The Brunswick times-call. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1900-1902, November 04, 1900, Image 5

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Silverware Stamps Are pei wltlt all porctasisl for aL ffe are ioii lo Hare a far? larp ail fide Hie if AMias \Cooiis ail resiclfillf solicit hit ial roiap. lull an®. CHAP ADVERTISING. CASU IN ADVANCE Advertise meats in tbis column will be insert ed tt the uniform rut*- of One Cent a Word for eseh Insertion. No advertisement, however mall, lets than 50 cents. Cash in advance. FOR RENT.—Furnished rooms at 406 G street, near center of the city. Excellent winter rooms. FOR RENT—Large fur Dished front bed room, all privileges. Mrs. Julius May, 510 Gbittcostor street. FOB RENT—Three unfurnished rooms up stairs, suitable for light Morphine, habit: myself I'ttiifHnß&tatQrm you <>t harmless, permane||3|jspfrchre, Mary LOST—Winchester inch barrel; between Freedman’s Beet and Brunswick, via shell road ; drop pen from buggy. A reward will be paid for deli-ery of earn? to Polbill'u drag store. DISSOLUTION.—The Arm of Deva rls & Levada*, composed of P. Deva rie and 8. Levadas, u dissolved by mutifa!,consent. P. Devaris will con ttcue the grocery business at thebid stand. Hustling young taan esn make 460 per month and expenses. Permanent position. Experience unnecessary. Write quick for particulars, Clark & Cos., 4th A Locus Streetr. Philadel phia, Pa. HELP WA N 1 ED—MALE, -yfcj e tablisbcd mercantile house, ex'enJ og businer.A in tbie stDor, want, to ar range with capable man, of cjrrect habit , to manage braneb. S-'ary, *1560 yearly. Extra emmia*iODS. Must furnish SBOO and satisfactory rcfeieecss, “Opporluaity.” Drawer 74, New Haven, Conn. IMS {£-'OR -ALE.-Hillery island, sb uatad on Turtle r,ver, centaiciitg acres of big!} land, suitable for trunk ing or poultry riming; about 15 nr-- cleared: giod fishing sn-d beda around the I-land. Alsc.lJ n i View, contamg 50 acrei, mom or lees, situ ated on Gibson and Pervi/s six acres of which is unusr new w re fence; 75 to 100 pear trees, BDd Im provements oo same. For further in formation. apply to F, Jos. Doerflin ger, 316 Union street. ANNOUNCEMENT. As has been our custom for some years past to offer premiums, as a compli ment to our customers during the holidays; we make this year no excepttion to the rule and hereby make the following announcement: §FROM NOW UNTIL JANUARY FIRST We will give you FREE, with every njgipM CASH purchase of one dollars worth First Prize, A tine Oxidized Silver " ||j^ Second Prize, A Large^Pair ot Vases, ,ui '■ ' |T '" ■" ' 11 ' Jyjjir "**" ” 1 ,r,r ' ' We are also going to giye to all custftjg&s vvhose purchases amount to sio One of the Handsoment Calendars for 1901 Tliat Has Ever Been seen in this city. These calendars %oulff 75c in any stationery store. W . :#£ *■’ 4 Li- ■ ' | KENNLQN MOTT, The’TTeweler an3i Graduate Optician. §o©ietg. ; The following card has been re ceived: “Mr. and Mrs, Chße. Hills man Wimberly request tho honor of your preadnee at the marrisge of their oousin, Mr. Augusta Elias Brown, to Mr. Leonarcl Vernon Carroll, on Wednesday evening, .Nov. >4tb,at n o’clock, E' rßt Metl odist church, Brunswick, Ga. •— f — The Ladies’ Aid Society of S’. Marks Church, beid an “exchange’’ at the Parisb'fohool room at 3:30p. m. yes terday. Dainty cakes and other deli cacies were offered for sale. The Brunswick chapter of the D A. R. is CHlicd for Tuesday at 4:3(4 p.'m at the residence of Mr*, J. Butts, ci apier regent. All thbs* iuterestt'd in joining bis chapter, are cordially invited to le pr> ,ent at ibis meeting. e:< trtia! sb£ of : mportenca will be trans- ! acted, a name d cided upon, and del egates elected to tba state conference, the invitation to which, elegantly eo- i graved, reads: “The Atlanta Chapter, the i’led-j mont Continental Chapter, the Joseph Hi'bersharu Chapter, the Thomas Jef ferson Chapter of the Daughter# of! the American Revolution, r,quest tbe j presercs of 1- and delego’ a at tbe state conference on Tuesday and Wednesday, Nov. 27th and 23 b,j J 000.” ■ i r> 1 gate# tu this conferenes ar? an- t teitained by tbe Atlanta Chapter and the social functions are most attract ' ive. Mi Lo'lU Morgan Is much im provfcd from her rccer t ilirief*. Miss Hettie Dahlgren, who is visit eg her defer, Mr*. J, S. Raymond, THE BRUNSWICK riMES-CALL,' NOVEMBER 3, la JO ■ leaves next wnk for Yarmjpth, to th* regret of the many friends jjtie b w| | by hor sweet perronalit jr and charm bf' maser. "• , Mm* ftanbAtj Wright has returned from IBflHjAf visit JfeoJßfc SJifajons. Mr. M iswp Jft last night for At lanta, where meet Mrs. Isaac. ■returning to Rrjuuawiok next Tuesday. u | • J*M. K. 1.. Jiranhifihl), to I the rtgret*£inaiiy' fVljkndf here."-' ** '"■ '' f Mr. W. F. lloiling*vrottb bga re turned from the Synod at Milledge viile. Vf < f " Mies Mamie Iloss ie spending Sev eral days at home from Jamaioa, where she has charge of the school. ’ —o Miss Van Alston is spending the winter on St. Simon, the guest of Mrs. J. A. Foster. The bt zaar to be givrn for the hen • efit of the library this winter promises to be a great success, Mrs. Li O. Bo det has ti*en appointed chairman, and many lady friend* of the library, as well a- the directors, Lave volunteered to assist in the undertaking. Mrs, Brewster Phillips retained to St. Simons yesterday, from a pleaeaut v sit to Brunswick. Mrs. J . B, Wright and Misa Wright oefiao over on the Hessie last nigbt to spend Sur.uaj In Brunswick. The drat German of toe oe&afin will he given by the Cotillion Club, in the oortor? of the Og ettio'rpe on the fif* ■ eu’h of the month. The affair prom ie to be untieunlly brilliant. Galiam young manhood and lovely youns womanhood will trip the light fan. sene until the wee sma' hours to fbe 1 straioe of inspiring uiusin, whil~ the j bright faoes andp.etfty dresses will jpr nant a picture fair enough to he. portrayed by Gibson himself to adorn a page of Life. k Cards have been reoeivrd in Bruns ■wiok to the wodding of Mr. C. A. Montgomery and Miae Anne Duer, both of Cbioago. Mr. Montgomery is a brother of Mr. J. A. Montgomery, and was formerly a resident of Bruns wick for several years. Theweddinv oo November 14!b, at Bf. Cmtenuu .church. Woodlawn avenue,, fallowed by a reception a* the home of the bride’s parents. The young couple will leave inamediately for a trip to l’altn Beach, St.' Augu. ice, and other aouthern pofute, and wrtl remain for several days in Brunswick the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Montgomery. : — ; I '^d 1 ? Half ?he World Darkness aa to the citUFf of (heir ilpbealtK. If they would atari to treat thajr kldnoya with Foley’s Eld ucy Cure, tha wearfueia of Hjfciyujid mind, back ache, headacho and rheumatic- pains would dinappear. W; f. liotta. ” ! A Card. The manufaciurorH of Jianner Falve have an ' thorixed the undersigned to guarantee it , for burns, cuts, B©m\ ufeera tetter, eczema and aU skin d*>icaniß. You have your money back t doevrt't do ali it cl,ftlou W •/. Butt?. _ r . . r Foeiingsol safety pervede the honee hold that Uses One M inute (; ugli (lure, the only harmlee*. remedy tt. it p; n duces imm* dlsfs re iUlrs. It is i) falli ble for coughs, colds, croup, sod a) throat and luur 'roubles. It wi Ipn • vent coufuinpttion. W -I. Letts BLB t’O N lilf, lo W 0 Ml*. Not ’ t " '..1. ' easily to the - income by earning * j eoinnttesior, and also an opporiunttfl share n, tur d'stffbdtion of fl" 'V'’ mi. cash, by takiig subscriptions for 'hs fJelintator, N ou’llt reiptrerf Costa only * postal Card to enable von start. Address Bot’erick I’oblishti g Oo„ Lept. O, 17 West 13. h at., .V-w York. Keferences: Any hack or n press sgell For Diabetes use STUART’S GJN and BUCHU. ftBT FOUR IN ONE Prickly ash Bitters Cures the KIDNEYS, the LIVER, the STOMACH end the DOWELS. Ha, roue MCO.ciHce roe oat J. Agent. RTPANS TABum Doctors find * -:p A Good Prescription for mankind I.7*°* .* Onm, Itmmw, g****. New*SumU trn*r*f SM . ftarbn* J'**7 P*> ind uce sleep, and praiag Hie, 0e fto*s riei&eft *© Miter rhat" h w Vi! * f®4. Te sample *m4 m flu*s*s*4 by W*ii H |J M mtual and ||W tnktMwAMM C- , ■*., aSfuUtSk CHINESE RESTAURANT, • ESTBLISHED 1889. CHMfJE Ha. L Proprietor You’cyui get the best the market affords by eating here fcS'T, We will guarantee our prices to be as low as good s£>ods can possibly be sold tor, ff] It you want anything large or special let us order it for you we can save you money and trouble