The Brunswick times-call. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1900-1902, November 17, 1900, Image 6

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THE BOARD IN JiESSION Tli tin! CniittK Win I*( The Board of Trade held a Very im portant meeting; at the city hall yes terday, and among other things named the following committees: Finance and Aud ting—E. D. Wal ter, H. W. Gale Walter B, Cook, Complaints snd Arbitration —T. Newman, W, F. Pymnns, W. 11. Ds- Voe, J. K. Dubberlv, C. Miller. Transpcrtat'oa and Railroads- C. Downing, A. M. Bmlth, Samuel A. Si*- er, M. Elkan, C D. Ogg. Information and Statistics—C. L. Candler, L. Foibleman, A. Feodlg, G. L. Pitcher, B. Padrosa Harbor and Marine—E. F. Coney, W, M, Tupper, F. D. M. Strachan, R. Torres, C. Arnold. Promotion of New Enterprises—E. Brobaton, Msx Isaac, R. R. Hopkins, C. W. Denting, F. E. Twltty. Floor and Membership—J. R. Koibb C. P, Goodyear, Jr., J. Rolholz, J. M. Burnett, B. P, Coleman. CURES BLOOD AND SKIfl .TROUBLES. Trial Treatment Free. Is your blooa purr? Are you sure of it? Do outs or soratobea heal slow ly? Does your skin itch or burn? Have you Pimples? Eruptions? Ach ing bones or baok? Eczema? Old Sores? Boils? Scrofula? Rheuma tism? Foul Breath? Catarrh? Are you pale? Theu B. B. B. (Botanic Blood Balm) will purify your blood, heal every sore, and give a olear, smooth, healthy skin. Deep-saated eases, like ulcers, oanoer, eating sores, Painful Swellings, Blood Poison, are quickly cured by Botaolo Blood Balm. Curee wben all else fails. Thoroughly tested for thirty years. Drug stores, $1 per large bottle. Trial treatment free by writing BLOOD BALM CO„ Atlanta, Oa. Describe trouble-free medical advice given. Over 8,000 vol untary testimonials of cures by B. B. B. For the serious diseases that attack the kidneys, Prickly Ash Bitters is an unfailing remrdy. Relieves bsckaobe, swelling of the feet, and persistent headache—symptoms whioh indicate kidney trouble. W. J. Butts. OASTOniA. Bears the l Wd You Have Always Bought Ki-na Ivt-na.—quinine in a tasteleaa form, without aflfootinK Its medicinal value, combined [ with uwtanUld and lrou. Juki the thing for children. riea*ant to take. 250 a bottle. For aalo by IV. J. Butts, the drugeciet. Fancy- Crisp Celery Shipment by express every j| other day of fresh Kalamazoo Celory, consequently always have it crisp and 'nice. 1 W keep It" on ice, never in water, exposed to the atmosphere and dust. LLOYD’S, fl rrsr ’PHONK >B6 > ifcao, Z (Vext door 10-.Fleminp & W aff) Etmaiisis Rheumatic pains are the cries of protest ind distress from tortured muscles, aching joints and excited nerves. The blood has been poisoned by the accumulation of waste matter in the system, and can no longer supply the pure and health sustain ing food they require. The whole system feels the effect of tills aCid poison; and not until the blood has been purified and brought back to a healthy condition will the aches and pains cease. Mrs. James Kell, of 7 aj Ninth street, N. E., Washington, 0. *O., writes as follows: ‘‘A few months ago I had an attack of Sciatic Rheums* Ham in it* worst form. The pain was so intense that l became completely pro*. ir Ah, (rated. The attack was sn A* tin usually severe one, and Hr my condition was regard. ed as being very danger- Tgllll V mu , dus. 1 was attended by \ u A one of the most able doe- x Ttxg tors in Washington, whoia ~ also a member of the fee- y*.-07*2 ulty of a leading medical ' •nsv-OF:V college here. Keloid me to continue Ms preacrip lions sod I would get well. After haring 1' filled twelve times without receiving the slightest benefit, 1 declined to continue bis treatment anr longer. Having heard of i. s. 8.1 gwift’s Specific) recommended for Rheumatism, I decided, s’.mo.i in despair however, to give the medicine a trial, and sit fry! had taken a few bottle# I was able to hobble around on erutchea, and very soon there after had no use for them at all, ft. g. s having cared me sound and anil. Alt the distressing pains here left me, my appetite has returne.l, and happy to bargain restored to perfect ABa the greet vegetable purifier and tonic, is the ideal remedy in el] rheumatic troubles. There are no opiates or minerals in it to disturb the digestion and lead to ruinous habits. We have prepared a special hook on Rheumatism which every sufferer from this painful disease should read. It is the most complete and interesting book of the kind in existence. It will be sent free to any one desiring it. Write our physi cians fully ana freely about jrour case. W* make no charge for medical advice. the swift Specific cq, Atlanta, a*. LOW RATES-VIA. THE .PLANT SYSTEM To Savannah, Ga., for the Elks’ Grand Carnival and Street Fair, No vember nth to 17th. One fare for the round trip. Tickets to be aold Novem ber Bib, 7th, 9th, 12th, 14tb and Jdth, with Anal limit to 18th. A splendid program of attractions hes been ar ranged. Plant Syatem ticket agente will give full particulars. B. W. Wrnmh, Pasaenger Traffic Manager, Savannah, Ga. Many of your Trtenda, or people whom you know of, havH contracted consumption, pneumonia, or other fa tal diseases, by negleot of a simple odd or oougb. Foley’a Honey and Tar, a aafe, sura and pleasant oough medicine, would have saved.them. It ia guaranteed. OA JTOBLIA. Bears the til Kind Ton Hate Always Bought CORD WOOD. Large quantity of oak and pine wood on hand, for prompt delivery . No rotten, storm wood sold by us. 'Phone 24-3. Bloodworth A John*. lie People’s lie Show COMING TO BRUNSWICK ON NOV. 20 and 21 Smash natm , b *nf**t. *iri*niioi!i TWO PEQTOOHAHCIS DAILY. UAUI OR bdINT OOOMS OPtM AT f AND 7 P. M MWftsuw AOjutTb %y yuiww twoia to vugr# 10 Bring the children and Ist them tee the three little Baby I.lona born with BphnksShow at Mt Airy, N. C. Sept, teth, 1900. the enteet little pels on earth, all child rea should see the e bshy (tone. See onr grand free balloon secession and parachute Inmp given free to all from the show grounds at 1 sad r p. m. eiet dig rein er Aim THE BRUNSWICK HMES-CALL NOVEMBER if, ioo PERSONAL POINTS. Mr. T. T. Wright of Tampa, was in the city yesterday. Mr. W. R. Crawford of Dtrieu, spent yesterday in the city. Mr. T. B. TwiUy of Ctmtlls, was a visitor to the city yesterday. Mr.M, Rice, advene* agent for “A Milk White Flag,” which is to show here goon, was In the oity yesterday. THE DOG TAX. The tax now being paid on dogs in some counties of the state will prob ably be removed by the legislature. The judiciary committee has reported that the bill be referred to tbe'spsoial agrloul ural eommittee. The judi ciary committee waa in favor of the bill of Mr. Calhoun of Lowoda*. to re peal the present law, and the agricul tural committee will probably do the •am*. As the law now stands the tax ia not to be effective unless the grand jnriet oi tbe several oountiea recom mend tbe taxation. The law has not given satisfaction in many instances. Very few oountiee have adopted the law.' Cramps, dysentery, obolera morbus, diarrtcet, and, limed, all bowel com plaints quickly ralieved by Perry Da vis' Pain-Killer, a safe, sure and speedy cure, for all the troubles named. Every reputable druggist keeps a sup ply. Eaob bottle has full directions. Avoid substitutes. There ia bat one Davis’, Price Wo. and 50e. George A. Points, Upper Sandueky, 0., write*: “I have been using Fo ley’* Honey end Tar for boaraeneea, end dnd it tbe best remedy I ever tried. It stopped tbe eougb itnmedi mediately, and relieved all soreness.” After exposure orNwfobjyiPtoel 4 cold coming on, take Fuley’* Honey and Ter. It never fails to oure, tod Will preveot p*——oni. ? r tioa if taken In Tbe Plant System will tell round trip tiokete for the annual fair, Way oroee Fair Association, at one fere from Thomasvilie, Albany, Savannah Brunswick, Jacksonville, Lake City Monoioello and intermediate point*, A splendid program of attraction* has been arranged and visitor* will be well entertained. B. W, Weeks, Passenger Trsffio Manager, Savannah. Ga. GoodDositions fI^^jgV^ECURED Young Men Wbtl\t 3urp*4tbcil n Ryjiitgss J pICHWONow ( ..-..vj-Jp Business ; COLLEGE 1 WArflNi INSTRUCTIONS l L ■ PARKER'S HAIR BALSAM I Clean*:* and bcautjfte* the hale, i Fromote. a luxuriant growth. 1 ■ NJrer Falla to Restore CtraT Hatv to Us Youthful Color. i l*rvvrti huSWßlftt hah tattincJ KIDHEY DISEASES arc f (he most fatal of all dis eases. cm EY’C SIDNEY5 IDNEY cure it i iULI! 0 Guaranteed Remedy or money refunded. Contains remedies recognized by emi nent physicians as the best for Kidney and Bladder troubles. PRICE 50c. arui Ji.oo. O W. J. Botto. tbe Drugiot. To Stop a Odd. After exposure or when yon feel a sold com ing oa take a dose of Foley's Honey eed Ter. It eerer telle to stop n sold It Mei In Mme. W l.Ma Women are Like Ffrh*A/£kf*C Healthy andstrong , I lyt/TCI they blossom and bloom. Sickly, they wither and die. Every woman ought to look well and feel well. It’sherright andduty. but she might as well try to put out a fire with oil as to be healthy and at tractive with disease corroding the organsthstmakeherawoman. Upon their health depends her health. If there Is inflammation or weakening arains or suffering at the monthly period, attend to it at once. Don’t delay. You're one step nearer the grave every day you put it off. Women can stand a great deal, but they cannut live forever with disease dragging at the most delicate and vital organs in their body. You may have been deceived In so-called cures. We don't see how you could help it— there is o much worthless stuff on the market. But you won’t be dis appointed In Bradfield’a Female Reg ulator. We believe it Is the one medi cine on earth for womanly ills. There is as much difference between It and other so-called remedies as there le 1 bet ween right and wrong. Bradfleld’s Female Regulator soothes the pain, slops the drains, promotes regularity, strengthens, purines and cleanses. It does all this quickly and easily and naturally. Ills for women alone tode clde whether they will be healthy or sick. ..radfield’s Regulator lies at hand, ft per bottle at drug atore. *- g-n 4 ftr our No. beoklat. C HR MUDFIFLO IttGIIATOR Atlaeta, Ga. Mrs. T. Briddleraan, of Parsbaltville M'ch., was troubled with salt rheum for thirteen year* and had tried a number of doctors without relief. Af ter two or three applications of Ban oer Salve, her hands btcsxne better, and 10 a ehort time ate waa entirely cured. ■ : / ** Little FSorfy Himn are the host liver pttla ever made. E .sy.w lake and never griue. W. J. Uettk, ' * ' L s' PLUMB, " Practical and Scientific Horseshoer. NOW OPEN. the shop on Oglethorpe street,7l Mansfield and llowe * A trial wi'lconvince you that he know* hie business. Rainy Day Hats. The very beet of tbe m *tr favored shxpe# are in oar assortment Trimmd nt Untrimmsd Pelt Hits tn variety of shapes, styles and colors. Wh have bought and mads them up to sell to those who destre something serviceable, yet pretty; good.bnt low priced. These sre right end priced right. HISS KATE SLATER, 604 GLOUCR3TKR ST., Money to Lend on Imoroved Real Estate. Apply to W. Merchant, Secretary, or K. E. Twltty, Attorney, of the ATLANTIC INVESTMENT CO. Wall Paper AT.THE PAINT STORE, 502 MonktSt. W.H. LYTLE PROPRIETOR. SBAES IHTO YOUR!SHOES. Allen’s * powder, ft cures painfm, smarting, nervous feet and Ingrowing nailxaod instantly takes the sting ont of eorus and bun ions. IPs the greatevt comfvrt discovery of the ace. Allen’s Foot-Ease makes tight or new shoes feel easp. It is a certain cure for sweat ing, callous and hot, tired, aching feet. Try it today. Sold by all druggists and shoe stores. *F u for lie in Sts raps. Trig! package Pres. Address AUea a. Okies teed. Le Bov. IT. jjPBM A ChrMnglndividuality most welcome to the connoisseur— rich, dainty and sparklingly brilliant mKM &knls&u&> WJ '\J SOHeMTAN Bt S 1 M -KlßraWl Bottled Bears,'* H ( /■ Brewed from die Canadian iflß and Minnesota barley auc. *.hc rr.fe choicest imported Bohemian Y L this beer is a nourishing drin mmm unequaled purity and excellence, ‘ jSeiiffifiiS Wine ami Liquor Cos. PLANT. SYSTERj PASSENGER DEPARTMENT^ .T7T77! itsAh TTovvn " t ■ 1 TEEBUTTp !7., .. ............ K so gg. Tim© labie Hass vo.a .:!;;! ! • Bffccttve oct i, leoo. Passenger Mixed Pnewsnger Mixed ......... !!!“!!!*!!!.’ Pafiy. dmij, 1’!!!!*.*.!!'.; -... 800 pm... ar Waycrosa iv * lfiPno.... 7 90am lo oo am... 10 35 pm... hr Waycrow ar 4 00pm... 640 am.... lSJtOpm... 145 am... ar Tifton Iv X 50pm.... 2 Isau> ......12 fioam... 10 80pm... ar JarkaonvUle iv 2 oK. 5 t'Oam.. - til 05 am**, ar' rfeomaavflla Iv 6 15am jooopia ar Tampa Iv 8 oQpn V A WAYCROSS <fc monSdmery. oavpm. 810 am... at MnntgomeryXp 1 746 pan :t .Sait.. 1169 am... at B>rtmngbauav lv 4OS pm II tham ... 710 pm... ar NaenvillaV h 900 am.. W l-l iu ... SSOam... ar ), ..* tr, am —. 7 lpm ... Tan... ar Bt-Lcu- iri as yea ... .‘-'it;:.'.::.'-’. 1 7.: VI A SAVANNAH D CHARLESTON. JIV.m •jSH'lettat Iw 1116 pm 8 /8 am 786 pm.. Ar £lchmonu Lv 900 am 8 8.1 sm . 108 am.. Ar Lv J 66 am AND SAVANNAH VIA JES V P - 806 am 10 SO mafllr Mm lv Olfcpnj . . 1015 am .Savannah Iv 935 pro . j 5 00pm Direct eonneetion made at with Pullman Sleeping Cura for all points Between Port Tampa. Key West and Havana, GOING. I RETURNING Lv Port Tampa 11 00 pm Mon. Thura. Sat. I Ar Fort Tampa 3 30 am Thur. Sun. and Tua, Ar Key Weal? 0> pm Tue*. Frl. Sun I LvK.y West 00p. m. Weo. Bat. and M0n..... Lv Key West 900 pm Tucs. Frl. Sunday [Ar Key Went OO pm Wed. Sat. and Mon Ar Havana 5 00 am Wed. Bat Mon | Lv Havana 9 80 pm Wed Sat. and M0th..... Whro th“> liquid* co-ne from our obook. We carry such a fine line of m: that it la Impoasthle to find a brand v'? 7 tFaK which Is not pleasing lo ion’ point, The*9 goods are fullv rant ured. . have a fine rich body and mellow w Excellent tor family or any use. V- DOUGLAS. J. J. LISSNER, WHOLKSATaE Groceries, Tobacco, iFlour, Bacon and Provisions, GRAIN, A SPECIALTY. 216 Bay Georgia. W H. BOWEN. J, . N. BRADf BOWEN &BRADT, * AIVJCDI Of Stdne, Briok And Famine Building