The Brunswick times-call. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1900-1902, November 14, 1900, Page 6, Image 6

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6 H.H. RAYMOND TO LEAVE OS Has AccegM a Position ii Hew York City. Mr. H. H. Raymond Gaerai South ern Agent of tbe Malloiy Steamship Line, and agent of the Clyde Steam ship Line with headquarters at Eruna wlck wl'J leave the south within a few days to sowpt a position high in the councils of the Mai lory people at New Yotlc headquarters. He will oe succeeded in the local field by hi* brother. Joseph Hejtnand, an cxpcrlei cid steamship man. The departure of H. H. Raymond from the south will be a serious loss to transportation circles as he is one the leaders in all association matters and the member of lbs most important committee;, The loss to Brunswick is ineetlmatable cs be has invested largely in local Bteamboat lines and was active as a developer of Atlantic seacoast res aorts as well as a largo Investor in var ions public enterprises. The Mallory people have long re lied on his excellent judgment in pro moting their business In Southern Helds and he has now become so valu able to them that they want his entire time in the New York offices. The ex act title of Mr. Raymond’s office has not yet beoo announced but it will be the highest in the gift of,the company and carry with it compensation worthy of the office and the the man. * r " 1 ... ■■...i.., i,— —i —. HOW ARK YOUR NERVB6? If thty are weak and you feel nervous and easily ” (lustra ted,” oan’t sleep, and rise in the morning unrefreslud, your blood is poor. Strong nerves depend upon rloh, nourishing blood. Hood's Barsaparlila makes the nerves strong by enriobing and vitalising the blood. It gives sweet, ra vishing sleep and completely cures nerv ous troubles. Begin taking it today. Nausea, indigestion are oared by Hood's Fills. A MACKINTOSH MANUFACTORY. Tbo leading mackintosh manufac tory establishment in the world is rep resented here by Jim Carter, the only established clothing agent in the oity. The seleot styles, and surprisingly low prioes quoted on these popular gar ments, osn’t be equaled anywhere else in the oity. It will pay anyone ti see Carter’s line of samples. Kl-na Ki-iia.—quinine m a tasteless form, without affecting Us medicinal value, combined with aaetaniltd and Iron. Just the thing fin children, Pleasant to take, ate a bottle. For aale by W. J. JBulte, the drugWst. EXQUISITE CHOCOLATES. If you would liko to sue aomelhing real lovely In the way of Flna Choc olate Candlee, oetnre to call by and take a look at our new dUplay Th ere is nothing to compare with it thin aide of New York, and Ite quite a treat to eee. We’va hundreds of new Unde now In stock, and mak ing and receiving more dally. Fancy gift packages In all styles and prises a specialty, LLOYD’S, ’PHONE - (Next door A Waff) Rlten art the beet liter pUUelfflHttte. In; to take and nerer Kripe. W.J^ktU. CANCER Sufferers from this hwrrible malady nearly always inherit it—not necessarily from the parents, but may be front some remote ancestor, for Cancer often runs through several generations. This deadly poison may lay dormant in the blood for years, or until you reach middle life, then the first Uttle sore or ulcer makes its ap pearance-—or a swollen gland in the breast, or some other part of the body, gives the first warning. To cure Cancer thoroughly and perma nently all the poisonous virus must be dominated from the Wood—every vestage rf it driven out. This S. S. S. does, and a the only medicine that omjreach deep reated, obstinate blood trouts cTlike this. When all the poison has been forced out of the system the Cancer heals, and the disease never returns. Cancer begins of ten in a small way, as the following letter from Mrs. Shirer shows: A small pimple came on my law about an Inch below the ear on the left aide of my face. Itgavs me no pain or lnconven elnce, and I should have aflcPSs forgotten about it had it not to indame and jJhK" scab ovenbut continue'! foraome lime, fU3n fl when my Jaw began to iff M palnfut. TheCaucer bZ until It waa as large as a iiaA’illßl ddoH half dollar, when fheard gKgyWTJF ... of 8 b S. and d-rr, ruin- W* ed to give it a fair trial, •VWWSSjggsFSS ij and It was n-markahle sWaMTI TaTf what a wonderful effect ™ 1 It had from the very beginning i the sore began to heal and after taking a few bottles disappeared entirely. This was two years ago | thaie ara still no signs of the Cancer, and my general heatlb jonttutseagood —Mas. ft. Bhixx*. La Kata, Mo. Aik jfljfc is the greatest of ell HL’N Wood purifiers, and the one guaranteed kJB Lj® kB purely vegetable. Send tor our tree book on Cancer, containing valuable and interest ing information about tbla disease, and write our physicians about your cese. We make no charge for medical advice. THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO* ATLANTA, <UL SWEARING THEM IN. Ordinary Dut was busy yesterday swearing the county commissioners in. The country members of tbe board could not he seen but etch of them were notified to visit tbe ordinary’s of floe and sign the oath as soon as pos sible. CURES BLOOD AND SKI*! • I TROUBLES, Trial Treatment Free, Is your blooa pure? Are yon sure of itf Do cute or ecratohes heal slow ly! Doea your skin itcb or bumf Have you Pimples! Eruptions! Aob log bones or baokf Eczema! Old Soreef Scrofula? Rheuma tism! Foul Breath! Catarrh! Are you pale! Then B. B. B. (Botauii Blood Balm) will purify your blood, heal every sore, and give a dear, smooth, healthy skin. Deep-seated oases, like ulcere, cancer, eating sore*, Painful Swellings, Blood Poison, are quickly cured by Batamo Blood Balm. Cures when ail else fails. Tborougbly tested for thirty year*. Drug stores, fl per large bottie. Trial treatment free I>* writing BLOOD BALM CO„ Atlanti, Gp. Describe trouble-free medical advioe given. Over 3,000 vol untary testimonials of cures by B. B. B. OA JTOHIA. Bourn the _ Ha Kind You Have Always Bounht PROMPT BRUNSWICK. Mr.K. D. Wolffe, secretary, of the Conzeimao Construction Cos., has just rsturned from Greenville, S.C., where bis company Is building a *25,000 opera house. The oitixena of that city subscribed *4,000. Mr. Wolffe in* forma us that over *3OO remain* uu paid, about tweqty-flva subscribers failing to make good tbeir obligations. Brunswiok subscribed *3,500 towards their opera bouse, and Mr. Wolffe saye tbat only two failed to pay, and tbeir total subscription* only amount* ed to *ls. White Greenvillians have more wealtb per oapita, Brunswlokiatte teem to meet tbeir obligations more promptly. In oases of oaterrb, Hood's Sarsaparilla heals the tissues, builds up tbe system, expels impurities from tbs blood, and oUrts. Sauer Kraut just in at Thos. Keany’s. Dr. M, Harria, tbe optibiao, will only b* in tbe eity one mare day. Gallon bim at A. ltotbsobiid’s. IHE BRUNSWICK lIMES-CALL NOVEMBER 14, I9oi> SENATOR BELL S SILL. To Hasten tbe Exeution of Assaulters of Women. Tbe Atlanta Journal of Monday •ays: “Senator Bell of tbe Tbirty-nintb, will not let bis bill to hasten tbe exe cution of assaulters of women die without a struggle, “As reported in Friday’s issue of tbe Journal, this bill, wbiob requires such criminals, when not recommended to the mercy of the court, to be executed within five day* after oonviction, was condemned by tbe general judloiary committee. Of that body Mr. Bell is a member, tbe report was read today in open senate, be gave notice tbat he would file a minority report. “This, of oourse, means a contfs', and in ail probability a spirited de bate. It seems rather early to hazard prediction of the result Tbe senate is la tbe babit nf adhering pretty closely to tbe reoommendatioo of ft* oammiUees,-buWo qfiite a number of notable instances, ba* pasted meas ures over a majority report.” • For (be serious diseases tbat attack the kidneys. Prickly Aab Bitters ia an unfalliogremrdy. Relieve*baciaohr, swelling of tbe feet, and peralatent beadaobt—symptoms which indicate kidney trouble, \V. J. Buttif . Jim barter will send for your old clothes and make them new, and charge you comparatively nothing. Second hand household furniture bought and sold, also pianos, organs, trunks, mirrors, carpets, etc. J. W, Waikins. NOTICE TO VOTERS. Bsunswick, Nov. 8, HXK), To tbe Voters of J6tb Dlst. G. M., Glynn County 1 respectfully solicit tbe votsß, and ask the support Of my friends and fellow-citizens o{ the 36th Diet. G. M., of Glynn county, for tbe offioe of Juatioeoftbe Peace for said Distriot, at the election to be beld next month, December, 1900. Respectfully, A. W.Corkek, Lumber inspector, SbaH at Clark’s, the only barber shop in town using Rochester sterilizer charged witb Boro l’henol. JtoQDpoSITIONS jL -j>Q&ECURED Young Men si Ur o ft Np our practical (odrse COLLEGE 1 Setf/brGaAuiym‘ INSTRUCTIONS t pTRKtFrs . . ■ HAIR BALSAM trs tk-ftLfiflf-g Ifttl. , KwCSr F ftis tv liestorw Ortby fUxSg'WL w * ,r t ' Youthful V Olrir. I—JwHra rrevTl* Dftti-Jrwii i! e;r Fbrfgr ~ : air, net si >iyi>ru g i,i.. _ SIDNEY DISEASES asms* —’si?Trt l, Tr,: r - 1 JLr'-’gJ-s’! ■■ j. t ja l , ■: vjksi most fatal of all dis eases. cm CV9CI KIDNEY CUBE In luLl I 0 Guaranteed Remedy or money refunded. Contains remedies recognized by emi nent physicians as the best for Kidney and Bladder troubles. PRICE 50c. and JI.OO. O W. J. Butts, the Drugiet. To Stop a Gold. After exposure or whon you feel s eold com ing on uko s dose of Folev’e Honey nod Ter. It never fails to stop e oold If taken in time. W 3, Unit*. - DEATH OF MR. PYLES. Breathed His Last Soma Days Ago at Ha Homs od Fancy Bluff. Mr. Gaorge W. Pylee died >om t dsn ago at bis home in ibe couolry of t complies 100 of diseases. Fpr urn time tbe dee &scd has been in o: c health and his death was not uoex pected. Mr Pyles waa one of the oldest ie-1 dents of this county aud was the Hrtt conductor on tbe old Brunsw ek ad Albany ra iroai. Tbe decea-ed was interred in ill family burying around at Fancy Blu 3 A Frightful Blunder Will often cause a horrible Burn, Scald, Cu’ or Bruise. Buckleu'a Arnica Salve, the beet n the world, will kill the pain sad promptly heai it. Cures Ilia Sores, Fever Sores, Ulcere, Boil- Felons, Corns, all Skin Eruptions, Best Pile onreon earth.. Only 25 cts, a box. Cure gaer an teed, Sold by all druggist. Dr. M. Harrjr, the opticas, will only be in fSe oity one more day . Call on him at A. R itbsobild’s. George A. Points, Upper Sandusky, 0., writes: “I have been using Fo ley's Honey and Tar for hoarseness, and find It tbe_ best remedy I ever tried. It slopped the oougb lmtnedi mediateiy, and relieved all soreness.” After exposur*- or when you feel a cold coming on, take iVL-y’a Honey and Tar. It never fails to cure, and Will prevent pneumonia or consump tion if taken tn time . .• t ■" Tbe Plant System wilt sell rdutid trip tickets fbr.tb* fair, Way oross Fslr Asiociitton, at one fare from Albany, Savannah liruqswick. Jacksonville, Lake City MonoioeHe anti (ct.rme-iiai points, A splendid program of attractions ba& beau arranged and visitors will be well entertained. B. W. Wkrwn, Pasteoger Traffic Mtnsger, Savannah, Ga. Rainy Day Hats. The very bo%t of tb to Hi R'tajies ar shown In our Trimmed ri Felt Fate tu variety of Bliapctt, Rtylea and color#* Wli have bought and made them np to b*ll to those who desire aomet hins serviceable, yet pretty; good, hot low priced. Theo are right and priced right. MISS KATE SLATER, 504 GLOUUKBTF.K ST.. Money to Lend on improved Estate. Apply to W. Merchant, Secretary, or F. E. Twitty, Attorney, of the ATLANTIC INVESTMENT CO. Wall Paper ATgTHE PAINT STORE, 502 Monk St. W:H. LYTLE PROPRIETOR. SHAKE INTO YOURJSHOES. Allen*. Fi-ot-Kaee, a powder. rtcnreß pslnfni, smarting, nervous feet and Ingrowing nailaand mstantlr lakes the sting out of corn* and bnn lona. It’s Hie greatest comfj-rt discovery of the axe. Allen’s Foot-Ease make, tight or uew shoes feel reap. It lea certain cure for sweat ing, callous and hot, tired, aching feet. Try It tocay. Sold by alt druggists and shoe storea. By mall for 25c in stamps. Trial package Free. Address Allen 8. Ulmstead, le Boy, N.Y. Shave at Clark’B, tbe only barber sbop iu town using Rochester sUriliaar •barged with Bare Phenol. A Ckrming Jndm<fm!i(y I most welcome to the connoisseur— I sparkllogly brilliant (SOHEMfAH I Hi 1 fm l "Ebsr- 'aß Bottled Beers.’" I mfg 1 Brewed from the I and Minnesota barley and the ■ Ij-ffij* iH choicest imported Bohemian hops, a I M’wi/iISJ HR this beer is a nourishing drink of m HBBm unc T Jd - purity and excellence, jJKRj Order from .mMwB lirunawick'Wbolesale Wine and LiquorCo. ] PLANT SYStSrJ PASSENGER DEPARTMENT. ~7TT!“ ua.AU iiuvt s | RkAU Up “7TTT77T TlUl© 1 abi G *O.BB. *O. SO. !1 j I " " •■‘iilllli Bffscttve Oct 1, ISM. "i"!!!"-* Pa*nger Mixed PaaMnger Mixed bally. Daily, Dallv. Dally. i . Bcc am.... 545 m... It Brunawick ar r. (Xipro .Jmo o>a u.... soopm... ai W aycrosa it 4 !5Pm RSB 7 SOa-n... ............ 10 00am... 10 15 pm... It Wayeroaa ar 4 s-pm... I 6 45ara v 12 aipm... 145 am... ar Tifton It 150 pm.... 2 15,tin.... i 205 pin... 400 am... ar Albany It 1280 pm.... JlOlaui..., ............M2 SUUUI... lOKOpm... ar Jaeksonvllle Iv 2 00pm ... 5 Man.. 'll seam... 1145 pm ar Valdosta It 130 am.... . . ! .......... .jlOOOpm j ar Tampa. Iv 8 oopir VIA WAYCROSS A MONTGOMERY. SOflam... 6 46pm It -Brunawick ar 6Do pm... 10 (X) a m 0 45 am... SoOpm... ar Wajcroae Iv 4 15am... TBoam' ' 20ii>Bi. 8 10am... ar Montgomery lv T 45 pm II 26am... 1150 am... ai Birmingham lv 4 os nm 0 50am... rlO pm... ar Naanville lv 8 00am.’! ■'"* l2 26pm... 230 ant... ar L*uiavt!le lv .. 2 65 am * AND CHARX.ESTON. 8 0*401.. j 6 45 pm.. Lv Brunawick' Arl 4 00pm 10 od am ! ,"!.. Srtam 726 pm . Ar ltlchmond Lv 006 am ~BETWEKN~BRUNSWICH AND SAVANNAH VIA JEBUP. j 640ai!! 0> pm.. lv Brunswick ar _6 26 pin.. Ik S5 pn~. ... . 8 05ain . 1080 pm.. ar Jesnp lv 600 pm , 055 pm.. Direct connvetmn made at Wavcross wjtji Pullman Sleeping Car* tea all points. Between Port Tampa. Key West and Havana. GOING. | BETURNTSa Lv Tort Tampa II 00 pm Mon. Thnrs, Sat. | Ar Fort Tampa 280 am Thor. BuS. and Ta* Ar Key WcatS O' pmTues. Krl.Sun I Lv Key West lOOtip. m. Wed. Bat. and Mob. ...*i Lv Key West 00 pm Tues. Frl. Sunday lAr Key West 900 pm Wed. Sat. and Mon-... 11 Ar Havana 6 00 am Wed. Bat Mon | Lv Havana 2 80pm Wed. Sat. and Men y •I ■ Sdiittii mi mu. Whon th liquids come from our stock. We carry such a fine line of that it is find a brand k which is no 1 ! pleasing in some point, ' These goods are folly matured, have a fine rich body and mellow i Excellent for family or any use. > R- V- DOUGLAS. J. J. LISSNER, WHOLESALE Groceries, Tobacco, Flour, Bacon and Provisions, GRAIN, HAY AND BRAJU SPECIALTY. 216 Bay Street, Brunswick, Georgia. W H. BOWEN. J, . N. BRADT BOWEN & BRADT, •ANIDJ BUILOEIRS] Of Stone. Brick and Frame Building afMwfftctKrcrs iMamfthWcpHidlArtfficlal Stone-