The Brunswick times-call. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1900-1902, November 07, 1900, Image 4

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The Brunswick Times. Established 1889. The Brunswick Call. Established 1802. The Brunswick Times-Call, CONSOLIDATED WOO, Published EVERY MORNING EXCEPT MONDAY. ARTHUR H. LEAVY Editor BOLAND A. HOLLINS, Basinsss Manager „ TA NARUS/, „ i m Oglethorpe Block,*ll r Street ounce, j ascxPHUNK no n. TO SUBSCRIBERS: Subscribers are requested to notify ye office when they fall to gut auy tsaue of the Tlmeg- Calb Attention to this matter will Be aypre elated by tbe publishers. The Timei-Call will be: Delivered by carrier or mail, peryear. *5.00; per week 15 cents Correspondence on live subjects solicited. Beal name of writer should ac company same. Subscriptions payable in advance. Failure to receive paper should be reported to the. business office. -Address all communications to THE TIMES-CALL, Brunswick, Ga. NOTICE. Hereafter a’.l legal advertUe ments must be paid for after the first Insertion. The management has been put to a great deal of trouble and delay In collecting in the past, and in future must take advantage of the Georgia law on this subject. Oot, 10,1900, BRANTLEY’S GREAT VICTORY. • "d*-***l4 With a combination of republicans, populists, etc., to fight we tLink Mr. Brantley’s admirers should Tbe elated this morning on bis magnificent victory of yesterday and we confidently belleye that he will have no more opposition in this district from these sources, The vote In Glynn county was good . ttnd shows that the people here have atroost confidence in their able repre sentative. Here is to Hon. William Gordon Brantley, may ho go higher up. GOOD WORK Chairman Twitty, of the Glynn county democratic executive committee, deserves credit for the magnificent vote soiled in this county yesterday. For some days past Mr. Twitty has been hard at work and we are Kind to say that* ch good results followed. h Local democrats, while active when there is a contest, are just the reverse wheu they think there is no need for work, and had it not been for the democratic executive committee chair man the vote here would not have been •u large. Wo are gratified that old Glynn has done her duty towards Congressman Brantley and democracy. We can settle down to business strain now j-j imi—i-'-gg Marston was led to believe that he would get a good vote In Glynn. Well Weill Now the politicians will begin to talkjofthe next presidential election. W e never haye a reat. ▲ gentlemen at the polls yesterday wald, “Who the deuce is this felicw M&rsdon?” We give It up. ■in,——— -. Sir Thomas Upton will find that the bis second trip across the Atlantic ro tuore successful than the first. THE NATIONAL RESULT. To tbe result of yesterday’s election, many and various causes contributed. The defeat of the man who led one of the greateat popular movements of modern times was not accomplished easily. Herculean exertions on the part of the allied forces of the opposi tion was necessary Money had to flow in a lavish stream. Agencies never be fore employed In an American election bad to be brought into action. Unusual influences were indispensable. It was the first time in our history that a cru sade distinctively of the people, met in the clash of clyic struggle, the forces of the money kings and politicians. The latter won. It Is a reflection on the success and the virtue of popular self government. Ho one can deny that, In the election of Mr. McKinley, the man of lessor merit triumphed. Tbe wonderful rec ord of his opponent, sweeping over the country, a modera crusader, hailed by tbe acclaim of thousands of the tollers of the land, tireless and undaunted in the brilliancy of his eloquent and de votion to his cause, will stand against the evasive, cowardly methods of the succeesful candidate, to tbe future that in' America the people were content with an Aaron Buyfwben they might have had a Hamilton. To bring about the defeat of this hero of the people thoro was needed not only all the batteries of argument that could be turned against the policy of free sil ver, against the criticism of the imperial policy and the denunciation of tbe use of federal troops, but also the most ex ■Hl tensive use of money which has ever been known in au election In this or in any other conntry. Besides all these influences, brought to bear upon the national mind, the advocates of unfairly and falsely appealed to the patriotism of the people by condemning the Bryan campaign as an attempt to revive sec* tionailsm, to breed rebellion and to wreck the institutions of- the country. The cry of anarchy—the giostc t .!>• that ever disgraced the campaign of any party—was raised. Mr. Bryan and liia followers wei e denounced as repud iatlonists, revolutioni#U, Uatlota and "il all the nameß that fear could bring u* the lips of falsehood. Ailthis availed much. It was despicable, but it was -kfi . successful. x William McKinley Is sgain presl dent of the United States. But the shadow ol Mark Hanna and the thingf he represents will rest fur four more Jeais on the White House, It Is very much U) be feared that in saving them selves from tho evils of freb silver, the people have placed themselves under a leadership that is far more dangerous. COUNT CASTELLANE. The financial and social downfall oi Anna Gould’s husband is not entirely a tragedy, and a good many Americans will call it a blessing. Any attempt to build up a great for tune and hold the. same intact, as is done In England, does not meet with* approval in this where the self made man deserves ahd receives ru tc consideration than any member of th so-called leisure class, which is the curse of Europe. We have no law’ which enable par ents to transmit tholrv ealth to elder sens, ignoring other members of the family, and the wisdom of the people and the weight of public opinlos will I not pcrrn.t the onactment of such law*. Opinion Is divided as to iha inotala TIMES-CALL. NOVEMBER 7. 1900. i DR.PIERCES 1 | FAVORITE 1 f mm of giWt wealth. Many people assert that no person 4s entitled to more than he has earned m* legitimate use of bands and brain, and, oh the other hand, there are people 1 who hold that wealth is jmtifiedj and that the salva tiun of the poor I* found in the expend itures of the rich. There are very few great fortune* that have withstood the assaults of time. Men have grasped and struAled and slaved to 'pile up goJd r only to rw|M*L • * have it dissipated by heirs of theiee-. ond or third generation, and id* the splitting up process tho people, who have a moral interest in . every, great interest'whtch simply represent la tew, come Itto their own. .4....*,, T " gif Perhaps Count Boni do Casiellane was but an agent of. Providence, after *4. . ' . "tfiLi r " W Board oi Trade An nual Meeting Friday, Nov. 9tli, 1 a. m., City Hail, - - - —egl— mu steamers ashore h'urst Bismarck and Pret ria Ate Aground Near Hamburg. Hamburg, Nov. 6. —The Hamburg American lioe steamers Furst Bis march bound irom this port for New York via Southampton and Cherbourg, and the Pretoria, from here bound to New York via Bonlogneand Plvmouth, both went aground while passing the Elba at Schula, about thirteen miles from here. Assistancs has been sent from here to he’p the stranded vessels off> AT THE OGI,I?riIORPE. W. N. Mattox, Nawnan; A. W. Mattox, L'ttle Roek, Ark.; W, B. Conoley, Pioopolis, Ga.; Sig. C. Mey er, Philadelphia; W. E, Clsrk, Maeoo ; E. H Rued, Waycross; R.F. Arledge, J - eph Gump, J. R. Taylor, Balti more; Vt. C. 8.-11, Atlanta; Brooke Freuob, New York; J. C. Titus, city, Mr. 1). L. Keller returned last night from Shreveport, where be went to attend the bedside of his brother, hlr. P. Kellar. The latter is much better now. BOAT LINE p THE CITY Macoi Capital May Pal 01 Steamers. Following is from the Macon Tele graph: “I think Micis will toon have a boat I lint on the Ocmuigee between here and Brunswick,” said President Geo. A, Smith, of the Chamber of Com merce, yesterday. I waseing down Cherry street a couple of days ago, and a prominent and. jve*ltby wevtbaot called me in and said: “You needn't (ell anybody about my connection with the project, hut I want to ssy that yon need give your eslf no- more worry about a boat line far Macon. I have noted the efforts you have made in behalf of river oivi- Jr I ■’ !&.. * * ■ gstioD,- and know will be pleased to leirtß tj>a# a company with abundant ospital has been organized for the pur s•% et*ts*bin** 4 ffte U**t win do Juel what Macon wants done- get bet ter freight rates, tod give a good ser vice on the water. Borne of our whole sale house* will uffr immeasurably if we don’t get better freight rate*. £JA*ow is thetime to make the venture, and it will “THgofern K *Wt official* who have bad obarga of tjtt work on the river, w continued Mr. Bmitb, “are giving 'much encouragement to all who are inUwwtad in aeourlng navigation for Maoon. lihev say that the atreatn ia easily navigable for an immense busi ness, and the present work of clearing the channel means a great deal more for ibis city than our people seem (o teal) “•S’ is more even than munici pal ownership of light and water plants, or of annexation of suburb*, or of eoonomioal administration of our government, Itis everything to us.” SiiQT TJJBEE TIMES. • *, , Offices Boariett and.g Desperado Have a Wrm,Tfma of It. Last night Officer Scarlett and Dep uty Sheriff Pyle* went to A street lane for the purposa of arresting a negro desperado wanted in Jacksonville, When near lire bousj in which they thought tbs negro was hid.tbe officers separated Mr. Scarlett succeeded in catching the man and bad one hand cuff on, when be beghn to fight. Re had a knife and waa making a des perate tffurt to kill the offi o*, when the latter drew hie pistol and fired five times, hitting the man in three plaeea. One of tbe balla went through the body, another struck him in tbe leg and the third on the hand. County physician Christie waa called after tbe man was osrricd to jail,and he dressed bis wound*. LESTER IS SAFE. Re elected by a Majority of Between Three and Four Thousand. Savannah, Nor. 6. Returns received up to 12 o’clock indicate a Lester ma Jority of not less than three or four thousand. Leaken, the republican candidate has carried on a warm campaign and at many o* the countiee in this district have more colored voters than white, democrats felt a little uneasy. H. Id. MILLER & SOM. I Monday’s streamer will bring l us a line ot Oriental Tapestries, j Screens, Couch Cover, Cur-1 tains, etc. direct from those i? j mous importers of Oriental! goods of ; A. A. VANTINE & CO-j I ' Wg l * Also a lot of must Bobbinet Curtains, Cut f/i H Silverware, Rugs, etc- * NO YELLING. Bryan Men Retired Early to Dream of the Terrible Result. There was no bonfire in Brunswick last night, but a stillness which car ried sadness with It. Tbe average Bryan man went home early. Some few remained after bearing the bad nrwl from NeW York, but when Illi nois and other doubtful States report ed and were put wrong column, it was too much for a good democrat to etand, and they slowly wended their way homeward. Tbe few MoKtnleyites were jubilant. Col. Henry T. Dunn wore a smile as broad as a Roosevelt bat, and Mr. F. Mo, Brown wanted to treat everybody in town to soda and cigars. Mr. W. B. Cook also seemed as bap py as a man generally gets to be. One old time democrat waked up to the opera house bulletin board aad wanted to learn something of the re 1 - suit. When toil! that McKinley had won be said “how abhttt Brantley,” he is alright said a bystander, “thank heaven for that," said the old democrat and he went home. SOME FINE STOCK. Mr. J. W. Jordan will will arrive in the city tomorrow with a floe lot of horses and mules, which he will sell at tOW figure*. It wilt be remembered that tbis gentleman was here sometime ago, and every hone and mule sold gave satisfaction. Mr, Jordan at the stable of Messrs. Thomas. PROGRESSING The work of rebuilding the oyster" faotory is progressing at a rapid rate, and ail indications poiDt to a quick oomple'ion. General Manager Abrams is still of tbe opinien that he will be canning oysters within the next forty days. NOTICE TO VOTERS. Bhcxswick, Nov. 3,1900. To tbe Voters of 26tb Hist. G. M., Glynn County 1 respectfully aolioit the votes, and ask the support of my friends and fellow-citizens of tbe 26tb Disr. G. M., of Glynn county, for the office of Justice of tbe Peace for said District, at the election to be held next month. December, 1900. Respectfully, A. W.Corker, Lumber Inspector. TEMPERANCE MEASURE. TO Seaborn Wright of Floyd, Introduces His Bill. The Atlanta Daily News of Monday, said: “Hon. Seaborn Wright ot Floyd, in troduoad into tbe house this morning his considerably discussed temperance measure. “As forecasted in the News, the' measure provides for the estabtieb ment of dispensaries if tbe counties se desire. . It does not trench upon tbe present law, which provide# i u - a i OD . tien, or absolute prohibition, as the ballots may decide. It simply adds to that law an additional option—die pensaries. * “These dispensaries, tbe bill pro vides, sball be established and con ducted after tbe fashion of tbe dis pensary now in operation in Athens. “A strong fight will be made for the measure, but the general sentiment®; tbe bouse seems to be that the preee® whiskey laws are sufficient in selves.’’ THE PRESIDENT VOTES, McKinley Cast His Ballot Early In Canton. Canton, Nov. 6. —President McKin ley oast b s ballot at 3 ;20 rbis morning accompanied by Judge Day, Secretary Corf.eljou, and others. Tbe people gathered in front of tbe bouse and tbe president shoots hands with many, fehe president received dispatches New York leaders early todsy "siring that a large vote had been : jbd by 8 o’clock ard expressing confidence in tbe result. SPECIAL NOTICE. All bills against the British steam ship “Dorotea” must be presented at our office by neon today, or pay ment tbereof will be debarred. Wm. Johnston A Co s., limited, consignees. Mrs. J. L. Corker and Mrs. J. L. Richardson have returned from a pleasant visit to Macon. Mr. F.-enk Scarlett spent yesterday in the c ty, \ Mr. Don Livingston is spending a few days in the city from h's country home.