The Brunswick times-call. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1900-1902, November 11, 1900, Image 3

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\ tfi jfs7/iH*- ‘v^^^i^tS®?- p*Eß&ft * ■ T •' V_j , j’ a i*ViSE^tobv |s&|agESdr £>' .?'r !f - ’ J’^vr^MOfeP^ ;. K'l jj^ig^;>S>aarty^ Syrup. Res Actf/Javant/y and/kmpT/y Cleanses the System Gently and Effectually when bilious Nor costive. Presents intJie most acceptablefi>rm the lucrative principles of plants Jin own to act most Jx neJicimify: TO GET ITS BUY THE GENUINE MANFD. BY CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUPCO. SAN ITOANCISCO, CAL. LOUISVILLE - pr/e* sOf per Give Me Your Order For Groceries. I can Oil it to yonr aatUfaction. I will take •s much care with it as If you wore here to watch me. Do not worry about the quality of the goods. '• 1 never keep anythin* but the beat. Today's arrival*— Armour’s Vigors], Beef Extract and Beef Extract and Vegetable Tablet*. Thos. Keany, Groceries. I‘tione 11. 811 NewcaaUo Street. at : KESSLER’S* Cor. Monk and Grant Stßj L. J, Leavy 6c Cos Auctioneers, CoHf?nis?lft)n and Gener al Collecting Agent# Consignments Solicited and Prompt Retnmß Rendered. Special Attention Paid to Collection of Renta CURE YOURSELF 1 lilt? for unnatural iMuMbrl ftsSßsa-'sfwswffl* ■s®' iot to Biridlt**. (iQUCOUI lUCinbrMiM. u.s. i.* jBT or ** nt ,n fcrsMsrifcs." " Cl re ill# sent on rodfeo** MITCHELL ft THOMAS. Lirery, boarding and tale stables. Finest turnout* Id the city. Telt 97. Newcastle St WILL MEET [fridaynight Good Gmnint Gli to Mi Candidates. Members ef the Gaud Government *& ■’ -• ' Clnb and its supporters will hold a meeting: at the oourt bouse next Fri day night, November 16. b to nominate oandidatea for mayor and aldermen and to adopt a platform. Much Interest attaches to tbe meet ing as it is understood that tbe candi dates named will not have opposition. Tbe Good Government Club has made all Its campaigns on definite pledges of economy and retrenchment, and to make detailed financial statements of receipts and expenditures of publlo money. There is a general demand for a strong and definite platform, set ting otjt fully what tbe next mayor and aldermen will pledge themselves to undertake looking to tbe reduction of the public debt, retrenobment in expenditures, and making substantial publlo improvements. It is believed that the platform wbioh will be offered will be In thor ough acoord with a strictly business administration. The meeting on Fri day night will probably be the largest the olub has held during tbe past year. Tbe oall of President McAllister is ae follows: “To the members and supporters of Olub: “A meeting of tbe Good Govern ment Cinb is hereby oalled to be held at 8 o'oloek p. m., November 16tb, (Friday), in tbe superior court room, for the purpose of considering and de ciding upon the nomination of candi dates for tbe ofiloes of msyor and al dermen of tbe City of Bruoswick to be voted for at the election on December llth, 1900. and to adopt -a platform, and to consider and tranaact auch other business as may properly come before the meeting. “All members and supporters of tba olub are earnestly urged to be present. “H. U . Mo t luster, “President Good Government Club of Buiw ! ok.” The Quakers Are Honest People. tThe Quaker Herb Ton ic la not only a blood purifier, but a Blood maker for Pale, and Debilitated people wbo have not strength nor blood. It acts aa a tonic, it regulates <B' gestion, cures dyspepsia and lends strength and tone to the nervous sys tem. It is a medicine for weak women. It is a purely vegetable medicine, and can be taken by the most delicate. Kidney disease, Rheumatism and all diseases of the Blood, Stomach and Nerves aoon sueoumb to its wonderful effect on the human system. Thous ands of people in Georgia recommend It Price SI.OO. QUAKER PAIN BALM is the med icine that the Quaker Doctor made all of his quick cures with. It’s anew and wonderful medicine for Neuralgia, Toothache, Backaoho, Rheumatism, Sprains, Pain in Bowels; in fact, all pain can be relieved by it. Price 25c and 60c. QUAKER WHITE WONDER SOAP, a medicated soap for the skin, scalp and complexion. Price 10c a cake. OUAKER HEALING SALVE, a vegetable ointment for tbe cure of tetter, eczema and eruptions of the skin. Price 10c a box. FOR SALE BY ALL DRUGGISTS. F. A. DILLINGHAM, Proprietor, Cincinnati. I PolkiH’ B PrugStore Call by Lloyd's and see an exquis ite display of fine Chocolates, Phone 255-2 THE BRUNSWICK HMES-CALL, NOVEMBER 11, 1900. tffeA accompanied by wslaVßl Slav mucous patches in the mouth, erup- Hnis> FuSls? tion3 on tlie skin > 11(111 iUBId s °m throat copper colored splotches, Allt swo^en Blands, aching muscles vail ail d hones, the disease is making rapid headway, and far worse symptoms will follow unless the blood Is promptly and effectually cleansed of this violent destructive poison. S. S. S. is the only safe and infallible cure for this disease, the only antidote for this specific poison. It "cures the worst cases thoroughly and permanently. Mg CMHIIIIdB CMtt I contracted 81003 Have Bees nd Worse. 5™ ... thetr treatment ala me no food ; I was petting worse all the umc ; ray hair came out, ulcers appealed in rar throat and mouth, my body was almost covered with copper colored splotches and offensive •ores, i suffered severely from rheumatic pains hi my shoulders and arms. My condition could have been no worse; only those afflicted as I was can understand my sufferings. I had about lost all hope of ever beiug well again when 1 decided to try 8. S. &- birt must I had Jgjj medicine. After taking the third bottle I noticed M a change in tuy coudi tion. This was truly tn couraatng. And X deter- mined to give 8. &. 6. a > jtßggjnv?ihn thorough trial. From M that titae on the improve meet wa? rapid; R. . 8. eeemed to hve the dia eaa? completely under coatrol; the sores and ■leers healed anand 1 was soon free from all etrnsVwffvf . 1 ©f the disorder; I have SY been strong and healthy ever since. I*. W. Smith, Bo* 6n, Noblesville, Ind. Ls the owl v purely vege* blood purifier mkao*n. sl,ooo la offered for proof that W w it contains a particle of mercury, potash of other mineral poison. Send for our free hook on Blood Poison; it contains valuable Information about this disease, with full directions for seff treatment. We charge nothing for medi. cal advice; cure yourself at borne. THE SWIFT SPECIFIC OIL. ATLANTA, fIA. COAL AND WOOD. New Company is Now Ready For Business, * The Empire Coal & Wood 00., Mr. A. H. heavy, manager, will be ready for business tomorrow morning. It will be some days yet before tbe ooal arrives, but the wood ia hare now and ready for delivery. This company struck a bargain In the purohase of a large supply of wood, and oan afford to sell it cheaper then anybody In the city. The ofiloe of the Emplie Coal & Wood Company Is at the Tiuib-Call ofiloe, Gloucester street. Telephone 31. Dr. Hathaway Treats All Diseases. His Method Invariably Cnres All Catarrhal 9 Rronchlal, Limit, Stom ach, Liver, Kidney and Other Com plaint.*, as Well as All Diseases and Weaknesses of Women. “"I In Dr. Hathaway’* most \ extensive vraotice, cov wiA oring a period of more ißr liL O tfu.a'JO been s|g§jfe flg£ called upon in treat all ‘.7 manner of diseases of f men and women and i along the whole lino of ■ human aJlmonts ho lias been uniformly suc l>r. Hathaway’s me thod of treatment gets . - •*. ~ Jiiit-m-tly at the seat of r j rf the trouble, purities the hlood au^pl* 08 'tone* up the whole system and iho !£!octi neiilfaii/c* tho poisons which produce the cUsehsr and conditions. ... - Yearly ho restores to p^rfe^t i uiscuico houliii thousands of sufferers realea. from Catarrh. Brondiftls, As thma, Hay Fever, T.iihg Cofwn’.alnfs. Stdnmth. Uverand Hisr,Akin. f M iop, I nrnora, f'rm eers, Kczenja and nil rumner of thin affection*. ‘ _ Dr. MafViftwpy td o with - *** thc pviuuo-t succoi-s nil. Jhose - ( Women many d’strosbli):': w<\;tkn*ss<*s and dfeeAsos by which so many women urn afflicted. 0 . T>r. Hathaway’s OfflrAs are fitted Appliances, other appliaricey, in the uso ot which, as Well as the microscope, ne has world wld**as mx expert. All of the medicines hsed uy Dr. Hathaway aro compounded 1n hl own laboratorle K> -under his personal direction, and special remedies rue fr*riar‘‘d for : dividual case aecordju? to its requirements. r - Dathawav has prepared a C-xartitii uun teffrKtftivU examination blank . Clanks* upjfiVingtetliodltferentdlscafies which he send; free,on application: No. 1, for Men; No. ff, for Women; No. 9. for Nkin I)lseas'.-s; Jn'o. i, for Catarrhal Diseases; No. 5. for Kidney* _ Dr. Hathaway n.aktw no charge Conauktation j or consultation at either his IFrec. office or hy mall. * J. NEWTON HATHAWAY, M. O. Or. Uudiawax &G<>., Sanr.h, (<lb MEimox Tins I’IPKB *vm;v I'itrriNO, E. S. PLUMB, Practical and Scientific Horseshoer. NOW OPEN. in the shop on Oglethorpe street, between Mansfield and Howe A trial will convince yon that he knows hi| business. A Card. Tkt ■ asafactarera of Bauer Salra* hare an IhorUed the nadsrtlfaed to ftrnaraatae it for karma, tats, sores, • leers, tetter, eeteaut sal all akia diseases. Tea kare yo*r>*aey kaek doeea’t da all It tlal at. W.. 1. Batts. THIiHEQCES WITHDRAWN Bran issitliiiii nil Hoi Accept Gllfs Gill. Wiibkeas, The Mayor and Council have kindly granted the petltiog pre sented by the Library Aisooiation, and signed by many tax payers and citi *eo, asking for the donation of the briok in tbe unfurnished market build iog on Queen’s square to tbe Library Aisooiation— Be it resolved by the Board of Direct ors of the Association, That wa sin cerely thank the mayor and aldermen for their generous aotiou io thus ren dering aid to a worthy pnblio institu tion second in importance only to our public schools. Be,it further resolved, That while we adhere to tbe position that no bet ter use could be msde of this property, In view of tbe opposition and antago nism of some tax payers and oitiaans to sooh disposition of the property, and realising that tbe success of the Library movement oan only bo assured by tbe 00-operation, support and good will of the oitiaens generally, and be ing unwilling that th#Asooiatio and Its interests should become an issue in a matter of polioy involving the oity authorities, we respectfully beg leave to withdraw tba petition/’ The foregoing resolutions were unan imously adopted at a meeting of the Board of Directors of the Library As sociation held yasterday afternoon. A number of citizens and tax payers bad talked with the directors after the ao tion of Counoil giviDg the briok had become known, and had protested against suob disposition of tbs prop erty. The directors say that they do not with tbe briok <f any tax payer ob jeots. Tbe publio-apirited people wbo have taken so muoh interest in estab lishing a public library, believe that in order to put it on a permanent and successful basis, it is essential to have a building. To further Die scooneplieb mentof this end, they (bought it would be an excellent thing for iba Library and the oily to utilize the briok in the old unfinished market building, as it has stood tor y'-ars, with no prospeot of ever being completed. Tbe mayor and aldermen agreed with the library director-) end the very largo number of tax pnyers who signed tbe petition, and granted tbe request. In view of the opposition, tbe Library directors sektd to withdraw thepetition, as they do not want any favors from the pub lio that the tax peyers are unwilling to gran’, CEO 0D PO SITI O NS "Jl I B/ActfVe.VuJe.\waif j teifeM Young Men! : j labour practical ' (pifrse ipiCHMONtjw "BUSINESS < , COLLEGE | INSTRUCTIONS \ Promote* ft luxuriant growth. i T%*v*x Full* to ltf>tore (Jr*f Tifttf to it youthrul Color. , PwitsMi DandmfY srul h*u tclUalt*' X Your Eyes f D T f I Examined ■ It L L 1 ~—*-*, Dr. M. HARRIS or CHICAGO, ILL. Graduate of the Northern Illinois College of Ophthal mology and Ortology, and the Peoria Optical College. Will Be At A, PIOTHCHIL.DS For a Few Days Only. Advertisers lways PPRECIATE Reaping ich ETURNS >V i-vl CD THAT IS * REGULAR II ETURNS |leported By Advertisers Who Use These Columns. Quantity and Quality of Circulation "gives Quantity and Quality to Advertisers And We Give Both WE ALSO—. GUARANTEE TO GIVE SATISFACTION IN JOB WORK. DON'T SENDIAWAY FOR :i\ ENVELOPES, LETTER HEADS, BILL HEADS, SHIPPING TAGS, ETC., When you can get them at home for the same price and besides you save the cost of freight and drayage. OUR PHONE IS 31, and a message will receive prompt attention. We don’t mind calling an talking the matter over with you and giving you our estimates, and if we fail to get your order that is our fault, not yours. ALL WE WANT IS A TRIAL. Times=Call, 206 and 208 Gloucester Street. CHINESE RESTAURANT, ESTBLISHED 1889. CHUE HALL, Proprietor You'can get the best the market affords by eating hera * 215 QRANTJST,