The Brunswick times-call. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1900-1902, November 10, 1900, Image 6

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PROGRAM FOR THE REUNION What tit OM iiUim Will Do 111 Aipsti- Following Is tbe prog' am tot tbe Confederate Ve'erans reunion to be held in Augusta beginning November 14 and lasting two days: Flr.trtay, November 14, 11 n m. Augusta cty time, 75 b meridian, which Is o e hour faster than 80th meridian time. Convention called to order by Gen. Clement A, Ev ne Prayei b. Rey.M. J. Cofer, dlvl ion ctiaDlaln. Announcement of committees on ere* dentials, and roll call of camps for list of delegates. Address of welcome on behalf of the people of Hon. A. M. Mar tin, Jr., mayor of the city. Address of welcome on behalf of the Contederate Veterans, Bone and Daugh ters and Ladles’ Memorial Association of Augusta, by Hon. Boykin Wright, chairman executive committee. Response by division commander, Gen. Clement A. Evans. Music. Report of committee on credentials. Annual report of division command er. Appo ntment of special committees. AFTERNOON SESSION. Confederate song. Introduction of resolutions and ret ' • \ ore nee io committee*. Introduction the of distinguished guests. Introduction of Daughters of Con federacy. Election of division commanders. EVENING SESSION. Music—Confederate airs. Introduction of Sons of Confederate Veterans. Songs by the veterans and bivouac talas. THURSDAY. Reading of minutes. Introduction of„resol ut'ons and re ftieuce to committees, Introduction of distinguished gu*sts. Introduction of Ladies’ Memorial as sociatl )n of Augusta. Report of committe s>, Confederate songs. Me- tlng of the four brigades uipitra tttaly to elect brigado and mraauders. .No mooting of the division, 4p. m. EXQTISITE CHOCOLATES. If you would like to see xometbing leal lovely In the way of Find Choc- A ol.nte Candies, oosuro to call by anil A take a look at our uetv display. STh ere is notiilng to compare with it this side of New York, and lt quite I a treat to sec. We've hundreds of new kind* now in stock, and mnk- Sing and receiving more daily. Fancy gift packages in all styles 3 and prices a specialty. 1 j LLOYD’S, 1 THONK 235 3 M (Next door to Fleming & Waff) special reunion of tbe r’gitneut, bat talions and batteries and local tecep • inns. EVENING SESSION. Soda’s, festivals atd i eceptions. Bouni ns ot ommanders and camp fires tn va tbua i-srts o' Ihp city, FRIDAY. Frayn's by Rev. Sprka Melton, Mt-c Hanecu business. Coufitmatl n of u-i u is ventioo. AFTERNOON Parade and re view. Campfires will be held Thursday A LAND-SLIDE J m Ctrter is having * land slide in dyeing clothing. He represents the Issding dyeing establishment of a vannab, and tbe Brunswick people are catching on, for ih-y always grab a good thing when they see ft. George A. Points, Upper Ssndusky, 0., writis: “I have been using Fo ley’s Roney and Tar for hoarseness, and flod ft the best n medy I ever tiled. It stopped the oougb lmmedi mediateby, and relieved all soreness.” After when you feel a cold coming on, take Foley’s Honey knd Tar. It never fails to cure, and will prevent pneumonia or consump tion if taken in time . QUESTIONS AN WERE tJ. Yes, August, F owjr still nas the largest ealelof any medlclnh la the civ ilized world. Your mothers sodgrand mothers never thought of using any thing else for indigestion or bilious nsss. Doctors were scarce and they seldom hoard of apendlciiis, nervous prostration, heart failure, etc. They used August Flower to clean out the system and stop fermentation of undl (jested food, regulate tbe action of the liver, stimulate the action of the ner vous and organic system, and that Is all they took when feeling dull and bad with h igdache and other Caches. You only need a few doses of Green's au gust Flower, In liquid form, to make you satisfied there is. nothing serious the muter with you Sample bottles at Butts drugstore nr Brawn Drug C Sbuld he In aysry hruiebold made oino chest. Tt affords csrtaln rellsf “I have always used Foley's Honey and Tar oougb medicine anil think tt the best in the world,” says Ohas Bcmlor,a newsdealer of Kris I's. Take no substitute. W i Butts. The editor of the Fordville, Ky„ Miscellan eous, writes ae a postscript to a business letter: -I was onred of kidney troutile by taking Foley’s KidncyCure,” Take nothing else. W. J. Hulls An antiseptic after shaving. Clark, tbe barber. Jitu Carter recognizes no competi tion in o'eaniog and priming olotbee. LOW RATES-VIA. THE PLANT ' SYSTEM S To Savannah, Ga., for the F.iks’ Grand Garnival and Street Fair, No vembsr sth to 17tb. One fare for the round trip. Tickets to be sold Novem ber stb, 7th, btb, 12th, I4tb and Kith, with float limit to IBth. A eplendid program of attractions bss been ar ranged, Plant System ticket agents will give full particulars, jk u. w. wwfe, Pa setsger Tralfio Mnnsgjr, Savannah, Ga. For Backache use STUART’S GIN and BUCHU: , *, Iw Ki na Ki-na.—Ajuiuino m a tftaUk'M ' farm, without affecting its medicinal value, combined with UMctaniUil and iron. Joal the thiug for children. Pleasant to take, 2Se k hot lie. For sale by W, J. Putt*, the drug^#. Chamberlain'* Stomach and Liver Tablets cure bilioums?s constipation and headache They are easy to take and pleasant ku effect For Male at Bishop’* Drug Store. -* - - r For Ll-idder Troubles uffe STUART’S GIN and BUCHU. ■ Jim Carter will send for your’old clothes and make them new, and charge you comparatively nothing. Second hand household furniture bought and sold, also pianos, organ -’, trunks, mirrors, carpets, etc. J. \V, Watkins. THE BRUNSWICK TIMES-CALL NOVEMBER 10, 1900 TO REMOVE THE EYESOfc^ Library Association Will SuonMegln ti-m ving the Market Bring. Tbs d.mating of the atone so \ trick of tbe old market building, co&er of Newct'tls and Mansfield strAu '0 the Brunswick Library Assoc/ation, will remove ibis eyesore wb&h bss worried oil zms lor a number oi years. Tbs itbrary folks will comply with the conditions of the donation by remov ing tbe material within tbe next thirty days. A SHORT TERM. City loounctl, at its next meeting, will elect an aldermtn to till tbe seat on the board made v.cant by the res-* ignatlon of Capt. Dirt, but the new member will have ooly a short time to serve, as this term expires on Jan uary Ist. Both makers and circulators of counterfeits commit fraud. Honest men will not deceive you Into buying worthless coimterfelta of De- Witt’s WUch Hazel Salve. The original Is in fallible for caring piles, sores, eczema end all skin diseases. W. J.Butt*. Have you a sense of ful'ncsston the region your stomach after eating? If so you will t heneflted by toting Chamlerlain’s Stomach and Liver Tablets. They also cum belching and sour stomach. They regulate the bowels too. Price 25c. Sold hy Bishop’s Drug Store. Don’t be deceived or humbugged hy people who claim the diacovefy of some hitherto un known herb or root in swamps, or on some mountain or prairie for the cure of Man- y and bladder troubles, Any doctor; or druggist with tell you that such claims or fraudulent. JToley’s Kidney Cure simply contains remedies that are recognized by the rao-t *skilful physician* as beat tor these complaints, so don’t ho credulous or foolish. W. JUftutu. An after shaving. Clark, the barber. lie Witt's Witch Hazel Salve will quickly heal the worst burns and scalds and not leave a scar. It can be applied to cuts and raw sur faces with prompt and soothing effect. Use it for piles and skin diseases. Beware of worth less counterfeits. W. J. Butts. For Diabetes use * STUART’S GIN and BUCHU: Dr. M. Harris, of Chicago, wrll test your eyes free of charge. He will be ■t my store for two weeks, A. Hocbild. CASTOR IA For Infanta and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Signature of Fur ppm las, swellings and lameness there nothing so ood as Chamberlain's Bam Balm Trv It. For sale at Dr. liishop’s drag store. Violet and Lilac Cream after shar ing las Kittling Can only b? bad at Clark’s barber ibop. Half the World is i a Uarkneo* as to tlie cause of their ill health. If they would start to treat lliair kidneys with Foley’s kid ney Core, Ihe weariness of body ntid ml till, back ache headache and rheainatio jmlus would disappear. W. J. llntte. Money loaned on personal property and real estate. Ap ply to J. W. Wat Kins. KIDNEY DISEASES are 4 the most fatal of all dis eases. CAI EYSO KIDNEY GUHE is-# iuLl ! 0 Guaranteed Remedy or money refunded. Contains remedies kecognized by emi nent physicians as the best for Kidney and Bladder troubles. PRICE 50.-. aid SI.OO. ' WP W. J. B|JU. tba Druglst. tftrStop a Gold. After exposure or when yon feel a cold com ing on ,ke a dose of Foley’s Honey sod Tar. It norer t ills to stop a cold If taken in time. W J. Jiutts. Violet and LiUo Cream after ibar log le soothing. Can only be bad at CUrk’e barber shop. I If a Woman I I wants to put out a fire she doesn’t heap on oil and wood. She throws on water,knowmg that water quenches fire. When a woman wants to get well from diseases peculiar to her sex, she should not add fuel to the fire already burning her life away. She should jiot take worthless drugs and potions composed of harmful narcot ics and opiates. They do not check the disease —they do not cure it—they simply add fuel to the fire. Bradfield’s Female merits which af flict women. be wasting time stren g t h en i ng tonic, which gets ' at the root* efthe disease and cures the cause. It does not drug the pain. It eradicates it. 1 1 stops falling of the womb, leucorrhea, inflammation and periodical suffering, ir regular, scanty or painful menstruation; and by doing all this drives away the hundred and ore aches and pains which drain health beauty, happiness and good temper from many a woman’s fife. It is tbe one remedy above all others which every woman should , know about and use. l SI. OO per liottle I at any drug store. Send for our free illustrated book. OjL JVOXHAL. Beam ths Tfc Kind Yea Haw Always BougM The Plant System will sell round trip tickets L r tbe annual fair, Wy -oross Fair Association, at (me fare from Ttiomanville, Albany, Htvsnnab, Brunswick, .facosonviUe, Lake City, Moooioell i and in term e and i’R'i_nJF^|g. A spl ’mliil b-s b>n *JF - : ij. I I! tgw Pzs.eoger Traffic Msnsger, Sivsonsh. Gs. Rainy Day ,Hats. The v ?Ty of tfi** mi >*c •’lap j are shown in ohr vaortuvjnt f Trianud u- liciiai! felt in variety of shiipu's, tyos and colors. Wh have bought and made thera up to sell to those so met hug setvicosble. yet pretty; good, hus low priced. These are right and priced right. MISS KITE SLATEB, MU U>tß ESr*H. ST^ Money to Lend on Improved Real E tate. Apply to W. Merchant. Secretary, or F. IC. Twtity. Attorney, of the ATLANJIvI INVESTMENT ‘ O. Wall Paper AT.THE PAINT STORE, 502 Monk St. W.H. LYTLE PROPRIETOR. BHAKE INTO TOURISHOE3. Allen’s Foot-Ease, a powder. It cures painful, smarting, nervous feet nod Ingrowing oatlscind mauuitlv taxes the stingnnt of corns and Imn lona. It’s the greatest eomfvrt discovery of the age. Allen’s Foot-Kase makes light or new shoes feel eaap. Hiss certain cure for sweat ing, callous and hot. tired, aching feet. Try it today. Sold by all druggist- and shoe store*. By mail for lie in stamps. Trial package Free. Address Allen S. Olmstuad, Le Huy. N. Y. Shave at. Clark’s, (he only barber •bop in town aainff Rochester sterilizer charged with Boro Phenol. | as beautiful o look upon as it U palatable and— 'll.!'. ■ restful- invigorating- health- ju| : ' ful a soo'hing. satisfying drink. ■mßHgp' • Welcome ahke to old and young. ,JKk PLANT system, PASSENGER DEPARTM ENT, ' BS.ADI DOWN * ' “ ‘ HEAD Up s<fc w j j, 0 8#- Tim© 1 abi© j s. • <.•#, HffeCtiVC OCt 1, ISO). ! L‘| "!! —• Passenger i Mixed Paasengsr. Mixed l".y!.{ Dally, ....!^ Daily. Daily. JJ| SCO r.m s*sptn... tv Brunswick r Bpiu.... 8 45am... 00 pm... ,ar Wayeross lv i416Pm.... tSOan... H| lOuoam. 10 15pm... H Wayeross sr 40ipm.. 5465 t.... . Hgj Ik Shorn... 1 45 am... ar Tifton lv j 150 pm S 15am . ■ IS ail am... 10 30pm... ar Jaekw'—'iie lv I 2 00pm .. 6 00am 4 j i., ••• VIA WAYCROSS A MONTGOMERY. | 8 Oo am. ..I 5 45pm lv Brunswick ar 8 00pm‘.*\. HI no a m .. ’ j 545 am. . 800 pm... ar Waycroa* lv 415 am... 130 am i* Warn... 11 tv ana... at Birmingham It 4 05 im 8 60am... TWpm . ar Manvl!le lv 9 00am .. 12 25pm... 230 am... ar Louisville lv *65am.., VIA SAVANNAH AND CHARLESTON. V. . 7 .7. iROO am 7 Uruuawick o\rj 600 pm 10 oo am 4M) >xu . 6 2am.. Ar f.harlettoa Lv 11 )&pm 8 j". am . 725 pm. Ar Richmond Lv 905 am ■• • 1 BETWEEN BRUNSWICH AND SAVANNAH VIA JRBUP. i~ 8 4sin.. 905 pm lv Mronswitik ar "#2S*pn.. SIS pm,, i....... SOS am. It SO pm., ar Jeaup lv 500 pm 6 spm I 1015 am 12 10 am. _ar Savannah lv 325 pm 300 pm . | Direct connection made at Wayeross with Pullman Sleeping Cars tot ail points. Between Port Tampa. Key West and Havana. - GOING I RETURNING Lv Port Tampa 11 00 pm Mon. Thura. Sat. j Ar Port Tampa 2 DOaroThnr. SnD. and Tues. Ar Key W*st goi pmTues. F. Son Lv Kjr West 10OOp. m. Wed. Bat. and Mdn.. Lv Koy West tt 00 pm Tue. Pri. Sunday ( Ar Ku T Weet 000 pm Wed. Hat. and Mon.. At Havana 5 00 am Wed. Bat Mon | Lv Havana 2 SO pm Wed. Sat. and M0n...... * a i mu. Wliia lh Uqutde corns from our stock. We carry suck a flue line of that It is impossible to find a brand which is nos pleasing in Bonn point, Titeas coods vos fully matured, have a fine rich boly ai l mellow , Excellent for family or any use. ’ -IV- DOUGLAS. J. J. LISSNER, WHOLESALE Groceries, Tobacco, Flour, Bacon and Provisions, GRAIN, HAY AND BRAN A SPECIALTY. 2KJ Bay Street, Brunswick, Georgia. W H. BOWEN. J. . N. BRADT BOWEN & BRADT, . AMD; BI_JIL_C3E:ISJ % Of Stone. Brick and Frame Bnildinv Manufacturers of Cement, Tile and;Artificial Stone-