The Brunswick times-call. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1900-1902, November 14, 1900, Page 8, Image 8

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8 Wedding Presents In cut glass or silver are the most lasting and appreciated. We have a fine line of French china that we are of fering at very low prices. Your inspection solicited. KENNON MOTT, Jeweler and Graduate Ontician; 115 NewcMtle Street, Inspector of Wetchee for Hoatbern Kailway. Time by Wire daily from W acUSeftlon Coney & Parker DEALERS IK' Coal and Wood, Brick, Lime, Cement, Plaster, Hair, Shingles’and Laths. Agents for Morris’ Brick. Phone It 925 Bay SI. Pay Your Election Bets t With a Dunlap or Stetson Hat. If the wager is for Shoes Burt and Packard are Standard, fit either Democratic or Republican Heads and Feet. Either Gold or Silver Taken. LEVYS 25 pair Ladies button Shoes nar row toes 1 to J in size, price former ly $3.00, until sold they go for 75 cents BRUNSWICK TIMES-CALL, NOVEMBER 14, 190 u. ANIMAL SHOW, Spark’* Trained Animal Expoeition to Come Here. Jottn H. Sparks’ New Bailroad Bbow and Trained Animal Exposition wilt exhibit in Brunswiok on Not. 20,h aDd 21 t, afternoon and evening. Ad mieaioo only 10 and 25 oents. This show Is known the world over ae the largest, grandest and beet 25 cent ebow on tbe road, with all new startling, original and op to-date features. Tbe finest performing Hons, wolvee and elephants on earth are to be aesn with Spark’s big one ring show*, together with a troupe of highly educated horses, ponies, mulea, doge, goats and monkeys, also a fine agrobstlo and gymnastic performance and six funny clowns. WILL MOT PASS. Tbe bill introduced by Mr. Wright of Dougherty, to repeal the law providing for tbe election of judges end solicitors by the people, end have, them appointed, by the g vernor will not be pasaed by the legislature. The general judiciary committee of the home haa voted unan imously to report tho bill unfavorably, claiming the new lew has opt been sufficiently tested. - ; Sauer Kraut just in at Thog. Keany's. Sipr ,, Forspralni.'aweßmgi anil lamenat* there nothlueiso ooi as Uhaintiorntiß’s rc Jtim I’rY it. For UUiiop’a drag store. ■ 1 - ■ o', -'‘A 1 Dr. M. Harris, the optioan, will only be in tbe city one more day. Call on him at A,;P.othsohlld's. An antlaeptio after shaving*. Clark the barber. - - '**; LOW BATES-VIA. THE PLANT SYSTEM To Savannah, Gs., for t&e EA.’ Grand Carnival and Street jhair, No vember sth to 17tb. One fare for tbe round trip. Tiokete to be said Novem ber stb, 7tb, 9tb, 12th, 14tt> and 16tb, with Anal limit to 18tb. A splendid program of attractions bee been ar ranged. Plant System tioket agents will give full particulars. B. W. Wiutisx, Passenger Tikffio Manager, Savannah, On. Many of your friends, or people whom you know of, have contracted consumption, pneumonia, or other fa tal diseases, by neglect of a simple cold or cough. Foley’e Honey and Tar, a safe, sure and pleasant oough medioine, would have aavud’them. It ia guaranteed. Dr. M. Harris, theoptioian, wiil only be In the city one more day. Call on him at A. Rothschild's* HAS CURED THOUSANDS, WILL ;CURE YOU.J SU you are troubled~witb Kidney or Bladder trouble*, auoh , Dropey, Brigbt'aJ Dneaae, JCatarrb, Gravel or the Bladder, Albumen ia Urine and uoliealtby deposit, or too frequent diacbarge of tbe urine, pain In the back and bladder, dropaioal swelling of tbe feet and legs, ate., eta., we guar antee that by using Smith’* Sure Kid* ney Cure, a complete oure will be ef fected. Prioe 60 oente. For sale by all druggist*. Sauer Kraut just in at Thos. Keany’s. For beane, Boeton baked, all etui— better tben oan be baked at heme—call oa W. H. DeVoe. Freab eauer kraut, at W. H. De- Voe’e. Jim Carter will send for your old olotbes and make them new, and charge you comparatively nothing. Second hand household furniture bought and sold, also pianos, organs, trunks, mirrors, carpets, etc. J. W, Watkins. FOE HEW LOCATION'S. A Nubmer of Concerns Are Oaefctng An Eye Over tbe Country. Below we give a list of industries desiring new loosciena. Tbe new board of trade msy benefit our oity by writing to some of them: W. J. Morton, of tbe Morton Emery Wheel Cos., of Waltham, Mass., is oasting about for a location. Dr. J. E Sullivan of El Reno, Okie., is oasting about for n location to es tablish a aoap factory. A. J. Smalley of Ei Reno, Okla*, rep resenting tbe Smalley Manufacturing Cos , of El Reno, with branch factories at Carthage, Mo., Omaha, Nab., and Los Angeles. A. A. Dresses & Cos., bridge manu facturers, of Rlobmond, Mien , are looking for anew looation. D. Meloher, of Monmouth, 111., ia looking for a location to eatabliab a pottery works. He ia tbe principal owner of tbe Monmouth stoneware works. Tn* f. O. Mendt Vebiole Cos., of Stoughton, Wis., Is looking for a lo cation. T. M. Clnxtco of Willia, Texas, ia looking for a looetroo to establish a oigar factory. ' i .< The Tytus Gardner Paper 00., bat heap reorganised and is looking for a C- Uarduer is pryii dncCstf-Jha ...jbjf' The Cahill Writing Msec fact ur mg Cos., of WssWpgton, ii looking for anew looation. - ■ G. 8. Landis, representing a Kansas Oity, Mo., drm, operating chain cf grain elevators through eastern Kao* eae and wssttrn Missouri, is cutting about for a location to establish a large grain elevator. lb G rape Fruit from Indian River, also fresh Chestnuts, at Lloyd Phone 255-2 For Diabetes use STUART’S GIN and BUC1IU: Cbgintwrlaln's Blomarh and Liver Tablet* cur*mili<mnos. conntlpatlon and headache They are *a*v to ;* and plaaeant ta effect Foreale at Blehoii’a Di ng “tore. Dr, M. Harrla, 'nr optician, wilt only be in tbe oity one more day. Cali on him at A, Rotbschild’a, DECIDE NOW, Now that the election la over, you should decide to let Jim Carter clean your pld clothing. Sauer Kraut just in at Thos. Keany’s. YODR BREAKFAST la not complete without Hecker's.Fiap Jack Cakes, Hockar’i Buckwheat Cake* New Georg’a Syrup. If It’* good we have it. PHONE JSB. % m GENUINE V OLD FASHIONED Molasses Candy. “As Ever Unexcelled.” 10 Cents. W J BUTTS, The Druggist. “On the Corner.” Brown Drug Cos. LEADING DRUGGISTS. Are headquarters for ’everythirg in theMig line. Our stock of Toilet Articles is We carry the finest stock of Soaps and Per fumery in the city. Prescriptions accurately compounded by compe tent men day or night. Opera Glasses for Rent. BROWN DRUG CO. ( Druggists to the People. FRESH | NUNMXY’S CANDIES. ! S' \ ‘y T "• ■ -• *i>.i I" RUGS Square In tapestry 22x wards, in latest designs patterns. Fresh and new goods arriving weekly* See our new 111 ill tuft LOOK THE WORLD OVER . AND YOT CAN’T BEAT CREAM OF KENTUCKY Whisky SI.OO PER QUART ; $4.00 PER GALLON. NOT MADE BY ArTRUST*___ I* Trager & Cos., Independent Distillers. Sold Exclusively! in Brunswick by F*- V- DOUGLA6* 206 Bay Street* The World Listens When Leaders Talk. This is as true of Jjthe Fur niture business as of state craft, aaturally, we we have considerable pride in being LEADERS IN OUR BUSINESS, Quite a strong expression, but quite easily proven—the fur niture and prices to be the evidence, you to be both judge and jury. Come and be con vinced.