The Brunswick times-call. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1900-1902, November 14, 1900, Page 7, Image 7

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* Typhoid Ferer Eiprricics j Is wot desired in your own per son. A Doctor’s Obaerratiow Is Valuable to All. Read what one says sheet Jstosotfs Chill & Feyer Me ‘‘Last Fall we bad a good deal of Typho-Malaria, or perhapa Ty phoid Fever. Soma patients died: acme recovered after alx or eight weeks. After trying regular rem edies two week*, i gave Johnson’* Chill and Fever Tonie, In no in stance bad it been given mora than 24 hours, when fever cooled down and did not return. FaUentf regalnedjEood health rapidly** J. F. Kinoheloe, M. D.. Conway, Ark* Take JOHNSON’S TONIC at the first symptom, and KEEP WELL. A. B. Girardeau, Savannah, Oa. Sole Manufacturer. liis-jiiii GRAND OPERA HOUSE, ALL THIS WEEK m attned? -Sr lues., Thurs, and Sat. Matinee prices 10 and 20c. Night prices 10, 20, JOc. LADIES wilt be tor 15 cents pro vided they reserve tWVsoata BBFOKE 6 p. m. Monday. MONDAY NIGHT, The biggest to, SO and SSe worth ever offered to a theatre-going poblte, THE PRINCESS OF PATCHES, Four Complete Set* of Specie! Scenery. ELI ZISSIMATO, 302i Newcastle St. MH1.... ...UK Hi CIGARS AND TOBACCO Ail Kinds o t Ottndj . Our Greats**, Speclstist for 38 years Dr. J Newton Hath- IM 0 successfully ‘rested chronic ASse&Ses that he ie acknowledged today ttt st-sadat the head of h t, rofessioc in this line. His exclusive method of treatment lor Varioooelo ana Stricture without the aid of knife or cautery enroa in W per cent, of all canoe In the treatment of lose of vital forces nervous disorders, kidney and urinary ooui;ua,nte, paralysis. Wood poisoning, rheumatism, catarrh and diseases pecul iar to women, he l oqualy successful’ Dr Hailiaway’s practice is more than <lot'.’ that of any other specialist. Oases pronounced hopeless by ether physicians, readily yield to his treat • meat Write him today fully about your ease He makes no charge for consul ,ation or advice, either at his of fice or by mail. J. NEWTON HATHAWAY, M. D. 86 Bryan Street. Savannah, G& STOVES REPAIRED. Rice, the stove dec or, repairs kindi or cr'ok stoves and ra; roc, buy and sells second hand stoves, 414 Bair street tTOHR FACE IS YOUR FORTUNE. Throw away Coemettefi* American Women throw aw ftj ,H4Tentrifl million doll ht>* annually for far pow lert,lotion*, etc., mo it i- . !jiik ? (i > mi! elan ra an •r*v tb< i• r 1 > *t> i ; >i i Koa LftaKiiy Com; Vitlon, get a— V (,3 V KUBBFII M Re-t ‘re•• o**i . Inal * •nunu, permanently ra~ 's, pnp ea, fieeil**. biaekbe, da. and nil rtnnai ;m perfections. A ’ ‘ •ij . role** Result* guaranteed. W ii< (or particular* Price .*s.ijfe by mai Qu res 92 f and *-.50 viuji i iimmu co.. ><> wm 14m st n. y Brovr J i-ug C. ~Sole Agts Brunswick, Georgia. . r'-'unvi. hand household tu/n(.u r e bout,} 1 and sold; also pianos, o>g*iis, trunks, nir oi>. carpet*, (to. J. T Watkins. 9 THUS THEATRICAL. DANGERS Of A CHEAT CITY. Dangers of a Oret City which th" Mjrkle & Harder Company put on to night is considered one of the best bills * and will surely pleate. This compaoy is being well pa!roniEd as it shou and, ;hrlt is w'thout doubt the best repei* tolre company that has vetted our city this season, sod th? audierce gets their mon^T's worth with mo e thrown in. Matinees will bs given on Thurs day and Sa urday. TOO RICH TO MARRY. la ihe odd name o' a farce comedy which wil 1 he at the opera bouse on Thursday, Nov. £3id. This comedy has all ihefuu of Charter's Auut and The Real Widow Brown. Ii mads a decided hit at th-; Grand ooeia house in Atlanta last w.-tk. S ats will be placed on sale Monday. Scammoos Town Topics will be here in a few we ks. General H. Burley, U. 8. A., will he in the city the latter part of next week, and the military companies are talking of giving him a reception. ladore Rush, Roland Reed's former leading lady lias joined the Rogers Bros., supplementing Della Fox. A Monster Devil fish Destroying its rletira, Is a tj-pe of Consump tion. The power of this murderous malxdy is 1t on organs snd nerves snrt muscles end brain. There]? no health till it's overcome But r. King’s New Life Cilia are a safe snd certain cure. Best in the world for. Stomach Liver, Kidneys snd Bowels. Only s* cents st ail druggists. RECOMMENDS IT TO TRAINMEN. f ~ riiftan'T, in Lima, 0., engineer L. K. A W.railroad, writes: “I h*ve been troubled a great deal with back ache. I wae induced to try Foley’s Kidney Cure, and one bottle entirely relieved me. I gladly reoommend ft to any one, etpeoiaily my friends among the trainmen, who are usually similarly afflicted.” CASTOR IA For Infants and Children. The Kind You Hare Always Bought B.J. OLEWIN yleh filing, Renting, Repairing, Messenger Scrvie We sell Cleveland, Monarch, Crawfo. i, Eagle. Elk, Dixie Best of Wheels for thr Least Money in file Mltiiaenr Mime i JOJ Kewcant e S*a t Withes to inform the lad cs of Brunswick tbs thty will find the largest and Isles novelties in Hats, - Infants - Caps, • Bflbnt, AND ALL KINDS OF BAIR GOODS, FANCY GOODS A Specialty. iriirBRUNSWITK TIMEHXJAUJFNOVEMBER ~/ iuo. BABY PULL-BACKS It is strange that babies get on so well as they do; there are so many pull-backs I But Scott’s emulsion of cod-liver oil is a wonderful help. Begin with a little. Too much will upset the stomach. Increase, but keep under the limit. The limit is upsetting the stomach. It rests a tired digestion; it does not tax the stomach at all; it lets it play—little stomachs like to play. We’U send you a little to try. If you like. SCOTT & BOWNE, 409 Pearl street, New York. A LAND-SLIDE. Jim Carter is having a land-slide in dyeing clothing. He represents the leading dyeing establishment of Sa vannah, and the Brunswick people are catching on, for they always grab a good thing whoa they see it. Mrs. T. BridtUeman, of Parsballville Mich,, was troubled with salt rheum for thirteen years and bad tried a aomber of doctors without relief. Af ter two hr three applications of Ban ner Salve, her bands beosme better, and. m a short time she was entirely oared. #?•■ , ■; - Don’t be deceived or- humbugged by people who claim the discovery of sepe hitherto un known herb iir toot, in swamps, oam some mountain or prairie for the cure of kidney and bladder troubles, Any doctor] or drugglst with tell you that such claims or fraudulent. Foley’s KMuey Cnre simply contains remedies that are recognised by the moot skilful physician* he best for these eotup’aints, ao don't bo oredulons or foolish. W.J. Butts. a Money loaned on personal property and real estate. Ap ply to J. W- Watkins- Yon can't afford to eUrkyoar Ufa by'allowing a cough or a cold to develop into pneumonia or consumption One Minute Cough Cure will euro throat imd lung troubles quicker than any other piwparanott known. Many doctors use It a* a specific for grippe. It is an infallible remedy for croup. Children like it and moth ers endorse It. W.butts. Vio’ot and L 1 Cream after Bha?* ing is s ijing. r only be had at Cior '•-(f * ' V • r 7 * ID CO f!r fi i 1 i M w* have on ! CAL a ii) EXAMINE. TH. F. Winter, THE TRiIOR. 311 Newcastle St. PERSONAL POINTS. The Riflemen will meet tonight. City council w’ll meet in regular ses sion tomorrow night, Mr. G. W. Wright, of Sterling, spent yesterday in the city. Mr. Harvey Moss, representing the At’unta Taper Company, has beon in ihe city for seretal days. Mr. W. A. Mallette returned to Mt, Pleasant yesterday. Mr. P. M. Ularh relumed yeeterJay from a short business trip up the Plant System. BRIGHT’S DIEA-OE, Bright’s Disease ie no reepeotor of persons; it attacks men and woman, the strong and robust, the rioh and poor, the active body and brain work ers, the fathers of fsmiltee, the breed I winners in every ephojv of life, eeem ! ing to choose for its viotime those only who can least be spared Smi'h’aSure Kidney Cure is the only guaranteed remedy fer Bright’s disease. Your money baok if it fails to cure. Price SOoents. For sale by sll druggists. ANOTHER COLD W aVE COMING. Lay in a supply of wood at once. For good, dry cord wood, oak or pine, telephone No. 24-3. Bloodwortii st Jonhs. TO CHANGE GAME LAWS. Representative Wight, of Dougher ty, bas withdrawn b<a bill obanging the game laws and bas introduced an other bill changing tbs time for hunt ing doves. He wants the law amended 10 as to allow the hunting to begin on Jnly lSib instead of August Ist, and continue until Marota fit. HOW’S THIS? We offer One Hundred Dollars Re ward for.any case of Catarrh that can not be oared by Hall’s Catarrh Core. F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O. We, tbe undersigned, have known if, J. Cheney for the last fifteen year* and believe him perfectly honorable .in all business finan cially able to oarry out any obligations mad* by their firm. We*>t A Tr’iax, Toldo, O. Walding Kihnaii A.Marvin, wholesale druggists, Toledo, 0. Hall’s Catarrh Cure is taken inter ally, aotinjr dir*oily upon the blond snd riuonus surfaoea of the system. Testim®-I:* • sn; ;?*<•. Prine 75c, p ho‘ ip S'id hy t' \ dfL'ggiHi Hull’, Piuiily Pill* are iba best. "lave yo.i a fleuse of fuHne.4fb># the region youi stomach r esMngr Tf y, u will be j benefited by tilling oiui jIM-rinin’g Stotnacb end ( t*fv©r Tablets, They alfjvf cure belching end ! wi-.r te nacb. The repoxiate th bowdle too. I*r ce 26c. Suld by IJishop'e l)rug Stor. WI OLHNO TUIcJ EVENING, Ttiv e. er og n f 5 t/elock John Hotfoa end Donni* Tniflor will bico>CHi in raan i at the Fret p *yut r*>ttroh, R*v. Waiter y. G 1- nore rOioi* .I*#. Tb • f/iend? of ** • pofiiitur coupie will bo glad lo •warn thn tuty will mfeke their fu’ur htroe ir Brunswick, after a visit to reJativica i n Albany. Tho prr if of a gold mine and panda, not. on th amount of t *ck t mdi and aader the *mpa bit rpou thr amount, of g. and /h oh can Op axtraci **' f roni vhe rock-• In ahi i way thr value o f Uu,a which is eaten doca not defend o t'e (jaantlty which i tnt > tne toMach but rpoa the amouiu of n ’iTjqh © n i extrae rd fr *m it hy theotgai . m notr tlon and n •Vhc * thest vrc Jl9l ,a ■.*<-% ta‘l i, e< t wit tbe lomigtime t- inpufllci nf, qu. nf 4,>eto m.j r \ the need* t>t the or ant of vhr 1 snd Lhi a cktii4ot work vruaout jnahinoi't. T * outdi. is hea t trouble, Ijvei ! trouble andrrauy <?: 1 rr *nti ■ n p,>rc g 1 (yoldea MedtoaJTMhC Vveiy, acting >0 jv ry or aao f the ig ve *nd ive *y*tun ro- 1 onsa It b bOriii. and vig r. it cm os di.-a eg 1 1 enoto from Jjg onn.acb h ougbthe avumich j in hicli they origin 1 ted Uol eu MeLiCa’ ! Discovery contains neither alcohol nor nar- I COlic*. croup you can realize how grateful u.others are for One Minute Gough Cur>•, which giro* nJici 4.3 soon mi it is administered* It quickly cur* a coufchh, colda and ail throat and lung trouble®. W. J, Butta. The editor of the For i vi lie, Ky. t Miiesllan eo ia, writes aa a poa'icnpt to a huaineas Igtter: *i wmn on red of kidney trouble ty taking Foley 1 * Kldnay Cra,* '•'ake jihiageisa. W. 4. Buite ALWAYS KEEP ON HAND ( Tfa’mKHWt: There Is no kind of pain l or ache, Internal or exter-l nal, that Pain-Killer will! not relieve. 1 LOOK OUT FOR IMITATIONS AND SUB-j STITUTES THE GENUINE EO:TLe' BEARS THE NAME, I PERRY DAVIS St CO. ! Bright’s Diabase. High living, intemperance, exposure and msnyotkavtilings bring on Bright’s diseas'-.. Foley’s Kidney Cure will prevent Bright's dis ease and all other kidney or bladder disorders 1 f taken In time. Take nothing else. W. J Butts. Bloodworth &Jones Hew Liverv Stables New Buggies Fine Horses Prompt attention given a?i orders. Drayage a spec ialty. Phone 24-3. E St GEORGIi IUKTIVf /EH BRUNSWICK, GEORGIA. Civil and criminal cases attended to buolness strictly cotfldential. F.ti q iirts conducted with eeoreev. U <J. LEAYY (VTx=trro>r Southern Railway Cos. Ofßoe of General Agent, Brimswiok, G. SCHEDULES. For Savannah, Washington snd New York. Lv Brunswick ft to am 05 pm Ar savannah .10 so am IS 50 am Ar Washington T 85 am 8 60ym Ar New York.. SOS pm 6 23 am For Jacksonville Lv Brunswick .. 500 am 825 pm #OS pm Ar Jacksonville.. #25 am 7to pm iso am For Macon, Atlanta, Louisville and Cincinnati Lv Brunswick # 40 t o 8 05 pm Ar Macon 1 15pm 100 -in Ar Atlanta a 50 pm 5 20 am Ar lmmsvllle 750 urn 7 3 pm Ar Cincinnati 745 am T 4 pm From New York, Washiagton and Bavanuah. LvNew York ... 80 pm 1216 am , Lv Washington., t‘S pm 1115 am Lvdavaimnh ... S pm 6Soara 100 om Ar Brunswick... 62s -aa 805 m fB6 pm From Jacksonville. Lv Jacksonville.... 12Rpm Ar Brunswick.... e 16 pm rrom Cincinnati^TiOVitfvvile, AtTinfs and ' kia in. L. Clnclnntl 8 30 m tpn,).., ! ‘OP’sHUe ’ls m •46 pm Lv ailuOt 40 4- ~i J* <•(,., v * ~a < 0D * r * *rn Cgo pm Then H 36 pro j. . BBMfiTT, GroiojihieodaiKipYisiois. |Our speoikl m xlore is ths^^'. Best Mil Pradacer. Piions 9J k>-?1 St. j Join, M stcolc i pone. Men lor t- VS- I •Jnulti l/o lliT, fo-rnenj t m> vai of Janie b.. | dlvaliilities. Notice i ti e|. ti-it on tin- fttli ay A Oetober, 11100, the imrioisigucft flll'r* in tlm offlee ofi hec.erk of the Suj erio’" eon-t f Uiyan f his ai.piloKt.u, f.ejomovs’ 'lr' df.o liiliti'■ vevti ’K open hi o uk!< i t‘m oroict juomneiii reTiß' ied In nsld court May *t., mm, Ie b< sun ol hts former ’lf,, ~ue nsali-.t lenifoi-titvoic . nnd Clint Hfli't .p ,ea imn Wlii f,n Itoard at the tel in nf sun mr lie - o'lioil ,V ~n the first Mnmlny :n r.iie'-mhor cnxs. Tuts October 8. into. IOH2C m STBBU S’tiricit IN LiANKUUi'Te V. In tlien att.rofS I ilividnsliy, a. (t ft- s mem I . her of tlr:o ut B. Mntk & 1 1,1 Hsntauptey. Lo. h nkriipt. til the cre iftO'S of S M ik* (and 8. M srlis ,fr i . i of BrunMvlek. in the eonnty of ( tvnn vii-l riisiiict aforesaid, a l. nYrti' t* Mottne in hereby Klvhn thkt on he fib day of Kovrinotr A- It !"oft, the .aid H Ma>k was duly s.'jiidi ested i.unkiuot,an ! ihst the fiivt .neeiln ■ o bis creditors wil‘ be ‘,u: cj at It mnwlclt. l>* Ulj com,'., on *ae with .’ay t .enml/or, A ft ft ii, |,> , !oc' in ,lm fm.-nnon. al. whirl! tin,' ti, said ■' tin n,v .tic’. ‘ prove their, elms... >t, urntt eiami ■ I the usi.,'u 11.,,' id r " eiiei. ul "<>r bns.i.oM iu t’l. y , ri [isriy r.mi. I .Ur e sil t u <lin A. .1 I’ROVA ; T. Hftferee ,n to ~] -n ]>rr Damdstß nnswtcl i, this the loth i day of November, itKK). / hftt’lo >f Prutklv \fth B’f’fire ksjf | u tt. t:iio . 1 (is.(J r,)cf.iin !' inosne fomi h*ihtb tt-c i hr,b?- bftld. W. J. Potts. Jim Carter Is ths msyt 'o h*ve oh.?i • a ! ol L'l m. WHENLAGRIPPE * BEGINS, CURE IT! you wait you will bo sorry. Pooplo tako quinine for ft, and when they nro well, ths offeoU of la Grippe ana quinine together, often on use more sickness. JOHNSON’S CHILL & FEVER TONIC Cures In a Day or Night. No bad effects are felt and you don’t have to put yourself on a steady diet of It, a* you do with quinine. Mr. W. W. Caldwell, of Chicago, writes that eight doses taken in one day cured him completely. It will cure you. 6GO. per bottle if it cures. Not one eent if It does not onre. A. B. GIRARDEAU, Savannah, Ga. Pleasant to the Effective, reli DR. J. H. LIVER AN'] KIDNEY 3 ; Eliminates uni. ; remedy for A diseases of tl.y and Kidneys. SI • BC’ttttki ' THK on. J. H 4a* . Ml AA/WWN f .\ V BUTTB,rrhe;Drag:gigr.* NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR RAILROAD CHARTER. State of Georgia,) To the Honorable, the Sec- County o£ / rotary of State of the Stato Glynn, ) of Georgia. Thepetition of C. Downing, F. D Aiken,M Kaiser, E. H. Mason, N. Emanuel, T. Newman- J. J. Lott, L. It. Aiken, E. Brohslon and W, G. Brantley, respectfully allows: I- That ti’ch and all of said petition era, ex* cent L. K, Aiken, reside in the City of Bruns wick, County of Glynn aiuJ State of Georgia-, and that petitioner L. H. Aiken resides at Mount Pleasant, County of Wayne and State of Georgia. 11. That petitioners desire to obtain fox* themselves, their successors and assigns, a charter for a railroad company to be. known as the Brunswick & Kirmingbatn Railroad Com pany, and they seek to be incorporated under such name as a corporate body, for the purpose lof building and operating a railway line under •aid charter. IH. That the tenclh of the rnilrond proposed to 1 © built by sabl company will be about four hundred ami ifty (460) mile#, us near mh can bo mrJ'na cdat thin time, an.• t.nat, the general dl r etion ol same v 111 be oi.tht at to Oortliweat IV r That HP id proposed ia; Iroud beginning b t’ eCit; cf Bri n wick, Gof i;ia, wl J prob bT run flnoiigh thr c lui tienof * lynn, Wuync, ¥‘ ri ?• *pplng, Coffee, Irwin, Wilcox, Dooly, huiL e , W ?bcO ami Stew.ii t, in the Btnte of Gcor. ut, to a point on ilic boundary line bo twe* 1 Qpor.'i hik! Alabama within the county of Srwart in Gxe taU ot Georgia, and from w-id point, to th** cities of Montgomery and Bir • ■Mlßjfh *n‘n Mte State of AUbeiuM, nnd the principal places from which a. t to which it is P;0 otieil to <-oii struct hid railroad are Bruns wick, Gc< rgl}*, and Mou’gonmi y aud Biro n g hani-.. labama. V. That 11; Is propped to i: sue capital stock In <"1 t railroad con panp to tl e amount of flf tee . thousand. (sl6 e'*o) for each mile of gnid prenoHt and a>lrc king * tot-a! capitalization of h x ii-i’r *i lUidi’L’d unci fif.y IhoiiHand, doi,‘, r 4 X 8,760,- * id ail cT the capital stock in to ie oomuiou stock none • fit preferred stock, \I. That p< liiiou is desire that the charter for said railroi and c mipany, obi xii od under this pel liter, aha.! on. :i i .e iu J. re# tor the full pei or* M Mby lav, fowl*: One hundsrd and ofeß (iJI) jDarr., Ml. I ;ia i iK proposed to locate the princi l>a‘ ofTiro of t;iid iaiirt>ad company In th City |of Br n*wi;\. Ooffli:*, and petitioners show I d< k ln end in good faith, immediately I iif n tbt grr title of of the charter herein prayed I <V, ; o go *'’ 'tf 1 M om. delay to secure sub |t< rip; cub to tiijr mock, onii met, equip in irui iljicjote mid railroad; Where fore pra. that they, their successor* j*' a 3‘gn-*, may be in • p rated ah such rail- I road company, under .he -aid corporate name lOi the ifrui Bw! i & Bin i- jpha BaitroiU Coir pary , unde.- ti e w* o* the State of Heor- I g**s with ail tl.e right*. p >wci ami piiriiege* iitcediTi and oortio ’it v o >i ilsr iCifroacl cor [ p rations and as hie fixed ami n fined by the iaw*of said Stile, and pcbliinftei* will ever pray. C. Downing, F. ' . Aiken, M Kaiser, K. 11. aoa, N. K manual, T. Newman, J J. Loti, L. K Mk.B, K. Brobitou, W. U Brantley, M.KKIFFy SALE. GK'iHGIA, Glji n County. Wi’l ho you! foie rbecourthouse door in Lrnn-wi h r. Tiuadnv in December, iiie-c eo h'tjife. *, ji t, P* reboot estate explr 'H‘ ial *‘ ** Cos 101 l wing parcels of in.!Vi in i’o .n c nn.eons of Brim wi k* Lot II I -Ann G-duon nrid Johnson nif fs, a..i’ l* - • theuHf,' i a quart' o lot • nmin*r 1. :,*,v e .Inirnginu and l u-tow av Held m- pop t v f estate of AT. I'-.ti ru, u J 1 .’’Vfmili>n i >i bv Hie lax collect* rof if nry against A.T. Putnam, for utfctorurt e .unty tnxg W.if BKUBIK, Slmyiff. J. W. v s at In an will Joan ’von iuo.u v on personal prop orty and leal estate. “."'l* )ftc * lor ukaon.r. a ou o'-i- J? , . - -‘----.j* 7