The Brunswick times-call. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1900-1902, November 24, 1900, Image 12

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The Brunswick Times. latrtlifM Ut9. The Brunswick Call. Ketabluhed 18M. The Brunswick; Times-Call, COSSOUDATED WOO. rjlUlßhed SVKKY MOBNING EXCEPT MONDAY. AXTHUB H. LEAVY Editor BOLAND A. MULLINS, Business Manager inlDfletOorpeßlock,2ll F Street, OkflG* j l*t*ri!Oßl BO 31. TO SUBSORIBEBS: Subscribers are requested to notify the office when they fell to got any issue of the Timee- OML Attention to thla matter will be appre ciated by the publishers. The Tlmei-CaU fwill be: Delivered by carrier or mall, per year. 56.00; per week 15 eeata. Correspondence on live enbjecta eollcUed. Seal name of writer should ae eompany tame. Subscriptions payable In a dvance. Failure to receive paper ebonld be reported to the bnaineas office. .Addreaeall etmmunicationv to sue.— - THE timeß _caLL, Brunswick,Ga NOTICE. Hereafter all legal adverttie ments must he paid for after the first Insertion. The management has been put to a great deal of trouble and delay In collecting in tho paat, and In future must take advantage of the Georgia law ou this subject, Oet. 10, 1900, The Augusta Herald Belts "waen’t there a man named Bryan?” Mark Twain nya Tom Heed ‘ has do •erted politics and is leading a credit able life.” Senator Jones eays those who ace talking of reorganizing the democratic" party arc the very oneß who desert ed it. According to the Boston Herald, Judge Simeon IS. Baldwin, of the Su premo court of Connecticut, continues his advocacy in public of the whipping post for certain classes of criru'nals. Ho has made an address before the Hartford Business Men’s Association on the subject, in vthloh ho offers very Strong arguments on the subject, In favor of his views. The eminent citizen of" Wyoming, Who was running for congress, and de clared that the woman’s vote was the easiest to manipul&to, has not vet been able to burrow through the avalanche of ballots under which he was hurled, BRAVE WORDS THESE. la his address at Marseilles, Paul Kruger said: "The war waged on us in the two re publics reached the last limits of bar* kbansra. During my life 1 have had to fight many of the tribes the barbarians we hive fo~fight now are worse than others. They even urge the Kaffirs against us burn the farms we worked so hard aud they drive out our children, whoso husbands As thej have killed or taken ■kg them unprotected ®*trn Without iirihi to SSI rn.iv ,10, c will lifj&wi’l fight to the fe 1 ffifcl in wu r * n and if tha justice of men la wanting to us, Ha, tha Eternal, who la meater of all deoplea, and to whom belongs the fut ure, will neyer abandon us. igY ‘fl assure you that if the andtheOraoge Fiee Htate mutt loie their Independence it will be becousa anl the Boer people have been destroy sd with tbelr women and children.” How could these word* fails to im pre.a any liberty loving country? We should honor tbe French for the recep lton to Eruger because his country is martyred In the English greed for the gold and he deserves sympathy. OPERA ETIQUETTE. At the theatre last night at least a hundred gentlemen would go out be tween the acta. Of course they have a right to do this if they desire but we think it Is bad taste for a gentleman who occupies a seat in the middle of a row, to cause the ladies Inconvenience by grabbing his hat and hunting the door every time the curtain goes down, Those who have end seatd" and re turn before the curtain rises may be lolorated, hut to make a lady move is the height of impoliteness. The ladles very cheerfully leave their headgear at borne, and as they have done this much for the comfort of tbe opposite sex let that good turn desorve another. WHAT’B THE MATTER WITH US? It le useless to attempt to dligutse tbe fact that tbe /gout is over, and that today tb* future of Brunswick loom* up brighter than It baa seemed for. many years. And yet, there are some few who have fallen into tba habit of pessimism and cannot gat oat of it. It fa a very bad and dsogeroua habit. It hurt* tbe isolated Individual more than it hurts tbs town or tbe community, but it is unfortunately in fectious, and if it Is allowed to beoome epidemic just at this time, it will do Bruuswiok more barm than the “epi dentio” of malarial typhoid she expe rienced some few years ago. Tbe iso lated oase of oroaking pessimism should be promptly quarantined and kept in a healthy atmosphere of com mon sense on a diet of hope and good cheer. No city iu the United States has pass ed through more trying ordeals than Brunswick, but today she stands on an even footing with any city of the same population In this broad laod, and a little more self help, a little more pub lic spirit and a little less croaking will land her far ahead iu the race. Stamp out pessimism! Scare the croaker off and get in the push’. With a good lead and a stout heart, we’re all right. Say, Young V 1 Man! 1 have just gotten in a dandy line of FINE CHOCOLATE and BON SONS and there it nothing that your best girl woud appreciate more than one of our fancy gift packages, It's a regular Soo candy for from 40 to 600 a lb. Nothing bet ter made, and delight fully fresh. LLOYD’S,. THONK 255 2 X (Next door to Fleming A Waff) THEjBR DN 8 WICt TIMES-CALL, NOYXMBEK 24,1900 m Of 1 533 Orange Street, Los Angeles, Cal., writes: "I had been afflicted with my eyes for over a vear with such a dreadful itching and inflammation that I could not use them for anything. Physicians bad given me many different remedies which were like using so much water; they measured my eyes for glasses, which 1 got and wore for soma time, but they did not benefit me in the least. My mother desired me to write to Dr. R. V. Pierce and explain the condition of my eyes. I did so, and after following your advice, and using eight botties Of the * Pavorite Prescription ’ and eight of the ‘Golden Medical Discovery,’ can say my trouble is entirely cured. I Would advise any one so afflicted to try these wonder ful medicines. My health was never so good as it is now, and I shall never tire of praising Dr. Pierce’s medicines." Sick women are invited to consult Dr. Pierce by letter and secure s specialist’s advice free of charge. * WRMITO Dtt.RV.PIEBCE BUFFALO, N.Y. AU OOBttSPONDfNtf PRIVAIL John M Steele I Application for rs- JsnieHudler, formerly I moral of Janie Steele. | disabilities. Notice is hereby given that on tbe nth dv of October, 1000, the undersigned Bled In the office of tbe clerk of the Superior court of Glyaa county his application for removal of the disa bilities resting upon hiu) under tha verdict and lodgment rendered in said court May 2L )ooi, in tho ; suit of hls former . wife, Jmale gcs-S? s gainst arm for divorce, amt that naTdepphca. lion will be heard at the term oMaid court ho. ffii Mooaay ~ fOB* M. STNiICUt Try BoromoPTooth Pow ders. Butts, The Druggist; . "TC- Today take Folay’a Honey and Tar It positively prevent* pneumonia, o* other serioos results frofii cold*. It may be too late tomorrow. • y— ... •■■nil ■■■" 111 ANNOUNCEMENT. To the voter* of the 2U’h District G. M., county: • "i I hereby solicit the support of the voters of said district at the election to be held lor justice of the peace on the first Saturday In December next. If elected will endeavor bp perfo-m the duties of said office faithfully. Respectfully, Jas. T. I.a.murioiit. . J . ' '' "~ ’ JJtjf There is no pleasure In llf if you di ea.t going to the table to cat and can’t rest at night on ac cotml of Indigestion. Semy WjHieras, of Boonvllle, Ind., says lo suffered that way for yeai *, till he commenced the use of Kodol Dys pepsia Cure, end adit*; “Now I can eataur tbiny I like and all 1 want and sleep soundly every night. ’• Kodol Dyspepsia Cure will di gest what you eat, W. J. Nutts. For Croup use CHENEYS EXPECTORANT Both maker* end circulators of coiiuterfeiu commit fraud. Honest men will cot deceive you into buying worthless or lutevfeits of De- Witt’s W Itch lias. -jl\ r. The origlnel Is In fallible for curing piles, sores, ecieina and all skin diseases. IV. J. Butts. JwIlH A&, WITATION. Georgia-Glynn County. W bereas John J. Spears, administrator ot D. B. Emory estate, repre.euts to the court in hls petition, duly filed ard entered ou record that he has fully rdminituered said D. B. Em ory estate. This is therefore to cite all persons concerned, kindred and creditors, to show cause, if anv they can, why said admintstrsto: should not lie iliaoharged from hls administra tion, and reaelaatotters of dismission on the Urst Monday Ml Februsry, ISI. DART, Ordinary, - OUr UUVE OF Gents Furnishings is now compeetg. New Goods Arriving Each Week J H. HELLER & BROS., 314 Newcastle St*. McGarvey’s andlThomasJKeaney, * ADVERTISING, N IN ADVANCE Ad verilaeaent* i( *AI column will be Insert ed at the uniform re ii ol One Cent a Word for each Insertion. No ad/ ortl, '™® nt ’ however m all, less than 60 cent*. G*b la advance. Morphine, opium, laß(l*num,cocoalne habit; myself cuted. will inform you of harmless, permanent home ctH*. Mary 8. Baldwin, box 1212, Chicago, v. Hustling young man can make''~WQ per month and expenses, Permanent position. Experience unnecessary. Write quick for particulars, Clark & Vo,, 4tb A Locus Streets, Philadel phia, Pa. HELP WANTED—MALE. Manager.—Old-established mercan tile boose want* honest, oapable man to manage branch. Salary $125 month, extra eommissiona. No soliciting re quired, but must take general direc tion and be ambltioua. Good refer ences and |BOO cash required. Experi ence as manager not necessary, if qualified in other respect*. “Opportu nity,” Drawer 74, New Haven, Conn, FOR SALE—BUTLEH’B ISLAND.— This well-known rice plantation, sit uated on the Altamaha river, opposite Darien, containing 1,200 under bank; also, summer residence on tbejssps, with small house, five miles from Da rien, containing 17 acres. Priee for whole, SII,OOO. For further particulars, apply to Mr. B. T. Sinclair, Darien, Molntosh eoonty, Ga. FOR RENT.—Seven-room bouse, hear tbe hospital. Only $lO 00 per fpooth, W. W. Brockington.. HAY FOR SALE.—Five car leads of choice Bermuda bay, aUsl6.oopefton, laid down in Brunswick, Ga. Sold only in Gar load lots at this price T *. hi Brown, Jr., Greensboro,Qa-TI FOR SAJL.®—LITTLE bt. SIMON’S ISLAND, containing 0,000 sores Good game preserve—deer, docks,etc. besides best ttshitigon the ooast, with hard beach of several miles in extent. Excellent oyster bed. Prloe, $20,000. , A-’*o, Canon's point, on Great St. Simon’s Island, containing about 580 adres, directly opposite Little St. Bi mau’s Island. Good tabby foundation* for anew boot*. Tela property ii •ixty miles from Savannah, fourteen miles from Brunswick, with both of which places there is daily connection by steapier. It ton the Island next to Jekyl, and suitable in every re-peat for a hunting aod fishing club. Price, SIO,OOO. For further particulars, apply Mr. James T. Dent, Evelyn, Glynn oountv, Georgia. WANTED.—A book-keeper with experience in lumber office. Address “Lumberman.” otre this office. SPECIAL NOTICE, Neither master nor consignees of the British steamship Icemore will he re* sponsible for any debts contracted by the crew of said reamer. Win. Johnstm A Cos. Ltd., Apt. CALL ON L. A. Miller ' FOH —-- kw jKStiai ■ Large deceived. Corner Bsy and Mansfleld. rhone ITT Only place in town where kiln dried lumber can be bought. 9 oo Drops CAStoria AVegetable Preparationfor As - the Food andßegula ting ifc&Staffiacte and Bowels of IMAMIh/l HUPRKN Promotes DigcsHon.CheerfuL ness and Rest.Coalaifis neither Opium .Morphine nor Mineral. >ot 'Narcotic. a*v* ofa^a-^KvapiTawi Seal- , jtlx-SmM f 1 tteSke/teSelU- I AwM - J Aperfecl Remedy forConstipa- Tion, Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea Worms .Convulsions .Feverish ness and Loss OF SLEEP. Facsimile Signature of NEW YORK. Alb inonlhs oI tl ?5 Uos^s - js c lIN I S EXACT COPY OF WRAPPER. IH. M. MILLER & SON, I Monddj&steamer will bring g us a line ot Oriental Tapestries, m g Screens, Couch Cover, Cirri Kq H tains, etc. direct from 1 mous importers of 1 goods of p A. A. VANTINE Sc CO y fl Also a lot ol muslin and W 5 Bobbinet Curtains, Cut Glass, S fi • fl 6 Silverware, Rugs, etc- 5! WINE OF CARDUI HEALTHY OLD AGE, ,j — o \ ' iwi Line, Escrow 00. Ark, An*. 4a W it' '(!.• lan St yesis old sad hare b.m .uttering wi*r mkLA ) Jj" flj Ch.nge of Life 1 bud flooding spells .o bwa th&t 'a non* thought I could live My liuabsnd got me Wtna ol C'ardni and it asved my life. lam like Kg ' li another person einoe taking it. SK \ St MRS. B B. TOWNSEND. JA WaeTonW* LW It b the devout wish of nearly all people to live to a ripe old set None of us want to die young. This universal desire can be realized If care be taken of the health in early and middle life. A little precaution then will add many years to our ezistracsi Death can be k£pt away a tong ttma Happy,healthy old age will be the lot of the woman who prompt? correct! the ailments which afflict her tea in youth. Wine of Cardui wffi take tbsitamlc child safely over the dividing L.b*Wgiffl ud womanhood. Asa need., it to help her throurh the trials of pre-nancy and childbirth with as little discomfort is possible. At the Change ol Life It will help her over the dangerous pflal .ppm to hw pathway betweei 40and 5a Then will com. many yearsof truly blissful existence She will grow old slowly and peacefully To the lart she wffi preserve that charm and bsautv which are always characteristic o* perfectly healthy grandmothers. ttiir aavissii KsatTMCT. I, 1 “ for women alone to decide etlvic, la vmm requiring special whether they will be healthy or tC'&M'XSXi **• The remedy for their side- Kune'** co* t.hatuao- gjk, Teoa. De*s Is clos* at hand. LARGE BOTTL*:*) OF WINE CM? CARDUI SOLD FOR *I.OO BY DRUGGISTS. WINEitOF.'CARDUi IGASTDRIA I For Infants and Children. I The Kind You Have Always Bought I Bears the Jr $ j Signature I oi se For Over Thirty Years nm ’■•eft# VWi CtWTAUW COMPANY, NEW VONH OITf.