The Brunswick times-call. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1900-1902, November 17, 1900, Image 1

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THE BRUNSWICK TIMES-CALL. VOLUMEXI. NUMBER 76. GOOD GOVERNMENT CLUB NAME THE CITY TICKET ■Gon, N. Emanuel Endorsed For Mayor. JARMONY WAS ORDER OF EVENING A Platform Was Read and Adopted W II fcoOß 1 Some Were Named Y§k Aldermen Who Had Mentioned For Mayor—Hon. N. Braanuei. For Aldermen—J, £. <j u Bignon, AX*.’ bortH Wenz, O, McGuryey, 11. H. Everett. So reads the ticket nominated by th' Good Government Clab Inst night. The meeting was the largest held by the cl ah during the year, about 250 re presentative citizen* being present. Mr. A. L. Franklin was elected chairman, and Mr. L. A. Robinson, secretary. The platform was submitted on be* hat, of the executtye committee, and considered sections and unanimously adopted. The committee on aominatioo of offi cers was then appointed aud the meet ing took a recess pending the delibera tions of the comrai tee. The report ef the committee was adopted by a rising vote, A Mr. Emanuel was cslle j for and re sponded in a abort talk, pledging his best efforts in the interest 0 f the city, if elec ed. Messrs, du Bll?nor/ J|Swelt and Me- Garvey also spoke to call, from the meeting^Yuedsting their sop- , port to the piVrtorm adopted. Ibe ®.f(ttfkers were enthusiastically The follow log is the plat-1 (tfrm adopted; Be it resolved by the Good Govern ment Clnb o! Brnnswick, in regular meeting assembled, that we announce and adopt the following policies and principles, whltfiw we pro pose to inaugurate and carry out: To foster and encourage the es'.ab- Uabment of eommerolal and industrial enterprises In our city and county, and to so administer public affairs that capi talists will not hesitate to invest money in our city. To see that all property bears its just proportion of taxation without any and to have a fair and proper assessment ol all imiperty. To fix and regulates license ordinance that will be reasonable and just and that Will afford a fair revenue to the city without detriment tolls business Inter* eats. To publish not less than quarterly a detailed statement of all receipts and disbursements of public moneys and to publish at least annually a full bnancial statement, showing all assets and lia bilities of the city, and to publish a state ment of the indebtedness of the city both Q istlng and bonded, as soon as practis able, and to thoroughly examine into all past transactions. To award all importan t contracts for public improvements and supplies to the lowest responsible bidders, bids to be submitted in writing and sealed and to beopened In public meeting of council, with the right reserved to reject any or all bids. To provide a city budget, as Boon is practicable in each year, Iflxing the maxi mum sum of money to be appropriated to eartw&aaffifr*I** 1 *** 1 * " f the city government for the entire year, such budget te be ■uepared after full and careful lwvestg* nof the necessary requirements for administration or each de p^ykent. TWeduce as rapidly as possible the floating Indebtedness of the cltv, paying at least a part of the same each year,and to set aside an Dually and strictly pre serve the slnkfe.g fund required to retire the bonded indebtedness o! the city. We pledge tht greatest possible re duction in the expenses of conducting the city government consistent with an efficient administration, and will use our best efforts to the gradual reduc tion of taxation as rapidly as the same can be accomplished in view ol the pre sent laTfcß4tKLUng. indebtedness of the city. To make substandaland permanent improvcmenU, and especially to im prove the streets and sidewalks of tbo city as the revenues will warrant. To make the most liberal appropria tions to the support and upbuilding of the public schools of the city cons's ent witb the income; we recognlzs tht ttie future greatness of our city d> peude largely upon the efficiency aud thor oughness of our public school system, and we pledge our best endeavors to s > ImproyeumMir school system that it qual, if not the superior, Wraay in the stale; we reqneetour r<- pressntative and senator in the legis lature to procure the passage of the bill now pending, authorizing and pro viding for additional appropriations to the public schools. We pledge the most economical and business like administration of the ci'y affairs, conaistent with the needs and requirements of the city government in the making of substantial and uece-- eary improvements. We are In favor of granting reason able and proper fianchisee, provided every safeguard for the protection of i the public Is bad and proper advantage J reserved to the city. BRUNSWICK, GA. SATURDAt MORNING, NOVEMBER 17, 1900. min itn mi Worn Tried to fill Ger mf’s Bnler IRE PEOPLE WERE Ml And Would Have Lynched Her Had Not the Police In terfered Breslau, Nov, 16.—Emperor 'William was the object of aa attempted outrage today, whteta, however, failed, Aa he was driving in an open carriage to thd 1 cuiraeser barracks, accompanied b-y thfe hareditary prince of SaxesMelningen, a woman in the crowd buried an ax Sra the carriage* The rapidity.with widely -the vehicle wa* pahsiyt saved the oc cupants. The ax, or hatchet, fell just behind the carriage. The woman w.j Immediately arrested- T_ * - £ The woman’s name Is S. Ima Schnap ke. She occupied a plaoe in the front rank of Spectators on the side farthest from She emperor. The ha'chet, it now appears,, idjnck the carriage. The crowd who witness ed the act, said that the outraged peo ple threw themselves on his majesty’* assailant, but the prompt intervention of the police saved the woman from Injury. The weapon was a short-handed meat ax. Wo favor tbe abolishing of the police commission and the tTcciiou of th* po lice force by the mayor and aldermen, members of each force to be under ciyi service rules, subjeot to removal on written accusations containing specific charges, the accused to be tried in open oonncil. We believe this system will best accomplish tho desired objeot of divorcing the police department from uojitice, and it will remedy the existing eyii of trying and remor< , 'g member* of the police force in secret session. We favor the application of civil ser vice rules to the fire department as far as practicable. We earnestly ask the cooperation of all the citizens of Brunswick who desire progress and weltare of the city in car rying oat these pledges, and in accom plishing the oblects herein set forth. We propoee to nominate for mayor and aldermen only auch men as we be lieve to be entitled to the confidence of the public end who will stand pledged to administer their affaire in accordance with the principles and declatione made in this platform. We aek them to make no other pledges and especially recom mend to them that they make no pled get or promises to particular candi date! or applicant* for any offloe to be filled by them, and that they select for ench offices those beet qualified to dis charge tbe duties and wbo are in en tire accord and sympathy with the pur poses and objects of this orgcnlzation, We further recommend and urge tbs’ as far as possible, thsy stand together and act In harmony In th* carrying out of these purpose*. no in ii IMiDO Tie Same oil Story-Tie Sane Oil Crime IRE PEOPEEJRE IU The Citizens Took the Prisoner Prom The Sheriff and Torture Him Denver, Nov. 11— John Porter, the uegro who oonfessed to having mar dered Louise Frost at Linton, was Itgken from the county jail here today by Sheriff Freeman and driven rapidly out of the city. It is understood the gfrty will board the afternoon Union fkoifto train at some point ontelda the city, and lynoh him,.. LA sr Liuion, <Jol„ ijlov. 10.—The Union jpeoiiff trail), on wbioh was John Pot ter, who was brought here from Den ver, arrived here tonight, and wat stopped by a vigilant committea. r e,.man leaded to the com- allow him to taka the pris oner to Hugo, Vit they refased, aad took charge of him. At first, it wae their intention to take Porter to Lake, a station Just beyond Limon, and lynch him on the spot where Louise Froet was murdered. The fa ther of Louiee Froet, the murdered girl, euggeeted that Porter be burned to a atake. The mob agreed to this, and tbe infuriated father applied tbe torofi-JjUuself. The negro showed great fortitude un’.'J the flames began to saorcb bis flesh. "Ss than eoreamed piteously, but death soon oalS* as a relief, TROUBLE 18 FEARED. Negroes and Whites in Tension About . Two Colored Prisoners. Louisville, Os., Nov. 16, Tbe two negroes wbo have bsen In jsil in Sa vannah fur the murder of two of Jef fersou count}’s citizens, will be taken back this morning for trial. The while people talk of ljncbing. Tba negroes •ay they will not allow the orlmiaale to oome to trial, but will rescue them. Trouble ie feared. Tbe State will try to prove that tbe negroee organized a band for tbe parpoee of killing white people. BLEW OPEN STORE. Robbers Did Not Secure Any Booty in the Safe. Tempi*, Ga., Nov. 16.—Burglar* en tered tbe store of Joseph Griffialast, night and blew open tbe safe, contalNf ing $2,000, with dynamite. Tb* moiisy was not secured. They only got a few articles out of tbe store. DAVIB VERY LOW. St. Paul, Mino.,Nov. 18,—Senator Cushman Oaviiis in * grave oondition, and bia death would not b* unex pected. * THREE BILLS FROM GLYNN PASS THE LOWER HOUSE No Opposition Is To Show Up A FRENCH SENSATION. Rumor of Central Porter’s Resigna tion. New York, Noy. 16 —A dlspa’ch to The Herald from Paris says The following extraordinary state ment Is given prominence In La Prcase. ‘‘A person* go who claims to be thor oughly acquainted with what is going on behind the scenes in the matter of dlyulgenco of secrete of the latest FtcnoU field gun to the United States, makes the following statement, “Tbe affair is connected with the aud den departure for Gibraltar of an offi cer of the Unit ates navy who was employed in the foreign section of the exhibition after baying fulfilled his funotiona as at The em bassy. "The Held gun incident was also the exv*? Abe widen,handing over of the affairs of the embassy to the first secre tary by General Horace Porter and his departure for Spain. Tho former naval attache in question, who was born of British parents and was devoted aboye all to tho embassy in Faubourg Saint Honoye, acted almost openly as a spy for sevoral powers. “The departure of General Hoiace Porter, which U given out as tempor ary, Is really final, and he is to be re* placed in Pans by John Loishman, Un ire4 States minister to Berne, a diplo mat of the highest character.” , - - ——■ .j REUNION CLOSES, Parkfle Came Off on Broad Street Yesterday Afternoon. Augusta, Ga., Nov. 16 —The reunion wound uy> today with a grand parade of the Georgia and South Carolina veterans amt a review on Broad stiest. General WaJker, of the Carolina di vision, has secured tbe acceptance by tks Georgia division of hie invitation to meet with the Carolina veterans in Columbia next year, tbe date to be annonnoed later. PORTER MUST BE HANGED. Negroes of Bad Obaraoter and Section Men Warned to Leave. Limon, Col., Ifov. 16.—Notices were posted today warning negroes of bad character to Hire Llnooln and Elbert ohnntlei, and deolarlng that if they dn not go, they will be escorted aoroes tba border. Offloiale of the Union Pa cific and Rook Island railroads have bean petitioned to remove from these counties all imported colored seotion me*. It wae unanimously agreed at tee meeting lsst night that Porter shall ba banged with all tbe deoorum of a legal exeoution whenever b* ie brought to thi* eouaty. PRICE FIVE CENTS. POLICE BOARD TO BE ABOLISHED City court Will Me Sbd arate Solicitor KIEL AEBO PASS SENATE Senator Upchurch, It Is Said, Will Endorse the Measures The Georgia legislature has passed three bills introduced by Capt. Sy mons. Two amend tbe oharter of tbs city tbe other mskes the oflloe of eolioitor of the olty court separate from the solioitor of tbe superior ooort. Following is the bill whiob abolishes tbe polioe board; Section I.—Be it enacted, by the general assembly of Georgia, and it ia hereby enaoted by the authority of tbe same, that on and after tbe first Mon day in January, 1901, tba officers and privates of the police force of tbe city of Brunswiok shall be eieoted by the mayor aad aldermen of said eity. After such date all members of such polioe foroe, except the ohief and aesis tont oilier, shall bold office during good bebavier, eubjeet only to remov al and discharge by the mayor and tHermen of said ctfy for maipraotioe in offloe, wilful neglect of duty, wilful violation of tbe rules and regulation* prescribe! for the guldanoignd gov ■ eminent of euob polioe foroe, or other improper oonduot, and for the wilful or Ictent’onal violation of any ordi nance, by-law or resolution of said mayor and aldermen of eaid city or law of tpe state of Georgia, or for bri bery or breach of tbe peaoe, or for any orime or misdemeanor against the laws of said state, whether snob wat done or committed on or off dnty. No mem ber of snob polioe foroe shall be so dis charged, removed or dismissed except upon arraignment on written infor mation or acoasation signed by the mayor or any alderman of laid ofty or on affidavit of any citizen of eaid olty, a copy of whiob Information or aoon aation or affidavit, oontalniog a speci fication of charges, shall be served by tbe elerk of oounoil of aaid city or by any member of sueb polioe foroe, either personally or by leaving same at the most notorious plaoe of abode of aooueed, at least three days before tbe trial. In snob cases the mavor f Continued on Fourth Page,)