The Brunswick times-call. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1900-1902, November 09, 1900, Image 6

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SOLICIT FOR GOOD CAUSE Oiletlorp Memorial Asso ciation issue Anneal. Tbs following; is an address issued by tbe Oglethorpe Memorial Assoois tion and it should meit with a hearty response from tbe public: •‘To tbe public— “Tbe undersigned bave formed a chartered corpora tion, whose object will be tbe erection at Frederica, of a monument in mm ory of Gen. James Edward Oglethorpe. In tbe one hundred and aixty-eigbe year* that bave elapsed eince tbe founding of tbe colony, we have grown from a population of one hundred and aeventy souls to more than 2,000,000, and from a struggling colony n a. great state. To %'A those years and with great growth, tbera naa not been placed even one tablet in booor of tbe man to whom we owe almost our very existence ae a state. Glynn county was bis obosen place of residence and on Bt. Simou’s Island is situated tbe only home he ever owned In tbe new world. The association deems it a very fit and proper thing that oitizene of tbeatate and oounty should erect a etone to tbe memory of one who in life furniebed the brightest example in history of that highest of Cbrialian virtue, obarity and salf-abaegation, and whose life was consecrated to the 'kr stnggllng oolony of Georgia. We ask of tbe pnbllo men, women and dbil dren, such aid as they oan extend to ward the furthering of this objeot. “Bubsoriptione will be reoeived and acknowledged by any of tbe associa tion. Chas. S. Wylly, James L Foster Walter G. Charlton, C. Downing, W. B. Burroughs, f). Watson Winn.” RESPONSIBLE WOMEN oan add easily to their Inoome by eerning a commission, and also an opportunity to share in our distribution of $17,600 in oaeh, by taking subscriptions for tbe Delineator, No outfit required. Costs only a postal card to enable vou start. Address Butreriok Publishing Cos., Dept. D, 17 West 13th st., New York. Keferenoes: Any bank or ex press agen Have you u sense of fntluesston tbe region your stomach after eatlugf It so you will be, benefited by using Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablet*., They alto cure belching and sour stomach. They regulate tbe bowels too. Price Me. Sold by Bishop's Drug Store. More Fat * Bananas! We’re at it again, and have another large stock of real fancy BIG FAT BANANAS! / This i* the kind that’s really ’i delicious to cat. Only lGc and dozen. j LLGYjMf | thonJl g (Next door to[Flemlng A WeffP CURBS BLOOD AND SKI* TROUBLES. Trisl Treatment Free, I T' nr hiooe pur.? Are yon erne of 11? D • on s or scratches heal slow ly? Do-i y ur shin i'ch or burn? li*v* you pi(i|pi*? E-vip iopr? Ach ing bi>ne' or i.nes*? E zeitis'? Old Sr- ? BoiJ>? Scrofnl>f Rbeurnt firu'? Fiml Brevi? Os'arrb? Are you pal-? Then B. 15. B. (Botanic Blood Burn) 1 purify your blood, heal every sore, and giv- a e'esr, smooth, healthy skin. D-ep-4-a'eiT cates, like ulcers, canoer, easing sores, Painful Swellings, Blood Poison, are quickly cured by Botanic Blood Balm. Cures when all else fails. Tburo -gbly tested for thirty years. Drug e'orrs, $1 peg large bottle. Trial treatment free by writing BLOOD BALM CO„ Atlanta, Ga. Deaoribe trouble —free medical advice given. Over 3,000 vol untary testimonials of cures by B. B. B. NOTICE TO VOTERS. Brunswick, Nov. 3,1900. To tbe Voters of 26tti Dist. G. M., Glynn County:—l reepectfnlly solicit tbe votes, and ask tbe support y/l my friends snd fellow-oilVzsns of tbe 20tb Diet. Q. In., of Glynn county, for the office of Justice of tbe Peace for said District, at the election to be held next month, December, 1900. Respectfully, A. W. COUKEU, Lumber Inspector. An antiseptic after shaving. Clark, tbe barber. Jim Carter recognizes no competi tion in cleaning and pressing oiotbes. The proflt of a gold mino depends, not on the amount of rock crushed under the stamps but upon the amount of gold which can be extract ed from the rook. In a similar way the value of food which it oaten docs not depend on the quantity which It taken Into the itomach bat upon tho amount of nourishment extracted from It by the organa of nutrition and digestion When these organs are diseased they fall to ex tract the nourishment in aatUcicnt quantities to supply tho needs of the several organs of ,tho body and these organs cannot work without nourishment. The result is heart trouble, liver trouble and many other ailments, Dr. Pierce's bidden Medical Discovery, acting on every or aa of the digestive and nutritive system, re orea It to hoalth and vigor. It cures diseases remote from the stomach through the stomach In which they originated. Golden Medical Discovery contains neither slcohol nor nsr coties. Do not getscxred if your beart trou blkyou. Most likely you suffer from indigestioo. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure digrats what you eat, and gives tbe worn out stomach perfeot rest. It is tbe only preparation Known that com pletely digests all classes of foods; that is why it curss tbe worst oases of indigestion and stomach trouble after everything else hae failed. It may be taken in ail conditions, and cannot help but do you good. W. J. Butts. LOW RATES—VIA. THE PLANT SYSTEM To Savannah, Ga., for tbe Elks’ Grand Carnival and Street Fair, No vember 6th to 17tb. One fare for the round trip. Tickets to be sold Novem ber 6th, 7th, 9th, 12tb, 14th and 16tb, with final limit to 18tb. A splendid program of attraotiooa hue been ar ranged. Plant System tioket agents will give full particblsrs. B. W. Wbbkn, Passenger Traffio Manager, Savannah, Ga. For Backache use STUART’S GIN and buchu: Ki ns Ki-na.—Quinine in a tsstslCss form, without effecting Us medicinal value, combined with asutonllhl and Iron. Just the thing for children. Pleasant to taka, lie a hottte. For tale by W. J. Units, the druggist. Chamberlain's Btomach and Liver Tablets cure biliousness, oonstlpatlon and headache They ere cney to take and pleasant in effect For tale at Bishop's Dm," Store. For Bladder Troubles use STUART’S GIN and BUCHU. Jim Carter will send for your jold clothes and make them new, and ebarge you eomparatlvat^M^iog. r ld f Ml iliks, rSMFSfTarpetSWi? jfw, 'Watkins. THE BRUNSWICK TIMES-CALL NOVEMBER 9, 1900 QTEBITOS3 AVWSFtBO. Yes, AugusC.Flower still has the largest aalejof any medicine la the civ ilized world. Your mothers and grand mothers never thought of using any thing else for ind l gas-lon or bilious ness. Doctors were scarce and they seldom'heard of apeadicitls, nervous prostration, heart failure, eio. They used August Flower to clean out the system and stop fermentation of undi gested food, regulate tbe acnon of the liver, stimulate the action of tbe ner vous and organic system, and that is all they took when feeling dull and bad with headache and other ,'achea. You only need a few doses of Green'* au gust Flower, In liquid form, to make you satisfied there is. nothing serious the matter with 71U Sample bottles at Butts drugstore or Brown Drug C Should bn la eysry household made Cine chest- Tt afford* certain relief Don’t be deceived or humbugged by people who claim tbe discovery of some hitherto on known herb or root in swamps, or on some mountain or prairie (or tbe cure of kidney snd bladder troubles, Any doctor!ordruggiat with tell you that such Claim* or fraudulent. Foley’s Kidney Cure simply contains remedies that are recognized by the most skilful physicians as beat for then* complaints, so don’t be credulous or foolish. W. J. Butts. 'reeling* of safety pervade tbe house hold that uses One Mi onto Cough Cure, the omy harmless remedy tbst pro duces fmmedists results. It is iufslii bls for cough*, oolds, croup, snd all tbroat and lung troubles. P will pre vent consumption. W. J. Butt*. An anttseptie aftefjcbsnng, Clark, tbe barber. For Diabetes use STUART’S GIN ahd BUCIIU. Dr. M. Harris, of Cblosgo, will te*t your eyes free of obargs. He wilt be at my store for two weeks, A. Uocbild. No other pille oso equal DeWltt’e Little Early Rieers for promptoeec, ertaioty and effloienoy. W. J. Butte. CASTOR IA For Infanta and Children. Tbs Kind Yon Hays Always Bought For Sprains, swellings and lameness tbere nothing so ood as Obamberlaln’s Fain Balm Trv U. For ante at Dr. Bishop’s drug store. Violet aud Lilac Cresm after shar ing ii soothing. Can only bs bad at Clark’s barber shop. George A. Points, Upper Sandusky, 0., writes: “I bave been using Fo ley’s Honey and Tar for hoarseoesi, and find it tbe best remedy I ever tried. It stopped tbe oougb immedi mediately, aud relieved all soreness.” After exposure or when you feel a cold coming on, take Foley’s Honey and Tar. It never fails to cure, and Will prevent poeumynia or consump tion if taken In time . Half the World is ia Darkossj as to the caused their ill betllh. If they would start to treat their kidneys with Foley’s Kid ney Cure, the weariness of body snd mind, back acbe . headache and rheumatic pains would disappear. IV. J. Butte. Money loaned on personal property and real estate. Ap ply to J. W. Watkins. ttIDNETDISEASES are®die most fatal of all dis eases. cm CY f C KIDNEY CURE Is 1 iULII O Buerantiidßemedy or money refunded. Contains remedies recognized by emi nent physicians as the best for Kidney and Bladder troubles. PRICK 50c. and SI.OO. <> W. J. Batts, tbe Drugist. To Stop s Gold. After exposure or when you feel a coldcom- Ing on tako a doe of Foley’s Honey and Tar. It never fails to atop a cold it token in time. W J. Bolts. Violet and Lilac Cream after ebav iog is soothing. Can only be had at Clerk's barber shop. If a Woman < ) wants to put out a Fire she doesn’t ' heap on oil and wood. She throws jf on water,knowing that waterquenches 1% fire. When a woman wants to get < well from diseases peculiar to her sex, \ \ she should not add fuel to the ftre < > already burning her life away. She * should not take worthless drugs and ] \ potions composed of harmful narcot < ics and opiates. They do not check 1 the disease —they do not cure it—they i simply add fuel to the fire. * Bradfield’s Female Regulator should be pf taken by every woman , or girl who has the tJ stfghtest suspicion of ya any of the ail menu which af flict women. be wanting time until they take it. The Regulator ia Itren gt h ec i ng tonic, which eeta 1 1 ' " at the root* otthe disease and cures the cause. It does not drug the pain, it eradicates it. It stops falling of the womb, leucotrhea. infiamaiation and periodical suffering, ir regular, scanty or painful menstruation; and by doing all this dHves away the hundred and on# aches and pains which drain health <Ld beauty.. vnd temper from many a l woman’s fife. It is th one remedy above all others ! which every woman should know about and use. 1 * anj drug store. Hb Send for our free Illustrated book. OJ. -JTOH.X.A.. Bwntks Kind Im Haw Alwajsßoogtt Tbe Plut System will sell round trip tioket* fr the annual fair, Vf *y~ oroi* Fair As-.ociation, at one fare from Tbom*ville, Albany, Savannah. Brunswick, Jacksonville, Tj*k City, Monoicellp and intermediate points, A splsudid program of at>raetioa( has been arranged and visitors will be writ eeterta ned. B. W.Wlia, Passenger Traffio Manager, B ivannsb. Go. Rainy Day flats. Tho very batt of th* to >*t favored shapes are shown In oar s^K>rtra‘*ni. Trimmed n: "slrnaei M fits in variety of ghttiwa, styles and colors. Wh tiave bought and in vie them up to soil to tho*n who desire someUnn* Serviceable, yet pretty; good, bat low priced. Then© arc right and priced right. HISS KATE SLATER. 604 GLOOCKBTBH, ST., Money to Lend on Improved Real Estate. Apply to W. Merchant, Secretary, or F. E. Twlity, Attorney, of the ATLANTIC INVESTMENT CO. WaU Paper ATiTHE PAINT STORE, 502 MonklSt. W:H. LYTLE PROPRIETOR. SHAKE INTO YOUR3HOSS., a'powOer. It care* pstnfai, smarting, nervous trot and Ingrowing matontly t*e* tho sting out of corns and bun ion*. Ifa tbe greatest oomfyrt discovery of the ace. Allen's Foot-Kase make* light or new shoes feel easp. It Is a certain enre for sweat ing. cations and hot. tirsd, aching feet. Try it today. Sold by oil druggists and shoe stores. By mall for Me in stampe, Trial package Free. Addrees Allen s.otmstead, Le Hot, N, Y. Bhav* at Clark’a, tbe only barber •bop 1b town using Rochester elarilfzer eharged wib Bora Pb*nol. nraug^t . as beautiful to look upca ss it is palatable arid s' .like. PLANT SYSTEM PASSENGER DEPARTMENT. 7~~T~~ kSad ikswn ' i no. e: Tim© labl® ne ss Kffeetivc oct 1,190). Psseenger Mixed Passenger Mixed Dailv. Daily. IS HOprn... 1 45*m... ar Tifton lv 150 pm.... 215 am.... " I 00am.. Iv Tlftlon \r , 2 00am.... . JMftfHU... 4 00am... ar Albany Iv 12 * 4 19pm... 628 am... ar Charleston Iv .... 1215um"..*. ‘ill**- H ?••• “ iv * 50.*.:.. ais pm... ii os am... ar lioim***utm iv ........... 8 15am • • e. .10 00pm ar Tampa lv b OOpir VIA WAYCROSS A MONTGOMERY. gooa.n.., 5 ipm — lv Bn-nswlck ar 6 00pm... 10 00a m • ••■ 9 40pn>. 810 am... ai Montgomery lv 746 pm IS 76am... 11 69am... ai Birmingham lv 406 rm !" * 8 60ara ... 7 10 pm... ar Nasnville lv 9 00am ISS6pm... 380 am... ar Louisville lv 3 66 am —• 7 18pm... 730 am., ar Bt. Louis lv 865 pm ’!! -nq— — - ■ v U ’, VIA SAVANNAH AND CHARLESTON. 18 oo am.. 646 pm. |Lv Brunswick Ar 800 pm 000 am ... 13 10am.. 13 10am . Ar eavannah Lv 520 am 4 19,im.. 6 28am. Ar (.harts, Ml Lv 1116 pm Iri am 7 36pm Ar Richmond Lv .... 186,tilt, .... 110 M svn i ’s’Jo'am IAT , W/i i fclpMa ’Lv ....‘,1., BMsm : 1 Upm TOO am lAr Sew Toft Lv 3spm BETWi:KN BRUNBWICH AND SAVANNAH VIA JESUP. . 1015 am . 1310 am |ar Savannah lv 836 pm.. 8 00pm . | Direct cocnscSlon made at Wavcroaa With Tollman Bleeping Can foi all points. Between Port Tampa, Kay West and Havana. GOING. I RETURNING Lv Port Tampa 11 00 pm Mon. Thors Bat. I Ar Port Tampa 3 *0 am Thor. Son. and Tnc*. Ar Key West 8 0) pm ftte*. Frl. Ban I Le Key West 10 OOp. m. Wed. Bet. snd Men..... Lv Ksy West 9 00 pm Tum. Frl. Sunday Ar Key West 9 00 pm Wed. Bat. and Mon Ar Havana 5 00 am Wed. Bat Mon I Lv Qavana 3 80 pm Wed. Bat. and Mon Kiiciii mi toil When tbe liquid* couae from out stock. W# carry uch a fine line of that It ia impossible to find a brand which is not pleasing In some point, These goods are folly matured, have a fine rich body and mellow ,■ Excellent for family or any use. • R-73V- DOUGLAS. J, J. LISSNER, WH O LKSAJ.E Groceries, Tobacco, Flour, Bacon and Provisions, GRAIN,' HAY AND BRA"N K SPECIALTY. 216 Bay Street, Brunswick, Georgia. W H. BOWEN. J. . N. BRADT BOWEN & BRADT, ArvJCDI BUILDERS] Of Stone. Brick and Frame Building Manwfaetwrcra at CMaOMt, VH*sa(rAnifle(RlhStD>