The Brunswick times-call. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1900-1902, November 16, 1900, Image 5

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BRILLIANT IN COLORS PAN-AMERICAN EXPOSITION WILL GLOW WITH WONDERFUL RADIANCE. Electrical Tlluminattoa* and Other Feature* In Which Buffalo's Fair Will Excel All Former Enterprises el This Description. • Eveu the Buffaleuiaa etvnnot conjpre head the exquisite character of the great Exposition he is building. Is it any wonder, then, that the distant na tive still asks what it is to be? Indeed bJt Is to be everything that Is graceful, ■arm onto us and beautiful. Form and BBlor will join their wonderful forces ■-> please jhe eye and delight the sense. fSjJb s j. j. ’y '. ! | f, Jpi l ' p / llftf’gsiFdb■ Si. x. THE ELECTRIC TOWER. "Magnificent" is not too strong a word to express the character of the con), pleted work, lie is a man of dull Imag ination who, now visiting the grounds, cannot picture in some come „ llrtess and stateliness of enterprise. - The Pan-American is in tended to be in every way tfltmiph. From the' very f it has been the purpose of have been intrusted with the Of this Exposition to present .world the most artistic creation | Conceived for a like purpose. The fftngement of the buildings, the stylS of architecture, the decorative work, the embellishment of the grounds and the electrical illumination nr* gome of the features that will stand out promi nently in picture. There are S3 acres In the courts around which stand the principal Exposition buildings. While the whole Exposi tion plot of 860 acres will be as beauti ful as nature, with the artistic help ol man, can make It, the several courts will be the particular center for formal det*ratlve work. The courts are ur tranged in the form of a cross, the north and south courts bearing th ■unes of Oourt of Fountains. Plaza, Court and Approach and being nearly 3,000 feet In extreme length. The Transverse Court is known as the EsplanWle and is 1,700 feet from cast to west. Two subordinate courts open i Into the Esplanade, known as tht Coart of Lilies and Court of Cypresses, I The combined area of these courts Is approximately two and a half times the area of the courts at the World’s Columbian Exposition and for this tea son gives a far greater opportunity fox auntie treatment. , it hits been said of this Exposition that It would outrival ail former enter prises in a number of Important fea tures. Th ; first of these Is In the conrl settings just described. The second ■jfi the plastic ornamentation of ami the elaborate use oi sculpture for decorative purposes. As a third may be mentioned tbe hydro ul K Jc and fountain effects. These are ol a most elaborate eharactei and arc to be seen In all of the courts. A fourth feature Is tie- horticultural dec - | <->rative work. Sunken gardens ami i formal lloral ornamentation will he cm- ! ployed at every point where the bright colors of foliage and tlo wers will add to the beauty of the scene. Asa fifth hi* notr*d ihf* color iloorini tion of the buildings. This jg a very I elaborate undertake g. the result el niSlujre sljidy UPOfl Jhe pnrLfjf the I -.-I TIIK ONLV AHSOIXTETY PtHK HALT V- u nn, n Mfe && 1 An absolute cure for Con ■ HIBJiBS/A sumption. There would be ■ i-w dc-nilis from Consump mMtMma W A &?" B ' on cj?‘*i®. cnp <• Or Will W Whooping Cough if every ?s£■'• i&te&S&KSrA ■ 6f Life, it aids Whiskey in / Wgcstion.Stim- __ n "“ a ' l to \ / tllates the R# nS* HPlfe any BrfWer of the V^,wi'ss-/ r Blood TnnVor. ■fe if til family*? the approach >gg£ TAS^ ates the Brain, ■ || °* “ col,l or cough. •Builds Nerve ™ ~ ’W As soon as you fee! the no FUSEL 0.1. Tjesue, Tones first symptom*, take a smell quantity In a wino Vp the Heart and Prolongs mm. mam _ K'®?* <,f . wau - ; > milk or cream, Lite. A LEADING M’VV Rk SPS £3 1 an ' continue to do so three tr Y ORK DOCK) R say POMm Ufa HA Ii mr 1 ,la y until all sign* c,f “Duffy's pure Malt Wh;> iOT jgH 3 ■ couth or cod have dis key IS A FORM O: lOul> Btf'SffHH 0 ?Prd-, /’"fj " Lue Malt ALREADY DIGESTED.’* IBlkill B Whiskey not only CURES tho DR. WILLARD MOItSB, ctmgh, but hea.s the lungs ami American Director of the Bureau of Materia Kllls tU9 '-ou.iuii.ption geriu. § Medina auti one of onr most learned JZf B J ru Mait tt'iiNkcy is abn'ihiteiy nuro gfß' A.,* W niSKvf IT. Y., lie. years and mouths ’ ■*? m+im m a SSRSSgUifT SWISS J&fc .*•*•* w t .The World’s famous FAedicirio* .“r: . P ?L r A *“ lt ,?i h: i*** U V " on '? v,TI - *“! by the govern. k J • £°V™’ or direct, .tl ffla Bottle.- Beware of ImiP‘.tone. Ft 1"? ar mjti'.toue .send /or free medical booklet —■ UOFrt ff .LTV/i-t'SKr.Y CC„ ROCHESTER, N.V. mural palhterTof the" wbrKT. Consid ered a very difficult, If not embar rassing, problem at first, It has beeu worked out by patient study until re sults very pleasing and happy have been achieved. A sixth point of excel lence will be tbe electrical Illumina tion of all tbe courts. Then tbe bril liance of tbe gardens and the radiant beauty of-the buildings will be height ened by the glow of 200,000 electric lamps -arranged with artistic concep tion and- illirtnfixating with fantastic hues the numberless fountains and pools and turning the scene tuto one ol unrivaled splendor. The style of architecture is what is described ns a free adaptation of the Spanish renaissance. It is particularly appropriate for the purposes of au Exposition since It gives opportunity for the employment of tunny architec tural features of a festive character. Thus the visitor may see many-lofty towers and lanterns, graceful domes and minarets, airy pavilions and other decorative work that will produce a sky line free from any suggestions .of monotony or severity. ■'&. The Electric Tower, standing In a broad pool between the Court of Foun tains and the Plaza, la to be the center piece. for electrical Illumination. This tower is 80 feet square and 375 feet -fcijjjh. with circular wings curviug from tbe east and west sides to the south ward and forming a semicircular space In which are to be many beautiful fountain features. From the southern face of the Tower a cascade will gush from n niche, 70 feet from the ground, and full upon a terraced base. At night this cascade and the fountains and pools will be Illuminated In fantastic colors. Floating lights upon all the pools will form an Interesting feature of the general scheme of illumination. Some 30 or more American sculptors of renown are at work upon the deco rative groups which are to have a place at this Exposition, These are to be nearly all original productions . under the master direction of Karl ! Bitter. It will be tho most elaborate use of decorative sculpture ever under taken at au Exposition, there being more than 125 groups. These will Ladorn the fountains, bridges, entrances Ito buildings and other salient points. Besides the pools and fountains, with in the several courts will be a grand and stately canal which will surround the entire group of buildings. In the southern reaches of this canal are artificial bodies of water known as the Mirror Lakes, from which lagoons ex tend 111 thickly set with aqimtic planfWffnro species. In adumon to the sunken gardens and olhor Pural features of the courts will be the Wktloultural exhibits In the southern prlELif the grounds. These will consist Kittvernl acres of beds of the finest proHffaonu of the best nurs eries and grexWEjTusfcs of the western world. Tbe connection for supremacy will be very keen and the lover of flow ers will have a rare opportunity to make a comparison of (he merits of the productions of competing growers. Mai.k Bv.ns.ttt. BAY STATE AT BUFFALO. A Fine If!*tnrlfil Kxltlhit \ill Bt Made ?t MatiNi.chu*eUM, Tbe historic coumiomveaitli of Mas sachusetts will li&vp n most interesting exhibit at tbe Pnn-American Expohi tiou at Buffalo. It is being collected through the co operation of various societies, such as j the Sons of the Rev dution, UaugliU-ra } of.tin lievolniion, Sons of tic- Ameri can Revolution. Daughters of the Amor- I lean Kovohitibn, the Society of tbe War I ol ISUMiiJf kindred 91 gani/.atlpn The | chiiinn.tir of the Ma/ssnchuHetis i'un- I American commission, Mr, Waiter (111-j imtii i age, i* a ie<iiiig-: t .rit lie these sock ties and : r, .nxi jus limr the Wcfiltli of historic luntorYl pOs, l ’. - . u 1 by Mas sachusetts should bo fideqiir!o!y ropre-“ sent-(1 al the Ban-American Exposi tion. r e)m f r,> Mer of a buiihiog bus not yet been (iennrn iy u uletl, nut ii: is prob- Unit tbe obi I’rovhkmec* Ho life, v ‘ *• / *d t.o- bVt-j.. • *su|kl4ng# • ff B" *”• ' T, J * Ih* -ji bnftiO : THE BRUNSWICK riMES-CALL, NOYi n(BER 16. UJO -achusetts exhibits at the Ex tup: i*noi-rr„BA. position in Buffalo. This building was typical in its sty le of the old fashioned Boston architecture and, in addition, possessed a-special interest from Its historic associations. It formerly stood on the Washington street end of Prov idence court, purtly oil the site of what Is now Clack’s Tnvt-rrt. One of the members of the Massa chusetts) commission to tiio Paris Ex position, 'who recently returned from the French fair, seenred there about .450 valuable exhibits, which will be transferred to the Pan-American at Buffalo. Ex-Mayor Frederick Fosdick of Fitchburg and City Treasurer E. T. Tifft of Springfield returned recently from a visit of a few days in Buffalo very enthusiastic over tho prospects for the success of the Exposition and are anxious to have tho good old Bay State well represented there. Building* Goins V*. The magnificent buildings which ore to house tho exhibits of the Pan-Ameri can Exposition at Buffalo next sum mer are fast progressing toward com pletion and will soon be ready for the collections which are on the way from all quarters of the American couttuent The scene upon the give mbs of tho Ex position, in the northern part of the city, Including,pjrlpt the rnmous Dela ware Park, IsTS-XtfiSy one, upd every day sees siyc, definite progress mnd tn tho construction work. Conditions have been very fnvoru&ft ‘to rapid ""I k, and ..tin*Pan- A merliiHfi Expoab ii"., bids fair fc* break the record in tho matter of swift cqustruettwj oflE.v position buildings and their entire .com pletion before the jtitno arrives to open the gates to ttogoiveral public. Connectlewt n< Pah-ttneiican. The state 'of Connecticut Is getting, together a large display that will rep-' resent her farm, fruit nud dairy inter ests at tho Pau-Alnerlean Exposition next year. Benjamin HI Leo of .Hart ford Is tho commissioner in charge of the 'work, and he Is assisted by- a com mittee composed of N. S. Platt, chair man, New Haven; ITofessor O. B. Phelps, secretary, agrlcnltuml stStton, fitorrs; J, A. ,|>uiion. Poquonock; Pro fessnr A. <}. -tinlley. Agricultural col lege, Sierra: E. H.' Jenkins, agricultural station, New Haven; .1. B. Noble, dairy Commissioner, Hartford: B. C. Patter son, master of state grange. Torriug ton. 1* The Government'll HnlliHnn, The Government buildings at the Pan-American Exposition at Buffalo me being built by Rasmussen & Streh low of Omaha. The contract calls for a group ef three buildings connected by curved arcades. The main structure Is to tie 4UO by' litO feet, with u don’t: 250 feet high, and the ewnllt r buildings each 150 feet square. All departments of the government will make up to ''ate exhibits, which the inembeTs of the Govefutjient board are now busy collectluggtnd getting luto shape. iv. nows Tins? We offer One Hundred Dollar* Re ward for any oase of Catarrh that oan nnt be cured by HaL's Catarrh Cure. E* ,r. CHENEY * CO.. Toledo, 0. We, the undersigned, have, known r, J. <JI m e> for the Rsr, fifteen yeyrs aid heiievo lpiu perfectly hoourable in all buiioess transactions, at T llnau oialiy able to carry out any obligations made by tbeir firm. West & Truax, wholesale d.uggists, Toldo, O. Welding Rinnan & Marvin, wbnla> druggists, Toledo, O. Hill’s Catarrh Cure is taken inter ally, acting directly upon tbs blood end mucous surfaces of the system. | Testimonial* snt free. Price 760, per •>OlllO. Sold by at) druggists. Hall’s Family Pills are the best. i ■ : ■>' One o Many Xinthaalaata. .Too Mflcbell Chappie editor of The National Magnzine, published at Bor ton wiia in Buffalo recently und be came ntncli inteioated in the ttxposl \ lion. On his return to Boston he wrote to an official, of the E. v position na fob lows: “1 wns indeed sorry not to hnve wn'p you when In Huffttlo, but 1 did % the Exposition Arid . e, r ■ friUh-ihed be y nd puasure. I wish that you would send on ajiythieg Unit you think u.igut lie of Interest to our readers and make it as attractive as p- ssible. and l shad keep ou bamhieiliig away,at the Expo sltlon editorially until It opens, hccau c I am thoroughly enthused over the subject” Ltmercss h. t) -nutcles a,u ; joint- In dicate . Uoiiu .lieu,. Don’t dally with it n minute, Take Hood'f fiarsapardla and cure It. Mr* Perfumes and Toilet Articles mestic goods from the very best manufacturers. H uo It Will Cost You Nothing'. wiw X w e °H F ock bef ? re ’^ n^your P urchases - We will always give you our whlthor youTre’ready “to buy pfci “ Bre shoW, '“ K yOU “*>* in We-Have Just What You Want In Drugs, I erf times, Soaps, Patent Medicines and such other Sundries as are usually lS\?J n ?n n h° dern St^ r y' r yo . u ahou,d want anything not to be had in ourmar you Aat In ulme° re thaU gad t 0 gCt U for you in our next order - We are h ere to serve ; Our Prescription Department Is filled with a line assortment of new and fresh medicines for doctors’ prescriptions You need not to send us your prescriptions to fill, as we give this department sttr personal attentmn. Uur experience dates back for about one quarter of a century. I e;feet satisfaction every lady. Why not call and see us. SMITH'S PHARMACY The Gash Druggist, 131 Newcastle, Corner Monk. 't be l’nias CALfi jd?T ofliee* in now in full blast again and those who desire to save money should let It bid on their work. B-bt workmen and has equipped. CALL ON L. A. Miller POU low wimßiii fill mi Flooiino Stock Just Keceived Corner Buy and .Mansfield. Phone 177 Only place la town where kiln dri. ■ lumber can be bought. FUBEIO WALK. Georgia—Comity of Glynn. Uiulor a power of gain contalnnd In tha! < -t tin Her 4 tr semre dehl tr in 1,. V. Carroll to Mrr. M I, P irkcr, raid Herd bring recorder! n> Voi. nf mortgug a. todo !>*B in r will bn „ imforu tne door of Ho. court bongo of nam county, in lir.mhw ick Unorgia, on the ilrit Tuc-itay In koeember proximo, between tlie legiil nunrg of rale to tbe liighent end b nt bid drr,forcaeb, ail of tnfit certain tract, lot oi parcel ot land, situate In aa and county and at te, boute x mlle north of the c.ty in ISruimwick, in the auh district G M.ofi-ftiilconnti,o”. Beriberi in a Heed from E, M.,Turner to said Carroll,as 2S acre of land, having 'he follow ing Connies, diatances alid adtm aanrcincnta to Bay: Commencing at i pin, trc,. on thepuo- Ite road iOodina from what :* know nua the Old Chapel to :he Hoarier Goodb’ead I’laec. an l ’'Vanina rhcnceenutb ,‘i7 degrees we t,llf r haii,g arlklluk to a stake; Ihene, running i.. rtb 7n lUgroca weal, 7ehain and >0 Unkß to u pin, tree; ihnnee penning north :i7 derri e ’ oa.t 34 ehalna and 43 inks to , blaek gum tree; ihence running eolith 70 ,'egivea eaar y ,o )t .i amriy l l.lnkgtoth, Irltlol ra,lnt;ai,i im< ( !>,,,<nderi on the no"bb;/ liuuia of estate of It. (). ■ nr,on the [< a’ by *-|d public ion from Old i ;hai ,1 to ’ik.ii e I I , ,•,„ .lie.B’ iuh b. jo / c ton and laude oi s <a>n V MUlei. ■,c l mre, we*i Ini lands of bno eetaieofaai i.,v l Ueieg tlie ,)l, eO whereat Urn -ai l r ri , r |,. ~.T rat’ -n ,II c la.ti-j f;',n„ krw n v. i a-ri ’j • farm. ai. ‘.hat e,, tam ether c ac; of lend In ■ aid w nnty ai MlsirlA-. Contain nt* e, - ~pf land, adp.udi g the naei above d,,cricri, • n I bleng pa’UC'llarty de .■ Haul aatoeo r..” and dialn ealn u<U rte. dto g'ute rtelil f, * *iri : ■ i ’,■ in 4* ia. Parker a, , c” 1 1 ”' 1 * f Ia and io i o add n ur inp.'i’t i |!, VI tOb >OB..tiafy ti eJn (1 'll 7' ■ 11 oeOd t I r.ifll ee< ll to • , urC ill : ..*r.d pefneieal with- pii uitore-t tPcien i fro’ i'geeb b 1 !"• iiimi paid,be gl'-t - 'Me 't 0. b. ■ ■ an , ,’, -J, e'l foe in r iido'.e'* 'e ■ ear • deb,. f'.reliaiior toi.y* 0,; ! tints—T’WsAcv • - terecu vy • I V ■ :’.’tl< ’.Vt.rab’or, | J.y ’l l ' .41 I- ’.t .’IU,. 4,1 .... e ton,! at .’o . 1., .unde? tl w ro?fale,’ifob.'- ’ aaid R IPAN'S "Pocicrs find A Good •ft. , . Prescription Ibr mankind JUS —*■ T ANARUS; Mplw Hd m anul mat RECOMMENDS IT TO TRAINMEN. G IT. Hauaan, Lima , 0., enginssr ) I, E. & W.railruatl,.writes: “I bay. lien troubled a gmst rtsel with hack ■ ch’. I was Induced to Try Foley’s IT A’ tj| bii't, and one briflle erit rely f 1 1 evi’it me I gldfy reenrmnenil it (■ r,i,y one, e-pcatly my friends vmOi g the tißiiuiww, who lire u-ually Titoiisrly all! cietl.” 1 y Muny people . worry her:,ore tbgry Ticllevs they have hr„rt flleea. e. Tbo fhaidcea are that rii'ur hearts an lie i halt their stomachs a-K tine Id to dlge.t ooA. Ked.l Dyspepsia fiurodl.: ia' n,’’. yoi, *iv{ and prevent* the fce’” ’*ioii of ft* win I, BVkev the BUmrcb ■e* : ng' r ’he beu, t, ft N will cur* every form o£ indlgeaticn. J W. J. Butts, ' P. DEVAiMS, Qocerics Cn'Alitnr Prcduca —’-Vnplsblcs etc. t* Also Gonfectionbrv. MODE BTRFWT. BRUNBWTCrr GA / 1 T. POO It, Coi f,f actor and Builder, 11!) Hiniib Stouawpll Htfct. Brunswick,’ - Georgia* Dill, sweet, sour or stuffed pir.klas, at.W. H. DeVoe’s.i