The Brunswick times-call. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1900-1902, November 15, 1900, Image 7

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* Typhoid Feyer Eipenraes Is not desired in your own per son. A Ooctor’s Obierration Is Valuable to All. Bead what one aoyi a beat Jolmson T s Chill & Ferer Tonic “Lest Fall we had a good deal of Typbo-Malarla, or perhape Ty phoid Fever. Some patient* died: some recovered after tlx or eight Week*. After trying regular rem edies two week*. I gave Johnson'* Chill and Fever Tonic. In no in stance had U been given more than St hours, when fever cooled down and did not return. Patient* regained good health rapidly" J. r. Kn.cujti.oK, M. D.. Conway, Ark. Take JOHNSON'S TONIC at the first symptom, and KEEPWELL. A. B. Girardeau, Savannah, Ga. Sole Manufacturer, *!i a idftiGo. GRIND OPER HOUSE, ALL THIS WEEK M ATI SEES Tues., Thurs. and Sat. Matinee prices 10 and 2(>c. NighAices 10, 20, JOc. I. AI>IKS will }*, fur 15 cents pro- Tided they reserve iKiu BEFORE 6 p. in. Monday, MONDAY The biggest 10,20 and 80c offered to a theatre-going p^pc, THE PRINCESS OF PATCHES. Four Complete Sots of Special Scenery. ELI ZISSIMATO, 3Q2i Newcastle St.! m i.... :.:. doki Foils CIGARS AND TOBACCO All Kinds of Can dy Our Gri-ateel Specialist For 20 yetti# Dr. S- Newton Hath away has to sc xossfullj ’reatud chronic tUeeasos tbut he b acan- vilgcd today to aland a the head of b i profession in tbb line His exclusive method of treuitcem for Varicocele ins' Stricture without tbe aid of knife or cautery cures in ‘<o per cent, of a)' cases. In tbe treatment of loss of vi*al forces nervous disorders, kidney and urinary coi plninu, rarulysls, blood poisoning, rhe. orati-m, catarrh and diMMes pecul iar to women, he is tonaiiy sncccssful’ Dr Ha’inway’s practice u more ’ham double that of nn> of.l er apecivliew Cases pronounced hopeies- by nil* physiciaus, readily yie’d to his treat ment. Write bim today fully aoout your case He makes no charge for conml'ation or advice, either at his of fice or by mail. J. NEWTON HATHAWAY, M. D. 25 Bryan Street, Savannah, Os SXOVJCS REPAIRED. Bice, tie shove dce’.or, repairs kind, r coi k stoves and ranges, buy and Mills second band stoves, 414 Ray sire et tYOJR FACE 13 YOUB FORTUNE. To row iwav Cosmetic*. Americin Women threw aw sy ►evertr-fl e mtilior dollars f*<, pow lers, mo which ait hi ui. cf ims'ioi * f cTiu nt* an str<> the ►ln n. 1 • •t r* if h. > • Eat Healthy Complexion, ret t VIRGIN rubbkii mask. * Restore*- original contout, permanently re moves | 'rop ee freckles- bla< xhe; de, ami all Complexion*! imperfections. Abeoiu’ely h*i rnie. a Ro. nit* guaranteed. Writ© for o*rtle*G*im. Price t%09 If ra.U ©!©• end 4 v/i VlH'}! 4 ijUi BF.R CO.. No West 14.a ;-t N. \ Brown Drug Cos , SoD Agfa Brtniitfcfck, Georgia Second hand household furniture bought aou sold; also pianos. h- nV.ii, mirrors, carpets, etu. J . W: Watkins. PABLO RELEASED. Cuban Bark Owners Have S t'l*d the Case Against the Wa*el. Martha) James C. White, of Savar rah, arriyed in ’be oity yeiitrday tu reL-aeed the C bun bark Pablo, whiob ba been tied up here fer aoms weeks on sttacburuts snore out by mem bers of the ore v. The amount of the claims, about 8600, was p .iil by the owners ami Co-uodtau Merrifield was ordered to turn the vessel over to the ciptain again. Matinee today at 3 p. m. BRUNSWICK’S POPULATION. H Cannot Yet Be Obtained Front Washington. Tbe Times-Oali. has endeavored to secure, from the census bure u > Washington, the ex ;nt population o* Brunswick, but it is no: jet made ou f . The entire population of Georgia and that of the cities of over 26,000 has already been announced, but it will probably be two or more weekj before the census of eash county is made known. “matinee TODAY. A matinee will be given today at 8 p, m., by the Myrtle & Harder Go. ‘‘The Errors of Arleigb” will be the play. This company is undoubtedly tbe best repertoire oompany that baa visited our city, and a good orowd should at tend. Prices are only 10 and 20 cents. A bottle of Prickly Ash Bitters kept in the bouse and used occasionally means good, health to the whole bouse hqJd^W^JJlatt*. Matinee today at 3 p. m. % A Mongter Devil Filh r>etroTtng iU ▼iotim, l* a type of Consump tion. The power of this murderous malady is •It on organs and nenres and muscles and brain. Thereja no health Ul! it’s overcome But Dr. King’s New Life jfllfai are* safe and certain cure. Best in Ihe world for Stomach Lin*-, Kidneys acd Bowels. Only % cents at all irugjriaiß. CASTOR IA For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Signature of B.J. OLEWINE -tSi c^les Belling, Renting, Repairing,” ’ Messenger Scrviw ? We sell Cleveland, Monarch, Crawford, Kagle. iillk, Dixie Best of Wheels for the Least Money. Is. file Millinery EsliisH 30J Newcastle Street Wil,M to Inform the ladiee of Bmu 'Wick that they will flud th largest and tales noTelttee In fiats, - Infants- Cans, - Elions, AND ALL KINDS OF HAIR GOODS, FANCY GOODS \ Specialty* x HITBRONawrTK TIMEH-CALL NOVEMSfiR 15, lU) BABY PULL-BACKS It is strange that babies gfct on so well as they do; there are so many pull-backs! But Scott’s emulsion of cod-liver oil is a wonderful help. Begin with a little. Too much will upset the stomach. Increase, but keep under the limit. The limit is upsetting the stomach. It rests a tired digestion; it does not tax the stomach at all; it lets it play—little stomachs like to play. We'll send you a little to try, (f you tike. SCOTT A BOWNK, *O9 Pearl street. New York, BURGLAR ARRESTED, Officer Don MoOatkUl Ins arrfeted Dan Piookhey, watitsd by tbe author ities of Molotosb county for burglary . The man knew Ibe effijer was after him and when be saw that he had been trapped be made a daeh for liberty but was overtaken and landed in jail. Sheriff Blount w : it oome over for the prisoner today. ftheumatiam in all ita forma in promptly and permanently cured by Hood’s Sarsa parilla which neutralise* acidity of the blood. Don’t b deceived or humbugged by people who claim the discovery of some hitherto uu known herb or root in swamps, or on soms mountain or prairie for the cure of kidney and bladder troubioe, Any doetortordruggist with tell you that such claim* or fraudulent. Foley’s Kidney Curs simply contains remedies that are rocogniiud by tha most skilful physicians as best for these complaints, so don’t be credulous or foolish. tV. J. Batts. Ej Money loaned on personal property and real estate. Ap ply to J. W- Wat Kins. You can’t afford to clak your Ilf© by Allowing a oough or a cold to develop into pneumonia or consuinptloh. On Mlnuto Cough Cure will cure throat and lung troubles quicker than any other preparation known. Many doctors use it as a specific for grippe. It is an infallible remedy for croup. Children like it and moth ers oadorse it. W. J. Butts. RECOMMENDS IT TO TRAINMEN. G. H. Httusau, Lima, O , engineer L. E. & W. railroad, writes: “I have been troubled a great deal with bark scb-. I was induced to fry Foley’s Kidney Cure, end one bottle entirely relieved me. I gladly recommend it to any one, especially my friends among the trainmen, who are usually s mtlarly afflicted.” Complete IS THE line of foil n Winter .Ms t which I now have'on exhibition. rr- CALL AND EXAMINE. TR. F. Winter, THE TAILOR, 311 Newcastle St. WHO WILL THEY SELECT Goofl Govtmoit Cl To Name CulUi!n The meeting ot the Good Govern ment club for the purpose of nominat ing officers tomorrow nigbt Is the sub ject of much comment in tbe city, and many names arc being suggested for al dermanic bor ors, but as yet no one knows who will be named. A prom’nent member of the club told a T'.mes-Call lepriecntative yesterday I that there wcu’d be no caucus, but that the ruajyrltyof members would name the candidates. It has alvrayß been the policy of this club to let every member haye a voice in selecting candidates audit will not change Us policy now. There is no doubt but that Hon. N. Emanuel will be endorsed for mayor. He Is one of Brunswick’s strongest bueluess men and his selection will suit the public generally. HOW’S THIS? We offer One Hundred Dollar* Re ward for any ease of Catarrh that can not be cured by Halt’* Catarrh Cure. F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O. We, the undersigned, have known F, J. Cheney for the last flftee‘u year* and believe him p#feotly honorable in all business transactions, aod finan cially able to carry out any obligations made by their Arm. West A Truax, wholesale druggists, Toldo, O. Walding Kinnau & Marvin, wholesale druggists, Toledo, O, tlall’a Catarrh Cure is taken inter ally, aotiug directly upon tbe blood add mnoous surfaces of the system. Testimonials sent free. Prioe 750, per bottle. Sold by all drugglafg. Hall’s Family Pills are tbe best. Have ypu a sense of fullneeHlon the region yoor Ktomach after eating? If go you will be benefited by lining Chamberlain’* Stomach and Liver Tablets. They also cure belching and sour atomach. They regulate the bowels too. pi ice 25c. Sold by Bishop'a Drug St ore. A GREAT SHOW. John 11. Sparks’ Old RoliaYo ;Vlr ginia Shows and Great Trained A nimal Exposition will exhibit 10 Brunswick, Nov, 20 and 21, afternoon and night. Larger, grander find bfttetr ihan ever urfore, twice its former size, but the price of admission la the Bame. 35 cents, children, under 12 years of ago, only 10 oents. Known the world over as the cleanest, neatest and moat up-to-date show In America. With all new, orig inal and Ktartlln? features, Remcm her the day and date. The profit of a gold mine wepeods, not on the amount of rock • ru*b*d under tho s'ainpn but upon the anr.ount of gold wb ch can be extract •" from rhe rook. In a sitoiDr way the value of food which la eaten does not depend on the quantity which ibtaken Into the stomach but upon the amount of nourishment extras ed from It Jiy the organs of nutr tio*i and digestion When thene organs are dine wed they fall to ex tract tho nourish me’it In sufficient quant’ tie* to mipp’y the ncedH of the several organs of the body and these organa cannot work without nourishment. The result is heart trouble, liver trouble and man r other ail cma. Dr. Pierces GbWen Medical Disc wery, acting on every or aa of the digestive and iutnilvo system, re ore* it to he Ith and vig -r. it cures dtSSa ee remote from ihe stomach ihrongnthe stomach in hlch they originated. Goluen Medical Discovery contains neither alcohol nor nar cotics. Matinee today at 3 p.l m. cronp you can realize how grateful mothers are for One Minute Cough Cnre, which gives , relief as soon as It is admlnU’ered. It quickly | cures coughs, colds and all throat and lung BUY THE^LNUINC' SYRUP OF FIGS . ULAN UFA CTCTRI2D BT^f | CALIFORNIA FIO SVROPCO. prAIOTF 1 Hit wame ; always keep on hand HPainKHter I There Is rso kind of pain l or ache, internal or oxter- 1 nal, that Pain-Killer wllli ’not relieve. ( (LOOK OUT FOR IMITATIONS AND SUB- 1 . STITUTES. THE GENUINE CCTTi-E 1 .BEARS THE NAME. I i PERRY DAVIS A 3Cli. \ Bright’s Disease. High living, Intemperance, exposure and many other things bring on Bright's disease.. Foloy’s Kidney Cure Witt provent Bright’s dis ease and all other kidney or bladder disorders {(taken in time. Take nothing else. tv. J Butts. Bloodworth &Jones New Liverv Stables New Buggies Fine Horses Prompt attention given ah orders. Drayage a spec ialty. Phone 24-3. E St GEORGIA limTiVl nn BRUNSWICK, GEORGIA. Civil and criminal cases attended t* business strictly confidential. En quires conducted with aocreov. L. *J. LEAVY IVlnear Southern Railway Cos. Office ot General Agent, Brunswick, Ga. SCHEDULES. For Savannah, Washington and New Fork. Lv Brunswick fl to am or, pm Ar Savannah 10 30m ISSOim b v Kl ? a 785 am SWpS Ar New Turk 2 08 pm 6 23 am For Jacksonville. Lv Brunswick ... 500 am 325 pm #OS pin Ar Jacksonville #25 am 710 pm 130 am For Macon, Atlanta, Louisville and Cincinnati Lv Brunswick 0 40 a m 8 0{ or Ar 1 15 pm 8 00 uiu ArOincmnat' 7 45 am TCI pm From New York, Washington and Savannah. y* I®"' * 30 pm 12 15 an Lv Washington.. I '6 pm Uif am L.V savannah 3 pm 520 am 600 nm Ar Brunswick .. (I2t <m. 805 am 886 pm From .lack* mvillo. Lv Jacksonville 185 pm Ar Uruuswiul 6 25 pm From Cincinnati, Louisville, Atlanta and Mason. Lv Cincinnati BF,.* (toopm Ly Atlanta 10<6pm 12 ft pm LvMscon. 100 am 2 Worn Ar Jlrui s ck t 10 am SMimi J. X. BiIBKETT, rail. Onr special m xture is the *' Best Mi l Producer. John M Steel© I A nplicition for re vs. .. Janie lia<Her. formerly | moral of Janie Bteelc. J dfrabflitU*. Noth-© i hereby jjfivon that on the oth dav of October, 1!’0U, the nndersiffm-d filed in the o%©r of the of the Superior ooii' t of Oivnn county bm application f<r reiucval •>? the di#' bilitiea TQf iAujt upon him under i fia verolct end Judgment rendered lu . ai.. court Mar 21. JIOO. in the cuitof hia former Janie Htee'e, ugaiiißt him for a- v'Oi ce, >uu a id hiiu’i.a tion will be heard at the for<n of a.‘ cour' ho ginniriff on the flrt ’n f)ec*moer uni. Tbit October 8, 2SL L ’OJIN M. STKfcLB NOIICK IN BANKRUPTCY. Tn the uiatt*r of 3 Marks, tit* j dividual y, a-d -a mem-lln# n bur of firm of H. MarksAl* 0 Bankruptcy. Cos., bankrupt, l’o the credi oraof 3 Marks (and S. Marks A Of*.) of Brunsw lck. if* l ie county of f-Ivun and district uforesnid, a b nkrupt: Notice is hereby given that on the 7th dy of November, A. 1> lflOO, the said 8 Marktwasdulyndjndi rated bankrupt, and ihnt the lirst meeting of his creditors will be held at Brunswick, in Glynn county, on the 20th day of Novernlier, A. D, i9uo, at 10 o’clock in'be forenoon, at which time the said cmditois may attend, prove their claim*, r ppdnt a trust©-*, examine the bankrupt, and ransa • snob other hnsiness a<* inn/ properly come before said ranting A. .J. CROV AIT, Referee in Haukruptcy. Dated ac Brunswick, Georgia, this ti e 1011* November, loop. ANOTHER COLD WAVE COMING? Ly in a supply of wood t. one*, For cord wood, o?k or pinr, telepbouc No 2<-l. . BLOODWOHTII <ft JoNK*. WHEN LAGRIPPE ' BEGINS, CURE IT! If yon wait yon will be sorry, people take quinine for It, and when they are well, the effect* of la Grippe ana quinine together, often cause more elnknn**. JOHNSON'S CHILL i FEYER TONIC Cures lu a Day or Night. No bad effects are felt and yon don’t have to put yourself on a steady diet of It, a* you do with quinine. Mr. W. W. Caldwell, of Chicago, writes that eight doseß taken In one day oured him completely. It will cur* you. too. per bottle If It cures. Not oue cent If It does not cure. A. B. GIRARDEAU, . Savannah, Qa. Cures Coughs, Colds, Bronchitis, Consumption, Asthma, Throat and Lung Troubles. DR. J. H, MEAN'S TAR WINE LUNG BALM An unfailing remedy for Irritation of the Throat and Lungs. This Medicine positively contains no opium or other drugs injurious to the stomach. 25c, 50c. and $1 h bottle, at druggists. THE DR. J. H. McIEAN MEDICINE CO., T. LOUIS, MO. FCH SALE BY WAVS >. ist. NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR RAILROVD CHARTER. State of Georgia,) To the Honorable, the See- County of [ retury of State of the State Glynn. ) of Georgia. The petition of C. Downing, F. D. Ailftn. Ksiser.E.H. Mason, N. Emanuel, T. Newmr r ,T. J., L, 1L Aiken, E. Brohston and W Brantley, respectfully shows: I That each and all of said potitio ll r oept L. B, Aiken, reside in the ''’itv wiok, County of Glynn and Htine . and that petitioner ) H. Aik QBIHHI Mount Count. ’(Way* Georgia. - - 11. That petilionor. desire obtain r themselves, their successors a ud assigns, charter fora railroad company to he known as the Brunswick <S nirmingham ltnilrontl Com- Poy, end tbev sock to be iucort orated under nt h liamo as a cor)iorftte body, for tUe purpose f building and operating a railway line under aid charier. nr. That the length of the railroad pn,| used to lie bmlt by nni’l comphtiy will b / bout four hundred and fifty (150) mile*, as near a can bo estimated at thin lirnp, anu tout; tho general di rection ot tumv will bo southeast to northwest IV. That efllii jtrOja'B.d rai frond l*etriimiiigc in the —itv of BrUii wic*:, Georgia, wl I piob aid} run throws' the countie* ot * lynn,‘Wayne, Pierce, ppling. Coffee, 1: „.n, Wiiootf. Dooly. BunUer, Wtbsie hi.u Ei - VMt, hi thi suite of Georgia, to a point on ti e boundary linehe> tween Georgia mid Alni anta within the county of Slew art, in the late o Gi. rgia, and from si i pon rlo tho cities of Montgomery anti Bir n.iigl' ii* n Aim r talc of ( and tno I rii’oipwl places from which and to which it is pro -owed to construct nnid tmIDomU are Bruns wick, Georgia, nod Mohtgou my audßirrMi e liMn, Alabama. V. Thiit It i- j iopi.t.ed to i-siie capital slock in anlo n. i.ojifl npanp t* the nuio. teen tbo saiio (jifi ouh) for each mile of said prot on and railroad, making* total capitalizeiion <*f hix million seven biindi fifty thousand dollar'- ($15,760,000), and all of iho capital stuck 1a to I*© common stock urn! none fit preferred stock VI. That petitioners desire that the citgrtor f or said railroad company, obtained under this petition, shall routine© in fore* lor ihe full pe io - ti • ylaw, tow it: Olio hundred and • * <l^A>yeara. VII. i'ha* it ispropoHodtolocatetheprinci pa 1 • fIR of Bind ail loud company in the ity of Brunswick, o rris, an 1 n<al ioneis show that t,b yd *iwien ' in good faith, mined* <tely ill ° n the g nth gf * • ’c.*-herein prayed for, to go forward v, iiliout uclay to secure sub tenptions to the capit mUm-.V, < oustruct, equip maintain and op rate lid railroad: Where fore petitioners pmv ♦hat they, their Bu< eeisora and RSsigiiH,ii i> b-'i.,- orporated rb such rail road company, under the sain corporate name of the Brunswick He Birn>ing*ai Haiiio&d Company, under the lmv* f tne State of Geor gia, with all the rights, powers vn. p> ixilegea liicideni aid pertinent to similar rsiiroitdeer porations and as aie flxe<l und rtrfliuvl by tue iHWBof said State, ana petitioner* will ever pray. C. Down!’ g, F. I*. Aiken, M. Kuiter, JC. ii. f Ufon, N. Lmamiel, T. Newman, J. J. Lott, L. It. :*)£*, K. Bn baton. W. 4. Brrntfey, BUKHIFF’S SALK. GEORGIA, Glynn County. Will be sold before rue cotirfhonp© door in Brunswick, on firat Tuesday in December, nineteen hundred, tho leasehold ©slats oxpir ing Jaunarv Ist, the tolh wing parcels of land in Town Commons of Bniu w k : Lot number 111 lietweeu <4 rd< u and .Tolinkon streets: and tie sot ti t- intern quarter of lot number ID ht!' l \ .lohnsfon m and tiarfiow streets Bo I as p’operty of ©state of A. T. Putnam, undov execution issued by the tax ©oiler tor of laid e. nnty against A.T. rutnam, for state and county taxes. W.G. BE .TRIE, Sheriff. J. W Watkins will loan you money on .-r p erfcy and ivr! essate. The editor cf the FofdviUe. Ky„ 'MlaosUsu rocs, wi ilet* <• n pMt.>er*p‘ ro ’v msiac. Icitjr: I*T wabourea of kiouey tioublsby tui-.i. * To. . KfdueyCure,” Take n< thing SiSO. V, J. PR**