The Brunswick times-call. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1900-1902, November 22, 1900, Image 5

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"MB PHIS. Ctpt. W. H. Whaley, of Jeeup, jssssgJ: yesterday io Ihe city. kuK. Jones is spending some _ J;’ of the National jgprurnetl from a short buei f Jfc> Atlanta. ■Kemtn held a very interest'Dg j|g their armory last night, meets in regntar ees- spent yesterday ’ ' wiBD S CRUSADE. ■'--v'. - former Brunswickkan Attracting At tention In Atlanta.. Atlanta Is a big city and seems;: Stf e* velop men who are not of raidto undeV- things. The latest is the da! ter mined effort of Rev. A. C. Ward, pastor of the Temple Baptist church, of Atlanta, to atop the tnoyisg of freight trains on Sunday. It sectns that for several weeks past the railroads have been getting per mission from the maror to make up their freiicht trains on Sunday and as a result have h-co making too much noise near ths Temple church. Mr. d has already scoured the atten tion ot the council and declares he w'U press the matter in the courts If it is nots’opned. He claims to have the evidence to 'or vlct the Central Railroad of violat ing the state la v and has already con ferred with the solicitor general. Mr. Ward is well known In our city and was formerly pastor of the First Baptist church here, 4 ASOl'ii EK COLD WAV E COM I NO. *■ Lay in a snpply of wood at over. FjjS to 6u ,-dry cord wood, oak or pine, ; telephone No. 24-3. k h*ooDwoßT(i & Jokes. Cold Ste*l or D* nth *Tb.:re Jg but one small chance to gave your ife anduiat ifl through an operation,'" wag tho awful prospect, eel before lira. 1. B. Hunt. of * JLirad Ridge, Wig. by Kr doctor after vainly trying to cure hwt of a frightful cage of stomach trouble had yellow jatuidice. He didn't count on the marvelous power of Electric Ibttius to cure Stomach and Lirer troubles, but *ho heard of it, took seven bottles, was wholly avoided Burgeon’s knife, now weighs -more and fee's better than ever. It’s positive ly frifa ran teed tocure Stomach. _JLiver and Klp nsytrcablet and never diioppuinU. Price 50c at all drug stores. 4 V, ■— ■' When yon feel tf at life is hardly worth the candle take u dose cf ChamiM’rlajn's .stomach and Liver Tablets. They will cleanse your Stomach, tone up yonr liver and regulate your bcwcN, making you feel like a now man. For cal* at liifhoy* Drugstore. Second hand household furniture bought and sold, ( also pianos, organs, {trunks, mirrors, carpets, etc.fQj. W" Walking. kodal Dyspepsia Cure JDiaests what you eat. digests tb- f Aan : >u HttcnK'.ht::r ■Rcting: the exhaui t < c ■... fcjni. It is the latest ti'wio u . '• tonic. No ott rpr , if-a ajtprotcii it ia efficiency- It O’ ' tVTOO- ■ s in'sWt-'-a" J-nfl '.‘sHcju- II■ " .if, i rtei V; . ■■ - <; w - LtC . ■hli tilt *1 h y <“ ~'*' v IT " c ' e ’F°- I | W. J. BUT IS. 1 I ■f 1 B’nipUir t sort lrje-1 F<ile>’ K ’r, ■> j me ioiv . reilel, | ■F ■ f.-, / Tai:; tutui t itu::. SHIPPING REPORT Corrected Daily by Oapt. Otto Johannes*u Port of Bruniwiek, Nov. 21, 1900. AHgtVKD. Br. SS. Inoeidore, Walker, Liver t jol, via. Tybee. SS. Carib, Ingram, Boston, via'* Ports. SS. George Fat veil, Ireland, Savan nah. Sohr. Harold J. MoCartby, Flynn, New York CLBAIIED. Span, bark Marie Torrep, Aviles, Spam. Sohr. Harold B. Cousins, Cookson, Loufsuurg. Schr. Charlotte T. Sibley, Norwood, Norwich. Schr. George M,Grant, Pelton, Tertb Arnbey. HATI-Kl). Norw. bark Cato, Tallaksen, Lon don. .Norw. bark Trio, Thoresen, Rotter dam, Span, bark Htbaoa, Lloveras, Va lencia. Port, bark B. A. Brayton, Oliveira, Praia, C,V. Brig. John MoDermott, looker, New York. Schr. John B. Manning, Sprague, Philadelphia. Sohr. General E. S. Greeley, Rieley, Perth Amboy. Schr. Almeda Willey, Dodge, New York. Sohr. Hough Kelley, Haskell, New York. Schr. Sadie C. Sumner, McLean, Providenoe, Summer is the seasun for bowel comp aiuts. Green apples and cucumbers produce ihem, and Perry DavlV IS) n. Killer cures them To the troubled stomach if comes like a balm, the wiod is assuaged, and the trouble ceases. Every druggist in the land keeps Paln-Ki|'er, aud no cue should be without it in bis family. Avoid substitutes. Tbere, is but one Pain-Killer, l‘er AJjavis’, Price 250, and CJo, raJA A HO i’ Riflemen Are to Warm Election. T:,e ia< s fortcci'jnd the Brunswick Kiilemen a vo’y warm one, and ths which is noted for hot politics, will new lore its old time reputation in this line, . Mr. firry Miller who it was thought had noMoppos'tion for tho pL.ce was by another didftto a few min lifts before the nomlr ition was jsl‘ J > M _ Rr,t * wmoffer apt" at the election. Mr, Henry Ljnaberg, representing Lurtden & Bstes, will be in the city for a few days. If your piano needs ing or repairing you will <yg^PHP Have (rders at Brown V drug eorr mz •' r Hl' PAiSJffeiFß . f HA ifj CALS*ft* ■ * - "5 r-j .VOUCH >* l: YKJ.i nvY. 1 > o *•*• otj of,Glymi at* i rtta j .v* !.:• t or, • .j, r!v' ni Vm*rnOCL -1. I). , i).‘.thr;taiclort lie V Mt Men wa-duiv aijudl eutwi ma. in * an . .f;. . fir>t meeting or hi er-Lb-rs ;it he t.eid at Btunttfffcfe in ';!*• an c. ,uatj, on t h<• J'■ < a.? r.t Lt^grpher, A i>. '• at !0 f/e 7 'Cb in the foreatkto, L •ivn i t:.#* Ui.j f*aid m'-oitoj* may rimr oJni., appiJm ft t nt*t*e, ttie ußak ok and t.rai °iu:t such oHw I deities $ . at 1} r< p 11) Cl Oil -:! n ‘aid n atiOK A J. CiIOSAIT, • - Haleii at Urvn. - l-ii. yeor;'ia, this tUo IfOlli day oi November, limj. THE BRUNSWICK JTMES-CALL, NOVEMBER 22. DJO ABOUT DUNN’S WITHDRAWAL Savmati News Tiiis Un Place Will low Go to Savaanalt Man Tli' - folio wire ab ut DuirnV v ith drav. bl fro n the rer-P r major of the Third b.tfa'ion t ttken fr. m the Ss v.'.ttnati News of yea'eri*y : C p‘, Fr.-.nk A. Dunn tff the Brurs w ick R fl mrn has annr.ureed hit bo will t ot be a Candida’? fer the vacent m j ’ i y of the Third battalion of the F.rst iefantry. This wss 'elept o ted 10 a .Stvsnn vb rfllter of tbc reg'tnent fr-. m Brunswick yesterday morning and may be taken aa conclusive. Influenced by bis desire to remain with bis cimpany for its own good, Capt. Dunn’s retirement from a race that would in ail probability have re sulted in bis election is highly com mended by Savannah oflioers. Capt. Dunn was requested by many members o: bis own (O-nmand to remain with it and was advised by a number of those who have connection with it that it would be a blow to the Riflemen to lose him. Since Major Dari’s resignation Oapt. Dunn has acted as major and his work in that oapaoity has been admirable, bis papers having been perfect. At the meeting of the oflioers of the First infantry that is to be held Fri day night at the Hsgimentat armory the vacancy will be discussed, and it is possible that names will be mention ed fpr the succession. Nothing defl uitc ib known i>s to who will be-wug. Seated fol the position, but Oapt. W. T 5. Coney, adjutant of the regiment, Capr. (j. A. Gordon, of the -Oglethorpe Light Infantry, and dipt. J. T. West of the Savannah Cade's, have all been spoken of. An idea prevails that the position will go to a Savannah man. Captain Du'rjn did not believe that the major should be located in Savannah, tut. he has retired frdm that position also, and his support and that of his oflbers, it is thought, will bo giveo any candi \ ,oAt>; from this city upon whom the 10~ f may agree. 7b has been tala, too. of one of tlie jtsjLins of the Second battaiion, the Volunteer Onarde, but the ac.i“ in seekinij' to be *jr and SaUali..i~ ' .t-ry in duced one officer of the to say yesterday that lie lieve a oaptaln of care to leave ttij|*T6r a majority in the which they are trying Hpome weeks ago the Morning News .published a talk with an officer of the regiment advofcating the eleotlon of a Savannah man to flli the vacancy left by Msjor 11. E. Dart of Brunswick's resignation. Tho reasons advaoosd were favorably regarded, aud the! prospect that grams to exist of s*usi action being taken is viewed with •ora# t atUlaotTo n. Vfot singie Bavanoatiian is in'any Hpu<,e e oandidate for the Not a onu has but tried to. torn the mit,er away when suggested to fi'in. If the honor ie ueatowad upon any one |of their fellow* by the line officer* of the regimen,, it will have been entire ly unaougtfW. Si's fHHI ins ill Mg "T HANK MUST E3 El O.SX/'Eirvl To our Drugs and Medicines fir restoring- health to many and permitting them to enjoy their t i—i a k: scs i v i rvj cs Holiday- Those who are suffering should avail themselves of the advantages that our unlimited Stock of DRUG AND MODICINES Offer. We can fill the physicians’ prescriptions or supply a remedy from the mauy proprietary articles. Pfeipii llljg mu to Special §f|§| to Spni. YOU Is sqrne where on our shelves. Our Stock of Drugs and Medicines'contains that which is necessary to cure youi ills, give you strength and restore you to health. Whether you prescribe for yourself or get a PHYSICIANS PRESCRIPTION We cap fill it. Our compounding department is in competent hands and we use the purest dtugs obtainable at SMITH’S PHARMACY, RIPAK S doctors find V A Go od Prescription for maiikiiid i 1 ftn.ata. Imunw, fmDWpvS&M-:■m'3w!HmL l sw kadua pyi. Wmv liraiaHr IMa, T+ b™ MJaalt w r- M t ii T i ni 1,. P. DEVARIS, Gocerics. fiountrv Prsduct - • —Vegetabiei etc. Also Confecticnern. MONK HTKEJCT. imUNgWICK, Ul T. POOL, Coutraetor and Builder, | UU gtrcct. Brunswick, - Oeorgia. Mny cf yimr frisnc-'a', cr pi-cp! wl'- ,n yci know of v l ave confftcted . oonsumpi ior ppsnniniiiiß, or other tc ,si dt t*v.'gj <*} argleot of • ei.mpi? | cold rr cowl). Foley'S (Toney ane 1 -'J ar, a safe, scru and piesr-sot dcugb medicine, would have saved them, ft is guaranteed. cAJsiyo r*.x a. . > SvaritFs '■* '• Ai.yX flcirlit When you Hftftl prompt aft log little pilla tliftt uevar grlp<s use i)*jH Hl*a Ltttlft Early Klaors. W J.ttuttrt. SERVICE BY 'PUBLICATION. Mr*. Clyde l'Teeman, Lil>c] for Divorce. He turnable to December ? H ‘ fc> Term, 11)00,of Superiblr Court of Glynn coun- O. J. Ireeman, ty, Georgia. To thewrtd- defendaut.O.Freeman: xon are hereby riquiroa* pcvßonally or by attorney,to bnd appear at the next ♦orm of the Superb •’•triol snitl county, "O the first i>.u..wbj m December, MKK), then and there to answer the plaiutifl Clyde man, upon the merits of her petition for divorce filed agh nst you; as in default of such aj>jn*airtnee i he Court will proceed as to Justice ahull apper t;un. vVltnenfathe lion Jowpli VV. Bonnot, Judre t-fajci Superior Con ~ this 22c! day of A uguat, 1000. a . Ft, TOV, NHKND, Deputy Cterlc Superior Court, Glynn Co.,Ga. D. . CITATION. GEORGf A— IrLYNN County. Lorenu Turner, wife of Alfred Turner, haa applied lor exemption of personality an t sott ing apart and valuation of homestead out of me rind I pill n :gs upon the same at M o clock a . m., c>n tbe I’2ti I day of October,lUoO. ai my office. This September 2th, 1!XK). HORACE DART, Ordinary Glynn County, Ua. CITATION. GKOitGl t—lilrnn County. To who hi lb may cancel n: IT. J. Read having In proper l'orin applied to me for permanent let tern of Administration on tue estute of George Mo A rtUtir. loteof ani.l county, this ig to cite all and siriKular, tUe creditors unjl next of kin of George McArthur to be and appear at my office within the time allowed by law ami hlujw cause, if any they can, why permanent administration should not be granted to H*; J. Head on George McArtburV e tat% Witness my hand oflicial sigoatuie uhig 1 Jth day of <Jc tober, 19C0. JI'OBACK BAHT, Ordinary. CITATION. GKORGIA—GIjtin County. Whereas, Kila J. Jennings, administratrix of George W. t'alvir ropresentH to the court in hi r petltfe* •* filed ami entered on record, that she has lu.ij administered George W. Galvin’s estate. Tills is, therefore,.to cite all persons concerned, kindred and creditors, to show cause, if any they opn, why raid ad min i.strntrijrshou id not be di-eharred from kftd ministration, and receive lot tern of digmis ifUi the Hr. t Monday in Becen.ber, 11*00. PMtT.Onliu GKORGIA— Glynn (ounty. | To whom if may concern: Hiiatn J. Tb:.. ■■ ! having in proper form applied f !( rue for yi < ia:- -* ul i-tiw of whaitiir trat'on on 'he es tate • ! U 'ftHifvrth" or aid county, •his is to cito ?Jl arct sifiipiiur iho oicditoia and next of kin of J/>u ,S!a JTord, to be i ndau piur at my oifloe with u the t.l > a .lowed by iuw <id Fibow cauge, if any Ucv e’en,Wliy par'or.noti • afltu'aisti'alion ‘should tiot be ; • .’.vi' !>> rHr ,i7i J, Keid on I'm ••flford ef •• * 'itie, vV’i !.’,!. fiy ( OlKc*a! *Lp,r l tu:ro U*li 6tb 3 ■ > 3 l a *;T; U \ a:r, <>X(i I nary. * . CITA'UON. (h "i gia—fllyim Loamy. To whom it muy concern: Take notice,’ Ai; Lhsi leg O. done* a* ! * applied for i ermANOi > administrAtloc eti tile estate of I*. I*. Jones, late of • iu i• ;acn-c .: and if tberc be Rh.v objection o ’* nc a? tpt r-ts and ffi pLcaHon, iet it Pc pre ;oiit o'-a ibe ’rt.V nd < joi>e renilier next, at tdne ilic i (no wil' oojao on for be a i'lm? 1 1 tiie court of ordimuy of u..d •Oiinty at i-he ustiA) Imur and place for holding wild t mrt. i! v< i undcl my liar and inj*jiQlc^(ffij