The Brunswick times-call. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1900-1902, November 09, 1900, Image 5

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LIST Of Him VOTERS City of Brdnswien for Ye*r 1900. A Aiken, F D ABbell, D H Ames, W C Adams. Augustus Atkinson, R L Abram*. J it Atkinson, D D Augustine, 8 Ashby. Alfß Arnold, C K Asbell, Geo Allen, GC Abrams J H Abbott J E Abbott T J Ammons J M Anierson Win Anderson A O Allen E J Anderson C J Atkinson S C Adams Fred B Blair, MC Brady,C M Cowes, K* Brown, J A Bull, Milo Bogg, A<; * Braxton, Atwell ltuilord, B A Bailey,duck Brantley, WG Bryan,~W W Burble. P G Bva'y, W J Burney, A A Barney, S A firocliutpa< ft A Brersenick, R E Bourne, V C Brcckinton, VV \V Burford. Jt E L Beach, L W Bn n ought l , \V BJr Brobston, Eetoin Baker, M. A si* Buggs, U M Blake, shadrach Brady, tf L Burnett, J M Briggs, C Burroughs, VV B tx jftaaii|A j Jfetnrff a? t ' Burney KB s Banks A (; Borehardtßßu -T ord' Burford J C v. Biuck Dan Baumgartner Bailey W P Bob tie J X gakcr F M Brown F McC Butter T L Blood worth J M Butford S&gb Barnes J II J N Baumgartner It ojfigerris B II Burney E A J B L Butts WJ Broad John Brow-e C F Hu' ts E C Blanton G W B Bunkley J J Boyle Henry Baker A II Boyd J 8 Baker E It Beunet J Baker Nick ' Brazell D Brown J D Bird John Baker L W Btuks E J Boyd Gus Blair O A Bodet L C - Butts BJ Berrie W H Burns S F Brooks Bug *t~ ~ C Cam,.tM)U, John Council. Ben Cobb, Uanaonv Clark, T O Sr - Cassidy, Kd Che.sleu, 3 W Collins, JW Cox, tV R Cate, U V Conyti h, C B Coleuian, D V Coakley, J R Clbwer, M l) Corker, J .1, Colmu.M J Corker, AW Cline, (i W Coker. .1 M Clir.e, W A Connolly, J M Car oil, Bruee Colson .IT t oker W *t C Clark ’ rfl Tr Charlton It D r,]y.; ../ e Alt Creftiacj t,- -j, Oolesberry W B Coleman B P Creamer .1 H Coney E F Cal iaa 0 T Calhoun B C %'ites G W Clarke W B Currie 1) A Cohen Ed C'a houn .1 C Candler C L Carroll L V Christopher H C Calnan C VV Oalnan it E Cook IV B Cook C II Clark R T Clarke (' A? Cheldoit C II Cansej P W l) Daniels, William Dod fliiigt. r, \V F Dai t, J E Davie, David Du liberty, J K Doeniiugvr, (; J Ddtiflihgtr, F Jos Davis’, L IS Daniel, *Mu‘-es I'avn-, Beuston “ dul’iguoii, II F Dart. oho L Daniels, I; U lieni'iig, C VV Dtuij-eicr, WlO J> iiniw, Ifxnt Down?, I’lCi fon I‘avir, J. U B DtmWooily, li F Dent, J iu.i'h Dart, Claude Deans’, ( W dußiguori, JB D.tvid<>n, C E DeVoe, W II Dait Horace Doerfiinger C F Durant Itobt It Dart K M Daws in Luke Dad W It Bart M K Dart II I, ~Da forth J It B -Dllwotth .1 II Dillon D J Dunwody J S Davis .J X Dent W II Dent Henry Dcveraux D II Devaris P ter C Rbiiibiipl. N Ellisor, CliAtlef Kllenrvoof, W G Ev-mp,Titos -* Kvir*f, It II Elk !■, 4 Sliding* J L Elliot C L Edwards T W Engerbr tsen N F * FiorriU, L Flanders, TW r Faftm. B A Fogicr. 1 1) & Farmer. Robart Fied- mk, Hector Fader, G ft Floyd, Virgil r Frunkun, A L Floyd, C W Flanders, A E Fabm, Grover Fain,’ W IS Foucbf, VV K. F!*tn.i*rs, C M Foley Thos Furguson T B Foula Jacob Fouche .1 L Freeman J E Fleming T Q Jr G Green, A Going, J H Gooobtead. Jno W Gowni.C M Gri haw, Grant Gregory, K U Gootlbrcad. C G Go<idbread, b T Good bread. C W Goodyear, C FJr Gill, Lewis Goldsmllb, L Gard r, Jack Good bread, CC. Given, J C Good)eti, C P Go* ton, 8 J Jr Gorton, IT IS G’li, Robert Gay, uF Gantling, Piter Guy, K E Goodhicad, MT George, W H Go’dea.JohuP Greenfield, W Graham, W I Goodbread T B Goe tte Philip Gale H W Green W P Gordon Thos Jr Griffeth J W Green M Jr Girvin H Gonzalez John Gosch Geo Ge'ger B D Gill D J Gr-enfie’dW C Grady P E Goldstein G Gruber Fritz Gaines F B Griffin Lloyd Greenfield W H Gustav sen Frank Garrnett Henry H Holmes, W, H Harrell, M VT Hendrix, Thos H Hodges, M A Hendrix, Bonder Hilton, G F it citing, Dc psey Heidt, J C ,b J Harris, J W lit pkin?, Kit Harvey, fl J Hi rri c , W 3 Hermann, F H urpi r. Geo W Homan, E T Dttni?tn’,JH Hardy, C 'V U: rwy, ll H Hatcher, W C Hitrii-ou, VV .L Higgins, Wm HarOld, J T Hardy, Chaa Hoi an, P a llarnt, Adams Hfrdaway, T J Hendricks, B W Hagerty, E M II rfd C A Heywood A M Harris W H Halxersen Chas Hoyt L D Ho'lingc.worth WiF Hardy K T Haidt L E Hoodenpyle J M Hsrdy WXV Haekett \V A Hitsch R Harvey .rG H'utcsSiinson J.T II 'iris Jacob Harris T o' Hardeastle T II dmos L II Haym LII Hill GI) Hall A J Howard B F Hirseh II Hill Irwin Hoffman J Hardeastle Jas tjoffninn Gus Harrison It B Hobbs Wm Harrison JT Harris j XV HuchJC Herzog Frank Hampton Jcrre Uurralson J A l Isaac, Max Isaac, Mosca Isaac W B Irvine W S J Jennings, J AH Jnques, AD Johnson, Owen* Joques, GF Johnson, Geo L Joerger, F Johnson, Wn J filers, A C Jones, V J JohAnnuMen, Otto Jones, G M Jones G VV Jackson Wash Jackson Sheppard Jon s X Jordan B L Johnson It U Jeffers C i’ Jones C O Roller, 1) L Krause, l> W Rnud-en, l’eter Kelt, Butler K;i(, W K Keel), J.if King, J T Kennedy James Knight Allen Kaiser M Right X 9 K uilil) J It Ring II M rviUU-'S li it / 1. Lobar k, WIH Lott, J J Lgrstit, 1 Lang. W L Larsen OA L mm. Le> Loayy, A 11 Lamb, T L I wavy, LJJr Lev i Mil, s-ig JiCV’.u M, K-iUfcrt. Line, J k La tub,.l I.- Lip(M)y,B P L vinb igtir, J T latiiwlK, L Ij> wv 1 M Lari bright I’ ( Lol'tin It E Li mas J LuMiAtiCb H .13 Lincisuy R E Leo H B Lolu.i Henry L ’Kirr J< s F L ods Gob Lurkie P J Liberman S Lange L Lew h F P M in Mas. n, C H fx. 1 U Ma .1 R Not .'h, J K B Mett. T L Merc.ii hi , nn ill is .Mat a.\v ; , W H 'er it * 1 ti, (Ml Matt new I ', Jos MocK, M VV- Jf a. tin, l rank Mo r. in, JR M‘w*k,JA Muililin,RA May, .. ill ius Moore, (! C Alourc. J V Mill, r, II M Jklflier, J U M ’l‘gan, W K Mliior, tlejbjrt ’'.non,,l K jr Marti r, M J Mai roc, G \ York VV G MyJ.ff Jos M '.sbv J M Maboney Wm Marcibiu Toney Mock C S rtzgtv’J Yro /kowski T K Mark* Max It Martin Cba Murray John MRebeli V R Ma#on VV M Mem or v S F Miller H A Meyer F W N; ilier Cos stan- Morgan J K v'oore VV JJ Mil Ter T B Miller L A Marks B Madden J M Miu iu L J Mat liews J T Mack Jos Meddlin J A Moore J> D Miller W W Mil'er W B Mai lon JI) Mitchell Newman Martin O A Mi Id Teton Wash Moore J E Miller Harry Morrison I I) Me McKentie, W 31 McCafrklll, I> Mclutyrc, soh.mon McCmiley, Oieir McGarxey, C McCullough, J 11 MoCoary, H 8 McCullough, O H McCullough J 8 McCullough C T McCrary vV A McLaughlin R M McDonald W C McGougan E L McAllister H ll Mc Ju.lugh RB McTigbe E J McCardel C A McCall fj * X Nixon, IT Newkirk. J 8 Nev kirk O U Noble R L Xl<litirii.'a'c Wm Xc-wm id Tobias THE BRUNSWICK NOVEMBER 9. 1 -^>o Orr, G J O’Connor, Thomas Odham, L D Ogg, C D Owens, G W Owens, J W Owens, A L Odum, J W Owens W T Olsen Jas Owens R E Oliver Thos Owens T F reiiiiiman, R A Pitcher, Geo L Pyles,. 1) B Putnam, A V Potter, W A Purcell, R A Prayor, Jos 1 orter, W E Pfeiffer, Fred Pick, T J Peters, Alix Parnell, J T -,.^ Peat eon, J B Pierce, JM Ponder, 1) R Peters, VV J Farke’*,CL * Peters, R W Parker, C D Poore, J E Pierce, J C Perry J J Padrosa Bcn : to Persons L E Pearson Flias Ponder GF PolbiU J H Porter C B Palmer A Pfeiffer Ed Parker W L P* arson B E Peek .1 E Pinkney L P Powell B T Pyles Or on Putnam E A Pyles R S u Read, H J J s Russell, 0 A Itinidoljdi, H B Richardson, G W Robart s, H E Robinson, BX Russell, N D Rudolph, .J A Rig'bco, A KaUton,G A sr Raytnnd, H II ft'unrfba, Jno I) " lioSs\wv>vuv G A RObinSon, A G Hassell L M Richards J J • KothoU Alex Rothplz Jake Boss A M Rothschild Abe ihvlston G A Jr Ragowin P Tv ss J D Rpbarts 0 P Reynolds O RagJand R F .8-. • Strickland, A C fttetner, C A Byuioi b, W F SUosppel, W A Stiickland, J j Sawyer, U At Sowell, Peter Segul, P A Short,Chrji T.ewis Stevenson, Hen y Southa and, J M Blmekleford, W J §trickland, W V Spa ks. J D Smith, eonrad > vraons, II U lyraous, J ft M .- 1 1th, A M Bnodgraa8 v 8 M samiei s, Dock ftyimneiii, Courtlahd- * ’ MCinor, C L ftapp, Jf I> . i ylv'* i Frank Segui.J.l S nrletl. F M Shiver, H H /' ■ Btahl H H SummernlfF G Siofcum W L Satterliwaitc J^^roy Smith W A ;V Sapp (I H Smders 0 A"' Smith Geo H Stephens E L r Smith W I Spears J .1 Sheppard J E Stock well L K Stallings 1> B Summerlin J H Stiles J C Smith Abr Strickland E S Skipper VV R Speer W L Steve* s Cor eiius SweeDwind Tony T l’lio I . J W Taylor, C H Taylor, W J Tray lor, A a, W K Taylor, W <i T,-t.air, Asbori-y Turner, K A Tatiiall, Marry TosUmson, Sam Tread, el!, W B Taylor, C A Tlnau;.Ro:i, Tho. >1 Traylor, A J Tuclc r, W .S TI ton. C M Tatt, C 8 Twit y F E Taylor R fl lui'ncr Slay Tippins T L Totpusiintl A O Topper VV M . Ta butt *■ VV Tabbott E 8 Ta .butt I VV Tuppcr E C Tliortpn ' i' Tliariu G X Tavlc-r II E Tan 1 estop J H j 1 I'Won my Jho H Tifon A'belt Titus S G Tupper if If u I'lscli, P M V V.ek -i -, .1 J Von Welle-!' J, J Vinter G o VV Walla, y, .1 W Wallace VV VV.!,- ,I. C Welly, OS icier. ' k SV .(kin ~i ,V V li, M J) Wee/., \ 0 VV ll liM', .**. lie: VViditMj-ly, c H '.- ri til, D in-an Walker, It K Vv ,a/ins, Samuel Wtiitfieli), It VV L Wooii,.l W VV o id, A V W b . ( VV 'Vig'it, JH WefJtlu. .1 A Wniton, Burr Wilder, A F Way, W J Winter. Til F Wn'kor, B J Way, A M Wrench, A W.gion ,11 F White J D M bite 'V E Ward UK Wimberly .J J Wood VV N Wilcwkd Wilson J M Warlike A F Wright J D White R A Jr Wood L A Williams Gilbert Waff Ralph Wright 9 H Waiter ED Wright JW Williams Moses Wai e VV vV WilcharJ L W right E W Wright Geo Williams Jeff Wright RCharles Williams Kd T V'onna, G J Young, J 15 Whites f>:V) Colored 7(1 Total 711 A LAND-SLIDE. J m Carter is having a laud slide i dyeing clothing. He represents th leading dyeing establishment of Ba vannati, and the Brunsaiek psopio are.catcMog on, for ,hey always grab i h good tning when they see if. HJ Sil? Pfiiif j|||l nmr Perfumes and Toilet Articles Wh have just received anew supply of a well sidocted stock of Perfumes and Toilet Soaps, and now have on hand most of the sp e’ai odors in both imported and do mestic, goods from the very best maiiuf act us ers. It Will Cost You Nothing. To examine our stock before niakiog xcor purchases We will always give you our very best attention and will take ereat pleasure in showing you anything in our store, whether yru are ready to buy or hot. We Have Just What You Want In Drugs, Perfumes, Soaps, Patent Medicines' .?.ud such other Sundries as are usually found in a modern drug store- If you should want liftyrrnv'#, not to be had in our mar ket we will be more than glad to get it for you in our next order. We are .here to serve you at any time. v • Our Prescription Department Is.filled with a fine assortment of new and fresh medicines for doctors’ prescriptions. Yolrneod not hesitate to send us y iur prescriptions to fill, as we give this department Oifr personal attcuHon.. Our experience dates back for about one quarter of a century, Perfect satisfaction guaranteed to every lady. Why not call and see us- SMITH'S PHARMACY, The Cash Druggist, 131 Newcastle, Corner Monk. All kinds of Fancy Oakes fresh at “The City Bakery.” corner Monk and Newcastle K. and. DoERFLTNfIER. . ' 'J -CALIs or? L. A. Miller for —— m Gf!s3 Wenller Boortlii 1 Cdllilio 331 fill'll Large Stock Just iCcccivcd. , Cornet-lliy and Mun.Aeld, I-n ,i • 177 I Only nlat.e in loAn where kil l dried noioar <; n be bought. rimuc h\ r k i.i'orgfa—* loim yof Glynn. Under |iOv\< rof 8 ile con Imu and in that eer **..! dr-d to • ure Jcbt from U. V. C rrol| i.> M .1 Ij. Parke;, aid derd being ■ c >rded in Vol U'f f I ' !o UuTn Will bfisl i/t*forc tin; d"or of urt le line oi sai l coutttv. in Hr ■ •iihwßJk, O oi jcl , on ilio first lin -d„y in ••cftinlM ■- pro It o, l** weeft Ho* lc. no ii s of hlr* to thf inuh >t ami b si bid dar. for tsh. ail of that or tain trnet, lot or t are* lof lil'nj.'* I i-tii- in nil and > j ly in<l t•, b it a* mm'c n•• If of tin* cs-ty o< I’.o iMvtch, <n the *4th dirt i<’tG M, of >i,i o > ;ut , and . hr V,ed in a b ed from K, M Twiner to s>J.i Carroll, m 2 > am , h of Lind, having the f blow - ing mursHis, and glances and .iduio&sur, no-uts to sin ('oinmcndiig at a pine ire.-on tlu: pot. LeiOulwa dm*, Irom i** kaovnaith* Old Chap to he Bnudor Cos uJbread Pin em ruiiiiiuff thence sou h M ''egreea uhiiins and 43 links to a stake: thence mtilling nortti 7 degrees welt, 7 chain- and fill uoi.h to a pne tree; them e running north 37 degrees east 31 chains and 45 Inks to u blHfk gum tre: then v rim ing south 70 degrees east, 7 hai h iii| ro links to the fniti l point; mlira' th e oded on tin* nor;hby iftndg of estate of If. C. Cay on ;t>e e tr. by said p iblic ro and frden Oid co tpd r, rtiu ftoudo (><sHlbratl P):icb,om the •outh b\ pub rm I and lands if 8 m:iu h. Miller.and on > iat byUii"B and a’iid >f.nteof aai d*t; At * place Whereat tins *a id f; roil op’e >i s a amtrll cun try farm, known a.-> Carrol f arm. Also that oertam other tract, of l ml. in said county anu d ! trlc , contain np ft .*ct s of land, adjoining the naot abovedescribed, m i bs ng pie Ocularly denct iberi an to o'irac and olsta ee*. in aid de**d to secure debt from sal i Carroll loMru Park<r two trie..* of land to he sold aa lb o"itv f said C. V Carroll *o a itiufy tl nin \ ;h. die a- named i t sal 1 a*" and ire <teot. A \ In ?•’> [>r i ,ej slw.rh * ...j cent inte’-o*t tl'fwniro Aihicli Ist j.ksi, >n*n pm !. lie nl les , H costs or this safe as provided for In aid deed to scouro debt. Por ; rpa>sio titles. This .Novo*< ear Otb. 190. I, \ OAKKO/.J*, (irantoc P.y RUtS M.L l* sKK&K,hifl a <ut f and rv - to* noj in fid under .. . power pf afui. - ittid*, if ra Prickly ash bitters 1 Cure, the KIDNEYS, the LIVER, the 9TCMACH and the BOWELS. J Hh th HurCtr! a- r*n*. R IPArN S timies Doctors find A Good Prescription lor mankind •J** T* ■■Pk* 4 MM (tMUMUI ML P. DEV ARTS, mows bif T. POOL, Contractor and Ruilder,] 1M) .Sou’b S'onw*ar, r*fr et. - C.EOKGIA. n- coin. ISPi339r cut. a Old PI ccnta