The Brunswick times-call. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1900-1902, November 23, 1900, Page 4, Image 4

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4 The Brunswick Times. X*tateH*fc*4 MM- The Brunswick Call. Established ISBI. The Brunswick Times-CaJl, CONSOI.IDATEI) ISOO, Published X VKUY MOBNINQ EXCEPT MONDAY. ABTHTTE H LEAVY - - - ' * Editor SOLAK9 A. MULLINS, Business Manager .A—— m Orlethorpe BlOak.SllE Btr*t orrto* j ibmci'iionb mo *l. TO SUBSCRIBERS: Subscriber* are requeeted to notify the office arhon they fail to get any issue of the Tfanee- Calt. Attention to this matter will he appro mated by the publisher*. The Ttme-Cau twill bo! 'Delivered by earrier or mail, per year. *6oo;per eente. Correapondenoe on ltvo •nbjocte toilet ted. Beal name of writer should ac- MBtpany tamo. Bnbecriptione PyM “ S reported to lh* business office. Address *ll •rmmuiiicaUoum to ttSSr - T jj|g TIMBS-CAXIrt BrunWick,Ga. NOTICE. Hereafter all legal advertise ments muat be paid for after the first insertion- The management has been put to a great deal of trouble and delay In collecting in the past, and In future muat take advantage of the Georgia law on thla subject, Oot. 10,1900, •‘lt la not for me to advise” says Sen ator Platt. No, he generally orders. While the North and East are house-, bound by snow storms, wo people of the Southland are wearing linen duster*. The syrup industry In Glynn county is growing and we are glad to say that it proves to be raonev making. The administration Is going to take the hull by the boritß m the FhiUipplnes. It has been decided that the only way to end the insurrection there is to end it. Gen. MacArthur has been so In structed. He has been given a free hand and will be held responsible. The Tampa Tribune says':' “The promises of circus men are many and varied. The managers of the show that exhibited m this city Monday and Tuesday told the people of Tampa that they intended wintering in this olty. A perusal of the Jacksonville and Savannah papers shows that they have told the same thing iu those otttes This seme old gag was worked bare some weeks ago by Gentry's show. It is a good scheme to get paoked tents. A GREAT INJUSTICE. Supdrluteodeut I’owell, of the date lunatic asylum, In bis report to the geu eral assembly tells that bojy of tbs great injustice which is being ordinary insane at separating them - nsane, and the Timks-Uall thinks that our lawmakers should give the matter their attention. In the report Mr. Powell says; *" I have repeatedly called the atten tion of the General Assembly, through your predecessors, to the importance of separating the convict insane from the ordinary insanr. It is certainly contrary to the dictates of humaolty to force the association of insane people, because they are sick, with the worst class of convicts and criminals. It is undoubt edly a great Injustice, and lo my judg- meat, if properly appreciated, would be speedily remedied by proper legislation; hence I urge the importance of calling the attention of the General Assembly to this matter ao that some be taken to prevent this unjust associa tion of the worthy invalids with con victed thieves and murderers, I can only repeat what I have said time and again in regard to the flagrant injustice of having the ordinary insane associated with the convict insane. This injustice is condemned by all who have the care of the insane, and they fully agree in the opinion that the wards of a hospital lor the ordinary Insane are not the pro per places for the care, custody and treatment of the convict insane. They cannot be securely kept; a majority of them will ultimately make their escape knowing that we keep no dogs to catch them; hence, the injustice to society that this class should bo turned loose on them. Its tendency ie to encourage the feigning of insanity for the purpose of escape. They are the most disturbing, demoralizing element we have, and we have to keep them under constant obser vation—often confining them In their rooms, and taking the time of the at tendants frequently from the care of the ordinary insane. There is no good rea son why a hospital in connection with the prison farm, to accommodate ten or twelve, should not be established for this class, whore they could get wise and judicious employment, one of the most Important ameliorating and curative treatments for the insane, which we cannot give them here with any degree of safety." STILTED LANGUAGE. “The Hartford Oourant,” says News paperdom, “amuses itself with some of the newspaper English of the day. It read* with interest that oertaln young and hopeful persona are to be “united in the holy bonds of matri mony,” and this not altogether novel announcement suggests the influeuoe of the marriage eeremony upon tbeuse of language. Trains start at 12 o’olook, and now and then somebody is said to be married at that hour; but a* a rule,' though it may be 12 when tbe car* start, it is “high noon” when the cler gyman makes hi* declaration to and about tbe waiting couple. Nobody has yet explained what makes the noon "high,” but the fact is accepted as an inoident of oooasion. Just so, while now aud then some people ore “mar ried,” it is expected of them either that they shall be “united in msrriage” or in tbe “holy bonds of matrimony," or else “joined in wedluok.” And weddings are not alone in their stilted phraseology. Take funerals. Fruit is Lif© not get tbo Dell? We sell at a reasonable price, too. Fancy N. Y\ Apples Fine Fat Bananas, Sweet Florida Oranges, Grape Fruit, Etc. m LLOYD’S, THONK 255 8 (Nrxt door to Fleming A Wa(s TSJEpBBUNSWICK TIIfEB-CAXL, HOTEMBE* 23, MOO one savd Prom a wreck will attract the world's attention to the ltte-sover. Vet let the life-saving bo continued every day. and very soon it attracts no public attention. If the scene of the saving of one life by that life-saving remedy, Dr. Pierce’s Golden Medical gns.^Goliteu arid almost certain jp? fcalTiiscovogr f think I wools be in my grave to-day,* writes Mr Moses Miles, of HTliUrd, Uinta Cos., Wyoming. *1 had asthma no bad 1 could oot deep and was compelled so (rfvt up work rt affected my luar* so that 1 coughed all the time both day ana njght. My friends all thought 1 had con sumption. My wife inaiafed on my trying 'ttofoen Medical Discovery ' 1 have taken foqr bottles and am now a wall man, weighing i pounds—thanks to Dr. Merge.* The People's Common Sense Medical Adviser in paper covers, is sent free on receipt of 21 ooe-cent at.imps to pay the Coot of moiling only. Address Dr. H_ V. Pierce, Buffalo, N. V. Generally wo are told that tbe “sol emn burial service” was used. Tbia la Always a relief. Friend* might have ■sleeted the humorous service, or have bad service for and when It la made oltVV&t they had a solemn and servloe at a funeral, you realize that they have done tbe proper thing by the one who baa -‘passed away.” jj Today taka Foley’s Honey and Tar It positively prevents pneumonia, or other serious results from colds. It may be too late tomorrow. <. announcement. To the voters of the 28th District G. M., Glynn county; ~ I hereby solicit the support of the voters of said district at the election to be held lor justice of the peace on the first Saturday in next. If elected will endeavor to perform, the duties pjf aaid office faithfully. §- Respectfully; JAS. T. I j AMBIUGHT. There is no pleasure in life if you dread going to the table to cat and eqe’t r*t at night on ac count of trdletwtlon. 'Ttgnii W tlVlgßu, of Booh vlUu, led., rays he surged that w*y for year*, till ho commenced ihcuse of Kofiof ljf. peptJe Cure, and udda: .-iotw 1 can eat any tlilogl lfke andiil 1 want and st ep roundly every night.” tCodol Dyspepsia Cure will and! geat wnat you cat. W. J. Butts. For Croup use CHANEYS EXPECTORANT Both makers and circulators of .minterlVlT* commit fraud. Honest men will not dceohs yon into buying worthless counterfeits of l>i Witt’s W itch Hazel Salve. The original is In fallible for coring piles, sores, eczema and nil ekiu diseases. W. J. Butts. Tb. tr a tor of JV*** ents to the court in . 5 ,*|PiWW nHI srd entered on mord, ifitrtias fully ndiuinit.ter'Hl sshi T>. B. Kin y estate This is therefore to cit.‘ aU persons [ ooncefned. kindred and creditors, to tho r cause, tf anv they can, why said administrator I onoula not be discharged from bis adininistra , Uoa, and receive letters of dismission on the 1 Aral Monday in 1901. I IIQU kt’K DART, Ordinary. OUR link of Gents Furnishings is now compuktg. New Goods Arriving Each Week J. H HELLER & BROS, 314; Newcastle St. Between C. McGarvey’s and|Thomas*Keaney, CHEAP ADYEBTISIMG. CASH IN ADVANCB AA T.rtiacßicnu la this Minna will ba insert ed al the uniform rate of One Cent a Word for each Insertion. No advertisement, however m all, leu than SO cents. Caah In advance. Morphine, opium, laudanum,cocoaloe habit; myself cuted. will inform you of harmless, permanent heme cure. Mary 8, Baldwin, box 1212, Chicago. Hustling young man can make *6O per month and expenses, Permanent position. Experience unnecessary. Write quick for particulars, Clark & Cos., 4th & .Locos Streets, Philadel phia, Pa. HELP WANTED-MALK. Manager.—Old established mercan tile bouse wants honest, capable man to manage branch. Salary $125 month, extra eommisaions. No soliciting re quired, but most take general direc tion and be ambitioue. Good refer ences and |BOO cash required. Experi ence as manager not necessary, if qualified In other respect*. “Opportu nity,” Drawer 74, New Haven, Coon, FOR SALE—BUTLER’S ISLAND.— This well-known noe plantation, sit uated on the Altamaba river, opposite Darien, containing 1,200 under bank ; also, summer residence on thejealti, with amall house, five miles from Da rien, containing 17 aores. Price for whole, *II,OOO. For further particulars, apply to Mr. B. T. Sinclair, Darien, Mclntosh county, Ga. FOR BENT.—Seven-room bouse, near the hospital. Only *lO 00 per mouth. W. W. Brockington. lIAY FOR SALE—Five carloads of ohoioe Bermuda bay, at $16.00 per too, laid down in Brunswick, Ga. Sold only in car load lots at this price Jas. L.-Brown, Jr., Oreeatboro,Qa.fl FORSALE-LITTLE BT. 81 MON’S ISLAND, containing 6,000 aoree Good game preserve-deer, dueks, etc. besides beat fishing on the coast, with hard beach of several miles in extent. EkoeUent oyster bed. Prloe, $30,000. Also, Canon’s point, oo Great Ht. Simon's Island, containing about 580 awe*, directly opposite Little St. Bi moo's Island. Good tabby foundations fot a new House. TMi property la sixty miles from Savannah, fourteen fellies from Brunswick, with both of which places there is daily connection by ateamer. It t* on the Island next to Jekyl, and suitable in every re*pot for a hooting and fishing club,- Price, *IO,OOO. For further particulars, apply Mr. James T. Dent, Evelyn, Glynn county, Georgia. Try Boromol Tooth Pow ders. Butts, The Druggist. SPECIAL NOTICE. Neither master nor consignees of the British steamship Icemore will be res •ponalble for sny debts contracted by the crew of said steamer, Wm. Johnetm & Cos. Ltd, Agt. CALL ON L. A. Miller M m i m m I . y ? 111 in (I r i nuNte Large Stock Just Keceived. 1 Corner Bty and Man,Held. Phone 177 Only place In town where kiln dried lumber can be bought. ( )O<>DKOPSj| S? WvSIJ £ ap M SjsL ** AVtgetable Preparalionfor.Vs- j similating the Food andßegula ling the Stomachs andJßowels of INFANIS/C HIi.DKLN' Promotes Digestion.Cheerfuf ness and Rest. Contains neither Omum.Morplune nor Mineral NOT C OTIC. Seal- . Alx S’mrul * j Knhtls Self- I Aar So* f I SSKs2fedSafe- / HSnrSeal- l J Aperferl Remedy forConslipa fton. Sour Stomach.Diarrhoca Worms .Convulsions .Feverish ness and Loss OF SLEEP. Facsimile Signature oT 42 NEW YORK. AI i> 111 o 111 h % old J) Host S- I MS Exact copy or wrapper.. H. M. MILLER & SON. ,f i T ——-—— a* Monday’# ateamer will bring us a line ot Oriental Tapestries, Screens, Couch Cover, Cur tains, etc. direct from those fa mous of Oriental goods oj^p A. aJJaNTINE & CO a lot of muslin and J Curtains, Cut Glass, pilverware, Rugsietc- Wlr>. OF C ARDUI HEALTHY OLD AGE.YJgpS i *"%. Linen, Brirron 00. in , Aug. S. 9)| O' r am <S years old and hare been suScrlng with ■ v I\\l //* fl Change ot Life. I had flooding epelle to bad that bob* thought 1 rould lira My husband got me |k^ wine ot Cardni and It eared my Uta. lam Uka EJS f* 518 another person since teklng it. \ w MBS. E B. TOWNSEND. ||ln' Jl feasS It b the devout wish of nearly all people to live to a ripe old age. None of us want to die young. This universal desire can be realized if care be taken of the health In early and middle life. A little precaution then win add many years to our existence; Death can be kept tway a long time. Happy, healthy old age will be the lot of the woman who promptly corrects the aliments which afflict her sex. In youth, Wine of Cardul will take the female child safely over the dividing une between girlhood and womanhood. Asa wife she needs It to help her through the trials of pregnancy and childbirth with as little discomfort ts possible. At the Change of Life tt will help her over the dangerous place that eppeara la her pathway between 40 and SO; Then will come many years of truly blissful existence. She will grow old slowly and gracefully. To the last she will preserve that charm and beauty which are always cbaracteristUt usttr atvitasv iimstbist. It b for women atone to decide r <vmitlo in cmm riairtnc ndai * nether they wiu be healthy or ams ***•, for their su*. nnnirm co.. Cbnsnsnogn. Tnm. ness is dose at hand. LARCE BOTTLES OF WINE O F CARDUI SOLD TOR SI.OO BY DRUGGISTS. WINE OF CARDUI GASTORIA ! For Infants and Childron The Kind You Have Always Bought ! Bears the £ * ! Signature /yjjr \hjr Use Uf For Over ! Thirty Years GASTORIA Wlr VWB OCMTAun BWNNV. Niw VOMK OfTT. ,