The Brunswick times-call. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1900-1902, November 10, 1900, Image 4
lit* 1)1 Ullij fi ivIL IllllCo* Established 1889. The Brunswick Call. KtUbluhed 189 % The Brunswick Times-Call, CONSOI4DATED WOO. MliiM KVEKY MORNING EXCEPT MONDAY. AJtTHUE H. LEAVY ----- Editor BOLAND A. MULLINS, Btuineu Manager I in Oglethorpe Block, *ll VStreet orriiK j iBLAriiONM mo si. TO 80B80BIBBK8: Bnbaoriben are requested to notify the office (Mu they fall to get any lue of the Timea- OaU. Attention to this matter will be nppra alated by the publUhera. * The Tluea-Call .will .be Delivered by carrier or mail, per year. 15.00; per week 16 east*. Correspondence on live subjecte ■elicited. Seal name of writer ehonld ac company aame* Snbecriptione payable in advance, failure to receive paper ehonld be reported to he bnainaee office. Address all ecu munlcationi to THJC TIMES-CALL, lirunawiok.Ga. NOTICE. Heresfter all legal advertise ments must be paid for after the first insertion. The management has been pat to a great deal of trouble aud delay In collecting in the past, and in future must take advantage of the Georgia law on this subject. Oot. 10,1900, AS TO UNIFORM TEXT BOOKS. There are pending before the Gen eral Assembly of Georgia some bills of more than local importance but several Jajghich every locality In. the state is vitally interested. Various members hare seen fit since (he opening dey to introduce bills with sundry captions but all tending toward one end—that of -uuUormity In teft books for the Schools of Georgia. Wo have studied this question thoroughly, and con nay ‘that a more Iniquitous arhcnie >m ,e the reina of school government, out of the hands of li cal hoards of education and pile? them In the li no oi a “oom tuia.-lon”—aio e eorr.'etly .peeking— “a trust," was i.ever dsylßed,tr so'iaUt to oe exec >ted. I'he school book pub lishers, in whose interests this Uul forraity ul i, seams t, be vrlic lly diiyu vised is oou of 'he ws'-si .of Us hind in thecountr>. It's * trns, test ics.a with the education of ourohUdren sad thus delivers a blo.v at *h<‘ very foul, datlou of our rowing noumoud sn l womanhood. Tlao Eugilsh lSLguago Coatslns m words savero ODOcgb m couderanal >n o' ~ -ih'uie to (she "s the par nts and touchers the lights V,o be '• hat books our children ghat* stiuiy.-aiui pUoi In .he hands ol a few designing p>n^iuclan--so called a commission— to sit hip judgment at ths ■Mate ospitul and d' that thin tuck—or tbs* book—rhall— u„-. huli not —he studied In this county—-or that county—of the state. We fenr that our representatives In the General Assam My do not realise the peril to the peo pies liberal's which ie cloaked in the uniformity text book - scheme, and io ylew of *bis we herewith lay before them the fold* ug p'oposi.icns for lhdli esrue cooi.,deration, Th, propo ltlons ar%. .h-so; ' Who is urging this uniformity logis tation to take from you - people the pav. or to seine, hi Wicks p -ef -rred h ; jour ait> . nu c utily oiSoiats and ctsi Wbnt is Iheir inlet *t a ■■. .rurrc’c? and their patrons advance is, that uni forming the minds of your children, negro and white alike, will cheapen books. It is false! Did not a commission ap pointed by the state of Gsorgia in 1896 - 97 investigate and report that it is false? Has it not proved to be false by sev eral states after having tried the ex periment? If we are uncertain of-the truth will we not Investigate before we vote to rob our people of these lo al rights?" What publisher is offering this ob noxious legislation? What publisher is opposing this ob noxious legislation? We cannot ques tion bis fidelity nor politics In preferr ing open competition, in opposing con solidation and thiß species of empirlem. If we would surrender our people’s rights to select the school books that they prefer; accoiding to their environ ment, why not surrender next their right to appoint a grand jury or a ecigki board? The cry may as people aro incompetent to select their school books, and on the best terms, they are not competent to perform similar dut lea. and these representative grand juries and school bbarda ought to be forever abolished and their, powers relegated to the king. ? The question Is, wby do these pub lishers despise open competition and want to vest power In the king, that be longs to the people? A county board can buy books at the same prices and on the same terms that are given to a state, and all honest pub lishers will so state. Unilormity of school books Ifc"eu phonious term, but uniforming the minds of all the people, white and black matter what their needs and capacities msy be, it an iniquitous scheme. In donnaction with tho above „we would respectfully ask the dieting uisted gentlemen who compose the Gen ei'Al. Assembly oi G orgia, a few ques tions. These quest,one are; Was ib- re not. an <■ Oort made to secure Governor Candler's inuorsament of the uniformity plan in his rrcent message? Did not this pine fail because of the fact that Georgia s distinguished cbitt executive rscngu'zed such a plan as favoring the 'OOOlll book tru-t and he to lend bin aid .o such efforts? Did imt Governor Candler secure ln h rmutlon irom Governor Havers ol Tex ar, Governor MoMilltan.of Tennessee, aud Governor McSwceoy.of South Caro lina, to the effect that the uniformity plan wrs a failure in thtlr siatea, and jd’d not these statements, in connection with other consideration* named above, eu*e U vemor Candler to avoid re tard, g to uniformly in hts motssge? These ar* ample questions we ask the members of the General Assembly hot they are to the point and require Vkelr earnest, thoughtful considera ti.n But there Is still another feature, which is relative to the truss referred j to—lt is this: 1 The deuiocra tc party in its pisiform a, and tn all Us pr ncipies is oppoied to yet (he unlfoilmlti text book plea Is s trust pure and on pie. Ii means the appoi-.tmr eut 0 | a com ralesion lo tit at the <4pitol of this s:*,i no ulcla’.c abaolutilv ;ln d irre ,700a' !y to nature of every bok ih*i vert child in Georgia ma t study j or th nit d' eyears. lIiBRUNSWICK TIMES-CALL. NOVEMBER 10,1900. * *’ IP I MKym ® Npra -a- /s£ma a Wmm Ceanirs |jj|j|§ Lass, HP* Health in her beaming eyes, liealth in her glowing cheek, health in her merry ■" laugh. Vet country air and country hours can’t save her from the common experience of women —an experience which dulls the eye, pales the cheek, and turns the laugh to a sigh. Womanly ills come to almost aIL But for these file there is help ana healing in Dr. Pierce’s Favorite Preemption. It regu latee the period*, stops unhealthy drains, cures inflammation, ulceration and fe male weakness. It makes weak women strong, tick women well. " Mis# KIU Sapp, of Jamestown. Guilford Cos., V. C., writes : "f bed euSfered three yean or pore at monthly periods, it seemed u though I would die with pain in my back and stomach. I could not stand without fainting; had given up all Nope of ever feeing eurtd, when one of ay friends Insisted upon my trying Dr. Pierce r FSvorlte Prescription. With but HUle faith 1 tried it. and before I had taken half a bottle 1 foil better—had better appetite and slept better. Now 1 am happy to say I am entirely enred, and all done in two mouths’ time, when all othet medicines had foiled to do any good at all." Bilionsnese ia cured by the use of Dr, Fierce'* pleasant Pellets. V'-y'.. ”rr-- --jfe Was ever a mora high handed plan conceived to rob the people of their right cf self government? Vf a* there ever a bill proposed to the .General Assembly whichsmackadmore Of the demagogue? Have not the politicians of Georgia enough offices for their pap suckers to fill without striking at the children of the tax payers? Have we. ths people of this county and every other county in the stalajso loat our power of governmental sllf- CfffitlOtibst ws will no Linger taTaS lowed to aelect books our children shall study? Io the past, in one form or another this uniformity scheme has been posed st one General Assembly after another and in equal timesbave the sensible law makers turned the sc hem lug book publishers and politician* down. But this time we have it aga'n and in a more inaidnous form ibau before, and we appeal to the intelligence of tnifl General Assembly ro bury ihe uniform ity scheme by a majority that will for ever prevent its resurreotion ,nd in do ing so they Will "itretcn their prutecring bauds ovaj tbe sc.iool ehi'd<en of this S'a e In a manner that will warn politi cal demagogues to forever let that branch of our liberty aion -. The Timks-Uau sincerely hopes that tbe peoplo of Georgia hnd especial y thbse residing in Brunswick and Glynn county will respond liberally to the ap peal of the Oglethorpo Memorial Asso ciation. We should celebrate the removing ot the old market structure by a big bon fire. This has been an eyesore for many years. OUr link of Gents Furnishings I NOW comi^kktg. New Goods Arriving Each Week i J. H. .HELLER & BROS 314: Newcastle SI. Between C. McGarvey’s andiThomas Keaney, BOARD OF TRADE MEET I MB. The meeting of the Board of Trade at tbe city hall yesterday, and the suc cess of the same, should be gratifying to every man who loves Brunswick snd wants to see her grow. To have this Urge number of representative citizens gather in a one. common cause—the up building of oar city, shows that the time for unity U at last here and great things may be expected in tbs near future. NOTICK TO VOIEBS. Brcnswick, Nov. 3,1900. To the Voters of 26tb Diet. G. M., Glynn County:—i respectfully solicit ■he votes, and ask the support of my friends and fellow-citizens of tbe 28tb Dist. G. M., of Glynn county, for the >,ffice of Justine of tbe Peace for said District, at tbe election to be held next month, December, 1900. Beepectfnlly, , A. W. Corker, Lumber Inspector. For the serious diseases that attack tbe kidneys. Prickly Ash Bitters is an unfalliogremedy. Relieves backache, swelling of tbe feet, and pereiatent headache—symptoms wbiob indicate kidney trouble. W. J. Butts, CHEAP ADVBBTISIHG. CA3II IN ADVANCE Advertisements In this column will lie Insert ed at the uniform rate of One Cent a Word tor each insertion. No advertisement, however mall, loss than to cents. Cash In ndvanco. Morphine, opium, laudanum,cocoaiae habit; myself cuted. will inform you of harmless, permanent home cure. Mary B. Baldwin, box 1212, Chicago. WANTED.-A piano flayer, lady or gentleman, for opera biruse.* No ex-' porience necessary, only must .under stand music. Good tt-rma Ukright party, K. D. Wolffe, manager. FOR Norwich eUkjetfSr, Albemarle. App |, next door, or J 0 ’Phone 102. -■ - ■ * ■vr.-'— 1 ■■■., FOR riALN.—One fine piano—as good as new—cheap for cash. Apply to L. Goldsmith. Hustling young man can make *6O per month and expenses, Permanent position. Experience unnecessary. Write quiok for particulars, Clark A Cos., 4th & Locus Streets, l’bilsflei nhia. Pa. HEI.P WANTED—MALE.—OId es tablished mercantile house, exteLdiug bu-ine* in this section, wants tn ar range with capable man, of correct habits, to man&ga branch Sulrry, ♦I6OO yearly. Extra commissions. Must furnish SSOO and satisfactory refcreines, "Opportunity,” Drawer 74, Sh* Hiven, C. no, 11-ts HEU* WANTED-MALE. M 'nage.- Od eMUiAshsd msroan tile hours wan's hones', osp-ble mac to manage b anch a'a,y sl2sniooth, extra sommissipue. No rol o-tlngre quirad, hu* most take gen, ral direc tion and he embiueua. Good refer ences aud sßooonhrequited. Experi ence as ms, fger not nseeesa/y, if qua,ifii-d in other reapeo's. "Opportu ni<y," Draws - 74, New llaven,Conn, KOR eALE,-Hillary Island, It usieu on Turtle war, eoniaiui g 3i!, ; 4 aores t h'gh land, sßttr.ble to t, üßk ing or p,,ul ry raisiug; about i5 acre Olcsred; gsod fisting and Cy-ter beds around the Island, Also, Irlsnd View, containg 50 aoree, more or less, situ a*ed on Gibsou and Pervises oreeks, six acre* of which is under new wire fence; 75 to 100 pear trees, and Im provements on same. For further in formation, apply to F, Jus. Doerflm ger, 316 Union street. castoria The Kind Yon Hare Always Bought, and which has been in use for over 30 years, has borne the signature of //g -, —* aml has made under his per ?" al super ' ision Binco its Infauey. ' *. Allow no one to deceive you in this. All Counterfeits, Imitations and “Just-a*-good M are but Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of In Hints aud Children—Experience against Experiment. What is CASTORIA Castoria Is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare goric, Drops aud Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic . substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children’s Panacea— The Mother’s Friend. / GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS The Kind You Have Always B§hgl%: In Use For Over 30 Years. ™* co——NT, r, Muan.v itkit, arw voa. orr. H. M, MILLER £ SON. Monday’s steamer will bring us a line oTUnental Tapestries, Screens, Couch Cover, Cur tains, etc. direct from those fa mous importers of Oriental goods of Aw A. VANTINE & CO Also a lot of muslin and Bobbinet Curtains, Cut Glass, Silverware, Rug!, etc- :Wlf*E*>QF¥C ARDUI Kow a Woman WS&r n Suffersm — HowBU, I!TD., 7*o* T I will ftlways prti* Wi.acf CftHut Ii / . /] t-—*l ■M don* mi more ff'Od bp ’l the m<*di- / 111 ; If clui I have ner uuo 1 sx, Itfd. t amm / I I I Vscl) •ad a book ibout lisMaca to ih / * Li u U4iu vboi* nimr 1 )••* \ ■ Mrs. MUTMi STODCEtfLL. 1 •. WiMßorf? 1 , R Isn’t necessv-y for a sronrut to gtve particulars. When she stars she has “female troubles", other wnmes know what that means, tt means days and nights of emller-a s‘ r erir.g. ft means headaches which no tongue can describe It means that terrible bearing and dragging down in the lower abdomen It means agonizing backache, and shoulder ache, and arm ache, and aches hi the tower limbs. It mem nerves on edge—the blues— despondency snd loss of hope 't rvrs debiht ing drains that the doctors call leucormcra. It means martyrdom some times even death seenv. preferable And still Whu o( Card ,i .. • ut'erly „ . _ _ put thre dt eas *5 end pains to rout usttr asrisMi itraiTHtST ** ■ rued thousands 01 case* Kor tifTire in omm loedt) nothing else on firth would. ¥KWV Si To the bud. ling woman, to the UHcnicA, crutUDonf., Tna cr if, to t'.e vu, to tire e*p "tart - m< die, to those going through the Change of Life, this Vegetable Wine is a blessing. Druggists Sell Large Rot iies for $l.OO. ■WlfMg*s* !^tARD@