The Brunswick times-call. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1900-1902, November 21, 1900, Image 6

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Nmhrnt Tastes Good And eating Is simply perfunctory— done because it must be This is the common complaint of the dyspeptic. * If eating sparingly would cure dys pepsia, few would' suffer from it long. The on'y way to cure dyspepsia, which is difficult digestion, is to give vigor sßtfHsfl® i° t,ie stomach and the whole digestive system. ' Hood's riarsapuri Hu curl'd the niece of Frank Fay. 108 N. St.. South Boston. Mass., who writes that she had been a great sufferer from dyspepsia t or sis years: had been, with out appetite und had been troubled with sonr stomach and headache. Hbe had tried many other medicines in rain. Two bottle* of Hood’s Sarsaparilla made her well. Hood’9 Sarsapariita Promises to cure and keeps the promise. Don’t wait till you are worse, but buy a bottle today. When you feel tlat life is hardly worth the candle take a dose of Chamljerlan s stomach and l.tver Tablet*. They will cleanse yonr stomach, (one np yonr liver and regulate your tiowela, making you (col like a new man. For sale at Uishopa Drug 8:010. 11111 HABALSAM Jfcj Cloertsat PQ bwnvitlfwM the Mir. i~. Jr Fail* to Bwntorf fir** Sej’dßHß Hir • it* von thru) 'clot. JCpJfIHJ Prw-.;* i'Aii.liuil e. 'lgiftu tttiliML. !T—U yhMtLAiwpjMt l ** How Mothers may Help their Daughters into Womanhood Every mother possesses information of vital value to her young (laughter. That daughter is a precious legacy, and the responsibility for her future j# largely in the hands of the mother. The mysterious change that develops the thought less girl into the thoughtful woman should find the mother on the watch day and night. As she cares for the physical * ■well-being of her daughter, so will the woman be, and her children also. ’ When the young girl’s thoughts become sluggish, when she experiences headaches, dizziness, faintness, and exhibits an abnormal disposition to sleep, pains in the back and lower limbs, eyes dun, desire for solitude, and a dislike for the society of other girls, when she is a mystery to herself and friends, then the mother should go to her ai<l promptly. At such a time the greatest aid to nature is Lydia E. Fink hani s A egetable Compound, It prepares the young system for the coming change, and is the surest reliance in tins hour of trial. . , r The T £ J l° I win ? le ers from Miss Good are practical proof of Mrs. 1 mkham s efficient advice to young women. Miss Good asks Mrs. Pinkham tor Help. .. ’T*f AH Mrs - Tiskham:—l have been very much bothered time with my monthly periods being- Irregular. 1 will tell I It, mill put myself In your oarv, (or 1 have heard an much month menstruation would become less and loss, uuUIJA-'' for si* months, mid now it has stopped votis and of a Tory bad color. IMP xdMMa y°" mo what to do.”— Mis* I'karl Good 1 2ath AnU " r aDd Yes ‘“ r Wft y- Seattle Wash! fflr The Happy Result. Vs gis| rv .. February 10th, ldoo. W V piTus 11 cannot praiae Lydia i. * u rinkhainhf A egetable Compound enough. It is \ / j us '’ simply wonderful the change your medicine \ 2C 1 * >as m yde in me. 1 feel like another person. My iv// work ts now a pleaeure to me, while before unfa* l I ? our medicine it was a burden. To-day lam a VfJ hsslMty and happy girl. I think if more women PII ™*“ d "** T our vegetable Compound there would be fetA*/ jfSmtfLJl le ®* Jfldng la the world. I cannot express the relief I have experienced by using Lydia B. Pink- IKufr.^°,F3 scnnn reward aaiss DUUU SHIPPING REPORT '■ >-nr* o*rm*te< Daily ky o*|t. OtU Mummb Pert #f Brans sink. Not. SO, 1800. 4KBIYF.D. , Scbr. Glad;*, Colson, New York, CLEARED. Brig John McDermott, Tooker.New York. Bobr. Hougb Keliey, Ilsskel l , New York. Bohr. Aimed* New York. Scbr, . Sadie C. Sumner, McL-an, Providence. BAILED. BS. City of San Antonio, Wilder Nsw York. itsl, bark Blanca Casanova, Del e paios, Sapo’o. FIRST AND FOREMOST In the held of medicina is Hood's Sarsa parilla. U possesses actual and unequalled merit by which it eurei all diseases caused or promoted by impure or impoverished blood. If you have rheumatism, dyspep sia, scrofula or catarrh, you may take Hood’s Sarsaparilla and be cured. If you are i un down and feel weak and tiyed, you may be tureit will do yon good. Tht favorite family cathartic is Hood’ Pills. in MMJMMta. IMWM3ALL. 50VMSEB B*. less ECZEMA'S ITOH IS TORTVR*. Ecreme Is eensed by an acid humor la the blood coming In contact with the skin and producing great redness and in flammation ; little pustular eruptions form and discharge a thin, sticky fluid, which dries and scales off; sometimes the skin la hard, dry and fissured. Bciema in any form is a tormenting, stubborn disease, and the itching and burning at timea are almost unbearable; the acid burning humor seems to ooze out and set the skin on fire. Salves, washes nor other-exter nal applications do any real good, for as long as the poison remains in the blood It will keep the skin irritated. BAO FORM OF TETTER* “For_ three years I haul* which caused thei.i to swell to twice theirn-itural sue. Part of the time the disease rS -i r* 1 w* in the form cf run- 1 ciiifl sores, very pain- ftSjQsl ’dp' -i fui, and causing me SrM/ 8 y much discomfort. Pour -NE&gffA As doctor, sai l the Tetter flfe* had progressed too far to he cured, end they could and > nothing for cCtflfoprt l ' lime. r me. 11 >ok only three sgft^eSKVdSsßuMha^. bottles of 8 9 S. end JET, was completely cured. .'re-'—.. .• .-.Vrtt'Wy This wsi fifteen years ago. tnd 1 nave never * slues seen sn/ sign of my old trouble.” — Mad. L B. Jseason, 1414 McGee at., Kansas City, Mo. 8. 8. S. neutralizes this acid poUoa, cools the blood and restores it to a healthy, natural state, and the rough, unhealthy skin becomes soft, smooth and clear. AM AM AM cures Tetter, Bnr slpelas, Psoriasis, Salt Rneutn and all Ma k, M diseases due to a pal*- oned condition of the blood. Send for our book and write us about your case. Our physicians kava made these diseases s life study, and oast help you by their advice; we make no charge for this service. All correspondence ia conducted in strictest confidence. IMS SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., ATLAKTA, BA. SHIP NOTICE. Neither the master nor owners of tbs Norwegian bark|*B'jeetiius will bo responsible for *itfry debts con trsoted by tbs crew of said bark. Boowald, Master. A bottle Of Pjgokly Ash Bitters kept in the house abd us*d oocaetonaliy means good beslthto tbe whole bouse bold. W.J. Butts. | > Many of your friends, or people whom you know of, bave contracted consumption, pneumonia, or other fa-' tal diseases, by nsgleot of a simple cold or oougb. Foley’s Hooey and Tar, a safe, sure and pleasant cough medicine, would have saved tbem. It la guaranteed. V OjL sJiFEVO n 1 A. . Bsshth* You Have Always BsojM CORD WOOD, Large quantity of oak and ptfte wood 00 band, for prompt drbvery. No rotten, storm wood sold by us. 'Phone S4-3. Bloop worth A Jones. lie People’s nmue Stow CililHQ TO BPiBNSIICK ON NOV. 20 and 21 VTMti jHaSw I t\ f 'j&\' , p'lzx Sum v/Jo* t Tj ifv.. **• Mi , TWO Pf Pf ODfll HCC 5 DAILY RAIN OR SIM HI DOOMS OPkH AT I AND 7 P M AIMSS OW AiWl> fMI CUN UNOVB 10 ft AOS IG • Bring thv child r*n and let them sc* the three Utils Rahy Lions, born with SnhshsFbow at Ml Airy, N. C. Sept. 10th, 1900, the' entest little pet* ■a earth, all children should sec the-e baby 'leas. See onr grand free balloon atceomen •ad pvrashnln lamp given free to if) from Mte •hew (maids al 1 end 7 p, ns. eeeh |ev rain wr HEALTH BILL ! A GOOD ONE Rfipwitatifs syiois Of fers Bill Min for s Slats Boariof Heal Representative Symons Introduced sn important bill ir, the legislature Monday, an i if it passes, Georgia will have a State board of health. The bill provides for tbs creation o’ such a board, in order to prevent tb spread of infeotiotKfjiiseaies and to es tablish proper quarantine rules when there is an epidemic of disease in other States. Tbe caption of tbe bill is as follows : “That tbs Medical Society of this State shall oboose from its members by ballot four members, and tba governor of tbe State shall appoint five other persons, one of whom shall be a sanl #• tary engineer, and they shall consti tute tbe board of health of the Btste of Georgia.” Georgia bss long needed a board of bealtb, and Governor Candler bas long bseo anxious for one. Georgia’s health certificate It not recognized in other States on Account of having bo Scats board. Tbe biH-by Mr. Symons sets out tbs plan of establishing one, and provides pay fer tbe members when on duty. Tbe-ird! it one of greatest importance othe State, aud ft it very likely that '(will pass. Ifjrour stomach U weak, It ahauld havs help. Hood's Sartayarilla gives stisngth X stomach, and sure* dyspepsia and stion. O-dhSSIT ’-rtlA. Bwn ti 1,4 ‘'"‘d f’ i. Hava ilvrays BougM feganttir* Kl-na Kian.—.jointne in ■ taatsless form, without effecting its medicinal value,combined with aaoUhUid and iron. Just the thing for children. Pleasant to take. 15c e bottle. For eele by W. J, Hulls, the druggist. Rainy Day HatsT vary Iwstft of the most favored shape* are in our assortment. Iriamed ad ynirimsd felt k^ In variety of shapes, etylee and colon. Wh havo bought and mads them up to sell to those who desire something serviceable, yet pretty; good, bat low prle*l. These are right and prieed right. MISS KATE SLATER, 104 GLOUCESTER ST* Money to Lend on Improved Real Estate. Apply to W. Merchant, Secretary, or F. E. Twltty, Attorney, of the ATLANTIC INVESTMENT 00. E. s. plumb7~ Practical and Scientific Horseshoer. NOW OPEN. in the shop on Oglethorpe street, between Mansfield and fig we A trial will convince yon thathe knows his business. il Vith a fioe effervc*cenc€ an 4 richjj I creamy foamt combining perfect I ■ brilliancy with rare keeping qual/ ■ ■ ities, having a most excellent hop m B taste and aroma— I d3 OHErMIAN | “King of all Bottled Beers’* - 9 ■ has proven a benediction alike to ] ■ budding youth and declining age, ■ 9 and a revelation to every critical I ■ taste, To hundreds of thousands of m I families it has become a household S ■ necessity. ■ RnißSfJck JUiolesale Wiae & Llpef CoT I PLANT SYSTEM PASSENGER DEPARTMENT. ______ aiXTTD iNT ■ - ttfUxi) Up - no. sr no. B*. Time Table **.. w o .o. BffoeMve Oct I,ISOO. "!!i!ll** Passenger Mixed Psaenger Mixed Daily. Dmiy, Dallv. Dally. jUMpta... 100 am.. Iv Tift son ar !08atE„.. ViA WAYCRQBS A MONTGOMERY. VIA SAVANNAH AND CHARLESTON. 8 78 am. 7 25 pm. Ar Richmond Lv 805 am BETWEKNBRCNBWIOH AND~bAVANNAH VIA JESUP,. 1 ;fiTao I 905 pm.. lv Br7i2wfol ir I _O-pm 7 tiTE!! * • 7’7 ,am 1030 pm ar Jeeup ly *y|k 'I tS!" • •••‘-’sv. I 1015—- 1 1210 am 1 HovjfleatL. ■ ,p.-—Sife—‘ ;SffJSS.-.—-24. Direct connection made at Wave* with Pullman Sleeping Cart foi all points. Between Pp"/ Tampa. Kef West and Havana. GO IN (4. MB RETURNING Lv I’orvTainpa 11 00 pin Vlon. E3mt Sal. Ar Port Tampa > 90 am Thar. Sim. and Tuee. Ar Key W> si 3 O' pm Tuw. Timm. Lv Key West lOOOp. m. Wed. Sat. and M0n..... Lv Key West o oo pm Tues.JHNundav Ar Key Weet 9 00 pm Wed. Sat. and M0n.... .. Ar Havana 5 on am WoIJaHB Lv Havana 1 80 pm Wed. Sat. and Mon zm, I m Whvn th” liquids co-tie from out htjck. Wa carry ouch a fine line of Wines and Liquors——■ that It is itnposslbla to find a brand which Is not pleasing in soma point, Thasa goods are fully matured, have a fine rich body and mellow V Excellent for family or any use. k- V- DOUGLAS. WHOLESALE .Groceries, Tobacco, SFlour, Bacon and Provisicns, GRAINJW AND BRAN A SPECIALTY. 216 Bay Street, Brunswick, Georgia. W* H. BOWEN ArvJCDI BUIL.DERS Of Ston&v Brick and Fralae Buildinv