The Brunswick times-call. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1900-1902, November 14, 1900, Page 5, Image 5

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LIST OF REfiISIEREO VOTERS City of Brunswlck for Year 1900. . •- A- fe' Aiken. F D Arbell, D H Ames, VV C Adam* Anguatue - Atkinsim, R L Abrams, J B , ' Atkiuser, I> 1) Augustine, 8 Ashby. AH R Arnold, C K Asbeil, Geo Allen, GC • Abrams J R Abbott J E y Ammons J M Anderson Wm Anderson A O Allen E J Anderson C J Atkinson SC Adams Fred B Blair,M C Brady,CM BO ,Vk ii, K Brown, J A Bull. Mtlo Buggf, A O Braxton, Atwell Bui ford, B A Bailey ,Ja-k Brantley, VV G Bryan, W W Bu.bee, P G _JBiiy, tV J Burney, A A Blimey, S A Broehinv a, 8 A BreisoAtek, B K Bourne, V C Brockinton, W VV Burford," K£L Beach, I. tV Burroughs, tV B Jr BroHton, Klwiu Baker, M A ar Buggs, O 11 Blake, Shadroeh Brady, 1L ' Burnett, J M JBirigg , C Bniroagka, W B sr %urney A J Brady H A At tn son D J _.-¥ranTt;nWl tA.; Botch a nlntti u r f o r <Y Burford .) 0 Black Dan Baumgartner John Bailey WP Bobue J B Baker F M Brown FMcO Butler T L Bloodworth J M Burford Hugh -Barnes .1 II Brook J ST Baumgartner H C Berrie B H Burney E A Baker JB L Butts W J Broad John Brow, eC F jkuHs E C Blanton Q W BJlnkley J J Boyd Henry Baser A II Boyd J 8 Baker E R Bennet J Baker Nick . Brazell D Brown J D Bird John Baker L W Banks E J Boyle Gu Blair U A Bodet L C Batts B J Berne W H Burn.- S F Brooks Eug c < XRC bell, John ' Council. Ben Cobh, Ransom Clark, T G Sr Cassidy, Sd Chasten, J W Collin*, J VV Cox. W R Cate, G V Conyers, C B Cos; .snail, D V Coakley, J B Clutter, M U Corker,J,L Colson, M J Cerker, A W Cline, G V? Coker. J M CUn#,W A Connolly, 3 M Carroll, Bruce Colson J T Coker W B C Clark T G Jr Charlton R D Christie All Creamer E T (Jolesberry W B Coleman B P Creamer J II Coney E F Caiman C T Calhoun B S Coates G W Clarke W B BKurrie D A Cohen Ed Caihonn J C Candler C L (Enroll L V Christopher II C Calnan C W Cains n K E Cook W B Cook C H C'ark R T Clarke C A Cheldou C H Cansoy T W X> Daniels, William Doe> flii-gtr, VV F Dart. J K Baris, David Dubberty, J K Dortltingir, C J Doviflii.gur, F Jos Davis, X, B Daui'-l, Mores Davie, ,1- hit Bcnston dußignun, H F ii.i t, - b-' L, Daniels, BH D‘ ten g,C W Demptier, VV E D- n Ison, Albert Downs, Preßlon Davis, Jcw -.b b Dnnwoody, II F Dent, James Dart, rI.-.ado Dexter, T tV du Bignor, .1 K Davidson, C K DeVije, tv II __ Dart Horace Doerflinger 0 F Durant Robt H Dait EM Da >. Son Luke Dart W It Dart ME Dart H L Da foith J It B Dilworth J II Dillon i'J Der.w j l * J 8 Davis J N Dent W H Dent Henry Devoraux 1) H Devaris P< ter E Emanii! 1, N Ellison, Charles KUen oo'*, W G Kt’ns, Tlio* F tr"ir, II II Elkan, jc Fddiav J L Elliot C L Edwards T W Ei: gei hr tsen N F Florrid, I, Flanders, T W F>. ii U A F-'gler, a I)^^^ Fanac , Robert Fioderirk, Fs ** r G 8 Floyd, Virgil rr ntXm * L Floyd, CIS Fl.-ndcrs, AE FaLm, Grover Fai". VV H Fouche, W K r'wlr*,CM Foley TUos F'irguson T B Fob* 1 a Jacob Fuuc 1 e 1 L Freeman J E Flc. *ing T Q Jr G Green, A Go os, J 8 Gfvvlb sail, Jno W bow n.l 1! Gr-Lar , Gran, Gregory. E D Go-idbri .0. CCI C Übreu 8 T Good! oad.C VV G • Cl’Jr Gill, I evrla (J s.-nth, u Gardner, Jack G- ■ le * o e Given, JC oi**iye.i, CP 8r Gorton, ' Jr Goi Utu, Gil, ohert Cay, G F Gsnvong, l'etrr Guy, |. ' oar, M T GK ryi Vf JI Guidon, Jolin P. Creeudel!, \T Graham, W I Qoodbread T B Goette Philip Gale H W Green W P Gordon Tbos Jr V ' Griffeth J W Green M Jr Girvin H Goiii.-,! t John Gosch Geo Ge*#ir B D Giil D J Greenfield W C Grady Goldstein G Gruber Fritz Gaines P B Griffin Lloyd Greenfield W H Gustavsen Frank Garrnett Ilenry . H Holmes, W H Harrell, M VV Hendrix, Thos It Ilodges, it A Hendrix, Sender Hilton, G F Holmes, Den.psey Haidt, J C llatliaway, S J Harris, J W Hopkins, E E Harvey, H J Harris, W 8 Hermann, F Harper, Goo VV Human, ET BavrisoD, J H Hardy, C *V Harvey, H H Hatcher, VV G Hart ison, VV L Higgins, W m Harold, J T Hardy, Chas Horan, Pat Harris, Adamg Hardaway, T J Hendricks, B W liagi ty, K M Herfel C A Heywood A M Harris W H Halversen Chas Hoyt L I) Holliugcworth W F Hardy R T Haidt*lt E Boodenpyle J M iia'dA; W W ’Backett \V A Hirseh B Harvey J G Hutchinson J-P Harris Jacob Harris T B Hardcastle T Holmes L H Haym L II Hill G D Hall A J Howard B F Hirsch n Hill Irwin Hoflmau J Hardcastle Jas Hoffman Gus Harrison R B Hobbs Wm Harrison J T Harris J W HotcU JC Herzog Frnnk Hampton Jerre Barratson J A I Isaac, Max Isaac, Moses Isaac W B Irvine \V 8 ■ J .J.- Jennings, GAH J uqui-s. AO N Johnson, Owens Jaqncs, OF Johnson, Geo JaqueA J L Joerger, F Johnson, Wn Jeffei-s, A C Jones, V J Johsnncgsen, Otto Jones, G M Jones U W Jackson Wash Jackson Sheppard Jones N Jordan B L Johnson R H Jeffers CF Jones CO K Keliei, ICrauss, D VV ICnudsen, Peter Kelt, Butler Kay.W B Kecu.JF King, J T Kennedy James Knight A*len Kaiser M Right N 8 Knibb J R King H M Krauss G R ti Loback, Will Dott, J J liSrsm, c. Dang. W L 1 -cn. o A Lamm. Leo Dif , * II Lamb, T 1, I. . ,LJ Jr Levison, Big Tc.i'u, Robert Ii wi 1 ,,1 a bauib.J L Lipeey, B P I Lan.b g; . t , ,1 1 Ludwig, L Lowe l M Lao bright T G ! Loftin Ii E Lewis I J Lma..ce" It K Lindsay It E Lee H 8 Loftiu ilenry Lasscrrn Jos F Lyons Geo Lutkie P J Liberman 8 Lange L Lewis J P Levy Julius i Mun yt. U 1 Mason, £l£ 'lAoi, Ji i B . KLj Mrre.mi', >v ililß li! ht'W, W H Mcrnfleltl, ti H Jon VucK, M VV Mai tin, Frank Martin, .1 K Mock, J A Muilinn, tt \ Mar, C C Moore, J vl Miller, UM Miller, JH Morgan, W Miliei, Hcibort 'orion, J R jr Marila, M J Manoc, G A G Myloff -fos Mope y J M Mahoney Wm Marceiin Tonpy Mock 0 8 Metzger J Mroczkowski T K Marks Max It Martin Chas Murray John Mi cbeh V R Mason A M Memory 8 F Mi.ler H A Me*erFW leillcr Constau- Morgan J K Voore W u Mi'ltr T B Mill'-r L A Marks S Madden J M Mar'iaLO Mat'hews J T Mack Jos Medd'in A Moore !>D Miller WW Miller W D I"alien J D Mitchell Newman Martin C A lliddlet- r. Wash Moore J E Mi'ler Harry Morrison I D Me MeKensic, W M MeCMk.ll, D Mclutyie, r-oli mon M-* nn.e , Osexr StcGs vey.C be bln gI:,J II Mu'*- r. , o 8 Mef'iillo -'! , *. II McCullough J 8 Me ullough C T Me rary W A vlcLaugiifin RM McDonald WO cCo gan E L MeAP t-t rL II M U>i< ughltß y, : ii ,T • c .artiel (1 A ! McGai’ • J v i'. R L Icily’-tir. Vi*vn#i,r THE BRUNSWICK IIMES-CALL. NOVEMBER 14. I^o Qrr, G J O’Connor, TbomM Ovtham, L 1> Ogg-, C D Owenßs G W Owens, J W Owens, A L Otlnm, J W Owens W T Oltren Jas Owens R E Oliver Thos Owens T F I' Fenuiman, EA Pitcher, Geo L Pyles, 1> B Putnam, A V Putter, VV A Pill-cell, R E Prayer, Jos Porter, W E Pteiller, Fred Peek, T J Peters, AUx Parnell, JT Pea i eon, J B Pierce. J 3*l Ponder, D It Peters, VV J Parke-, C L Peters, It VV Parker, C D Poore, J E .ric.vce, J C Perry J .1 Padrosa Ben'to Persons L E Pearson Mias Ponder G F Polhili J II Porte* C B Palmer A Pfeitfei Ed Parker W L Pearson B E Peek .1 E Pinkney L P Powell 8 F Pyles Orion Putnam E A Pyles It S R Read, II J RalTo, J S Russell', C A Randolph, H B Richardson, G W Hulart.-i, I. K Robinson, K T RnsSeilfß 1> Rudolph, 5 A Itigsbee, A RalatonTG A Sr Vjiyinotid. U II Rundon, Jno D Robiussn, L A ltobnisun, A G Russell L M Richards J J Rotholz Alex Rotholz Jake Ross A M Rothschild Abo Ralston G A Jr Ragowin P Ross J D Itobarts 0 P Reynolds C RagtahdßF . \ V,',-#,' ' * Strickland, AC 1 Steiner, C A SymOßij, W F. SHoepprl, W A Strickland, JJ ; , Sawyer, It ht Sowell,i'etay Segnl, PA Short, Cbrla Lb w ii Stevenson, Hftluy Southard, J M Slraeklefm-d, W J Strickland, VV V Spark*, JD Smith, fonrad • A Symoius-B R v Hyh'unsrd KM Si.-ith, A M Ay- -WledgWß, 8M Snderf L piick ; *Jyfinse, ConrtlenA Steiner, C L '*aM>, H D Sylvia, Frank J Scarlett,?M . ~^R Btahl Kli Summarilt F (Af Slocum ‘VV I Saßnrwlilfe; Leroy Smith W ; ,I; . ' BappUlf Samletrs G A- B-rith GeoH Stephens 8 X Smith VV, I Spears J J, Sheppard ,f E Stock vvellX, K'.r Btifl.liiiigs DBi Su'omerlin JII ■ Sttles J C Sjnith Abr Strickland E S Skipper W K Speer W L Stevens Cornelius Sweetwlpd Toiiy X ' V Thomas, J W Taylor, C H Taylor, W J Traylor, A G Thomas, VV > Taylor, W G Tbltalr, Asberry Turner,FA Tatnall. Harry Tustenaen, Sam TroiidweU, U B Taylor, 0 A Thompson, Thoa II Travloi.AT Tucker, W 8 Ti'ton, C M Talt, C 8 Twit'y F E taylorßH Turner May Tippins J L Townsend A O Tupper W M Tabbott w W Tabhott E S Tabbott J W Tupper E C Thorton 0 P Tiiariu G N Tnylor H B Tanersley J H TwomevJuoP Tioon A'bert Titus S 0 Tupper It B V Clsch. p 11 i v Vickers, J J Von Weller L J VintcrO o VV Wallace, .1 W W all ace W W VV right, L C Wylly, C H Wilder. WF Watkins, JW Wade, MD- Wenz, K. Wil;ir, Jerre Wimbei Iy,CH WHght, Duncau Wslkoi, i. K W hi * field, B Wei*?, 1,. Woikl, -* W Wood, A V W btMvGW Wiglit*Jß Wnglii.,l A. Wintion, Burr Wilder. A P Waj,WJ Wintor*Th F Walker, UJ Woy. A M Wr-nch, PA W iggins, li P WhiloJD Vs hit** 'V E Ward HR WimberlyJJ Wood tv N WilcbarEd V ilson J M - Warn e A F Wright J D White B A Jr Wood LA Williams Gilbert Waff Ralph Wright 8 B Walter E D Wright J W Williams Moes Wai e 'V WilcliarJ L V, right E - v Wr ghtGoo vi iji lams Jeff W right It Charles Williams Ed T Ti.ung, J Tonog, J JS Vt bites 635 Colored M To* a 1 7111 “I have always used Foley’s Honey end Tar cough inedir )„ and think It ihe host in the world,” syn Obn llenocr,* newsdeiler <jt Kle 1 Pa, ?‘ak< no eubstltotH. v* J Bo.u B’or nindder u go, STUART’S GIN ano i >3UCHU. ~~ ~ - r r. Perfumes and Toilet Articles We have just received anew supply of a well selected stock of Perfumes and loiiet feoaps, and now have on hand most of the special odors in both imported and do mestic goods from the very best manufacturers. It Will Cost You Nothing. To examine our stock before making your purchases. We will always give you our attention and will take great pleasure in showing you anything in our store whether you are ready to buy or not. Wi Hay e Just What You Want In Drugs, Perfumes, Soaps, Patent Medicines and such other Sundries as are usually found in a modern drug store- If you should want anything not to be had in our mar ket we will be more than glad to get it for you in our next order. We are here to serve you at any time. Our Prescription Department Is filifd with a fine assortment of new and fresh medicines for doctors’ prescriptions. You need not liesifgte to send us your prescriptions to fill, as we give this department our personal attention. Uur experience dates back for about one quarter of a century. 1 ertect satisfaigay^L guaranteed to every lady. Why not call and see us. SMITH’S PHAR MfICY, 1 - The Cash Druggist, 131 Newcastle, Corner Monk. • ■■■■*+■ . a.V* ’ All kinds of Fancy Cakes fresh, at “The City Bakery,” corner Monk and Newcastle- F. J Doerflinger CALL ON L. A. Miller ! , FOIt KPii Ones Mtf Sling ting gag Fining Lame Stock Just Keoeived. Comer By *nl Mm ' and. PUyuc 177 D • ov r wjn*r* ki'n dr^il n 1 • ~ K i* y < *4. mi. . c ’"iHjacd fn that cer * ■” ' V* ™ h V CnrjKill'o M . ft- 1 'uru , ri'onrrfjd in %.)* V .! w H. f‘M’o vttf to r will be „ )n l-for**. t* * (l ior <1 I*'** r art h () Re 0 f j county, u !’r O* o. cl , oH :hr- t -st }o‘ tla> ir; ub Ua* **) o, be* wh;u rh<* lftKulbO'i*# of fctltt .1 j the lilkl it Hurt t st bid dor,fo Cl ti. .*ll ot t iaf r- r m <ra l, lotor, ptoict lof lan 1, giV'i ** * i-i r Ii ’ 1( ,<i wt, |, ] :boul H X H'iUv ti • I / kiln t; >ot B an vTiok,’ 1 in tilt; 2Cth G M ,fd - id Count*, and • cr fod in-t dcud ho i) K M. ' iru r>► dd C irroll,u 2 ec <*f 1* the f *!!ow- j i**S course*, and h.A Do , ,u> in ri o> Conimimdi)/ <it ;* p. v r' * <-n lh<* put. lif io n *9 dtun irtjm wdi*i is kno - it the Old beAoudorGo n b tail t c and am mu tt itceMop'h J 7 • e/nm * aw-t,:*i ' nnii 4!t links to fcUke; V w>‘ raunlni v uh To tie# rc* *wo . 7 chEi-i Ei and .*<> [Vs to a nine tret; itiei* e unninf n *ial* rtj ic.rreun© i :m ch vln n 411 ikpto ft bti kii ,fi. i ; hen e ru inpwoat * 70 ■♦a?■'* e. eua, 7 dial*h nd 50 link* to in** inliLv) otnt;sa t trad b* i idmt on tbena- hoylundiof UMi'-l li.C, a, ,oi.tnel e," by nftid public load fn :n Old < hsu I t * nafdß'.ndc G io.n r ad I’i u:w,A> he nm-th >v public roart md la*ids ♦1 8 unn id it let md on t!t* west bv ’smls of • id #a:,;ito of s%i bat beiiig rti<* pi ce .■ hcreai ibe ,* ai i r ~ ,u , , P e ’ rau-g a small o nntrv ’arm, k/.ov and eh ( Erroiln Karin Also that •viUin tber t■ vet **Mund. 1 m mild coimty md disti lo*. c ma-n ug 8 mr t h [of land, adjoiulur t.>c a' l • ‘ v** and o • i olid b* ng p t t co’sjlr db‘* im.. .to and t]inm ii* l id b< dto #• weo* *,t irom •aid Oai oL to mi h, I’arkcr. •id two tr/.eon of la <d to bo sold f fh 1 lojoty f raid L V Cun oil o *u*t.*fv b> In (Jrbtrdio a.a nn .edl J.i iald Good t secure ueot. lb . i (J pnnci hi with •* >ar osut iutenmt tboreon irt* Mairb Ist until paid, be ■ biff ll eosuor Ib.E **ilc *.s roviden fo 1 lu said daed to necuu debt. I'.irma*- r )>ay foi titles, fbig Kover ie ftr'i. ifii/ 1 1 V. L > H .<>LL, (ti *utor, ' By l/lh.i. M. Li t PA HK .B, uls au;nt *l at It >'ney in fact unjor uao power of sale il ;ro aaid HTPAN-S mmz doctors find A Good Prescription. £. / lor mankind Van Lm An at Dru|isi Iwamn* paiMna, jVtr> VnatU, Grutni Sn- rj * Y* f>a***r4n#r N anttei Oi nnHtr 1-. •• ’'*? •••ft n<ili iiKj --v to mv Mitwiw m -Ttripi | rw,Mpn 11 (ininl VwTiAuQ HK^PON^IBGifI '•'UMKNT csr a ilv to their mcnitin eam d# r 0 •ma)i*i s ifon. Rod hiso an upp irttih 1 o she v, r uur dia.til* jriori H $17,f00 •f cash, by takirjf eubtoriptioiui for h - Delineator. M> ofpfit (Lints Oily Odfß* fttfd nJ, 0 you Ad ! * - Ruturj- Poh (P , Den . D 17 \V**m irh ar., New York Kef* 4 ) ba krr ex (yvwp, agei, M nr pcoplo worry ln*e ia,a ihcy bellcvs 1 hey li*vr bc'itUjH* ans. The cbaoccKaro that thuii bear a M/eaU rUhi but their stomneha lire ’inubl* t dlcuai bK>d. Kodoj Djapepatn (;ors till whnl you cut and } .cventM the formation ot gx, * akc* the at tde-.i pr *<* ngainat the beari. 11 will ul# trtrj Gocerics, Oountnr PmHuct —Vagelafclat etc. i’so CGnfactloneri, MONK BTRtJif T HnU v bWIfJK. OA T. POOL, Contractor and Builder, IT9 Suulli StoTiuwail iri o' BItUVSM ICK, (iEORgiA. U*e Clark’* M*gio Tua j/ttriur.. draff; sure cure. 5