The Brunswick times-call. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1900-1902, November 22, 1900, Image 7

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Rico It is a high grade laundry - soap. * I ■•*•*?**■ * - *■- - It is a good soap. It is a hardwater soap. It is kept by all the leading grocers. Ask for it. Florida Soap Works, Jacksonville. jpWall Pap9r { ;V i ATyTHE— 'paint . STORE, 502 MonklSt* W:H. LYTLE PROPRIETOR. SHAKS WTO TOUBISHOBS. Allen’s Koot-K*??,. % powder. It cures pslufni, smarting, nergon, Joel and Ingrowing ail,iind instantly taiso- lav; sting out <3 corns and bun ions. Its >l* Kroi.,t comfrrt discovery of the H s e - r; 8 ros*t-Eae makes tight or new - shoes feel essp. Ht* a certain cure for sweat ing, cUom and hot. tired,aching feet. Try it loday. Soiil b)- a ii druggists anil shoe store#. “T tor *3 in ssnips. Trial package Free. Address Alh . fc. oimstead. Le Bov, N. T. 9 Far Whooping Cough use CHENEY’S EXPECTORANT LILSILA i 1 ■■ .mil. in. /ELI ZISSIMATO. 602i Newcastle St. Mi and:... .... tea a CIGAR3 AND TOBACCO All Kinds of Gand; . Our Greatoat Specialist - Newton Hath away toe so eucceaafuUy Seated chronic diseases that lie ie acka-wledfjed today to aland at the head of h * profession in , this line. His exclusive method of treatment for Varicocele f.aa Stricture v without the aid of knife or cautery aurea in 90 per cent, of *ll cases. In ;" the treatment of loss of vital forces nervous disorders, kidney and urinary complaints, paralysis, blood poisoning, rheumatism, catarrh and diseases pecuL tar to women, he is equally successful - Dr. Hathaway's practice is more than double that of any other specialist. Cases pronounced hopeless by other - physicians, readily yield to his treat ment. Write him today fully about your caße. He makes no charge for consultation or advice, either at his of fice or by mail. J. NEWTON HATHAWAY, M. D. 25 Bryan Street, Savannah, Ga ’ STOVES REPAIRED. Rice, the stove dcctor, repairs kinds or cook stoves and ranges, buy. aud sells second hand stoves, 414 Ravi street t tYOUH FACE IS YOUK FORTUNE. Throw aw avCosmetic*. American women throw aw %y seventy-ilve million doll ar* annually lor fao pow lers, lotions, etc., mo which aie m i &* n jcb ms nlHtncx an •troy ibefkin. I< l m ii t> J i jt Roe Healthy Complexion, get a VIRGIN RUBBER MASK. Restore* original contonr. permanently re moves pimples, freckles, blackheads, and all oemplexional imperfections. Absolutely barmlesa. Results Write for particulars. Price 13.00 by inai Glores $2.00 and 12.50 VIRGIN RUBBER CO- No West 14th St N. Y Brown Drug Cos., Sole Agts Brunswick, Georgia. B. J. OLEWINE Bic^les galling, Henting, Repairing,* -j' l lllS r Messenger Service? VjWiell Cleveland, Monarch, CHtwford, JP*gle. Elk, Dixie W Best of] Wheels for the Least Money. PPISLIC SALE. Georgia—Oounly of Giyan. Umler a power of sale contained m that cer tain deed to secure debt fr. m 1.. V. Carroll to Mrs. M. L Parker, said deed being recorded In Vol Sof mortgages, folio MS, there will bes id lietore the door of the court house of said county. In Brunswick, Georgia, on the first Tuesday in December proxi.i o, between the legal hours of sale to the highest and b at bid der, for oath, all of that certain tract, lot or parcel of land, situate In ss and county and at te, about s x miles north uf the city ol Brunswick, in fbe ‘.'Gth district u M., of said oounly,de scribed in a deed from R. M. Turner to said 2S acres of land, having the follow ing courses, distances and admeasurements to say: Commencing at a pine tree on the pub lic road leading from what la known as Die Old Chapel to the Sender Goodbiead Place, and running thence south 3, degrees we-t. 84 chains and 43 links to a stake; thence rti lining north 70 degrees west, 7 chaina and 50 links to a pine tree; tbonce running north 37 degreesea-t :U chains and 43 links to a blech gntu tree; thence running south 70 degrees cast, 7 chains and 50 links to the initial point; Raid tract hounded on the north by lands of estate of H. C, Da*, oi, rhe east by said public ro id fronrOhl Chapel to said Sonde Ueodor ad Pl'ei'e.bvi the south In public road and lands of riv.san K , Millet - , ani on the west by lan Is ‘if s id estate of said Day; Ming the place ;vcereal tb > said Carroll ope rates a kui'l.'f country farm, know n as Carroll s farm. Also that curiam other tract of land, .117 said county and di-Mric-, containing 8 acn e of land, adjoining the tract above described, and being particularly desorlbed as to courses and distances In said deed to Secure debt from said Carroll to Mis. Parker. Said two tracts of land to bo sold as the Property of said L. V. Carroll to satisfy tlie in-' debtedness named In said deed to secure debt, that Is $596 principal withs per cent, interest tbcreosi from March Ist, Won, until paid, be sides all costs of this sale as provided for in said deed to secure debt. Purchaser pays for titles. This Noyem her 6th, Won. t, „ _ V V. CARROLL, Grantor, By MRS. M. L. I’ARkE I{, Ids aront and at torney iu fact under the power of sale nforc aid TheTiMKiT CalIT job |6ffice is now in full'blast again and Ihog# gwtao desire to save money should let it bid on their work. Best workmen TandJ b?st equipped. Opera House ONE NIGHT ONLY. FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 23 DUNNE i RILEY'S Magnificent New Production of A MILK Wmi- FLAG, BY CHAd* K HOYT. A Company of 40 People Little C hip AND Three Sisters Fanchonetti. Military haWßnd operatic orchestra. Teeming and hrldiant musical A brand new pro duction, newWHL>new features, new costumes, nenHKyne StopWe'jAuyh and wnrksWjlb Cold. Laxative Bromo cure a cold in une day. No (jure, Price 5.6 cents $"■00 RewaaßlU* ! tVe will per the above reu .XOfkAhv ru-.- of Liver Complaint, In Jige.tion, Constipation or cannot cure with urerata, Llttfc Liver Pills, when the dir— N strictly complied with. They are purnSH table am! never fail to give sstiafaclioßß Iroxos contain 100 pills, Ido hoi contam pills, tc boxescontain is pills, of sus lltutes and imitations. So tby mail, stami labfn. NKHVITA MKDIOAL CO., cor. Clin I'm and J teksoa Sts.,Chicago, 111. For sale by l*wn Drug Cos. Ilrunswicit. (la gSanvar,naii, f h., Elks’ Grand Carni fsi and grreet Fair, Nov. 5-17, rOne fare for the round trip, [cent, admission i kjw hands! round trip per tt/fxVf, 20 or more on one ticker. Tickets . o sale Nov. 5,7,9.12,14,16,] with flnai limit N .v. 18. inclusive. I is. [ifr Millinery Eslishmi Newcastle .Street Wishes to Inform the ladies of.Brunswick that they will find the largest and latest novelties in Hats, * Waits* Caps, - Ritas, AND ALL KINDS OF HAIR GOODS, FANCY GOODS A Specialty. AfIJpSKDNSWIOK DON’T COUGH Stop it with Scott’s emulsion of cod-liver oil. A little coughing is nothing —the tickling, that makes you cough once, is some dust; not the least harm. You scratch an itch, and forget it. This cough is scratching an itch. But the cough, that hangs on and comes back, is the sign of an itch that hangs oiv.. and comes back. There is some thing that makes that itch. Inflammation: a germ per haps; it’s alive; like a seed in moist warm ground; it will grow if you let it. especially in children. We'tl send you a little to try. If you like. SCOTT & 150 WNli, gag Pearl street, New York. To Thu Public : Whereas, There are a number of houses In the sewerage district of the city not oonne ted with the sewer sys tem; aud, Whereas. The time has expired la which the digging of dirt is prohibited by ordinance, or otherwise; and, Whereas, The laws ot the city re quire that ail houses in the said district shall he connected— 9 This Ss, therefore, to notify ail peo ple concerned, that unless such home* are forthwith connected, the owners or agents thereof will be subjected tojthe penalties prescribed by law. Done at the city hall, this 10th of November, 1900. Dean D. Atkinbox, Stayor. Don’t l>© deceived or humbugged by people who claim the discovery of eorae hitherto un known herb or root in ewampa, or on gome mountain or prairie tor Lite cure of kidney and bladder troubles, Any doctor? or diuggiet with tell you that such claims or fraudulent. Foley’s Kidn* f Lore simply contains remedies that aro recog* i ?ed by the mo*t skilful physician* ns best for these complaints, so don’t be credulous or fooliuh. WY J. Butts, Second hand household furniture bought and sold; also pianos, organs, trunks, mirrors, carpets, etc. J. W; Watkins'. You can’t afford to clsk your life by allowing a cough or a cold to develop into pneumonia or \oDKumpttoh One Miuufco Cough Cure will Vie throat and lung troubles quicker than pJV other pirparution known. Many d<*etois ** * It >8 nn infallible ;, Jor croup. Children like it and moth- VV. J. butts. THE like "cf ff!l Wife Ms which I now have on exhibition, CALLjAXI) EXAMINE. Tfi. F. Winter, THE TAILOR, 311 Newcastle St. won OUT LAND. It Can Be H. .cored to Fortuity by Judicious rwtnitiif. Question—What can be done to re •tore my worn out laud? A gentleman, who removed to Geor gia from one of the states of the great west a few years ago, visited Atlanta during the Interstate Fair, held In Ooto her. Iu speaking of worn out lauds hs said that Georgia farmers were not the only ones who by an exhaustive system of cultivation had deprived good lands ol their fertility. When people began to settle up the western stages and found lauds that gave yields of 40 and OQ bushels of wheat to the acre, Ihey used the same land year after year with out returning anything to the soil, with the result that the yield diminished un til 6 bushels to the acre was the best that oould be obtained. Some of them quit farming and began the raising of blooded cattle for the dairy and for beef, saving the manure and applying it to the land in order to improve the pas ture grounds. It was soon discovered that wherever cattle were kept the land was being rapidly restored to its origi nal fertility. Now there is no su6h thing as worn out lands among good farmers in the west. Skillful fertiliza tion and rotation of crops koops the land productive. This gentleman purchased a place in Georgia on which most of the land was what is oalled worn out. He went to work to build it up according to tha methods so often recommended by this department, viz; judicious fertilizing with both commercial and homemade fertilizers, studying the nature of hit soil and trying to supply it with the ele ments most necessary for its renewal. Among other purchased sev eral fine Jersey*, whloh supplied him with milk and butter not only for home consumption, but also for sale. The droppings from these cows wero care fully oolleoted and applied to the land in some places alone and in eihers in com bination with other fertilizers. Me rotated his orops also and now consilient his farm among the host of its size in middle Georgia. He regards the pea vine hay as oub of the host restorers oi land and thinks highly also of the velvet beau. This gentleman says that no land that has ever been good can become ss exhausted that Its fertility cannot be re stored by skillful farming.—State Agri cultural Department. The profit of a gold min# depends, not on the amount of rock crushed under the stamps but upon the amount of gold which can be extract ed from the rook. In a similar way the value of food which is eaten dots not depend on the (jiiaiitHy which Is taken Into the stomach but upon the amount of nourishment extracted from it by theorgansof nutrition and digestion When those organs are diseased they fall to ox tract the nourishment iu sufficient quantities to supply the needs of the several organs of the laxly and these organs cannot work without nourishment. The result is heart trouble, liver trouble and many other ailments. Dr. Pierce’s Golden Medical Discovery, acting on every or an of the digestive And nutritive system, re ores it to health and vign*. It cures diseases remote from the stomach through the stomach in which they originated. Golden Medical Discovery contains neither alcohol ;nor nar coticsv Mrs. T. ttriddleman, of Parshallvilie Mioh., was troubled with Halt rbcurn for thirteen years and had tried a number of doctors without relief. Af ter two or thr" applications of Ban oer Salve, her bands became better, and in a short time she was entirely cured. 60 YEARS’ PE RIE NC E iffi < i " A . Tradc Ma'hk**-. Designs r 'fv’ Copyrights fafe Anyone sending a sketch and description mmy quickly ascertain our opinion Tree whether an intention is probably patentable. Communica tions strict lyconfidrvitifil. T {and nook on Patents sent free. Oldest agency foi securing patents. Patcuta taken through Munn & Cos. receive tpfxial notice, without charge, in the Scientific American. A hnmlsouiely Illustrated weekly. Largest cir culation of any scientific journal. Terms. $3 a year: ffm*’ months, sl. Sold by all newsdealers,, MUNN i Cos. 36 ’ New YorK Branch Office, w 5 Y Bt., Wa-tblngtou, b. C. CASTOR IA Tor Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought ~ BUYTHEGENUINE^ SYRUP OF FIGS . . MANUFACTURED B? ... CALIFORNIA TIQ £>VRUP CO. nrsini! TRr :v i .11 - -.i-. . | ALWAYS KEEP ON HAND fPdm-Kite t Thera Is no kind of pain l or ache, Internal or exter-' : nal, that Pain-Killer will ’not relieve. (LOOK OUT FOR IMITATIONS AN SUB. ' , STITUTES THE GENUINE BOTTLE* [ BEARS JPE NAME, I I PERRY DAVIS A SON. ] Bright's Disease. High living, iu temperance, exposure and many other things bring on Bright’s disease., Foley’s Kidney Cure will prevent Bright’s dis ease and all other kidney or bladder disorders tf taken in time. Take; nothing~else. W. J Butts. Bloodworth&Jones New Liverv Stables New Buggies Fine Horses Prompt attention given ah orders. Drayage a spec ialty. Phone 24-3. E St EEOfiGIt UHCltll /in BRUNSWICK, GEORGIA Civil and criminal httemi-.d to tni&lnefe* btricfcly copfttie&UHi. quire* conducted with seor^ov. L. *J. leavy lYleneaetr Southern Railway Cos. Office of General Agent, Brunswick, Ga. SCHEDULES. For SRVRiinali, Washington and New York. Lv Brunswick. 8 40 am 05 pm na s 10 30 am 13 50 am * S auhliigton 7 115 am 750 pm Ar Now York 3 Oil pm 6 23 im For Jacksonvillo. X.v Brunswick ... 500 am it 25 pra 905 rm Ar Jacksonville.. 0 2-7 am 740 pm 130 nm For Macon, Atlanta, Louisville mid Cincinnati at , „ ! , rulHwi,;k 640 am 905 pm Ar Macon 115 pm 3 00 mu Ar Atlanta 8 50 pm 520 am Ar Louisville 7onm IHo p™ Ar Cincinnati 7 45 am 7 4o pm From New York, Washington and Savannah. Lv Now York .. 80 pm 12 15 am I.v Washington.. I. 55 pm nl6 am Lv Savannah ... 3 pm 520 am son ,m Ar Brunswick... 8 2i/-m 505 am Is? ££ From .lamsiniU 10. T.v Jacksonville.... 1 ar, pm Ar Brunswick 8 25 pm From g-ncinnati, Louisville, Atlanta and - Macon. Lv Ciucinnati 8 30 am 8 00 pm Iu P" if 1,6 7 45 am 7 45 pm AU-’nta 10 4ft pm 12 ffi prp •'li!*" 1 " , 100 am 230 pm Ar Brunsw ck I If am e 35, !,m 1J- M BURNETT,! Gnii, tioyjuedaiidprovisiois. Our special mixture is t.lip" —" Best Milk Producer. Chous 9,'i, 319-21 Newcastle St. John M Gtecle I Application for re- tier, formerly j mov/il of Jjilig'l'* I disabilities. “ ~ ven thnt on the fith day of Orttoft-. blod in the office of the (• county l. * apfTWUHraߣUL>Yai< r >ho disa bilities r esting In :lr • ini of bis former ugalnsi him for divorce. Hid that pm.T non will be beard at the term of stud court, te fifinniiifc on flic first Monday in December next. This October 8, 1900. JOHN M. bTKELK Ship Notice. Neither the master, owners or con signees of the Norwegian bark Vl neta will be rrsponiihlo for any debts contracted by the crew of ssid bark. PEDERSEN. Master. Hbip Notice. Neither the master, owners or con signees of the British schooner Sirocco will be responsible for any debts con tracted by the crew of said schooner, ilof/DKII, Master, rbamborUin’# Btoaiach and Liver Tablets cure biliousness con.nipatlon and hoa<f*cbQ They areciuiytotako and p!on ant n effect For tale at fltshop'* Drug Store. m “t. WHEN LAGRIPPS * • BEGINS, CURE IT! •re well, the effects of le Grippe end quinine together, often sense more Ucknexa. JOHNSON’S CHEL 8 FEYIB IONIC Cures In • Day or Night. No tod effects are felt and you don't have to pat yourself on s steady diet of It, a* you do with qninina. Mr. W. W. Caldwell, of Ohioan, write* that eight doses taken In one day enred him completely. It will cars you. 600. per bottle If it cures. Not one oent If it doe* not enrw A. B. aiRARDEAU, } Savannah, Ga. Cures Coughs, Colds, Bronchitis, Consumption, Asthma, Throat and Lung Troubles. ; DR. J. H. MEAN'S TAR WINE LUNG BALM An unfailing remedy for Irritation of the Throat and Lungs. This Medicine positively contains no Opium or other drugs injurious to the stomach. 23c, 50c and $i a bottle, at druggists. THE DR. J. H. MCLEAN MEDICINE CO., T. LOUIS, MO. *+++/*+> FOR SALE BY .WSAAjV W J BUTTS, The Druggist.* NOTICE OF APPJ,rOA I'JON FOR RAILROAD CHARTER. State of Georgia, ) To the Honoral-le, the See- County of rotary of Slate of the State GJynn. } of Georgia. The petition ol C. Downing, F. D Aiken, Jwiiser, K. Jl. Mason, N. Emanuel, T. Newman, ’il* Jj ‘ R - Ail <<‘n, E. Brobston and WLv Brantley, rcapectfuJly shows: I. That ench ami all of said petition G s , cent L. R, Aiken, reside In the Citv • Ut tj wdek, County of Glynn and State <>t (j • and that petitioner 1,. R. Alkor - i,,'.,' Mount Pleasant, County of Wave < a t nf Georgia. IT. That petitioners desire obtain r themselves, their fmcccsgorn and apsiiru* * charter for a railroad company to be know n ns the Brunswick Birmingham Railroad Com pany, and they seek to be incorporated folder nch name as n corporate brdy. for the purpose f building and operating a railway line uuder aid charter. ID. That the length of the railroad proposed to be built by said cempnny will be abemtfour hundred and fifty (460 miles, ns near as can le estimated at this time, aud that the general di rection ol same will bo southeast to northwest D • That said proposed ai iroad beginning in the City of Bnuuwie ,Q rgia, wM prob lildy run through the < ntij of <.lynn, Wayne, Pierre, Appling, Coffee, lx .n, Wilcox, Dooly, Pumter, nebstm and hi. w it, in the Htte of Georgia, to a point on the boundarv line }>e tween Georgia am! Jrtahama within the county of S'ewart, in tin- of Georgia, and from said point to tin* cities of Montgomery and Jlir* mingh-m in tlie Mate of Alabama, amijffio principal places fr* m wiiieli and to wltifdrn, is ]/i;o ost*d 10 construct said railroad nro Brtins -wick, Georgia, and Montgomery and Blrrmntr-tSfc ham, Alabama. Y I’hat It is ] ropoped to issue capital stock in aid railroad eompunp to the amount of ilf coo thousand (flfl.OOO) lor each mile of said proposed iailroad, capitalization of six .id I lion seven hundred and fifty thousand co*l; : s < *‘i,7ao,o! 0) t and all of the capital stock is to we common stock and none of it preferred si ock. * VI. That petitioners desire that the charter for saW railroad company, obtained under this peution, shall continue in force for the full pmiod fixed by law, to wit: One hundsed and one (101) years. VJI. That it Is proposed to locate the prinef palufflce of waid railroad company in the City of Brunswick, Georgia, and pctltionora ahow that thiy do intend in K<d faith, immediately upon the the charter heroin prayed for. to go forward without delay to secure sut tcrlptlons t 4 the capital struck, construct, equip maint.-iin and operate said railroad: Where fore petitioners pray that they, their successora and assigns, may ho incorporated na such rail road company, under the said corporate name of the Brunswick & Birmingham Railroad Company, under the laws of the State of Geor gia, with all the lights, powers and piivilegea meedent and pertinent to similar railroad cor porations and as are fixed and defined by the law of said Stute, and petitioners will ever pray. C. Downing, wNBSBpaWBMKBEfcw V I. Aiken, M. Kaiser, mnmwmwmmm K. 11. Mason, N. Krnnnnel, T. Newman, J. J. Lott. L. It. Aik< n, E, Brobat.on, W. G Brantley* SHERIFF’S SALE. GEORGIA. Glynn County. Will be sold before the courthonse door in Brunswick, on first Tuesday in December, nineteen hundred, the leasehold estate expir ing January Jet, 11178, In the following parcels of land in Town Com mops of Brunswick: I>ot number 111 Imtrween Gordon and Johnson streets; and the southeastern quarter of lot nutnl*er 111 between Johnston and Bartow 8 reels. Sold as property of estate of A. T. I utnam, under execution issued by the tax collector of said county against A. T Putnam, Tor state arid county taxes. W.H. BERKIR, Sheriff. J. W, Watkins will loan you money on personal prop erty and real estate. The editor of tho KoMvDle, Ky„ Mi.coll.n eous. writes u a poetfei lpt to a businoss letter: “I wa.cyed ot klita.y trouble by taking Foley’* Kidney Cure,” Take noth!.* elite. W.J.Buu.