The Brunswick times-call. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1900-1902, November 09, 1900, Image 3

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■KPiP { 'jfKF 7';; nJ'fKii 5 7/ ‘i M : jP&ft gft~ -’ >-^'jfawltf•AfcYTO|3^^X■ , vAfc J l-A JEfcSs&v J:- | / -f fk Ti^r' ££& - ■* Syrup Figs Cleanses the System Gently and Effectually when bilious or costive. Presents in the most acceptable farm the JtxratJye principles of 'plants hno ten to most he/ie/tcialiy. TO GET BUY THE GENWNE MANFD. BY California fig smurca SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. LOUIS VIUC , KY. NEW YORK, NX - price 50*per Tiff *l^ Shrewsbery Asparagus Points, 16c per can. * tolllil! TOilO, made from the red meat of ripe tomatoes'. Contains neither akin, seed or core. 10c can A valuable addition to any soup, sauce or bouillon. Thus. Keany, Groceries. ______<ll*_NewcssUoßtreet. at KESSLER’S Cot. Monk and fcfrantrtttß L. J. Leavy Sc Cos Auctioneers, Commission • Merchants and ttener r al Collecting Agents Consignments Solicited and Prompt Returns Rendered. Special Attention Paid to Collection of Rents eCURE YOURSELF I r BigO for unnatural di*charg<*,lnflammations, Irritations <* ulcerations of mucourwcmbranoi. Painless, and not Mtrin . Bent or poisonous. Mtold by I'roKbk. or aent in plain wrapper 1)7 oaprcas, prepaid, fof fI.OO, 0r.3 bottle#. $2.75. Circular aent on Naoai* MITCHELL ft THOMAS. Livery, boarding and ale tables. Finest turnouts In tb eltr. Tel. 97. Ns wefts tls Bt DE. JORDAN TO StSAK. He Will Address Oitiz-iis at Baptist Church Ton tght. Dr. John D. Jordan of Savannah arrived in ibe city last nigbt and Is registered at the Oglethorpe Hotel. This evening at 7:30 he will deliver i t tbeFifrt B p 1-r (Lurch one of h: most ppuiar ned helpful addresses, ; REV. JOHN D. JORDAN, D. D„ Of Savannah, Ga, “Stress and DigUeas.” Asa dear for cible speaker Dr. Jordon bss few sup eriors in tbe state. Tde occasion will be spiced with excellent moeio. A most enjoyable time is antici pated. A cordial welcome is extended to all. Board oi Trade An nual Meeting Today, Nov.Jtli.ji a. in., City Hall, DaWitt's Witch Hazel Salve will quickly heal tbe worst burns and scalds and uot leave a scar. It can be applied to cuts and raw sur faces with prompt and soothing effect. Use It for piles and skin diseases. Beware of worth less counterfeits. W. J. Butts, —... ■— Share at Clark’s, the ooly barber shop in town using Kooheeter sterilizer charged with Boro Phenol. Both makers and circulator* of counterfeits commit fraud. Honeat men will not deceive yon into buying worthless counterfeits of De- Witt’s Witch liszel Sslvs. The orjginel is In fallible for caring plies, sores, eciewa and all skin diseases. W. J. Bu tts. Brunswick-made Candles. You’ll find all klndß at Lloyd's, Phone 255-2 fDetVltt’s Little Early Risers arc tbe best r pills ever made. Easy to take and never ie. W. J. Butts. STOLEN OR LOST. Lvrge, blue speckled, pointer dog; abort ttil, bead black; limps on fore foot, toe cat; named “I’edro.” Any information in regard to dog will be gladly received by Johnß.Dakt. The Quakers Are Honest People. tThe Quaker Herb Ton ic is not only a blood purifier, but a Blood maker for Pale, Weak and Debilitated people who have not strength nor blood. It acts as a tonic, it regulates di gestion, cures dyspepsia and lends strength and tone to the nervous sys tem. It is a medicine for weak women. It is a purely vegetable medicine, and oan be taken by the most delicate. Kidney disease, Rheumatism and all diseases of the Blood, Stomach and Nerves soon sue’umb to ita wonderful effect on the human system. Thous ands of people in Georgia recommend It. Prtee fI.OO. QUAKER PAIN BALM is the med icine that the Quaker Doctor made all of his quick cures with. It’s ft new and wonderful medicine for Neuralgia, Toothache, Backache, Rheumatism, Sprains, Pain in Bowels; in faot, all pain can be relieved by it. Price 25c and 50c. QUAKER WHITE WONDER SOAP, a medicated soap for Ike skin, scalp and complexion. Price 10c a cake. QUAKER HEALING SALVE, a vegetable ointment for the cure of tetter, ectema and eruptions of the •kin. Price 10c a box. FOR SALE BY ALL DRUGGISTS F. A. DILLINGHAM, Proprietor, • Cincinnati. PoUrilTs Drue Store THE BRUNSWICK TIMES-CALL, NOVEMBER- 9, 1900. CATARRH c Catarrh'has become such a common disease that a person entirely free from this disgusting complaint is seldom met with, it is customary to speak of Catarrh as nothing more serious than a had cold, a simple inflammation of the nose and throat. It is, in fact, n complicated and very dangerous disease ; if not at first, it very soon becomes so. The blood is quickly contaminated by the foul secretions; and the poison through the general circulation is carried to all parts of the system. Salves, washes and sprays are unsatis factory and disappointing, because they do not reach the seat of the trouble. S. S. S, does. It cleanses the blood of the poison and eliminates from the system all catai-rhal secretions, and thus cures thor oughly and permanently the -worst cases. Mr. r. If. McAllister, of Harrodsburg. Ky., writes: “ Having been a terrible sufferer from Catarrh, and being now sound and well, ibe qua*, tioa often nut to rue Is, p ‘What cured you?’ln an- f W\ surer X feel it my duty to i Aim state that Swift’s Specific nCT~i j.r f&Ea is the medicine. Xam CMS ’ySvSi such a true believer in the Hy W'%J efficacy of Swift’s Specific BaStta ey that 1 can honestly and Jw conscientiously rtcotn- yV‘~ mend It to any one Buffer-> i -eff ing front Catarrh. Have /Wlf recommended it to many, and am happy to say that those whom I have Indue- -.-wtffvtvr ed to use it can hear meout in the statement that it wilt cure any ease of Catarrh If taken accord ing to tlirectiona." is the only ptirely veg etable blood purifier known,and tbe greatest tajag kjRWJof all blood medicines ™ Nr and tonics. If you have Catarrh don't wait until it becomes deep-seated and chronic, but be gin at once the use of S. S. S., and send for our book on blood and skin diseases and write our physicians about your case. THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., ATLANTA, A- A flight of Terror. “Awful auxiety WAS felt for tho widow- of the brave Gen Burnham,of hlachlrs, Me., when the doctors said she eouldcot live. Ull morning, writes Mrs. S. H. Lincoln, who attended her that fearful night. “All thought she must soon die from Pneumonia, but she begged for Dr. King', New Discovery, saying it had more than once saved her life and had ghrod her of consumption. After three small doses she rested easily all night, and its further oso completely cured her.” This marvelous medicine is guar anteed to cure ail Throat, Chest and Lung Dis eases. Only 50c and JIOO. Trial bjttles free at all drag stores. ..—l,. —... Tbe best method or Bcleaosing the liver is tbe uee of tbe famous little pills known as DeWitt's Little Etrly Risers. Eiiy to take. Never gripe. W. J. Butts. Cold Steel or Death. - “There la bat one small chance to save your lfe and tnst 1, throngh an operation," waa the awful prospect sot before Mrs. I. B. Hunt, of Lime Ridge, Wis., by her doctor after vainly trying to e ure her of a frightful case of atomach trouble and yellow jaundice. He didn't count on the marvelous power of Electric Bittes* *<> cure Stomach aud Liver troubles, but she heard of It, took seven bottles, was wholly, cared, avoided surgeon’s knifo, now weighs more and feels better than ever. It’s positive ly guaranteed to euro Stomach, Liver and Kl\i, ney trouble* and never disappoints. Price 50e at all drag stores. Htnvsnnah, Ga.,’Elks’ Grand Carni val and Street Fair, Nov. 6-17, 1900. One fare for tbe round trip, plus 25 cents admission t-> tbs Carnival. For military companies snd brss bands in uniform, $1.60 for ibe round trf|P per capita, 20 or mure on one tlrkef. Tickets on sale Nov. 6,7, 9, 12, 14, 16, With float limit Nov. 18, inclusive. CATARRH The Mother of Consumption. How this Dread Disease May be Prevented and Cured -The Greatest of Specialists Write* on the Subject. Catarrh 1* the mothet of consumption. By this I do not moan that every case of catarrh do velopea into coh#uniptl<’n, but I do moan that catarrh when un checked, and wbea-jrlven the proper opportunittaa for xtn* B won from lie piaceoLoeglputnK' f5 which Is the nasal wUsHagee, J deeper and deeper along the t J breathing tract, fnyambjy iids ajfeX In Consumption of the Lungs. lr Catarrh seldom destroys nny iW considerable part of the mucous r/W. surface of the Upper air pass /,ib ages; It Influrass and congest* fciMKi* them, causing usually s super* ™ abundant and offensive die charge: -at when It reaches tlie Intensely dellrato lining of tbehalr-llke lung tubes and little lung ceils, the inflamatlou and congestion which It causes, oloeoethMe small air passage* and, allowing the putrid discharged matter to accumulate, causes a rot ting sway of the membrane, resulting in what we call Goneamptlon of the Lung*. THE TENDENCY OP CATARRH. The tendency of catarrh, when It ha# once obtained a foothold in any portion of the mucous membrane which lines every cavity of the body, Is to constantly extend In every direction. Catarrh In almost every Instance start# with what Is commonly known as cold In the head. This cold te added to by another, because of some e*tra exposure or weakening of tfre system and becomes chronlo. Nasal eat* rah is the result. Unloss a redlealcurw <* Ibis condition Is effected, the disease poaoaa rmplqly , to the throat, to the hron clilal to Imm, and then to the ' NEW LUNOS. Consumption cannot be cared. New innjrt cannot be made for a man any more than new fingers or a new nose: hut catarrh can be cnredln all Its stage* except tht* final and slways fatal on* % A CERTAIN CURB. In an egpertsr.c* of twenty year#, during which Uml hare treated many thonsanda ftt o<k ntaV form, of catarrh, I havo navervot fellad radical and permanent oure. The method I employ u one exalu.lrely my own, and the remedlM whk-n I uae are prepared nuder my peraonal direction In wj own laboratories. . „ .. - Many people Imagine they have Consumption when In reality fee direww haa not quite reached that “taire, 1 em treating and emlng HW of tWa sort every day. 80 long a. the procem of decoy hae noj IMIS in tlie Innra Wi.rnaelnv. I can make the patient perfectly well and strong again. BEGIN AT ONCE. . _ Lot me rmee more nrge all catarrhal mttmn Ui begin treatment at once, for a month of treatment now la better than the throe month, later on. X si fall make few the neat month a specially low tea for tiis treatment of catarrti not compllcawd hr other diseases, making no eitra charge lor all moo Ictoea, etc., that may be raqaired. 4. NEWTON HATHAWAY, M. D. Dr.Batkaaf*qe, BU Dryao Street, "■'“““l o*' 0 *' (mtiov thn nttm warn trarrm* HELP TBAQHBK3. Wauls Them Paid While Attending tbe Institute. Tbe Atlanta Daily News of Wednes day said: ••Mr. Rule of Oaytor, oame for ward today with a plan to insure bet ter sVendanoe by school teachers on t'-aobera’ institutes. “Tfce present law author zes tbe in stitutes’ officers to inflict fines nnd penal ice on those uot attending. Mr. Rule thinks this is a hardship, espe cially upon the lady teachers. “Hs seeks to repeal that provision in tbe law permitting sueb fines, and in lieu thereof authorize the oounty au thorities to pay such naohers $1.50 per diem for such attendance. “Mr. Hole say the teachers at pres ent are compelled to attend these iusiliutss and defray their own ex pense,, which he tb’nks is an injustice aud therefore he thinks they should be compensated for this service when compelled to render it.” There is no pleasure in lUe if yon dread going to the table to eat and can’t rest at night on ac count of indigestion. Henry Williams, of BoonvlU*, Ind., aays he suffered that way for years, till he oommeaced tho use of Kcalol Dys pepsia Cure, and adds: “Now I can eat any thing I like and aH I want and sleep soundly every night.” Kodol Dyspepsia Cure will di gest what yon cat. W. J. Ifiitts. It lie well to know that IleWitt’s Witch Htzel Salvo „wl# heal a burn and stop tb pain at once. It will cure eczema and skin diseases and ugly wounds and sores. It is a certain cure for piles. Counterfeits may be offered yon, See that you get the original DsWitt’s Witch HszeJ .Salve, W. J. Butte. Use Clark’s Msgio Tonio for dan druff: tare eure. — You can’t afford to eiek your life by allowing a cough or a cold to develop into pneumonia or consnmptfoh. One Minute Cough Cure will cure throat and lnng troubles quicker than any other preparation known. Many dootora uso it as a specific for grippe. It is an infallible remedy for oroup. Children like It and moth ers endorse tt.' W. J. Butts. A Frightful Blunder Will oftenieause* horrible Burn, Roald, Cut or Braise. Buck leu’s Amies ’.Salve, the liest in the world, will kill tho pain and promptly heal It. Cures Old Soros, Fever.Sorea, Uloers, Boll* Felons, Corns, all Skin Eruptions. Best Pile euro on .earth. Only ’ls ets, a box. Cnrs guar anteed, Sold by all druggist. Many people tworry because they bcllove they have heart disease. The chance* are that their hearts are all right but their stomachs are unable to digest food. Kodol Dyspepsia Care digests what you eat and prevents the formation of gai which makes tke stomach press against tbe heart. It will cure every form of lndlgostion. W. J. But!*. J. W. Bryan, of I.owder, Illinois, writes: “My little boy wan very low wi'h pneumonia. Unknown to the doctor, tve gave him Foley ’s Honey and Tar. The result wasmagioal and puz zled the doctor, as it Immediately stop ped the ranking cough, and he quickly recovered.” . Parker's i fifcgajSp'a hair balsam i ClMliiitc# ami Ix-nutifie# Wcvor Fails to tore Gray BBfSCTff Hair to its Youthful Col'*r. | Prevent# Duurfmft imil tklllni ißkTaSgfc; ~i! leaf pda _ RECOMMENDS IT TO TRAINMEN. G. H. Httfikaa, Linas, 0., engineer L E. &W. railroad, writes : “I have been troubled a great deal witb back ache. I was induced to try Foley’s Kidney Cure, snd one bottle entirely relieved me. I gladly reoommend it to any one, especially my rrieDds among tbe trainmen, wbo are ninally similarly afflicted.” If yon have ever teen a child In the agony of cronp yon can reallaa how grateful mothers ere for One Minute Cough Cnre, which give* relief as soon as it is administered. It quickly, cures coughs, colds and all threat and lung trouble,. W. jr. Butts. SSOO Reward. Wo will pay the above reward for any case of Liver Complaint, Dyspepsia, Bick Itoadacbe, Indigestion, constipation or Costtveness we cannot cure with Liver at a, the Up-to-Date Little Liver Villa, when the directions are strictly complied with. They are purely vege table and never fall to give satisfaction. 25c boxes contain 100 pills, lOe loves contain pills, te box..contain 16 pills. Bewnrcofprab slitntcs and imitations. Rent by mail. Stamps taken. NR It VITA MKDICAL CO., cor. Clin ton and J ickson Sts., Chicago, 111. For sale by Brown lirng Cos. Brunswick, Oat ** When you want prompt aetlng UUle pUla that never gripe nee DsWlH'e Little g.rly Risers. W. J. Batts. Your Eyes [D ff | Examined lillLH BY—- Dr. M. HARRIS OF CHICAGO? ILL. Graduate of the Northern Illinois College of Ophthal mology and Ortology, and the Peoria Optical College. Will Be At A, ROTHCHIL-DS For Two Weeks. Advertisers lways PPRECIATE Reaping ich ETURNS A.rvlD THAT IS Regular eturns eported By Advertisers Who Use These Columns. Quantity and Quality of Circulation fives Quantity and Quality to Advertisers And We Give Both —ALSO.—. GUARANTEE TO GIVE SATISFACTION IN JOB WORK. DON’T SEN DT A WAY FOR $ ENVELOPES, LETTER HEADS, BILL HEADS, SHIPPING TAGS, ETC., When you can get them at home for the same price and besides you save the cost of freight and drayage. OUR PHONE IS 31, and a message will receive prompt attention. We don’t mind calling an talking the matter over with you and giving you our estimates, and if we fail to get your- order that is our fault, not yours- ALL WE WANT IS A TRIAL. Times=Call, 206 and 208 Bloucester Street. CHINESE RESTAURANT. ESTBLISHED chue " You-M