The Brunswick times-call. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1900-1902, November 18, 1900, Page 2, Image 2

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2 FOUND 844 WATCH. TUrd>gr Him* appear s<l in (ha Turn Calx one-oeot-a-word column, a little lost ad <rf a watch belonging te Dr. Jeerger. The paper bad not long been distributed about the city before Dr. Joerger bad hi* watch back. A •mall colored to; found it, and seeing the ad in the prper, carried the article to iu owner. A little ad like this will help man; when the; loss valuables if they will drop one in the Turns- Cam. A Frightful Blunder ■Will a horrible Burn, Scald, Cat or Jlrubio.ffßucklou'z Arnica .Salve, the best In the world, will kill the pain and promptly heal It, CuieaOld Cores,'Fover Sorea, Ulcers, Dolls Felons, Corns, all Skin Eruptions. Beet Bile eure on'earth. Only 2Sct, a boa. Core guar an teed, Sold by all druggist. A Card. The manufacturers of Banner Salve have au tborlzed the undersigned to guarantee it tor borne, cots, sores, ulcers, tetter, eczema su i all akin disease*. Yea have yoar money .back low .it .ui claims. W.J. Butts. TO FAY THE .TEACHERS. A bill has been introduced In the house authorizing the treasurer of the ■tate to draw on an; funds in the state treasury to the amount of COCO,OOO, to be spent in paying the teachers month ly, the same lobe paid from the school fund when the same shall be paid into the treasury. This is the season when mothers are ala.Yned on account of oroup, It is quickly cured by One Minute Cough Cure, which obtldren like to take. W. 3. Butt*. For beans, Boston baked, all sties— better than oan be baked at home—call on W. H. DeVce. Scrofula This roof of tnsmy evdt— Glandular tumors, abscesses, pimples and other cutaneous eruptions, sore ears, inflamed eyelids, rickets, dyspep sia, catarrh, readiness to catch cold and inability to get rid of It easily, pale ness, nervousness and other ailments Including the consumptive tendency— Can be completely and permanently removed, no matter, bow young or old the sufferer. Hood's Baraaparilla was given the daughter of Silas Vernooy, Waw arsing, N. Y., who had broken out with scrofula sores all over her faee and head. The flret bottle helped her and when ehe had taken siz the acres were all healed and her faoe was smooth. He writes that she has never shown any sign of the scrofula returning. Hood”a Sarsaparilla Promises to cure and keeps the promise. Ask your druggist for It today and accept no substitute. AT PBKBBYTERIAN CHURCH. Rev. W.F. Holliagsworth, pastor. The usual services will be eonduotsd by the pastor at 11 a. m., and 7/30 p. m. Sunday school at 3.80. A cordial Invi tation Is extended to all tha Servians. A Monster Devil Piah Destroying iu victim. Is a type of Consump tion. The power of this murderous malady is elt on organs and nerves sud muscles snd brain. There]* no health till it’s overcome But Dr. King's Mew bite fills are a safe and certain euro. Best In the world for Stomach Liver, Kidneys and Bowels. Only 26 senu at all druggists. There Is no pleasure In life it you dread going to the table to cat and can't rest at night on ac count ot indigestion. Ilenry Williams, of Boon ville, Ind., says he suffered that way for years, till he commenced the nee of Kodol Dys pepsia Cbre, and adds; “Mowlcaneatsny ihing I like andal! I want and sleep soundly .very night.** ftodot Ayspcpsis Oure will di gest wuat you eat. W. 3. Butts. For Asthma use CHE NEY’S EXPECTORANT: RACKET, STORE. / Si' A lovely line ot Rugs and Art Sundres just received on last steamer The prettiest line of] Window Shades at Popul&r Prices, THE BRUNSWICK TIMES-CALL* NOVEMBER 18,! l*. Cell Steal or Basil. “There Is bus one aasU ehamecAa save y<* tfe and that U tbr< eg i an operation," was ths awful prospect si t b fore kri, J. B. Hunt, of Lime Hidge, W is., by her doctor after vainly trying to sure her of a frjghtftshease of stomach trouble and yellow jaundice. He didn’t count on the marvelous power of Electric Bitted# to cure Stomach and Liver troubles, bat aha heard of It, took seven bottles, was wholly cored, avoided surgeon's knife, now weighs more and feels better than ever. If s positive ly guaranteed to care Stomach, Liver and Kip nsy troubles and never disappoints. Price 60c at all drug stores. When yon feel that life is hardly worth the candle take a dose of Cbamberlam's stomach and Liver Tableta. They will eleanse your stomach, tone up your liver and regulate your bowels, making you feel like anew man. For sale at Bishops Drug Store. J. W. Bryaß, of Lewder, Illinois, writes: “My little boy was very low with pneumonia. Unknown to tbe doctor, we gave him Foley’s Honey and Tsr. Tbe result was magical and puz zled the dootor, as |t immediately stop ped tbe racking cough, and bequiokly recovered.” Kodol Dyspepsia Cure i Digests what you eat. It artificially digests the food and aid* Nature Id strengthening and recon etructlng the exhausted digestive or gana. It Is tho latest discovereddigest aut and tonic. No other preparation can approach it in efficiency. It in stantly relieves and permanently cures Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Heartburn, Flatulence, Sour Stomach, Nausea, Sick Headache, Gastraigia.Crampsand all other results ot imperfect digestion. Price 50c, and tl. Large size contains Si* times small size. BookaliaboutdyspepsUi nmliedfreS Pc oared bv C C.DtWITT ACO . Chicago. W. J. BUTTS. J. Ddgers, of Frostburg, Md„ writ#*: “I bad a very bad attack of kidney complaint and tried Foley’s Kidney Cure which tf&ve me immediate relief, and I was perfectly cured after taking wo bottle*.” Take no substitute. When you want prompt acting little pills that never gripe use DoWitfs Little Karly Risers. W. J.Balts. M. ELKAN. Whole Codfish is the best. Campbell’s Condensed Soup ioc, i Can makes soup for the family. “Clover Hill” Butter has no equal. The best io cents can of corn' in the city, 1 . A. C. JEFFERS, S-l NEWCASTLE. IS A GORGEOUSLY BOUND Work of art has just been issued at an outlay of over *s#ooo, for which tbe publishers desire a Manager in this county, also a good solicitor; good pay to tbe right party. Nearly 100 fnll-page engravinge, sumptuous pa per, illuminated oovers and bindings; over 200 golden the Morocco bindings; nearly 60 golden rosea in tbe cloth binding*. Sells at aigbt; presses running day and night, so great is the sale, Christian men and women making fortunes taking orders. Rapid promotions. One Christian wo man made clear 800 io four weeks, taking orders among her,church ac quaintance* and friends. Write ns. It may lead to a permanent position to manage our business and look after our laise correspondence, which you oan attend to tight at your home. Ad d rera 3, A. Knight, Secretary, Core Our Cloak Department conta\ps al the latost novelties A'- * Our Dress Goods Department is complete in all its detail" >"SbNSTiwr!3k the ROCK that WRECKS maWiiff* t l /that slowkj but surely destroy health r . i I /strength and cheerfulness": HI TO RtMOVt THIS CONDITION TAKq' fUjL DDirWiY ASH ■ rniLMI BITTERS ■ Ti is j\ marvelous system cleanser and \ hablP. Vcorrects trouble in. the digestion. Ak*the blood, strengthens the kidneys. tut system m PtHrtct SOLD At DRUOfilSTS.^^^^^^ J. Butts. Soeoial Aeeja^F Burnett’s Special Mixture is un equaled as a milk produoer. Fragrant as ripe fruit—Fure as a mountain spring—Hoary with age, and a blessing to men, when rightly used. That’* what Harper’s Whiskey is. Sold by T. Newham, Brunswick, Ga. Today £t Foley’s Honey and Tar It posit|J prevents pneumonia, or other sdßpus results from colds. It may begfo late tomorrow. hotjpilm and circulators of counterfeits con mm fraud. Honest men will not deceive JHf buying worthless counterfeits of ts MjUjp.’ ilch Hazel Salye. The origin*' in- curing piles, sore*, eczema od all W. J. Butts.