The Brunswick times-call. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1900-1902, November 08, 1900, Page 4, Image 4

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4 Ihe Brunswick Times. Established 1880. The Brunswick Call. Established 1892. Hie Brunswick Times-Call, CONSOLIDATED IHOO, Published EVJCUV MORNING EXCEPT MONDAY. AETHUR H. LEAVY Editor EOLAED A. MULLINS, Business Manager v I in Ogietborpe.Bloek.2lir Street OXnCE J IKXJIPHON* mo si. TO SUBSCRIBERS: Babeoribers are requested to notify the office When they fall to got any issue of the Times- Call. Attention to this matter will be appro elated by the publishers. The Times-Call will be' 'Delivered by carrier or mail, per year. S0.OO; per week IS eente. Correspondence on Uvo subjects eollelted. Beal name of writer should ac company same. Subscriptions payable In advance. Failure to roesiva paper should bo reported to ibe business office. 'Address all communications to THE TIMES-CALL, Brunswick, Go. NOTICE. Hereafter all legal advertise ments iftust be paid for after the first insertion. The management has been put to & great deal of trouble and delay In collecting in the past, and lb future must take advantage of the Georgia law on this subject. Oct. 10,1900, A GOOD BILL. Senator Bell will Introduce a bill at the present session of the legislature which If patsod, will help the cauee of religion to a great degree. Air. Bell desires to h&ye chutch prop erty exempted from taxation and we think he should meet with the support of every member of the legislature. The great state of Georgia can well af ford to give this much to the cauee of God and we sincerely hope the bill will pass. For some years this bill has been pending in the legislature and at one time it passed hut on account of being an amendment to th constitut on it was not ratified by the people. The Times-Call thinks that there would be less thau a thousand voters in the entire state who would oppose this bill. JTauna is the big b. 3e proper now. The *T told you bo’s” are abroad in the land. Everybody is wealing anew bai. ■Election. Hanna may be the republican candi date In 1904. How would that strike you? Bound money has more friend* than ■•liver ever will possess and the elec tion Tuesday proves this. Remember that the Board ot Trade Will meet at the city hall tomorrow and eycry member thould be prerent. - This Eleventh district should be proud of Brantley, and Brantley should be proud of the district. Both are all right. Sir Thomas Llpton made $350,000 on the pork deal in America. He should ■tort mind spending that amount for a j new yacht. SUBSTITUTION IS SUSPICIOUS. The attempt by a dealer to sell his customer a substitute In place of the article the buyer calls for at once places the dea’er under the baD of sus picion. The only reaion why the buyer does not inyari&bly realize the suspicious ness of substitution and promptly re sent it, is probably because In many cases the money transaction involved is so small that It does cot suggest the motive for fraud. Suppose a jeweller advertises a diamond at SSO: He places it in his window. A would be buyer enters the store and asks for this par ticular diamond. But the jeweller says, “I can give you that diamond if you want it, but here's another that’s just as gobd as the one advertised.” The buyer’s suspicions would be aroused at once. He would insist on the stone in the window and he’d keep an eye on it to see It wasn’t changed. But in the case of a flfty-cen| transacs tion it is different. The buxet Often accepts the substitute which ta offored as "just as good” as a widely advertis ed article, although substitution is just as suspicious in a fifty-oent transaction as In one Involying fifty dollars. Look at the question from another point of view. A sale vertised. There are boniki with pedi grees and records to bs sold. Farmer Brown attends the sale with the pur pose of buying one of these good hqrses. But the seller says to bim, "That horse you want Is a good horse, but I’ye got another here just as good which I'd like to sell you.” “Has he just as good a pedigree?” “Well no, he hasn’t any pedigree to speak of." ’ * , “Has ho any record?” "" “Well no, we never held a watch on him that I know of, but he’s ‘just as good' as the horse you want.” Would Farmer Brown buy the “ju,t as good" horse? The question answers Itself- And yet this same farmer wi;l allow himself to be swindled time and again by accepting “just as good" ar ticles In place of those he called for, The article he called for has, so to speak, a pedigree und a record. It's a standard in .the markets of the world. Yet in plaoe of this atandard'&rticlu he will accept a substitute which nobody knows anything about, au untried, im proved article which hasLo record of value, and no proof of origin. Let tile buyer who is offered a substl* tute bear in mind that substitution i suspicious, and that a substitute aU ways carries the car marks of u swindle. The first set passed for the election of presidential eUc'.ors provided that they should be appointed “wltnin lit days before tbe first Wednesday In De cember." Under this law the slates held their eloctlonß on and ff erect days. When Harrison was elected In 1840 the democrats averted that his success was due partly to fraudulent voting made possible by difference in dates. Ac cordingly the law was passed fixing onr date fur the election in all stales tbe first Tuesday after the first Mon day. The Count and Cowress Castellane must not spend over fi,850 a day now. The Gould boys should be asha:ued of allowing them to spend this small snm. Have roo a Mue of tullnossloa ttie region ■ yonrstomach after eatln-T li so yon will l>e lix ncflteU by rising Cbmb*rUl*> Stomach at, j I Liver Tablet*.iThey also car* lirlohliig and laour ttomacu. They ragulato the bowels too. Price too. Sold by Bi-boir* Drug Store ' ' dhdb. .. m THE BRUNSWICK TIMES-CALL. NOVEMBER 8.1900. “Oiling Op.” Just a little oil on the engine at the right time mqv mean tile difference be tween life and death to the passengers and crew. What oil is to the friction of the delicate parts of the engine, Dr. Pierce’s Golden Medical Discovery is to the deb cate organs of the . body. It eases their labor, pre vents the loss of IFlf power and waste / T :| of energy caused I P I j|' I a man who was a$ L Jl jt j run down, whose wtr limbs ached when jt he walked, whose JflXn Ji —® back ached when j-j |'(Tb) i he laid down, who Vf" M • breathed with dif- I.J t ficulty, and cough- Wlj*- Jr' ed constantly, has W ¥~jr,.^[~ rrr ' been perfectly cured by the use /r srßHsf of Doctor Pierce's y /ylillliPffJ- Golden Medical " Discovery. It pur- V.W'-'Sf ifies the blood, R* - strengthens the PrlEßittr-llgdilji stomach and heals if 'I'.W Accept no *nh- vfiL • •tit ute for Golden yqjjjyy,/ Medical Diacov- DtofisESgS Sr,” nor any med ne called "just {ar C* as-jgood” by tha | Mr Ch HnttvKrk, of ten ox Macomb Cos., v even rfiet away before long, end as Ihave * ■as* cnitebee ffie nearly two years, I think doing line Ido not coqgh now and l eao tike * school boy. Yon mm* know that 1 Oeea treat-d in two Bewphatetiid by three and rtceivad no benefit, o I tnioa year medicine the duly dMdtefe* for me.* Dr. Pierce’s Medical Advtset* in paper cover, is sent free on receipt of 3J oue esnt atampa m pay expense of'mailing only. Address Dr. R. V. Pierce, Bub - two hangings, the 'Heath PeaaUy Tomorrow. 1 'k ~v' B gc.avHle, T*Hp M Nov. Jamas Burclflefd, wlllfe, will be hanged Friday for the murder Of his wife bn August 28. Burchfield had jugt come homo from '-W‘ a year’s term in the penitentiary when be committed the crime. During the trial J. M , Phipps, a reputable cltuen. stated that on her deathbed Mrs, Bucb fleld said a few years ago that he/hus band act fire to a cabin,, near Jtqgers vllle, and burned alive Handy Alttttgi, This was never known before. - . 1 ' Jf Columbus, 0.. No*,, fj— Hiehaid Gardiner will pay the penalty for mur der Friday. Araonlt ih* spectators will be Sheriff Pbr'er of Athens,..and Offl o>r Kudmanuml Deputy Meredith *df of ChUlinusha, whom Gardiner hpd Hi* viied to see him d r e, jf^.%. ,%0 NOTICE TO VO TERS, Buonswiok, Nov. 8,1900. To the Voters of 28th Dist. G. M. ,- OlynifrCountyl respectfully soiloit ihe votes, and ask ihe support of my friends and tfJliijv-eitizens of the 26th Dist. of Glynn county, for the office of Justice of the Peace for said Uiftricf, at the election fo be held next month, December, WOO. RespscPully, A, W.Goreer, Lumber Inspector. An antiseptic after shaving. Clark, the barber. JACKSONVILLE LOST. The capital removal question id -Flurida was settled st the election Tuesday when a majority of the voters said it should remain in Talltbassse, Jacksonville made a good fight for it, anyway. We Receive By every steamer new and up-to-date goods, comprising the latest styles in E*3 CD CZI3 m J h heller’&'bros., 314 Newcastle St-. Between C. McGarvey’s andJThomas Keaney. Continued from First Page. resentativee is a great dist ppointmen to the democratic leaders, who ex peoted to win the house even with Bryan defeated. Tbe republicans now have absolute oontrol of all branches of the national government. In every State north of the Mississippi and west of the Ohio, their role is complete. Tbe South is cut off politically from the rest of the couotry, and stands alone for democratio principles and policy. MUST ACCEPT RESULT, Governor Stone, Bryan’s manager in the east, Isays tbe dsraocrafe will accept the result without complaint, as it le in duty hound to do, and that tbe party must stand undismayed in defense of the Constitution and pre servation of ear institutions. , SMITH ON THE ELECTION. Atlanta, Nov. 7.—ln an interview to day, Hoke Smith said: “I do not think demoorats should at this time engage in oriticism of the dsi&wrafl with .Nbom they distgree. I think, though, thsywhoald realize toe eprer made stC**atkCj|( in In serting the free sUvAfplbak to the platform. Four Fears’igb, the coun try, in the midst of hard timee^deter mined egainst free coinage, and the frosperity loJiMing the epupicar reccy ehcwild ha*fjujs- the pUtfitfm fr|m a rijver‘ de oiaration aVEansaa Citj^fitfr..-Bryan blade a gat : re cord bung around his neck like a mill stone, T expect to sea him cMHift senator from Nebraska, bnt he kml barffly receive a third nomination for tbe presidency, I tee no reason why Abo demoortfiPilWttid feel discouraged ,at the ultimate sucoeee of the party. On a platform which should have met the approval of Jackson and Jefferson, Nre can go into tbe campaign of 1904 with every expectation of success. Ft wiU need then a loyal sound money man, and one of recognizeed ability.” AT BAPTIST CHURCH. Dr.’Jortlsa Will Leoture Friday Eve ning to Young Psople. 'Tire B ptibt Young People’s Union and Sunday school have arranged for a sooial on Friday evening. Dr, John D . Jordan, pastor of the First Baptist eburob of Savannah, one of the most distinguished preachers in tbs State, will delifer a lecture. An interesting program has been prepared, and the members of tbe con gregation and their friends are antici pating a most enjoyable occasion. COUNTY BOARD MEETS. On account of she election Tuesday, the county commissioners did not meet Tuesday but yesterday instead, The usual amount of buainess was truDS acted. CASTORIA The Kind You Have Always Bought, and which has been in use for over 30 years, has borne the signature of and has been made under hi.4per sonal snpervision since its ,vHow no one to deceive you in tils. All Counterfeits, Imitations and “ Jnst-ns-good” are but Experiments that tritle with and endanger the health of Infants and Children—Experience against Experiment. What is CASTORIA Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare goric, Drops nnd Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It contains neither Opimu, Morphine nor other Narootie substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroy* Worms anti allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation ' and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy anti natural sleep. The Children’s Panacea—The Mother’s Frisad. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS >7 Bears the Signature of The Kind You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. ™ CKWTAUW COMPANY, T 9 MO**** rtNMCT. NEW VO** CTV. H. M. MILLER & SOM, Mon3ay r s~steamer will bring J us a line ot Oriental Tapestries, j ; Screens, Couch Cover, Cur- J tains, etc. direct from those fa-! mous importers of Oriental j goods of A* A. VANTINE & CO Also a lot of muslin and Bobbinet CurAins, Cut Glass, Silverware, Rugs, etc WINE OF CARDUI How a Woman Suffers.^*** Howetx. Iso., Nov. 38. / I will always praise Wins of Cardui. II / . fl\ -J1 baa done me more good than all tbemedi- / 1 111 I[ clnae I have ever taken la my life. Please / l * I •end • book abont female diseasM to the / V l I II ladies whose names I enslose. II Mrs. MINNIB STODQHILL WaelSn^ It isn’t necessary for a woman to give particulars. When she says she has “ female troubles ”, other women know what that means. It means days and nights of endless suffering, it means headaches which no tongue can describe. It means that terrible bearing and dragging down in the lower abdomen. It means agonizing backache, and shoulder ache, and arm ache, and aches in the lower limbs. It means nerves on edge—the blues— despondency and loss of hope. It means debilitating drains that the doctors call leucorrhcea. It means martyrdom—some times even death seems preferable. And still Wine of Cardui will utterly putthose diseases and pans to rout usits’ asvissiT ifIAITHCBT., It has cured thousands of eases For vice in caa*a roqnlrtnf when nothing t\S* On earth would. Utfle,’As< UrpOsft IriiJSSKol'i I To the budding woman, to the ■sihche co, cbAttMioofE, Tm. bridr, to the wife, to the expectant _ mother, to those going through ♦he Chan£fc of Life, this Vegetable Wine is a cle%ng. Druggists Sell Large Bottles for SI.OO. WINE OF CARDUI