The Brunswick times-call. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1900-1902, November 09, 1900, Image 8

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Wedding Presents In cut glass or silver are the most lasting and appreciated. We have a fine line of French china that we are of fering at very low prices; Your inspection solicited. KENNON MOTT, Jeweler and Graduate Ootician. 115 Newcastle Street, Inspector ot Wstchca for Southern Railway. Time by Wire daily from Washington Coney <& Parker DEALERS in Coal and Wood, Brick, Lime, Cement, Plaster, Hair, Shingles’and Laths. Phone 18- 525 Bav St. Pay Your Election Bets With a Dunlap or Stetson Hat. If the wager is for Shoes Burt and Packard are Standard, fit either Democratic or Republican Heads and Feet. Either Gold ok Siever Taken- LEVYS 25 pair Ladies button Shoes nar row toes 1 to J in size, price former ly $3.00, until sold they go for 75 cents BRUNSWICK TiMES-CALL, NOVEMBER 9, 19Uo, One of the approaching weddings of ntxt week will be Mrs. Augusta E. Brown to Mr. L. Vernon Carroll which will ocaor Wednesday evening, Ibe 14 b, at 8 o'clock, Pir.t Metbodist church. R-v . Game will perform the ceremony. They b)th have a large circle of friends who wish them ail happiness and success in their new life. Immediately after the oersmony they will leave for a tour tbroogh North Carolioa, Mr. Carroll’s old home. WHY HE RESIGNED. Capt. Id Dtrt G.vea the Timks-Call Hi. R-aaona. Elsewhere in this iua will be found In the rfficial proceedings of city coun cil, wb-re Capi, U. Dart tendered bit resignation as a member of that body. Capt. Dart was teen by jt Times Call reporter laal night, ant, in answer to inqutriea at to wbj be reaig nd, be •aid : . ' > “Councl and myself diff-r ao ma _A. tonally aa to the propriety of its > ffi cial action In sending a r*quest or consent io 'he court to pay over monthly rtjQg Hr. U.rveyV lamiljr $75 from (he iooome of his believing as I d<i that it in., a matter entirely In t h* dkMre/ioo of thecoU% and that council, it a reqoffat or consent, In executive aeasio* .at otherwise, should have euggested to the court the direction given to the” matter, that to remain longer a mem ber of council, after I tailed in'my effort to have them rescind the resolu tion, would be ao approval qjt acqui escence ou my part of the action taken.” *.. A Frightful Blunder Will often cause* horrible Burn. Scald. Cut or Bruise. Bucltlee's Aruie* Sulvo, the best in the world, will kill the pain tnd promptly heel it. Cures oid horei, Fever,Soroe, Vloece, Boll* Felons, Corns, sll Skin Eruptions Beat File eureon esrth. Only 85 ct*. * bo*. Cure gusr anteed, Sold by all druggist. — T> Share at Clark’s, the only barber shop in town using Rochester sterilizer obarged mtb Boro Phenol. A MACKINTOSH MANUFACTORY The leading msoklntosh manufac tory establishment in the world is rep resented hero by Jon Carter, the only estabM-bed clo'btng agent in Ihe city. The select styles, end surprisingly low prices quoted on thiee popular gar ments, otu’t be equaled-anywhere else in the city. Ii wU pay anyone ts see Carter's Une of >smpt", Jim Carter s 'he man ' have clean your cl >’h •*. • UEi'IUE NOW, Now that the election is over, you should decide to let Jitu Carter dean your old olothing. To have your c'o’hing sa'iafsctorily dyed, *t Jim Osr'or, at 504 Monk e’ret. Bu-oeit’s Sp-otal Mix’ure 1s uu equsled a milk producer. WHEN LAGRIPPE ' BEGINS, CURE IT! If you wait yon will be sorry. People take qa] runs (or it, and when they are well, the * (Toots of InOrtpps and qnlntna together, often cause more sickness. JOHRSON'B CHILL i ' FETIR SONIC Cure* in a Day or Night. No bad effect* are felt and yon don*t hav* to put yourself on a steady diet of it, aa yon do with quinine. Mr. Vf. W. Caldwell, of Chicago, w rites that eight doses taken In one day cured him completely. It will ounjooi 800. per botttrtf ft cures. Not one eent U it does not eore. A. B. 01RARDEAU, 9 Savannah, O*. BID ON CRUISERS. Plans For New Vessels Distributed Yiß'.trday. Wanbiugton, Gov. B—The8 —The plans f. r the new cruisers weredtstribu e l to day, and toe bids are to be opened DfCiinl) r 7 . The maximum lime al lowed for completion is 36 month. ! r each vessel Of the six armored oruir ers fur wbiob bids are asked, three are to b. sheathed, aod tbe other, un sheathed. The navy a- parim-nt re serves tbe right to adopt either form of oooslrooilon. The l mit of coat of tbreeof Ibe ships, ss authoriz'd by congress is $4,000,000 each, and ot three others $4,250,000 each. Tbe main oatteries will oonsiet of fonr Bmch bresob loading rifles of 45 ol>brt, length, md fonr een 6 inch breech loading rapid fire rifles of 50 c*l>bre teog'h. The secoodary battsrtcs will eooslst of eighteen i inch breeoh load ing rifles, twelves pounder guns, four 1 pounder automatio guns, four 1 pounder tingle shot guns, two 3 Inch field guns, two machine guns, six automatic guns and two submerged torpedo tubes. Board of Trade An nual Meeting Today, Nov. 9th, n a. m„ City M; \ ■ Therein do pl*wu,r<Mh yea Ornad going •<> the table to sag atwf esß’t tee* at tiqjbt on ac count ot indigestion, floury WltfiantSi of Boonvllle, Ind., wife ho suffered that way for years, till ho commenced the use of KodOlT>ys pepdetiure, and adds: ‘Sow lean eat any thing I like and all I want and sleep soundly every night.*- Kodot Dyspepsia CiiFawill di gest what Von eet. W. J. Butts. of. . Tou can't afford to eiskyour Ufa by allowing a cough era cold to develop into pneumonia or oonaumptloh. One Mlnuta Congh Cure will •me throat and lung troublee nulcker than any other preparation known. Many doctor, nee it as a specific for grippe. It is an infallible remedy tor croup. Children like It and moth ers endorse it. W. J. Butt/ m STOLEN OR 1.08 T. Lsrge, blue speokled, pointer dog; abort tail, bead blaok; limps on fore foot, toe cut; named “Pedro." Any information in regtrd to dog will be gladly received by John B. Dart. ANNOUNCEMENT. To the voters of ihe 26th District U. M., Glynn couuty; I herebv solicit the support of thi voters of arid district at the election to be held lor justice of the peace on the first Saturday in December next. If elected wIR endesvor to perform tbe duties of said office faithfully. Respectfully, Jas, T. Lamukiqut. Going Fast. Now Soup Beans, New Georgia Syrop, Dive Qualls, If its good we have it. PHONE 158. a m . genuine > OLD FASHIONED Molasses Candy. “As Ever Unexcelled.” 10 Cents. W J BUTIS, The Druggist. “On the Corner.” Brown Drug Qb. LEADING DRUGGISTS. Are headquarters for [everything in the drug line. Our stock of Toilet Articles is complete. We carry the finest stock of Soaps and Per fumery in the city. Prescriptions accurately compounded by compe tent men day or night. Opera Glasses for Rent. BROWN DRUG CO. Druggists to the People. FRESH LOT^gg NUNNALLY’S CANDIES. I RUGS In tapestry 22^ wards, in latest designs and patterns. Fresh and new goods arriving weekly. See our new Mil Did COIS. LOOK THE WORLD OVER AND YOT CAN’TUBEAT CREAM OF KENTUCKY Whisky SI.OO PER QUART; $4.00 PER GALLON. NOT MADE BY A:TRUSr_— I. Trager& Cos,, Independent Distillers. Soldj'Exclusively! in Braunswick by 206 Bay Street* Tbe World Listens When Leaders Talk. This is as true of Jthe Fur niture business as of state craft, mfciirally, we we have considerable pride in being LEADERS IN OUR BUSINESS. Quite a strong expression, but quite easily proven—the fur niture and prices to be the evidence, you to be both judge and jury. Come and be con vinced.