The Brunswick times-call. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1900-1902, November 11, 1900, Image 8

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Wedding Presents In cut glass or silver are the most lasting and appreciated. We have a fine line ot French china that we are of fering at very low prices. Your inspection solicited. KENNON MOTT, Jeweler &nd Graduate Optician. ns Newcastle Street, Inspector ol Watohcs for Southern Hallway. Time by Wire dally from Washington Coney & Parkier DEALERS IN Goal and Wood, Brick, Lime, Cement, Plaster, Hair, Shingles'and Laths. Phone 18- 525 Bav St. Pay Your Election Bets With a Dunlap or Stetson Hat. If the wager is for Shoes Burt and Packard are Standard, fit either Democratic or Republican Heads and Feet. Either Gold or Silver Taken. LEVYS 25 pair Ladies button Shoes nar row toes 1 to I in size, price former ly $3.00, until sold they go for 75 cents BRUNS WMjifIMES-C ALL. NOVEMBER 11, 1900. PERSONAL POINTS. Mr. J, B. Wright is in Pensacola. Prof. Deal has returned from the / Waycros* fair. Mr. C. W. Darning leaves tonight on a business trip to Atlanta. Mr. Frank was in the city yesterday from Fanoy Blair. Mr, G. W. Coates has returned (rom a day at the Waycroas fair. Dr. Hatober will return to the city tomorrow from a short business trip. J udge Benaet and Stenographer Gala are back from Waycroea, where the Ware Superior court baa beeo in ses sion. Thereto no pleas are in life it yon dread going to tbs table to eat and can’t rest at night on ac count of indigestion. Henry Williams, of Boon-rills, Ind„ says he suffered that way tor yeara,till he commenced the use of Kodol Dys pepsia Cure, and adds: -Now I can eat any thing I like and all I want and sleep aoondly every night.” Kodol Dyspepsia Cure will di gest what yon eat. W. J. Butte. A Frightful Blinder Will ofton'eauae a horrible Burn, Scald, Cnt or Braise. BneUen'e Arniea .Salve, the best In the world, will kill the pain and promptly heal It. CareeOld Sores, Never Sores, Ulcers, Bolls Felons, Corns, all Skin Kruptlone. Best Pile ours dearth. Only 15 cl. a box. Care goer antecd,- Sold by all druggist. A MACKINTOSH MANUFACTORY The leading mackintosh manufac tory establishment in the world is rep resented her# by Jim Carter, the only established clothing agent in ths oity. The select style a, sad surprisingly low prices on thsse popular gar ments, equaled anywhere else in the oityhj It will pay anyone ti see Carter’s line of samples. , DECIDE NOW, Now that the election is oyer, you should decide to let Jim Carter clean your old olothing. ■ 5..1. .sA., To have your olotbUtdf satisfactorily dyed, aee Jim Carter, at 504 Monk •treat. When the SS! Hair Falk naii ■ H 5 Allt swo *'* n gland*, aching muscles VHII and bone*, the disease is making rapid headway, aad far worse lymptoms will follow unless the blood is promptly and effectually cleansed of this violent destructive poison. S. S. S. is the only safe end infallible cure for this disease, the only antidote for this .specific poison. It cures the worst cases thoroughly and permanently. tty Coadltldl Could I contracted BlooS Have Beta m Worse. three and net ore, but their treatment eld me no good; I was eetUm worse all the time; my hTr came out. ulcers appeared is my throat and moath, rov body was almost covered with copper colored splotches and offensive sores. I suffered severely from rheumatic pains in my shoulder* end srnta My condition could have been no worse; only thosetttictedas liras can understand my sufferings I had about lost all hope of ever hclug well again when 1 decided to try 8. 8. 8, hut must confess I had little faith loft in say medicine. After taking W Jshb the third bottle J noticed C n change in my coudl- w ML UHlfVdtgh tlou. 1 ids was truly eti- fl” gB-pf-sM Conraring, and I deter* 11 ...'vir mined to give 8. S. S a “ thorough trial, prom A - l v ’" that tr on the improve- Jr ! jniN rtent was rapid ; s. S. S. Llrat-. seemed to have the dia- Vy tgwf-lA*, ease completely uuder control; the sores and nlcers heated and I was tfr, < W3W soon free front all signs i ! Some of the disorder; I here *>*ol is M • been stroug and healthy ever since. X.. W. Smith, Lock Box Sit, Noblearllle, Ind. £Btk <£3. db Is the only purely vege- C ’ table blood purifier %% mknowo. #t , 000 is offered for proof that it contains a particle of mercury, potash or other mineral poison. Send for our free book on Blood Poison; it contains valuable information about this disease, with full direction* for self treatment. We charge nothing for medi cal advice; cure yourself at home. THE BWIFT SPECIFIC CO., ATLANTA, BA. noth makers and circulators of counterfeits commit fraud, nonoat men will not deceive yon Into bnying worthless counterfeit* of De- Witt’s Witch Hasul Halve. The original is In fallible tor caring pills, cores, eczema and all skin cttceaaea. W. i. Butte. Have yon a sense of tnllncsston the region your stomach nfter eating? If so you will be benefited by using Chamberlain’s Stomach and UverTablets. They also care belching and sour stomach. They regulate the bowels too. price Me. Sold by Bishop's Drug Btors. Don’t be deceived or humbugged by people who claim the discovery of some hitherto un known herb or root in swamps, or on some mountain or prairie for the core of kidney end bladder troubles, Any doctor; or druggist with tell yon that inch claims or fraudulent. Foley’s Kidney Core simply oontains remedies that are recognised by the most skilfnl - physicians as heat for these complaints, so don’t be credulous nr foolish. W. J. Batts. II SHIPPING REPORT. OerrecUd Daily by Ospt. Otte Jshsuesea Pert ef Bronseiek, Nov. 10,1900. ABBIVBD. i Schr. Charlotte T. Bibly, Norwood, from New York, arrived this morning. Lost both anchors and 45 fathoms chain north ot Brunswick bar. Brig C. C. Sweeney, Miller, Savan nah. Schr. Geo, M . Grant, Felter, Bangor. Schr. Nimbus,Stahl, Boston. Schr. Harry Prescott, Gray, New York. Schr, Josephine Eilicott, Rage, Bos ton. Schr. Geo. H. Ames, Motts, Nassau. OBH4BBD. Schr. Wm. H. Summer, Yeaton, New York. too can’t afford to eisk yoor life by allowing a cough or a cold to developilnto pneumonia or aonaamptfoh. One Minnie Cough Core will cur* throat and lnng troubles quicker than any other preparation known. Many doctor* nee It as a specific for grippe. It is an infallible remedy for cronp. Children like It and moth ers endorse iu W. J. Butte. Witt’s Witch Hazel Salve will quickly heal the wont burn* and scalds and not leave a scar. It can be applied to cute and raw aur facet with prompt and soothing effect. Use It for pile* and skin diseases. Bewar* of worth less counterfeit*. W. J. Bulla. For Diabetes use STUART’S GIN and buciiuvH Dr. M. Harris, of Chicago, will teat your eyes free of charge. He will be at my store tor two weeks, A. Rocbild. CASTOR IA If or Infanta and Children. Tin m You Hare Always Bought For sprains, swellings and laoenea* there nothing so ood as Chamberlain’* Pain Balm Trr IU For sale at Dr. Bishop’s drag store, Violet sod Lilac Cream after shav ing la aootbtng. Can only be had at Clark’s barber shop. Half the World is in Darkosss as to the cauee of their illfhealth. It they would start to treat their kidney* with Foley’* Kid ney Care, the wcarlncssafbody and mind, back ache beadndH- and rheumatic pains would disappear. . W. J. Batts. Money loaned on personal property and real estate. Ap ply to J. W. Wat Kins. A LAND-SLIDE. Jim Csrter in having a'laod-aiide in dyeing clothing. He represents the leading dyeing establishment ot Sa vannah, and the Brunswick people •re catobing on, for they always grab a good thing when they see it. Going Fast. New Soup Beans, New Georgis Syrup, Live Qagile. If ite good we have it. PHO.NE 158. GENUINE y OLD FASHIONED j Molasses tandy. | “As Ever Unexcelled.’' 10 Cents. ; W ) BUTTS, The Druggist, “On the Corner.” Brown Drug Cos. LEADING DRUGGISTS, f Are headquarters for [everything in the drag line. Our stock of Toilet Articles is complete. We carry the finest stock of Soaps and Per fumery in the city. Prescriptions accurately compounded by compe tent men day or night. Opera Glasses for Rent. BROWN DRUG CO. Druggists to the People. FRESH LOT<^s*Jk NDTOILLY’S CANDIES. | ? wards, in latest patterns. Fresh and new goods arriving weekly. See our new ill if tigs. LOOK THE WORLD OVER AND YOT CAN T3BEAT CREAM OF"KENTUCKY Whisky. SI.OO PER QUART; $4.00 PER GALLON. NOT MADE BY ATTRUBT* * I. Jrager & Cos,, Independent Distillers;- • Sold .- Exclusively} ir\Braunswick by 206 Bay Street. The World Listens When ' Leaders Talk, This is as true of Jtke Fur niture business as of state craft, Jrtttirally, we we have considerable pride in being LEADERS IN OUR BUSINESS. Quite a strong expression, but quite easily proven—the fur niture and prices to be the evidence, you to be both judge and jury. Come and be con vinced.