The Brunswick times-call. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1900-1902, November 20, 1900, Image 7

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Rico it is a high grade laundry ; soa P- It is a good soap. It isa hardwater soap. It is kept by ail the leading grocers. Ask for it. ' Florida "Soap Works, Jacksonville. Wall Paper H>h_, AT,THE . PLAINT STORE. 502 Monk St. W:H. LYTLE PROPRIETOR. SHAKE INTO TOUSISHOES. A Hen's Foot-Ease, a powder. It cores painful, smarting, nervous feet sad tacrowfac ails,*nd takos the sting out,oleoma Rtsa lnin loas. Ifs the creOtoat comf rrt discovery of the *• Allen’s Foot-Ease makes tight or new shneeieol easp. it Is e certain cure tor sweat ing, caSous and hot, tired, aching feet. Try it to!ay. Sold by all druggist* and shoe store*. By i**>; for 25c in stamps, TMal package Free. ■Address Alien s. Oliastead. Le Boy, X. T. . For Whooping Cough use CHENEY’S EXPECTORANT ELI ZISSIMATO, 302 J Newcastle St.i CIGARS AND TOBACCO Ail Kindis of Candy . Our Onoatest BpeclaUet For 80 years Dr. 3. Newton Hath away Jiae so sursofissfully Created chhmle disease* that h<s is acfevu-wledged today *to stand at the head of b tproressioa In this line. His exolushce method of featment for Varicocele and Stricture ithout the aid of knife or cautery cures in 80 per *efltt. of ail dage*. In. the treatment of loss of vital forced nervous disorders, kidney and urinary complaints, paralysis, blood poisoning; rheumatism, catarrh and diseases pecul iar to women, he is equally successful Dr. Hathaway’s practice u more than double that of any other specialist. Cuaos pronounced hopeleaa by other physicians, readily yield to hik treat ment, Write him today fully about yoor ease. Ho makes no charge for consultation or advice, either at his of- See or by mail. 3. NEWTON HATHAWAY, M. D, 85 Bryan Street, Savannah, Q STOVES REPAIRED. Rice, the stove dcctor, repairs kinds or cook stoves and ramies, boy and sells eycond hand stoves, 414 Ba? street YOUR FACE i is tour fokti la AIMX Throw jwvavCosmetlcs. 7* fJiHTJm Aiaerte.o women throw i aw-jrmnty-ve million ''TWk'\ Soli art annually for fac pow lcra,lotiona, etc., mo which are ni adc of fci> >icus ttlum, <■ ■ac •troy the tki n. So , inie a h in Roe Hoa.iby ConipJrjiii.u, fret a TUI6IK KUBBBU MASK. Rctt>re; orhtißal contour, permanently re mote* pimp*, tickles, blackheads, and all oempicxionai fmpSffectiona. Abeolntely harmiosa Keenlte r' aranteed. Wiltefor particular*. Tnoe ts.t* hr mal Gloves 9100 and I2.&0. VIKOIS RUBBER CO, No Went 14th St N. T Brown Drug Cos., Sole Brunswick, Georgia. B.J. OLEWINE felonies Sailing, Hentlnf Repairing,', Kessengei Service* We sell Cleveland, Monarch, Crawford, EaglCH’k, Dixie. Wheels for the Least Money.# Opera House One Night Only WEDKESDAT NIGHT, NOVEMBER 21. The Comedy Evr-nt of the Season- Too Rich | Harm Direc ion of LEVI BROS. .... A Comedy Teeming Witn LAUGHTER. From Rise till Fall of Curtain. Infused with mirth provaklng situations and startling climaxes. Prices 85, 35, 50, and loc Boxes $1 Seats on Sale at Butts’ D rug Store. Opera House ONE. NIGHT ONLY. FRIDAY, NOVEMBERS DUNNE & RILEY’S Magnificent Hew I’roduc‘ion df A MILK WHITE FLAG, BYCUAB. £ Hi YT. A Company of 40 People --—I Deluding—- ;Little Chip l AND Jfanchonetti. Military band and oixt*Ck, V-w 7“. Teemtog with special lies and bcl liant musical numbers. A brand new pro duotion, new ideas, now features, new _i4u:nes, new dialogae STOVES REPAIRED. R'ce. the stove doctor, repairs all kinds of jnok stoves and ranges, and buys and Wts second-hand stoves. 414 Bay • the Cough ani works off the Cold. 7-axativetliomo Quinine TabUts cure a cold 10 u h it seats f’-oa^^rd. L?f vU ;py the above reward for any case u ?fPP“a, B‘it lleaaaehe, Tudlgi ti n. tonstipuiion or C<M}t(v6HC*d we caimot enve with liverata, the Up V<,r ****£, directions are jtrfPj "2 tottt|4fQd with. They arc purely vege table ami uawjj!' fail to give Rntiofaction. 2 c 100 pilig, 100 boxes contain 40 c . on Uun 15 pi 11a, lie ware of nub* •titutos and mutations. $e tby mail. stamp? taken, NKRVITA MEDICAL CO., cor. Clin li!” Chicago, 111. For *a!c by Brown Drug Co- Bran* wick* Ua | vnvHnnsh.O*., Elks’ Grand Carni* | ’JI ®nd Street Fair, Nov. 6-17,1300 ' jps.- f* r * lor tbe round trip, plus 26 i cents admission to the Carnival. For j Military companies and trass bands jin uniform, $1.60 for the round trip [ per capita, 20 or more on one ticker. Tickets on sale Nov. 6,7, 9,12,14, 10, IS. fils, liii Cotisiii Newcastle Street Wlahea to Inform the ladies of Brunswick that they will And the largeat and lateat novelties In Hats, - ißflati- Caps, - Him, AMD ALL KIND* or HAIR GOODS, FANCY GOODS A Specialty. ktfJCBKUirSWIOK DON’T COUGH Stop it with Scott’s emulsion of cod-liver oil. A little coughing is nothing —the tickling, that makes you cough once, is some dust; not the least harm. You scratch an itch, and forget it. This cough is scratching an itch. But the cough, that hangs on and comes back, is the sign of an itch that hangs on and comes back. There is some thing that makes that itch. Inflammation: a germ per haps; it’s alive; like a seed in moist warm gr&And; it will grow if you leWf! especially in children. We’ll send you a little to try, 11 you like. SCOTT & BQWNE, 409 Pearl street, New York. To The Pubiic 1 Whereas, There are a number of houses lu the sewerage district of the city not connected with the sewer sys tem; and, Wheroav, The time has expired in which the digging of dirt is prohibited by ordinance, or otherwise; and, Whereas, The laws ol the city re quire that ail bcuees In the said district shall on connected-- This is, therefore, to notify all peo ple concerned, that unless attch houses are forthwith oonneeted. the owners or agent* thereof will be subjected to ihe penalties prescribed by law. Done at tbe city ball! tbi* IGA-of Nuvetnbtt, kMO. Dak D. Atkin*®*, Mayor Don’t be deceived or ayts who claim the cl won very of ' llll known herb or soot m swam pa, or oir :qyij mountain or prnirie for tbe cuie or kidney stfti bladder troubles, Any doctor; or '.lravjrint with toll you that aueb claims or fraudoleut. Foloy’B Kidney Cure'simply Coll twins remedies tliat Va recognized by tbe most skilful physicians ns best for these complaints, so don’t tie credulous or foolish. tV.J.Kutts. Second hand household furniture bought and sold; also pianos, organs, trunks, mirrors, carpets, etc. J. W. Watkins! You can't afford to oink your life by allowing a cough or a cold to develop into pneumonia or consumption One uliunto Cough Cure will cute throat and lung Iroub’en quicker than any o‘he’ pieparation known. Many dootors use it as a apecillc fur grippe. It la tin infallible remedy for croup. Children like it and moth ers endorse H. W, .J. Butts. Comolete i Is THE ’LINE ’CF 1 id lit Ms which I now have on exhibition. CALL" AND 'EXAMINE. Til. F. Wittier, THE TAILOR, 311 Newcastle St. tmttUING OF CATTLE DWMITMBNT REPhIIMfO 80X1 QI KSTIONS ON THU I}TKH. XSTINU SUBJEC*. JiEBEFORDS FOR BBEI About 400 of This Breed turd SbowK boros Have lteeently Been l portort luto the State. QOESTioits.— l. What is being dow to secure for the farmers of Cteorgls pure bred oat tie that have been so tkor oughly acclimatized that they will’not die prematurely upon the farmers’ hands: 8 Would it not pay some enterprising person or firm to establish a stock forth and keep pure bml cattle that have be come immune against the diseases that have caused suoh discouragement to the breeders of improved cattle in Georgia! 3. Could not tbe Prison Commission do something on this line by purohosiug a herd of pure bred cattle for the pur pose of judling them between the ages ol 2 and 19 months to only those pehsonj in Georgia who will be bound by law ty use such cattle for breeding putposbi alone, and in this state ? Answer— l, The Agricultural Deparb meiit, in co-operation with Mr. Wade ol the Southern railway, Mi'. SawteU, Mr. T. H. Martin, Dr. Hunnicnt and othefa, caused to be brought to Atlanta during tlie late Interstate Fair more thaq 106 H -ef ford and Shorthorn beof cattle ol from four to 18 months old- Oojqlng iwm an tufeoted section of Xeraf they are oensidergd acclimatteed ftod immune. Some of them were puM Screeds and other* from throe-fourth* to iseven-eighttis pure breed. Judge* pro nounoed them a* An* beef cattle as were ever inhibited io a southern state. Pob ul.iy otie-half of tile Herofords wore bought at cheap rate* and sold at from 435 to <SO eaoh. three-fourth* ol •these cattle ware sold during the fair ip Atlcutn and the remainder at the Vat dosta fair and distributed over various section* of the *tatu Good result* aft ,-jbj.oped for from this ftreeh Importation and distribution of improd cattle. Answer to 8 and I. It mas been oug- VMed by some of ouroorreapondent* ia terest/d in this subjeot that the iegiff lature might well appropriate a reason able fund and authorize the prison commission to purchase for the prison larm near Milledgevllis a herd of puM blood beef cattle, to be sold while be tween the eges of 8 and 12 month* to ouly those persons in the state of Geor gia who will bind themsclverto use stioh oatHe for. breeding pnrppses alone and . Aly in this state.* Wo think thi a good suggestion. . Here we would urge that Hereford* be bred for b->ef and kept separate from the Jerseys, which shunld'-he reserved for dairy purpose* It should be remem bered that tiie pure dairy strain is fat removed from the pure beef strain.— State Agricultural Department. HOW'S THIST Wo offer One Ilundied Dollars Re ward for any oaae of Catarrh that oan not be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. F. .1. OHBNKY & CO., Toledo, O. We, the undersigned, have known F. ,f. Cheney for the last fifteen year? anil believe him perfectly honorable in all business transactions, and flnnn oin'ly able to carry out any obligations made by their firm. West <fc Truai, wholesale druggists, Toldo, O. Walding Kinnan & Marvin, wholesale druggists, Toledo, O. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken inter aliy, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Testimonials gent free. Price 750, per bottle. Sold by all druggists. Hall’s Family pill, are the best. To Stop a Odd. After exposure or when you feel a cold com iS on ..eke a dose of Foley's Honey sod Tar It nevsr fails to stop a sold if takes in Wmo. W J. Matts. Half the World is ia Darknsss u to; the eaneeof tlietr il!;heslth. If they would start to treat their kidneys with Foley’s Kid ney Core, the weariness of body and mind Jr'' sehe headache and rheoraatl* pains disappear. WVJ. Butts. CASTOR IA Por Infanta and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought BUY THE CENUINE^ SYRUP OF FIGS ... JULNCVAOTCRXn BT ... CALIFORNIA F|o SYRUP CO. nr BOTH XJi* XANE [ ALWAYS KEEP ON HAND rPufm-Kittev . There la no kina of pain [or ache, Internal or exter nal, that Pain-Killer will I not relieve. | look out for imitations and sub . STITUTES. THE GENUINE BCCTLE | BEARS THE NAME, l PERRY DAVIS & SON. Bright’s Disease. High living, Internperanoe, exposure and many other things bring on Bright’s disease.. Foley’s Kidney Cure will prevent Bright’s dis ease and all other kidney or bladder disorders Iftakouin time. Take; nothing else. W. J Batts. Bloodworth Slones New Livery Stables New Buggies Fine Horses Prompt attention given all orders. Drayage a spec ialty. Phone 24-3. E St 6EORGIA iimnvi icn BRUNSWICK, GEORGIA. Civil and criminal cases uttended to business strictly confidential. En quires conducted with secrecv, L- xJ. LEAVY IVlenaar Southern Railway Cos. Office of Ueueri Aant, Brunswick, Ga. SOHEmtLES. For Savannah, Washington and New York. Lv Brunswick 6 40 am oe pm -*•>' Savannah 10 no am lg 50 am Washington f lis am iso pm ArNow York 2 011 pm 0 23 am For hkcksonviJle. I-v Brunswick ... 500 am 8a pm g or, v, m Ar Jauksonyllln.. 028 am 710 pm 130 am For Macon, Atlanta, T-ouisville and Cincinnati SSSfiW?*’-'-"'’ <-iam 008 pin Ar Mscutl .’Jii 3 lti pm flOOnrn Ar Atlanta kßopm * 8 20sm Ar Cincinnati 748 am 74n pin From NeW York, Washington and Savannah. Dv New York.... 30 pm 12 15 am Lv Washington., t’B pm 11 16 am L \ fl-iiiiub... H>, lift 520 hin £ of) tim Ar urunswiek... Mam i'UpS From .Taeksouville, Dv Jacksonville las pin Ar Brunswick (i 28 pm From Cincinnati, Louisville, A llama and Macon. T,y Cincinnati 8 80 am saon.n I.v Louisville 7 45 am j- 7 Atlanta lo 46 pni 12 ft pm I.v M aeon 1 (io am i an i.5; Ar Brnnsw ek ... 710 am 835 pm Jr | BURNETT,! u S-fi Our special mixture is th—— — Best Milk Producer. Chon? 93, 319-21 Newcastle St. John M Steele Application for re* vs. , , . JanieHudler, formerly i rnoviil of Janie ste-de. 1 disabilities. Notice IK hereby riven that on the titb day of October, moo, the undersigned Hied In the oiltoe of tbs clerk of the Superior court of Glynn county his ooplieation for removal of tho d’sa. luhtioß ;e:tin* |..,n him under th* vsraicCMtfi todjftnent 11 mb ; Ii said court In tlw suit of Ii .rni v" ~ vjjAlt's* b.K.'Cb.. ill-. >i Tills ■ i Sti—L>~ J■ l f tobm m. ITn&twP" —■* —i NOTICE IN BANKRUPTCY, the matter of S, Marks, In . dividusliy, and ass mem ttorof firm of 8. Marks A ,n ,< * n * tr uptey. r o., bankrupt. To the creditors of R. Marks (and S. Marks A tkx . of Brunswick, in tlie county of Glynn and district aforesaid, a b-nkrapt; Notion Is hereby riven that on the 7th day of November. A. I) 190n. the said S. Ma>ks wan duly adjudi cated bankrupt, and that the first meotlnr of bis creditors will be held at BruuawlckT la Glynn county, os the With day of Novsmber, A. P- it ’O, at 10 o’clock in the forenoon, at which time the said cseditors may attend, prove their claims, appoint s trnatee,examine the bankrupt, and transact sncb otlier I usiness as n>y properly tome before said tneetiar. A.J. CUOVATT, _ . Roforec In Bankruptcy. Dated at Brunswick, Georgia, this the 10th day of November, 100. - ANOTHER COLD WAVE COMITOf Lay in n supply -of wood at ooo*. For good, dry oord wood, oak or pine, talgpbone No. 24-8, BboobwoßTM A ,f on as. A-"! —— WHEN LAQRIPPE • BEGINS, CUREITI; wilg the iffeoti of UQrlppt I and qalnlnt together* often oaum ’ more r riftte. JOmOFS CEM i FEVER IONIC Care* 4a a Day or Night. No bod tflootaar* felt and yon don’t ha vs to pat yourself on a steady diet of It, a* yon do with quinine, Mr. W. W. Caldwell, of Chicatgo, writes the* eight doses taken in one day cured hint completely. U will cure you. Hlo. per bettte If it cure*. Not mw cent If it doe* not cur*. A= B. QIRARDEAU, f Savannahs Oa. Cures Coughs, Colds, Bronchitis, Consumption, Asthma, Throat and Lung Troubles. DR. J. H. McLEAN’S TAR WINE LUMBALM An unfailing remedy for Irritation of the Throat and Lungs. Thfa Medicine positively contains ne opium or other drugs injurious to ihm stomach. 25c, 50c and $1 a bottle, at druegista. THE DR. J. H. MCLEAN MEDICINE CO., T. LOUIS, MO. FOR SALE BY AjWWS W J BUTTS, The Druggist.’ NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR RAILROAD CHARTER. State of Georgia, i To the Honorable, the Sse. C Glynn. j if Ge^gi. B '^^ the Stut * Thcpetition of C. Donning, F. D Aiken. J jX’iu - r I 'R l “i , ib’ S 'A“ U ’ 1 , T. New m a ii, J. J. L. K. Aiken, k. KioholOn and W *., Brantley, respectfully shows: „. r * , Th ,f t . c -l ch n <* ■' of said petltio".: s, , c V I ? %. ii ' A *ken, reside in the City rtr n yfoki Couuiy of Glynn mui Htato <*' j ■ -, ' mid that imutlotmr L. K. Alke- *s fc j. H. That psfitionsrs desire obtain t themselves, their successors ad asriirns • charter for a railroad company to he known as '‘Brunswick- Birmingham Kailrond Co.u pany, ami they seek to be Incorporated under ?? a ' J torpnratc bt.dy, for the purpose "l 4 operatm* a railway line undei . 1 1 1 * 10 of the railroad proposed hniit Ly said company will be i.lliut foor hundred and jifly ’4[io) miles, ns near aeean lo ™.'. liau ' a nd . Hl tl| i lime, ami that the general dt rectlon ot sahte will I© southenst to northwest P r °rr ß i ai lifiad beginnfug iutlieOityof Brumwick, Georgia, wbiprob ni>jy run Wmrngh (lie counties of < lynn, W uvne Pierre, A ppling, Coffee, lnviu, VViW, Dooly, Sumter, \\ ebatei and Bt< wart, in ihe St.uio of uporgjQ, to a point on the boundary liuobe tween Georgia and Alabama w ithia the county of S ewnrt, in the ate of Georgia, andir m sak! point to tho cities of Montgomery ami Hir nutuffh-,, in the btato of Alalu.tna, aurt the. pntaClpal places fre in which and to which it ia pro*>oEea lo construct Haiti railroad are Hnm wck,Georgia, an-l ftfomgomt iy and lJirmlnK haD'sAlaL a. * \ That it is propoecd to Dime capital atodk coin pan i) lo the ninonnt of fif teen thousand (slf.oto) for each mil© of said proposed railroad, making a toial capitalizaliOn of fix million seven hundred and fifty thousand * dollars (M&o/kO). am} all >f the oapitaistock is to he ci'imnon stock and none of it preferred stock. 1 VI. That petitioners desire that the charter Torattid railroad company, obtained under thin petition, .shall continue in force for the full ,aw * toWit: ° Dv and . on© (loi) years. \ID That it is proposed to locale the princi- • ptiUifliceof said vailrond companvln the I'ity of Brunswick, Georgia, and netlilonera ahovr t that they do intend in good faith. ; mnedlately npon the grnntingof the charter h© r in p. ayea gofo’ ward without i > aeenre aub tcnptions to the capital slock,. onsn uct, eouip * maintain tmd operate railroad: Where fore pray that they, their succeason ana assigns, may be incorporated a such rail roa.v O’jiiipfltys ind.r the . aid corporntc ' tb BrtinSn .ck \ >i ii “ -1, ' I 1 ■ •■ ! i 1 1 Wf -* ' - -i ll . ' 't- i " • i X.- '-I A ' vm?.' \■ i " ,4t /. -jl t '.'it W. U Brantley, BIIEItIFF'S BALH. GEORGIA, Glynn County. Will lie aold before Uni eourthoace door in Brunswick, on frit Tuesday In December, nineteen hundred, tne leasehold estate expir ing January Ist, lU7B, In the following parcels Of land .in Tows Commons of Brunswick; Lot number 111 between Gordon and Johnson streets; and the southeastern quarter of lot number 111 between Johnston and Baitow streets. Sold as property of estate ifA. TANARUS, I'n in am, under execution issued by the Ur oolloctorof laid eourttv against A. T. l’utnam, for Kate and eonaty taxes. W.H. BEItRIR, Sheriff. J. W. Watkins will loan you money on personal prop erty and real estate. ThjiMilor oftb* FoMrlll., Xf„ Xflcoll Mill, wrilin ss a pocUerlpt w> a •susoss loiter: •Iwai sr,i of klda.y lukiug Foley’, i Kl*7C*r.," Yaks a.thlif W.J.BniW 1