The Brunswick times-call. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1900-1902, November 13, 1900, Image 6
MATERIAL IS PWENROUTE _____- ■* • in Oyster Factory Will lie in opriUih ii 40 nays. Msrisger Klcboll, of tb Bell Can ning CoDipno;, reached the oity yes terday morning, and will remain bare now superintending the ereotion ol tbe building* for tbs Bell Canning Company. All tbe ui.ebinery, eto., for tbe fao tory i now earoute, and will be bere within tbe next day or two. Manager Nioboll thin.s bit be will have erery thing ready for operating within tbe next forty day*, and will put a large force at work aa eoou ae poeatble. ADVERTISED LETTER LIST. Tbe following ie a list of letter* re maining in tbe postofllce at Bruns wick, Ga., unclaimed, for tbe week ending Noy. 10, 1900. A—A. W. Atnllle, John Allen. B—J..A. Bradley, Mi,a Janie Brown, James J. Brown. Mies Ida Baker. C-Mra. Geo. H Collier. Mlbs G.orgia Cslllo. E—Jake Klversan. G-Willie Grant, Mies DoraGold atetn. H—MU* lna Illgley, Mrs. Cora Hunter. J—MU* Emma Jordan, J. U, Johnson, Wm. D. Jlnlrm*, Peter James. K-D. F. Kirkland, I. C, King. L—Mis* Stewart Letford. M—John Miller, Wimoa M tihell, Mrs. Henrietta Moore, Mr*. Edith Miller, Miss Jessie Miller, Mrs. Down* Mill*, P—Alex Parker, R— Mies Lilia RilUas, Mrs. Grace It>etiar<l, Mrs. Ann Reed. B—Sholte Somerall, Mr*. Leayy Smith. T— Mrs, Clara Thompson. W—B. M. Williams, Mits Ada Wil ton, Ellas Wilson, Mias Beulah Ward, Y—R. M. Young, Moaes Youog, Patrons of tbe postal service will please remember that nothing but first class matter can be forwarded without paying 'new pos.age. One cent will oarry out nows papers. When mailing papers to your friends, you should sea to It that the postage is lully prepaid, otherwise they are delayed, EXQUISITE CHOCOLATES. It you would liko to see something real lovely in tho way of Flue Choc - A olnte Candiea, besure to call by and A take a look at our new display. | There ia nothing to compare with It this side of Non York, and it, quite a treat to see. We’ve hundred* of nsw kinds now In stock, and mak ing and receiving more dally. Fancy gift packages in all styles and prices a specially. j i'-LOY'D’S, ’FlhtoNK *36 * | (Next door to Flaring & Wait) D*WIU* Littlo r.m UrerpiUnersr m,,.' T m Kl,er * r Uo grtpe. flr, J, Bntte. ’ *“ r *° Uk * * a ' l ne i^ BAD BLOOD, BAD COMPLEXION. The skin ia the scat of an almost end less variety of diseases. They are known by various names, but are all due to the same cause, acid and other poisons in the i.lOod that irritate and interfere with the proper action of the skin. To have a smooth, soft skin, free from all eruptions, the blood must be kept pure and healthy. The many preparations of arsenic and potash and the large number of face powders and lotitWAwenerally used in this class of up for a short time, bnt can n Jty?r-tß>ve per manently the ugly blotches aWI the' red, disfiguring pimples. Eternal vlgtlanoa la tho price of a beautiful oomploxlon when such remedies are relied on. Mr. H. T. Shot*. ,704 I.uchs Annas, St. Loots, Mo„ says 1 “My daughler’waa afflicted for yean With a disfiguring eruption on her face, which resisted nil treatment. She eras taken to two celebrated health springs, hut received no bene fit. Many medicines were prescribed, but with out result, unttl we d-dded io try S. 8. 8., and by the time the first bottle nas finished the eruption began to disappear. A dosen bottles cared her completely and left her skin perfectly smooth. She la now seventeen years old. and noth sign of the embarrassing disease hea ever returned." S. S. S. is a positive, unfailing cure for the worst forma of skin troubles. It i* the greatest of all blood purifier*, and ths only one guaranteed purely vegetable. Bad blood makes bad complexions. a/Os Afb ASb purifies and invigo ri ri rates the old and wsh. m. snakes new, rich blood k ■ k Mk. MB that nourishes the body and keep* the skin active and healthy and in proper condition to perform Us part towards carrying off the impurities from the body. If yog have Eczema, Tetter, Acne, Salt Rheum, Psoriasis, or your kin 1* rough and pimply, send for our book on Blood and Skin Diseases and write our physi cians about your case. No charge what ever for this service. twin SPECIFIC COMPANY. ATLANTA, AA. while we notify addresses to send for ward the balance of tbe postage, and if not done in a reasonable time the papers are eventually destroyed and your postage lost, Don’t fall to give us proper notice when you move, Don’t expect us to keep up with your change of address without notification. F. McC. Brows, Poei master CURES BLOOD AND SKltf i TROUBLES, Trial Treatment Free, I* your blooa pure? Are you sure of it? Do outs or sorstobes heal slow ly? Dora your skin itch or burn? Have you Pimples? Eruptions? Aob log bones or baok? Eozema? Old Sorss?/9;Boils? Sorofula? Rheuma tism? Foul Breath? Catarrh? Are you pale? Then B. B. B. (Botanic Blood Balm) will purify your blood, heal every eose, and give a olaar, smooth, healthy akin. Deep-seated oases, like uloere, canoer, eating sores, Painful Swellings, Blood Poison, are quickly cured by Botsnlo Blood Balm. Cures when all else fail*. Thoroughly tested for thiyty years. Drug stores, $1 per large bottle. Trial treatment free by writing BLOOD BALM CO„ Atlanta, Qa. Describe trouble-free medical advioe given. Over 3,000 vol untary testimonial* of cures by B. I George A. Points, Upper Sandusky, | 0., writes: “1, have been using Fo ley’s Honey and Tar for hoarseness, and find it the beet remedy I ever tried. It stopped the oougb immedi mediateiy, and relieved all soreness." After exposure or when you feel a cold coming on, take Foley’s Honey and Tar. It never fails to cure, and will prevent pneumonia or oonsump tion if taken in time. A Night ot Terror. “Awful anxiety was felt (or the widow ot Lbo brave tien.lsurnhsm.ot Muchirs, Me . when the doctors said she could cot live till morning, writes Mra. 8. H. Lincoln, who attended her that fearful night. “All thought she must' soon die from Pneumonia, bnt she begged for Dr. King’s Nsw Discovery, saying It had more than once saved her life and had cured her ot consumption. After three small doses she rested easily all night, hnd Its further use completely cured her.” This marvelons medicine is guar anteed to cure all Throat, Chest and Lnng Dis eases. Only 60e and t: W. Trial bottle* free at all drag stores. NOTICE TO VO TERS. Brunswick, Not. 8,1900. To tbe Voters of 26th Dist. G. M., Glynn County p-I respectfully solicit lbs votes, and ask tbe support of my friends and fellow-oltizens of tbe 20tb Dlst. G. M., of Glynn county, for the office of Jostioe of tbe Peaoe tor eaid Diatriot, at tbe election to be held next month, Decomber, 1500, RespeotluUy, A. W. Corker, II*),. Lumber Inspector, • . . ~y - ijr. • _ ty *• 7. . . -- - , IHE BRUNSWICK lIMES-CALL NOVEMBER 13, 1900 THE MEETING FRIDAY. Numbers Being Suggested for Alder maoic Honors. Who’ll be Named? As was published in these columns Sunday morning, the Good Govern ment club will meet Friday for tbe purpose of nominating a ticket for tbe city election, end many are wondering who will be selected, inasmuch as tbis nomination means election, as the ticket will have no opposition. Tbe olab promises to name only tbe best men, and tbe public can rest assured that everybody will be satisfied. STOVES REPAIRED. Rice, tbe stove doctor, repairs alt kinds of cook Moves and ranges, and buys and sells second-hand stoves. 414 Bsy street. Steps the Cough and works off the Celd. Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets cars a cold In one day. No Curs, No ray. Pries 15 ceils S6OO Reward. Wo will pay tho above reward for any case of Liver Complaint, Dyspepsia, Sick Headache, Indigestion, Coustipetaon or Coailvenesa we cannot enre with Liverata, the Up-to-Date Llttfe Liver Pills, when th* directions arc strictly complied with. They are purely vege table and never fail to give satisfaction. *Sc boxes contain 100 plus, lOc boxes contain 40 pills, *e boxes contain It pills Beware of.suh stitutea and imitation*. Sent by mail. Stamp* taken. NKHVITA MBDKJAI, CO., cor. Clin ton and J ic.kHOn Bti., Chicago, IU. For sale by Brown Drug Cos.. Brunswick, ija SkDvaunab, Ga., Elks’ Grand Carni val and Biriat Fair, Nov, 6-17,1900. Om tare for tbe round trip, plus 26 cents admission to the Carnival. For military companies (ahd brass bands In nutform, $1.60 for tbe round trip per capita. 20 or more on 0, ticket. 'Tickets on sale Nov. D, 7,9,18,14, 10, witb Hon! limit Nov, XB, inclusive. For the st % us dlseasas that attack tbe kidneys, l'riokly Ash Bitters is to unfailing remedy. Relieves backsefae, swelling of the feet, and persistent headache— symptoms which indicate kidney trouble. W. J. Butts. Jim Garter will sand for your old clothes and make them new, and charge you comparatively nothing. Second hand household furniture bought and sofd, also pianos, organs, trunks, mirrors, carpets, etc. J. W, Wakins. Kl-na Ki-na.—Quinine in a tastaleas form, without affecting it* medicinal value, combined with aactanllid and iron. Jest the thing for eblldren. Pleasant to taka. Uc a bottle. For alo by W. J. Butts, the druggist. Share at Clark’s, the only barber shop in town using Rochester sterilizer oharged witb Boro Phenol. ,soon Positions aL^jA-^EGUFIED Women MU B^^"\ll!|ott\e o urpi , ntictl I Business (odrse Ql *UQ j BUSINESS / &&&inatfj&r-- COLIE DE [ INSTRUCTIONS I H6IR k ‘ BALSAM ! |Kflnfefll , ’,<fl"tf' >.ml I' ut|f.l the rittr.',t. * AluiutiHTri KS9PU' ?all fo Rptcrf* f>rT AftJl fe>4 Unix t. kt Xo'fthful Oolr. . r KiONEYDISEASES most fatal of all dis eases. cm CY’C KIDNEY CURE Is i iULI I 0 Buarißtiid Ruedy or money refunded. Contains remedies recognized by emi nent physicians as the best for Kidney and Bladder troubles. PRICE SOc. and SI.OO. O W. J. Butts, tbe Drugist. To Stop a Gold. After exposure or when you feel a sold com ing on take a (lose of Foley's Honey and Tar. It never fails to stop s cold U taken in time. W J. Butts. Pretiy Children “We have three children. Before the birth of the last one my wife used four hot ties of MOTHER’S FRIEND. If you had tbe pictures of our children, you could see at a glance that the last one Is healthiest, prettiest and finest-looking ofthem all. VpHy My wife thinks Mother’s Friend is the greatest and grandest £■-' , remedy in the (J : flggjS-* world for expect- gaggg ant mothers."— Written by a Ken- Pa tacky Attorney-at imailNP FOICL'n prevents nine-tenths of Uve r RII suffering incident to chlld f “ birth. The coming mother’) disposition and temper remain unruffled throughout the ordeal,because this relax ing, penetrating liniment relieves the usual distress. A good-natnred mother Is pretty sure to have a good-natured child. Tbe patient is kept tn a strong, healthy condition, which the child also Inherits. Mother’s Friend takes a wife through the crisis quickly and almost painlessly. Ii assists in her rapid recovery, and wards off tbe dangers that so often follow de livery. Sold by druggists for $1 a tottle. the bradfield regulator CO. ATLANTA, QA. Send for our free illustrated book wrttta* •spresaty fur expvataat mothers. CJet JWOHIA. Beast th* HmM*w Barn ffignatxr* Tbe PlSiit System wHf sell round trip tickets fid? Ure annual fsiryWsy oros* Fair Association, at oue fare from Tbpinasviile, Albany, Savannah Brunswick, Jacksonville, Lake City MouoiqeU* and intermediate points, A splendid program of attractions baa bseti arranged and visitors will be writ entertained. B. W. Wrkkn, Passenger Traffic Manager, M.vanosb, Ga. Rainy Day (Hats. The very Vuirfri thv* m *; tavora4 Billot are ahowa in our Triamsd u uui&xd Felt Hat i In variety ot shapes, style* and color*. Wit bare bought ami made them up to sell to those who desire something serviceable, yc* pretty; good, but low price,!. Those are right and priced right. HISS KATE SLATER, WM OLOBOKdTKR ST„ Money to Lend on Improved Real Estate. Apply to W. Merchant, Secretary, or F. E. Twitty, Attorney, of the ATLANTIC INVESTMENT CO. Wall Paper s AT,THE PAINT STORE, 502 MonkSSt. W.H. LYTLE PROPRIETOR. SBAKK INTO YOUR^HOBS. Allen’s Foot-Ease, s powder. It cores painful, ■narting, nervous fret and Ingrowing nadaand mltsntly taxes tbe sting out of eoras and bon - loaa. 10s the greatest comfrrt discovery of tbe are. Allen’s Foot-Ease makes tight or new times feel easp. It Is s certain core for sweat ing. callous and hot, ttred, aching feet. Try it today. Sold by all druggists and ahoe stores. By mall for 26c In stamps. Trial package Free. Address Allen 8. Ohnstead, Le Hot. N. Y. Shave t Clark’s, the only barber sbop in town using Rochester sterilizer charged witb Bern Phenol. A C/imingMM/p 1 fnost welcome to the connoisseur— 1 rich * flinty and sparklingly brilliant 1 W) j ■ // Bottled Bears.” Wk { ;JH Brewed from 4% &MI Canadian 1 and Minnesota barley and the m Li-iF} nH c^°^cest imported Bohemian hops, I |v Jmii this beer is a nourishing drink | 1 Mm unequaled purity and excellence, SLv RrunswitWholesale Wine and Liquor Co- I PLANT SYSTEM PASSENGER DEPARTMENT. _____ UJkA(i Ik ,vvn —— 1 :]:r: Vi no. m ne.ea.7uzm Table | no. 8. Effective Oct 1, 1809. i Pnasengnr Mised Passenger Mixed d,w. D^ty . | *Ob *tpin.. It Brnnswieh sr | a oopm^Ho S“a n.„. IS w> a*... 10 li pm... Iv Wayeroea ar 40epm... 845 am.... :u alpm... 145 am... ar Tiften tv 1 UlOpm... JOOam.. It Tlitton ar 100ain.... 12 Sua.n,-. its SOpm... ar Jartaumvllle lv ZUOpmlK.. 6 ream... iioespin ar Tampa lv a ocpir VIA WAYOROSB A MONTGOMERY. ' I n 46 am... Buo pm... ar Wayoroar ti 4 16am... 7 80am a leans... ax Montgomery Ivj 7 Miat.. il* ZUgr-- U Wans... at Birmingham Ivj fos'm.. I Kltfi ... Naanville It . 900 m. . I S *6pß> ... 280 am... ar Louisville lv .. Z 66 ui, .. . 4Wlpai ... 706 am.:. ar Cincinnati lv . U 00 nu . . VAH AND CHARLESTON. '. is oft am. 646 pm.. Lv Brnnawick “X? 600 pm to 00 am ' - .. S VSsm . J 26pm.. Ar Elebmond Lv .... SO6 am - i’v : a^.’.jLv-’d£i,V.:■• ■: ■ .1.:1::--ilL.:• - ’’Rl BETWEEN BRUNSWICH AND SAVANNAH VIA JESUP. '“?>*',. Vo* pm ! lv ' Bsr'inawick “ar “tsasipia.. “¥BS pin , ....... 1030 pm.. ar dosnp lv 600 pm.. 856 pm.. ........ ..... 1016 am | 1210 am.. lar Savannah lv 825 pm 5 00pm. ,\ Direct oonnoetlon made at Waveroaa with Pullman Bleeping Cart foi all point*. Between Port Tampa. Key West and Havana. GOING j RKTUR^IKQ Lv Port Tampa 11 00 pm Mon. Thnrs. Sat Ar Port Tampa S 80 am Thur. Bnn. and Tuea. Ar Key Wests oft pm Tnes. FrL Bun Lv Key Wt lOOOp. m. Wrd. Bat. and M0n..... Lv Key Weet 9 00 pm Tue*. FTL Sunday Ar Key West 0 00 pm Wed. Sat and Mon. Ar Havana 6 00 am Wed. Bat Mon Lv Havana 1 so pm Wed. Bat. and Mon-,... — -.J.., ■ W 4 • Mill 1 M Whan th liquids come from our s ‘ “Vf' stock- Wo oarry such a flue line of a\ J T that It U impossible to find a brand -IL. yV’ I'V'Jywhich is not plesslng in some point, •JL * V •' : \ jdjtr HI Tbeaa goods sre fully matured, have a fine rich boly and mellow -ft Excelifiot for family or any usa, R- V- DOUGLAS. J, J. LISSNER, WHOLESALE Groceries, Tobacco, Flour, Bacon and Provisions, GRAIN, HAY AND BRAN A SPECIALTY. 216 Bay Street, Brunswick, Georgia. W H. BOWEN. J. . N. BRADT ■■ BOWEN & BRADT, CONTRACTORS • ANOj BL4IL-OE:R3] Of Stone* Brick and Frame Building Muafietnrm ament, TMefnndiArtificta] Stone-