The Brunswick times-call. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1900-1902, November 17, 1900, Image 7

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Rico It is a high grade laundry soap. It is a good soap. It is a hard water soap.. . it is kept hy all the leading grocers. Ask for it. . Florida Sojiij Works, Jacksonville. Hi oilimer Cos GRAND OPERA HOUSE, yiLL THIS WEEK r lues., Thitrs, and Sat. prices 10 and 20c. prices 10, 20, JOc. MOHDAIfciGHT, The bigge.i idi, *0 and soc- 'A over offered to a theatre-gom \lte. Four Complete Sets o! Sfe, Tteeonery. ELI ZISSIttMO, 302A Newcastle StJk tipaiL CIGARS AND TOBACCO All Kinds of.Ctodj. Oar Greatest Specialist For 80 years Dr. J. Newton Hath away haa so successfully treated chronto that he is ackmuwledged today To stand at the heat! of h i profession in this lino. Hb AaftHkMt method of treatment for \ no Stricture oures in 90 per cent, of all cases. In the treatment of loss of vital forces nervous disorders, kidney and urinary complaints, paralysis, blood poisoning, rheumatism, catarrh and diseases pecul iar to women, he is equally successful 1 Dr. Hathaway’s practice is more than double that of any other specialist. Cases pronounced hopeless by other physicians, readily yield to his treat ment. Write him today fully about your case. He makes no charge for consultation or advice, either at his of fice or by mail. J. NEWTON HATHAWAY, M. D. 25 Bryan Street. Savannah, Ga STOVES REPAIRED. Rice, the stove doctor, repairs kinds or cook stoves and ranges, hny and sella second hand stoves, 414 Bay street trOUR FACS 18 TOUKjroKTUNH. Throw away Cosmetic#. American women throw away seventv-tve million doll are annually lor fae pow tera, lotions, ete., mo whtrb are m act ol jot moon ml nr j, r a an stroy the ski n. TANARUS( unit a >i in i.o* Healthy Complexion, get a VIRGIN RUBIiBK MASK. Restores original contoar, permanently re mere* pimple*, freckle*, blaokkeada, and all Mmplcxloaal imperfeetioaa. Absolutely harmlea* Result* Writ# for particular*. Prioa #T#a sice aid 11.50 VIRGIN KCBBIK CO., No Waat 14* M M. 1 Brown Drug Cos., Sole Agt Brunswick, Georgia. J. OLEWINE "■ —% J9 Belling, Renting, Repairing, Messenger Semct i We Monarch, Crawford, ■agldTElk, Dixie 0 Best of. Wheels for the ■ Least Money. Opera Hoose One Night Only WEDNESDAY NIGHT, NOVEMBER 21. The Comedy Ev nt of the Season Too hiclt Marry Direc lou of. LEVI BROS A Comedy Tseiins Witn LAUGHTER. From Rise till Fall of Curtain Infused with mirth provakiug situations and startling climaxes. _Price2s, 30, 50, and 750 Boxes $1 SeaJf*,on Sale at Butts’ 1J mg Store. Opera House ONE NIGHT ONLX FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 23 DUNNE &RTLEY’S Magnificent Now Production of A MILK WHITE FLAG, BY CHAB. 8 HOYT. A Company of 40 People n g- Chip —— AND— — j%ee Sisters Fanchonetti. Mil SfT band and operatic orchestra. Te lag with specialties and brilliant ma. Jtl numbers. A brand new pro duetßStnew ideas, now feature#, new coitußL new dialogae. _ !f(S>VEBREPAIRED^ Rioe, the stove doctor, repairs all kinds of cook stoves and ranges, and buys and sells second-hand stoves. 414 Bay street. Stops the Cough and works off the Cold. Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets cure cold in ouo day. No Cure, No Pay. Price to coots SSOO Bewsrd, * W will pay the above reward lor any ease of Liver Complaint, Dyspepsia, Blok Headache, Indigestion, Constipation or Costlvenesa we cannot core with Llverata, tho Up-to-Dnto Little Liver Pills, when the directions are etiictly compiled with. They are purely vege table and neve' fail to give satisfaction, T.c. boxes ontain IN* pills, iuo tmxes contain 4d pills, r.o poxes contain 15pills. |t e aruof sub st tutns and imitation*. Se tby mail. Stamps taken. NEB VITA MKDIOAL CO., cor. Clin J ckson Sts.,Chicago, 111. For sale by B#fn Drug Cos.. Brunswick, Ga Ssuvannab, Ga., Elks’ Grand Garni ral and Street Fair, Nov. 5-17,1900. One fare for the round trip, plus 25 cents admission to the Carnival. For military companies and bnss bands in uniform, $1.60 for the round trip per capita, 20 or more on one ticket., Tiokets on snle Nov 5,7, 9. 12,14, 16, with final limit N v. 18, inoiusive. JWi mm* JO3 Newcastle Street Wlsbsa to l.fsra the ladles of Brunswick that they will find the largest and latest aovsltles In Bats, - liltiti - Cais, - RilliK, AMD ALL kinds or BAIR ROODS, FANCI .GOODS A Specialty. x HfIJBRUNS WIOK > EMBER 17 19*04 BLOOD We live by our blood, and on it. We thrive or starve, as our blood is rich or poor. There is nothing else to live on or by. When strength is full and spirits high, we are being re freshed, bone muscle and brain, in body and mind, with con tinual flow of rich blood. This is health. When weak, in low spirits, no cheer, no. spring, when rest is not rest and sleep is not sleep, we are starved; our blood is poor; there is little nutri ment in it. Back of the blood, is food, to keep the blood rich. When it fails, take Scott’s emulsion of cod-liver oil. It sets the whole body going again—man woman and child. We’ll send you a little to try, if you like. SCOTT & 110WNE, 400 Pearl street, New York. To The Public : Whereas, There are a number of houses in the sewerage district of the _clty not connected with the sewer sj u tctnfiSnd. - . ~ Tne time has expired In which the (hsgtnfc of dirt is prohibited by ordinance, of Otherwise; and, Whereas, The iAkWs the city re quire that oil houses said district shall be connected— This is, therefore, to notify V*! Peo ple concerned, that unless auefi. licjiwtt are forthwith connected, the owner*\W agents thereof will be subjected to the penalties prescribed by law. Done at the oily ball, this 10th of November, 1900. **■< Dun D. Atkinson, Mayor. - Don’t be deoeived or humbugged by people who claim the discovery of eome hitherto on known herb or root in awampa, or on tome mountain or prairie lor tbe care of kidney and bladder troubles, Any doctor; or druggist with tell you tbut etich claims or frandultnt. Folay’s Kidney Cora simply contains remedies that are recognized by tho most skilful physicians as best for these complaints, so don’t ba credulous or foolish. W. J. llutts. Second hand household furniture bought and sold; also pianos, organs, trunks, mirrors, carpets, etc. J. W*. Watkins - . Yon can’t afford to cisk your life by"allowing a cough or a cold to develop into pneumonia or connumptiult One Minute Gough Cure will cuie throat and lung trouble quicker than any other preparation known. Many doctors I übc it at* a specific for grippe* It is an Infallible remedy for croup ChUUren like It and moth ers endorse it. W. J. Butts. Comoiete ; IS THE LINE OF Ml 11 Will MS which I now have on exhibition. CALL AND EXAMINE. Hi* F. Winter, THE TAILOR, 311 Newcastle Sl THINGS THEATEICAL. ■Star This afternoon at 2.30 p. m„ tho My rkle and Harder Company will present the famous play ‘ A Game of Heart*” Tonight ihc engagement will close with tbe roaring farce comedy, “Look ing For Trouble.” This play was made famous by Joe O .t. The Myrtle & Harder Company is the best repertoire company that has visited our city in some time, and the attendance for this afternoon and to night should be large. TOO IUCU TO MARRY. Too Rich to Marry is a bright and sparkling comedy filled with laugh provoking situations and quick sur prises. It is clean and wholesome. It Is a play that drives away moods and makes one forgellul of all cares for the time being. From tbe studio scene In the first apt, where the complications begin, to the parlors of the mansion in the last act, one is kept in a continual uproar of laughter by the witty lines and clever situations. Throughout the plot terms with sur prises and climaxes, which grow nat urally and spontaneously out of tbe resourceful character of the play. Top Rich to Marry will be here om Wednesday, Nov. 21st. Seats go on sale on Monday; prices are only 25, 35, 50 and 75c; boxes are sl, A MILK WHITE FLAG. ‘"f ■ Hoyt’s ‘ A Milk White Flag,” by many to be the anther’s effort, ha* 'been given aa excel lent production this Beaten by Man ,**er*|t>us.e an Iflyley. \ This highly uooe**(ul play over flow* with ht'nior, merriment and tong and dance. Ite uceneVy, ootujapejkn(i attractive young ladies are eaid to be all that could be desired. The musical •election* ere new, and the military flavor throughout the whole pley ■is highly acceptable. One of the *p*cii engagements for tbe production U Lit tle Chip, tbe dlmlautiye comedian, ‘•A Milk White Flag” comes cn the 23rd of this month. NOTES. Matinee this afternoon, and Looking For Trouble tonight. If you are looking* for trouble go to the opera bouse tonigbt aod you will find it. The profit of a gold mine depends, not on tho amount of rock rushed under the stamps but upou tho umount of gold which can bo extract ed from the rock In a similar way the value of food which is ei.ten do* s not depend on the quantity which If taken ini'* the vomacb hut upon the amount of uouif<ihmeiii txwaoted from it by theorganaof nutrition and digestion When these organs are <lise sed they fait to ex tract the nourishment in nufftaieat quantities to supply the neeus of the several organs of the body and these organs cannot work without nourishment. The result is heart trouble, liver trouble and many other ailments, I)r. Pierce s Golden Medical Discovery, acting on every or a- of the digestive und nntritive system, re ores it to health and Tlgor. It cures diseases remote from the stomach tbrongh the stomach In which they originated. UoiJen Medical Discoreiy soutane neither aleohol nsr nar -00 tits. CASTOR IA For Infants and Children. Tbi Kind Yon Have Always Bought For Oroup use CHENEYS EXPECTORANT BUY THE GENUINE' SYRUP OF FB&S ... McawyaoTunns nr... CALIFORNIA FIO SYRUP CO. iriirrs nan a ALWAYS KEEP ON HAND 'Pain-Kfolev There is no kind of pain or ache. Internal or exter nal, that Pain-Killer will not relieve. LOOK OUT FOR IMITATIONS AND SUB STITUTES THE GENUINE COTTLE SEARS THE NAME, PERRY DAVIS & SOU. /'is*. Bright’s Disease. High living, intemperance, exposure and many other things bring on Bright's disease.. Foloy’B Kidney Curo will prevent Bright's dis ease and all other kidney or bladder disorders if taken in time. Take- nothing.elee. W. J Butts. Bloodworth & Jones New Liverv Stables New Buggies Fine Horses Prompt attention given all orders. Drayage a spec ialty. Phone 24-3. E St GEOR6IA [tmilVE HH BRUNSWICK, GEORGIA. Civil and criminal cases attended to business strictly confidential. En quires conducted with secrecy. L. xJ. LEAVY IVlfineor Southern Railway Cos. Office of General Agent, Brunswick, Ga. SCHEDULES. For Savannah, Washington and New York. Lv Brunswick (140 am 05 pm Ar gFYepneh- 30 am IS 50 am £*■'yaahlngUin 8 00 pm Ar Now York X 03 pm 6 28 am For Jacksonville. Lv Brunswick.... 500 am 535 pm 05 pm Ar Jacksonville.. •35 am 740 pm 180 am ■ > Macon, 4tltf>..Lai!*rUlr JUU) visdsatti Lv Brunswlok..... * 10 am os tun 1 IS pm OO am Ar Atlanta. ssopu txoam Ar Ar Cincinnati 7 45 am 7 40 pm From New York, Washington and Savannah. Lv Hew York.... so pm 13 18 am Lv Washington., k'6 pm 11 IS am Lv Savannah ... 8. V m 20am lOOom Ar Brunawlok... ei; hOSam 686 pm From Jackaonville. Lv Jacxwinvllle ISSpm ArHrunaeick SXSpm rrorn Cincinnati, Louinville, Atlanta and klacoa. Lf Cincinnati 6 SO am 8 00 pm Lv Louiavllle 7 45 nm 7 46 pm Lv Atlanta 10 46 pm 13 os pm Lv Macon 1 on am 2 in pm Ar Urmia— ck T 10 am 8 86 pm J B. BURKETT,' fifaiUoLMifipiftns. . I Our upeoial mixture ia tho~~— Best Mill Producer. JPhon* 83. 319-2 J Newcastle St. John M Btcclo Application for re. Janie Hndlor, formerly movai of Janf* Steele diß.tdlitles. Noilce i hereby given tl.nt on the rtli day of Octopvr.l: 00, the undersigned Illiwi in the office of thjj*rk of the Superior ooii't of (Jlyan co-.iJtyiw* ai'pllcat on for removal of ill- dlaa bilitleH leatii.g uuon him under tl>a verdict and Judgment rendu ed In raid court. May Si, 1900. In .lie adit of his former wife, Janie Steele, vgalnat tnmfor divorce, atd that nalJ appliea tinn will he lma;d at ti.e term of said aonrt be finning on the flrat Monday in December neat, hta October B,l*oo. loan M. VIKKU HOTICB IN IiANKLUFTCT. Ia the matter of S divldnaiiy, and aa a mesa- , .. her of arm of 8. Mai ki * ln n hkruptcy. Co M haakrnpi.. To the creditor* of 8. Mitrka (and 8. Marka s ( m) of Brunswick, in the cunuty of <4!ynn aad district aforcaaid, a h akropt: Notice ia hereby given that on tha th day of November, A. D 13*1, the aal* 8 Maikawadnlyadlndi eated bankrupt, aad that Hie dr.t meeting of kin creditor* will b* bald at B> nnawiek. In (Slynii • onntj, on the son, .y f November.! A. D. 'AO. at lo o'clock In 'he forenoon, at' TCtcb t,md tbe said eteditor* may at>and, prove thair elelma,appoint ntru-u*.. eemnlne j the hankrapl. and rranaa t aucl. other busiuaaa as may properly come before said m>tutr. A. J. CBOTA.IT, Dated at Brnnswlek, Ooorgii* thiY day of November, I*oo. ANOTHER GOLD WAVE COM IN Of Lsy in It supply of woofi at oner. For good, dry cord wood, oak or pine, talspbons Ho. 84-*. B tounwoMTa A Jonhs. WHEN LAGRIPPJB ’ • BEGINS, CURE IT l II yen wait yon will ba orry. People take qnlnlne tor It, and when they are wall, tha affect* of la Grippe and quinine together, often oauae mnrffi yinVnag^ JOHNSON'S CHILL S PETER TONIC Cures in a Day or Night. Ho bad effects are felt and yon don't have to pat yourself on a steady diet ol it, as yon do with quinine. Mr. W. or. Caldwell, of Chicago, writes that sight doses taken la one day cured him completely. It will cure you. 60a. per bottle If It cures. Not one cent U it does not cure. A. B. GIRARDEAU, , Savannah, Ga, Cures Coughs, Colds, Bronchitis, Consumption, Asthma, Throat and Lung Troubles. DR. J. H. MEAN'S TAR WINE LUNG BALM An unfailing remedy for Irritation of the Throat and Lungs. This Medicine positively contain* no opium or other drugs injurious to the stomach. 25c, 50c and SI a bottle, at druggists. THE DR. J. H. McLEAN MEDICINE CO., T. LOUIS, MU. FOR SALE BY W J BUTTS, The Druggist, l NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR RAILROAD CHARTER. State of Georgia,) To the Honorable, the Sea- County of [ r*tary of State of tlie Statu Glynn. ) of Georgia. The petition of C. Downing, F.D. Aiken* Kaiser, E. H. Manor, N. Emanuel, T. Newmai, J. J. Lott, Xj. R. Aiken, E. Brobston and W ** Brantley, respectfully shows: I. That eneft And alT'bf aaid a, cept LB. Aiken, reside in the City • dr n wick, County of Glynn and State of i and that petitioner L. K. Aikar l>s a t Mount Pleasant, County of W aye „ ate of Georgia. 11. That petitioners desire obtain c themselves, their successors and aligns,• charter for a railroad company to be known m the Brunswick <& Birmingham Railroad Com pany, and they seek to bo incorporated under uch name as a corporate body, for ihe purpose 1 building and operating a railway line under aid charter. 111. That the length of the railroad proposed to be built by said company will be about four hundred and iiity (460) miles, as near as can be estimated at this time, and that the general di rection ol same will be southeast to northwest IV. That said proposed rai lioad beginning in the City of Brunswick, Georgia, wld prob ably run through the counties of Glynn,Wayne, Pierce, Appling, Coffee, hwin, Wilcox, Dooly, Sumter, Wibste'and Stewart, in the State of Georgia, to a point on the boundary line be tween Georgia and Alabama within the county ot Stewart, in the Mate of Georgia, and from Mtf and point to the cities of Montgomery and llir mingh-m in the State of Alabama, and the principal places from which and to which it is proposed to construct said railroad are Bruns wick, Georgia, and Montgomery and Birming ham, Alabama. V That it is proposed to issue capital stock in said railroad ertnuanp to the amount of fif teen thoi sand (slf> 000) for each mile of Haiti proposed i ad road, making a total capitalisation of six million seven hundred and fifty thousand dollars' $(5,760,010), and all of the capital slock is to be common slock and none of it preferred stock. VI, That petitioners desire (hat the charter forbtid railroad company, obtained under this petition, Rhail continue in force for the full period fixed by law, towit: One bundled and one (101) years. VII. That it is proposed to locate the princi pal office of saickrailroad company In the <;ity of Brunswick, Georgia, aid pctlnonci* show that tin ydo intend In good faith, iuimcdiHiely upon the granting of the charterihercin prayed for, to go forward without delay to secure sub tcriplions to the capital stock, construct, equip maintain and operate said railroad: Where fore petitioners pray that they, their successors and assigns, may bo incorporated as such rail road compony, under the sain corporate name of the Brunswick cfe Birmingham Railroad Company, uniter the laws of the State of Geor gia, with all the rights, powers ami piiviiegcs inccdeni and pertinent to similar railroad cor porations and as unt fixed and defined by the laws of said State, and petltioaera will ev6r pray. C. Downing, F. D. Aiken, M. Kaiser, I. H. Mason, V. Emanuel, T. Newman, J. J. Lott, L. R. Aiken, fi, Brobs ton, W. U Brantley, SHERIFF'S SALB. GEORGIA, Glynn County. Will be sold before the courthouse door 4a Brnn.wlck, on lil TumcUj In Dirember, nineteen hundred, the leasehold estate expir ing January Ist, 187#, In the following parcels of land in Town Commons of Brunswick: Let number 111 between Gordon and .Johnson atr sta; and the southeastern quarter of lot number 111 between Johnston and Hartow iireets. Sold as property of estate of A. T. Putnam, under execution issued by the tax collector of said county against A.T. Putaaau for state and county taxes. W.H. HERBIE, Sheriff, J. W, Watkins will loan you money on personal prop •rty and real estate. Th editor ol tkc FordrlUft, Ky., MltcalUutfM M... wrlM* hm , iHML.rrlp; o ft k„t.i IntUlfil “I of tronkl.tiy tkiftßFijloy® *l.yOwr," *.k. >.i. ir.t, umjM