The Brunswick times-call. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1900-1902, November 20, 1900, Image 4

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The Brunswick Times. Kstablished UW. The Brunswick Call. Established 1882. The Brunswick Times-Call, CONSOLIDATED WOO, Published gVEKY MOBNINO EXCEPT MONDAY. AXTHDE H. LEAVY - - - - - Editor BOLAND A. MULLINS, Business Manager I inOglethorpe Block, 311F Street OrrTCK J IKLKI’HOIiI WO #l. TO SUBSCRIBERS; Subscribers are reqnested to notify the office When they fall to get any issue of the Tlraes- OalL Attention to this matter will be appra slate-l by the publishers. The Times-Cali iwill be" Delivered by carrier or mall, per year. $5.00; per week 16 cents. Correspondence on live subjects solicited. Beal name of writer should ac company same. Subscriptions payable in advance. Failure to receive paper should be reported to the business office. Address all sammunications to a——— TUB TIMES-CALL, Brunswick, Ga. NOTICE. Hereafter all legal advertite ments must he paid for after the first Insertion. The management has been pnt to a great deal of trouble and delay In collecting in the past, and in future must take advantage of the Georgia law on this subject. Oct, 10, 1900, The Hay Bay edition of the Albany Herald tea gem. “American ships lor American car goes,’’ will be the cry of the National Maritime Gongross. The National Maritime Congress will bring prominent delegates bore from every part ot the United States. In speaking of the national election the Dougins Breeze says: "Well, yes, we have met the entmy and we're therm.” HE TOUK EVERYTHING The despatches yesterday tell ot an other bank plunder, which Is the worst of any recorded recently. Frank M. Brown, the individual with the aid of the assistant cashier, stole (210,000 from the German National bank of Newport, Kj. The capital stock of this bank, ia or ■was, 9100,000, and it will be seen that the defaulter not only slole that, but got away with everything else In sight. A part of the despatch said: “The capita! stock of the bank is only 1109,000. Brown's alleged shortage is double that amount, and more than the reserve and all the assets, includ ing tbeir real estate. While Alvord got away wilhs7oo,ooo In New York, he did it in largo bank, but Brown did not buve o much to go on, and seems to have gone the full limit for a*small bank in a city of lesa than 80,000 inhabitants.” HASOi’KKD THOUSANDS, WILL, CUKE YOU. If yon are troubled with kidney or -bladder troubles, such as dropsy, Bright's disease, catarrh, gravel of the bladder, albumen in urine, and un healthy deposits, or too frequent dis charge of the urine, pun in the back and bladder, dropsical swelling of the feat and legs, etc., etc., we guarantee that by using Smith’s Sure Kidney Care, a complete oure will be effected. Price 00 cents, For sale by all daug fists. Pur the serious diseases that attack the kidneys. Prickly Ash Bitters is an unfailing remedy. Relieves backaohe, swelling of the feet, and persistent' headache— symptoms which indicate j Aidney trouble, W. J. Butts. I PERSONAL POINTS. ; Mr. Jesse E. Aldridge, the popular olerk at the Oglethorpe, has returned from a month’s vacation spent in At lanta. Representative Symons returned to Atlanta Sunday night. Mr. Frank Soarlstt spent yesterday in tbe city from Farcy Bluff. Dr. H. M. Branham is shaking bands with bis many Brunswick friends. Mr, J. T. Colton is in Atlanta. Sickness has again invaded the com position room of the Times Call and two arc absent as a consequence. Mr. E. D. Walter left last night for Atlanta where he will spend today. Mr. 11, F. Wiggins has returned from a visit to YOUR BEST WORK Cannot be done unless you have good health. You cannot have good health without pure blood. You may have pure blood by taking Rood’s Sarsaparilla now. You cannot realise the goocUs will do you until you try it. Begin taking it today and aee how quickly it will give you an appetite, strength and vigor, and curt your rheumatism, catarrh or scrofula. All liver ills are cured by Hood’s Pills, 15 cents. George A. Points, Upper Sandusky, 0., writes : “I have been using Fo ley’s Honey and Tar for hoarseness, and find it the best remedy 1 ever tried. It stopped tbe oougb immedi mediately, and relieved ail soreness.” After exposure or when you feel a oold comiog on, take Foley’s Honey and Tar. It never fails to Slire, and will prevent pneumonia or consump tion if taken in time. Ship NotibiS. Neither the master, owners or con signees of the Norwegian bark Vl nela will be responsible for any debts oontracted by the crew of said bark. I’KDKBIKK, jjj^kS Maater. A Hhip Notice. Neither the master, owners or con signees of the British schooner Sirqgco will be responsible for any debts con irrated by the crew of said schooner, Holdkh, Master. Perry Davis’ Pain-Boiler,—lts val uable properties as a speedy cure for pain cannot fail to be generally appre ciated, and no family should be with out it in case of aocldent, or sudden attack of dysentery, diarrhoea or obol era morbus, SGId every where. Avoid juba'ltntes. There Is but cne Psin- Eiller, Perry Davis’. Prjce 25c. and 60o'. ■’’** Mrs. T. Brlddlemau, of Parthal) villa Mioli,, was troubled with salt rheum for thirteen years and had tried a number of doctors without relief. A - two or three applications of Ban ner Salve, her bands became better, and in a ibort time she was entirely cured. Those who eojoyed “The Real Wid ow Brown,” will Had “Too Rich to Marry'' equally er- j jyable . Scrofula in the blood snows Itself sooner or later In spellings, sores, eruptions. But Hood s Sarsaparilla completely cures it. ELDER CARGILK Elder J. A. t'argile, of Slavonian, Ala., southern oyaugelist amyl ini-iWUiry of tho Second Advent Cb*itlatf church Is now on hit annual tour of the sontt ern, middle and eastern states, will ar v've lu Brunswick Friday evening from Fur laiuiina, Fla. Elder Cargllo Is a ' favorite of all who know him and have] heard him preach on that great an d a u important tuhj et of the second coming of the Redeemer All -re cordially ip>. vited to attend commencing pandny i>t 11 am, and 7 j>. m OuffvV CONSUMPTION M * Krone hi tin, Chills, Cough*, P !if£l Cohl ftytptpala of what* ■ Ml V ever lorn, quickly cured bf AA.II taking DUFFY’S riALI YVHISkIIV. A tablcs|roonlul .... a ■ In glaiaol Ws.ltrthrv’olimes n wfhld*A If <**>’• AlldfUiftatfflndifrttceis VTIII9HO| DmrtfltMaUooi. THE NOVEMBER 20,1900 Who has not known the woman whose disposition is described by that one word "sunny?” There's always a laugh lurk ing on her lips. Her cheeks are ever ready to dimple in smiles. Her house hold influence is as brightening and stimulating as the sunshine. Nothing can be crueler than to have this sunshine blotted out by disease. But this is a common cruelty. The young wife who was the sunshine of the home becomes its shadow. Every young wife should know the value of Dr. Pierce’s Favorite Prescription in the protection and pres ervation of the health. It promotes regularity, dries the drains which enfee ble body and mind, and cures inflamma tion, ulceration and female weakness. It nourishes the nervous system and gives to the body the balance and buoy ancy of perfect health. It is a strictly temperance medicine. "I can say that yoor medicine cured me," write* Mr*. Maud I'tmrce, of Btoutavilii. Fair field Cos., Ohio. -1 had Buffered about twelve years from female weakneae and I had almost pven up, thinking there was no cure for me. Then I heard about Dr. Pierce’s medicine and •bought I would try ft. and can say that seven bottles of your ' Favorite Prescription' made me well lam now able to do my owa housework. I took about twelve bottles in all of Dr. Pierce’* medicines Took some of the ’Golden Medical Discovery.’ Favorite Prescription • and aome ol the ■ Pleasant Pellet. ■ Dr. Pierce’s Pellets cure constipation. Money loaned on personal property and real estate. -A J ply to J. W. Wat Kins. ANNOUNCEMENT. To the voters of the 28th District G. M., Glynn county! 1 hereby solicit support of the voters of said district fit the election to be held lor Justice of thtf.peace on the first Saturday in Dcoemher next. It elected will endeavor to fftform tbe duties of said office faithfully. Respectfully, ■ Jab. T. liAMßßianife 1 **l have always used Uun*> •nJTar cough medicine and think it (he best In tie .world,” says cfifis Bonder,* uews<**jUr of Erls I’ll. Take no syilUtute. WJ BUSta. —a ——■■ ■# A fiO.OOO A. O. t>, W. ll'■tiding'. Thu Ancient Order ,f United Work men .Tr%JHnnnJtii: elaborately to wel come the” members of Hie order to Buf falo %tjXt year. The Supreme Lodgtf has Wpptgprinted (H.OOO and the- state Lodge JjMlgUO mure to be uaed .for the ervct\oW£tyii furnishing of.figigfce head quartvs bttil'liag at the Pan-American Eijawsition TJWf Supreme Lodge will meet la Buffalo next Jafenr. The build lug is a hnudsoMe pavilion, with rooms lor rest, find the’ upper floor n great biileqny, with easy eluting for all mem bers of the order who attend the Ex position, BRIGHT’S DijjEASE. Bright’s (Unease is no respeotcr of persons; it attacks men aid women, the strong and robust, the rich and poor, tbe active body and brain work ers,-the fathers of families, tbe breld winners in svsry apbere of life, seem-* ing to choose for its victim* only those who oin least be spared. Bun tit’s Sure Kidney Cure it tbe only guaranteed remedy for Bright’s disease. Your money back if it fails to cure. Price 60 cents, For sale by ail druggists. CITATION. Georgia—Glynn Couniy. Whore* , Joan J. Spear*. administrator of D. 1;. Emory estate, rojme-ents to the court in his petition, drily filed nod entered oq record, tha| he Has fully administered said I>. II Km. oi y estate Tidal* therefore to ortc an persons com-r.iod kimlTvC and creditors, to show cause if h*v they .-an, why said administrator Should But tie <l,* -hai *ed ifoni hi* admlui.-ti a- Uoc, ami receive letters cf itiamisetoa ou the iii.-t Monday in February. Iririi. * ; HORACE DART, Orditmry ,- OUk r.INK OF Gents Furnishings IS NOW COMPLrEJTG. New Goods Arriving Each Week J H. HELLER & BROS., 314 t Newcastle St-. Between.C- McOarvey’s and|ThomaslKeaney, CHEAP AD7EBTISING. CASH IN ADVANCE Advertisements in this column will be Insert ed at the nniform rate of One Cent a Word for each Insertion. No advertisement, however mall, less than 50 cents. Cash in advance. Morphine, opium, laudanum,cocoalne habit; myself cuted, will inform you oi harmless, permanent beme cure. Mary 8. Baldwin, box 1212, Chicago. NOTICE.—This to certify bsve appointed Conqy & Parker agents for the sale of my brick in Brunswick. J. S. Morris. ”LADIES!—I make big wages at borne, and want aii to have tbe same opportunity. The work is very pleas ant, and will easily pay (13 weekly. This is no decedtion. I want no money and will gladly send full particulars to all sending stamps, Mrs. H. A, Wiggins, Benton Harbor, Mich, Hastling young man can make (60 per month and expMT*€s, Permanent position. necessary. Write quiok for particulars, Clark & Cos., 4tb & Locus Streets. Philadel phia, Pa. HELP WANTED-M ALE,-Old es tablished mercantile bouse, exfeodiog business in this section, wsnts to ar range with capable man, of correcc habits, to manage branch. Salary, (1500 yearly. Extra commissions. Must furnish (300 and satisfactory references, “Opportunity,” Drawer 74, New Haven, Conn. 11-18 SELF WANTED-M ALE. M4|uer.— Old mercan tile ' wants honest, capable man to Salary $126 month, extrl comniitsions. No soliciting re quired, but mhet take .general direo- Men and be rerer enbe* and #Boocash required. Experi eu” a* manager hot Jkfeoessary, U qilSilflad ih other respeot*. ‘’Opportu nity,” Drawer pew Haven, CoSi, F O a SALS-BUTL JtH’B ISLAND.— This well-known rice plantation, sit uated oh tbs AUamaha river, oppoei.te Dirien, containing 1,800 trader bank; tlsi, su©flier tesidance pa tbe|salta, with smaU 'hodie. flto snilet train Da rian, cantainiu# 17 acres. Price for miMde, (H,oi#v>or further particulars, B. T. Sinclair, Darien, Mototosh cfounty, Ga. FOR SALE- LITTLE BT. Sf MON’S ISLAND, ' oootainiug U.OC3 acrea Good game preserve —deer, ducks, eta. besides best fishing on toe coast, with hard beach of several miles in extent. Excellent oy*ter bed. Price, (20,C10. Also, Canon’s point, on Great St. Simon’s Island, containing about 560 hares, directly opposite Little St. Si mon's Island, Good tabby foundations for anew bouse. Triis property is sixty mil's from Savannah, fourteen miles from Brunswick, with both of which places there ts daily connection by steamer, Li is on the Island next to Jekyl, and suitable id eve.y reepeot for a bunting and fishing oinb. Price, (10,000. For further particulars, apply Mr. James T. Dent, Evelyn, Glynn oouoiy, Georgia. ■an'-*Bkifr-H;."* V *<OASTOHIA. Bun the /J Kind You Kan Alwavs SEE VICE BY PUBLICATION. Mrs. Clyde Freeman, Übel tor Divorce. Re turnatde to December vs. Term, livai, ot Sapertor Court of Giynu coua- O. J. Prcetuou. ty, Georgia. To the said defendant, O. J. Freeman: You are hereby required* personally or by attorney, to b- and apyear at tbe neat term of the Superie not said countv, convening un tbe first ,y tn Doceiulter, !90u, then and there to answer tbe plaintlg, Clyde Freeman, npot} the merit* of her petition for divorce f! led aai<f y.m: a* in default of such appearance the Court WiUitrooeed as tojuatirealtall ap;wi t.itn. Witness the Him. Joseph tv. Bet, net •lu.ltre efsatJ superior Court, ih aid day of A. O.TH'Y.VsKMi, Deputy Clerk Superior Conn. Glynn (. o- Ca. li. W. hUAL’bS. Mlfl'a. At.y. (9 oo Drops] AYcgefabk i 't par ii, m for As similating (heFoodandßegula ling ihe Sioiaachs andßowels of IM,UVIS/( Hi L D K t. N Promotes Digcstion.CheerfuP ncas and Rt’s’Coniains ueilher Opium, Morfrfune nor MineraL TkOX N*VacOTIC. JixVCQfOU Jt-SAMVELtmUtR \ ' RnhiUSatl r- J Seed. * I ) iKif-’W- 1 (Wflw hftSy ytrm rtavar. / Aperfeci Remedy forConslipa- Ron. Sour Stomach,Diarrhoea Worms .Convulsions .Feverish ness and Loss OF SLEEP. Facsimile Signature of NEW YORK. Alb inonil,% old J 5 Bosks- j^C i nis JtXACT COPY OF WRAPPER.. H, H, MILLEIU SON. strayWr will bring us a line ot Oriental Tapestries, Screens, Couch Cover, Cur tains, etc. diiapct from those fa mous importers of Oriental goods of A. A.VAWTINE & CO Also a lot of muslin and Bobbinet Curtains, Cut Glass, Silverware, Rugs\ etc- WINE OF CARDUI HEALTHY OUTmT,ji||| Last-*, Bsjito* Cos. Asa. , Aug. 4. 9)l 4am 49 yar old .nil h*vbon suffering with I- fA\ I Go*-ir* of Lite. I bad flooding .pell, so bad that none Ijac-vvlit t could llr. Mv husband get to. Wine it. gpf \ -J TOWNSEND. ijPv' p. It ts the devout wish of nearly all people to live to a ripe old age. None of us want to die young. This universi' desire can be realized if care be taken of the health in early and middle life. A little precaution then will add many years to our existence. Death can be kept away a long time. Happy, healthy old age will be the lot of the woman who promptly corrects the ailments which afflict her sea. In youth, Wine of Cardui will take the female child safely over the dividing line between girlhood and womanhood. Asa wife she needs it to help her through the trials of pregnancy and childbirth w ith as little discomfort as possible. At the Change of Life it will help her over the dangerous place that appears in her pathway between 40 and 50- Then will come manv years of truly blissful existence. She will grow old slowly and gracefully. To the last she will preserve that charm and beauty which are always characteristic r ,- . . of perfectly healthy grandmothers. IAS us* Unseat defaitiuit. t- tor women alone to decide For Tin. in awe. requiring *prruu whether they will be healthy or sick - The remedy for their sick ■aßtovtco. ciamnocn,. Tmml ress is close at hand. LARtffc BOTTLES OF WINE OF CARdfal SOLD FOR SI.CO BY ORUCOISTB. WINE.;OF CARDUI ICASTOBIA J For Ip Puts and Children. I The Kind You Have Always Bought | Bears the Jr # Signatnrey/O^ Ap* Use va For Over Thirty Years ICASTORIA TM CENTAUR COMPANY, NEW TOUK CITT.