% ’Mh~ —" HECOM M ENjfe IT TO TRA TNMEN. G. U. Itau-an, L'tns, 0., engineer L. E. . railroad, writes: “I have been troubled a ■great deal with bark ach*. J Was ndiu-ed to try Foley’s Kidney Core, und se* bottle entirely rilievetl me. 1 gUdly recommend it to auy or,-, especially my friends among the traiomsr, who are usually similarly sHijeted." Till Jim Carter whim to send for! your clothing to be olaanel and pressed. We Receive^* B/every steamer new and up-to-date; goods, comprising the latest styles in 'GOODS, (niotionis, e:-rci?. J. EL HHXTLER Sc BROS,, 314 ,'<V ewoastle St-. Between C. Mc(Urveyjs aad&Thomas Keaney, SHIPPING. REPORT. Oorrsotsd Daily by Dipt- Otto JobanneMQ Port of Bnuusiok, Nov. 8,1900. CLEARED. Norw. bark Emilie Marie,Tonnesen, Goole. Bark Maria Emilea, Port Rubeo, Oporto. Scbr. Laura C. Anderson, Harris, Perth Amboy. SAILED. Ger. bark Oldenburg, Sleeker, Rit terdam. Norw. bark Areula, Andria n, Rutv terdam. Schr. Carrie Strong, Barter, Boston. Sobr. Viola Rcppsrd, Moody, Bos ton. Sohr. Charles L. Mitohrll, W-sidvof,. Boston, Scbr. Charles W, Buckley, Towns end, Nfiw York, Sahr. John A. Becberroan, D.>nein, ; Philadelphia. GUREH BLOOD AND SKIN TROUBLES. * Trial Treatment Free. If your bipod pure? Are you sure of it? Do ct&jMkr Myatcbes heal slow ly? Dots yoiir skin jtcb or burn? If Syfjftm mptee?"Eruption*? AohO log or back? Boiero a" Old Bortfafj|.Boil*? ScrofqlfjE Rheuma tism? Fo*l Breath? ‘Catarrh? Are you pale? 3B. B. B. (Botanic Blood your blood, .heal evrry’Bjite, ai£*Tive a dear, healths skin. case?, Rhe oapsores, rPkghffWMHbgr,>BloOff Fdfcp, are LuUckly cwwtTby Hotsnicjilnod Balm. all else fails. Thoroughly HbA ifer thirty years. Drugstores, •IPpnr large botile. IMiitrestniefit free By writing BLOOD B 4 COT, Describe trouble—free Wdipatadviee given., Over 3,000 vol- testimonials of cures by B. Complete Lib ■ . -i fi Jliii Ms W on . —■ r ~~ cilKnd examine. Til. F. Wiiiii-r. THE TAILOR, 311 Newcastle Sr. [^ooDhop**, AVegetable PreparallonforAs similaUng ttic Food and Befiula ting Ihe StoHiaciis andßowels of INIAMS/I HILOKLN Promoles ness and Rest. Contains neither Opium,Morpliine nor Mineral, Kox "Narc otic. r*apt ofOUItrSAKITLPtrCNrf) Puniptclk Seed" v Mx.Smuut * I [u*a*U* ,Uta - I AaiteSarf * ! A perfect Remedy for ConsUpa- Hon. Sour Stomach,Diarrhoea Worms .Convulsious.FcvCTistv ness and LOSS OF SLEEP. Tac Simile Signature of NEW YORK. A t b inonlh s old J 5 Dos? s- J'jC. IMS EXACT COPY Ok WRAPPER. H. H. MILLER <& SOM, Monday’s steamer will bring us a line ot Oriental Tapestries, Screens, Couch Cover, Cur tains, etc. direct from those fa mous importers of Orientaj goods of As A. VANTINE & CO Also a lot of muslin an and Bobbinet Curtains|Cut Glass, Silverware, Rugs,^etc- WINE OF CARDUI ri'j ivmgce isui uestrioe, u means uiai terrime rearing ana dragging down in the lower abdomen. It means agonizing backaifche, and shoulder ache, and arm ache, and aches in the lower limbs, it means nerves on edge—the blues— despondency and loss of hope. It means debilitating drains that the doctors call leucorrhaa. It means martyrdom—some toes even death seem* preferable. And still Wine of Cardui will utterly r . . - L t thole diseases and pains to rout, urntrlemoiiv scwawtwuwt!Vj !t to cured thousands of case* 1 Fof cm> roqtflrtag Tvrtnl \ when nothing else on earth would ) To the budding woman, to the JUfTT"!*-’ cu*tt*r- •.-. t u>. J bride, to the wife,do the expectant , _ T •' 3 mother, to those going through WINE OF CAR DU I —— - ------ CASTOfIIA For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the / * Signature / Thirty Years CASTORIA TH* CENTAUR eOMNNV. NSW VOHK CfTV.