The Brunswick times-call. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1900-1902, November 24, 1900, Image 14

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PERIODS OF PAIN. ||fp < . h J*®9B>l l #%* In* from perio<to4,^rt W r,it dp* m(m to have been the plan of- nature that woman wu-.uid Buffer ss> severely, Lfata 3G. Pink ham's Vegetable Compound in tl# mottAoroijgL regu lator known to medical nclence. It relieves condition which produoea SO mueh f discouafort and.robs menstruation of The three Xottorehcre published should ciioourago ever/ jwoipaa who suffer* j *> Aug, <S, 1898. “ I)bab Mm. pnwpAM; 7* 1 have Buffered since tad age of sixteen with painful menstruation. I have been treated for months, and was told that the womb had fallen a little. The doctor says that vs now In place again, but I still have the same pain. Please tell me what to do." — Mbs.' Emma Kukhi,, 118 Trautman St., Brooklyn, K. D., N.Y. ■ Jan. 19, 1899. “ f>KAR Mbs. Pinkham : —After re •ceiving your reply to my letter of Aug. 6 I followed your kind advice, and am glad to tell you that I have been cured of the severe pain at time of menstruation through the use of Lydia E. l’inktiam’s Vegetable Com pound. I have taken six bottles of It, felt better after the first bottle, and after a while had no more pain or womb trouble. *‘ I had doctored from the age of six teen to twenty-six, and had lost all hope, but your medicine has made me well. “ X would like to have you use my testimonial, so that Others may see, and be inspired with hope, and take your medicine." —Mbs, Emma Kuriii,, 112 Trautman St.,Brooklyn,E. D.,N. Y. Feb. 20, 1900. “ I saw ypur mediolne so highly recommended I thought X would write to you for advice. *" My menstruation occurs every two weeks, lasts a week, and is painful. I have been troubled in this way for some time. I suffer from sick head ache and backache all the time, appe- K there is anything about your case about which you would like special advice, write freely to Mrs. PUikhara. No man will see your letter. She can wsuiyly help jroa, to* no person in America has such a wide experience in treat , U . S , s r liad :. s,ie ,ias helped hundreds of thousands of k r° Vrf 1 -, 1 ' n *, r 2 ddress is kynn. Mass., and her advice Is free. Yon are very foolish if you do not accept her kind invitation. ft P(X A A U W A 1. -We have dep,led with the City Bank of Lvnn SSOOO I VKIItI wldvb will be paid to any pergon who can find (liat the above tctimomal letters lilKllKfll R i” ,‘ ot Bnulli, or wore publlghod before obtaining tbe writer'* vneciai rwr- VMaJUU mlmkm. LYIU.V K. l-islllAM MdiLluElK cS! RIPAN S taboies jpoctors find A Good ; - >' VI \ ‘ sp^scription v < for mankind r ii3i&Tj&.zms . . ;,v ' at vnd sallow. ’ lave tried a •, but he did am to do me lit Poixabd, mnd, Va. ’’ April 23, 1900. “Since receiving your answer to my letter I have been taking your Vegetable Compound, and ith&a doge me more good than any medicine X have ever taken. My menses are all right now, and appear one* a month, and I feel so much stronger. 1 shall always praise your medicine.”—Miss Maooix I’oi.r.AßD, 319 So. 4th St., Richmond, Va. “ I was troubled with female weak ness. irregularsud g-Try mesfra-v painful menstrua- corr hoe a. The #T, doctor's medicine l_ / did me no good. HT4 pSTo I have taken one 1 t> 5 k bottle and a half M f If of your Vegetable g (fcritrtitr, 1 Compound, and 1 thanks to your pains are gone. I advise all women suffering as I have to use your Vegetable Compound."— Emma J. Pbibblr, Indianola, 111. AJttlfi BRUNSWICK 11MRB-CALL. - ~rr~ 11 1 - WILL iWOU Big, Corbett Will Not GDI a Chance to Eight Him Aga n Un le Jim .Jeffros ctang-s himniud there ia'little charte fo- Jim Corbett to ge' on 1 ie urn ma'r.ii tor ibecham t i ush p, eo long as the ralttorntaO bolds thu til , -ays ttie Krs York Journal. a Jeffciev ay* In will not g ve Pompa dour Jim another tra'ch, becsu-e he does n t h nfe (hs x champions m en titled to any consideration after ha has been beaten decisively by him. Co-bett, bowevt-r, has not given up hoje of inducing his c nqueror to come to erms. and hs is jus as anxious as eve* to clinch a match with ihe big boiler maker. According to Corbett a west*™ pro moter will arrive in town is a few days with a proposition that be relieves Jef fries will certainly accept. Corbett aajs the westerner, whose name be does not care to mention, will offer a Purse or $ IS. 000 for a twenty-round bout between himself and Jeffries, to take place east of tbe Mted.elppi, Asa fair inducement C rbett says be will add 95,000 to tbe purse, making tbe total $20,C00, and agree to have the winner take all. 126 YE ABB OLD, Caetcr Booki r, Colored, of 'Washing ton, Os., Oldest Man in World. Washington, 23.—The old est man in the world lives a few miles from this lowu. He is o 4 Caeser Booker, a negro, and he Is J2ti years old. He was born a slave ' osl ■ A- ” his mtmory of events occurring Cvfc 100 yosrs ago is yery bright, He la a most interesting talker and children listen by tbe hours to hie stories. He was owned as a slave by Richard Hooker, who has been dead now tor fifty years. He has a daughter llying at Thomston who L 98 years old, Old Caeser has seven children living and • small army of grand children. They are scattered among tbe plantations along the Savaunah river. Old Caeser is hale and hearty and appears to be enjoying a renewal of bis y outh. lie >s one ot ihe most in teresting personages in Wilks county. Many uf your frigudk, or people whom you know of, have contracted consumption, pneumonia, or other fa tal dipeasee, by n.gleotof a simple Ovid or lough. Folej’a Honey and Tar, a nafe, aure and pleaeant dough medicine, wuuld have aavt d’jhem. It is guarseteed. OASTOIIIA. Bean the /I The K'wi You Haw Always Bought When you want prompt acting little pills that never gripe; nee I*oWiti’e Utile larly Binem. W. J. Butte. Burnett’s Special Mixture is un equaled ss s milk producer. -1 -r-11■ 11ulllllli^nail i mi,. ..ill' i)nv,li P. DEVAKIS, Gocerics. Country Product >*—Vigotables etc. Also Confoctionon. MONK BTREBT. BRUNSWICK. OA T. POOL, Contractor and Builder, itlO South Stonewall Street. Brunswick, - Gbosoia- To Thu Public : Whereas, There are a number of houses in the sewerage district of the city not conne ted with the sewer sys tem; and, Whereas, Tne lime has expired in which the digging of dirt is prohibited by ordinance, or otherwise; and, Whereas, The lawaol the city re quire tbai all houses in the said dlHrict shall he connected— 'l bis is, therefore, to notify all pto ple concerned, that unless such houses a*e forthwith connected, the owners or agents thereof will be subjected penalties prescribed oy law. Done at the ciiy ball, this 10. hof November, 1000. Dxan D. Atkixbos, Mayor. Don’t wait until tbe cool wave oomes bafors having your overcost cleaned, pressed sr repaired by Jim Carter 8 nd it in now, CORD WOOD, Ltrgaquaotltyof oak and pine wood on band, for prompt delivery. No rotten, storm wood sold by us. ’Phons 34-3. Bloodwobth A Jones. CURES BLOOD AND SKIr TROUBLES. Trial Treatment Free. f | Is your blooo pare? Are you sme of H? Do oats or sorstobes heal slow ly? Does your skin itcb or burn? Havs you Pimples? Eruptions? Aob lag hone* or bsok? Eozema? Old Sores? yjßoile? Scrofola? Rheuma tism? Foul Breath? Catarrh? Are yon pale? Then B, B. B. (Botanio Blood Btlm) will purify your blood, heal every sore, and give a clear, smooth, healthy skin. Deep-seated oases, like ulcers, cancer, eating sores, Painful Swelling*, Blood Poison, are quickly cured by Botanic Blood Balm. Cures when ail else falls. Thoroughly tested for thirty years. Drug stores, $1 per large bottle. Trial treatment free by writing BLOOD BALM CO„ Atlanta, Oa, Describe trouble-free medical tdviee given. Over 8,000 vol untary teatimoniais of cures by B. B. B. Ussy people worry because they believe tbey bate heart dlMi&*e. Th* chances are that their hearts are all right bat their stomach* ar© unable to digest food. Kodol Dyspepsia Care digest* what you eat and prevents the formation of gas which makes tbe stomach pretm again St'the heart. It will cure ; every rm W. J. Batts. Bainy Day | ;..rod shapes are lilt. Hats In variety of sbspoe, styles ami colora. Wh have bought ami ova.m- them np to sell to those who deetre something serTkeablA yet pretty; good.bat low prtced. These are right, and priced light. HISS KATE SLATER, 584 GLOUCESTER ST, Money to Lend on Improved Real Estate. Apply to W. Merchant, Secretary, or F. E. TwUty, Attorney, of the ATLANTIC INVESTMENT CO. EL S. PLUMB, Practical and Scientific Horseshoer. NOf open. la the shop on Oglethorpe street, betweeo Mansfield aad Horn. A trial will aosylaea y that be Meet •kto toataM.. , f-v 4% ifp : 'os.f fig mvp ■ i . 1 -King of ell bottira h sj, It stands pre-eminent as the finest L .t| > 4 bottled beer brewed in America, IfrT t , and leads all others in annual L./ j ’ I exportations to foreign countries. |L | 3W-r>WV* Liquor Hi£W. /jH'- ' - Cos. PLANT SYSTEM PABB2NOER DIPABTM JBNT. * no. w *o. *. Time labl© *.*. ; yli-l Kffeetive Uct J, ISO*. WffimSßm Peeeenger Wised Fauenf * , M - piit P'r D * .is 4<> pm... voo am lv tlftm a* 2 Mea. 3 * (ft pm... 4SO am... ar Albany lv IJSOpm.... li IS 10pm... i*io am... ar Savannah lv {*„,, .. _ , ’ Vi A WAYCROSij A MONTGOMERY. #2(Hpni.. 810 am... ax Miotaomery lv 745 pm * 50am... 710 pm... ar Naauville lv . . 8 Mam —T Mpm ... BcLcaie lv ... *C(pm j i4 . VIA SAVANNAH AND CHARLESTON. * ra am. 7 25pm.. Ar Elcbmona Lv a 05am 7oi am~-2i pm.. Ar WaabißgtM Lv 4 30am 1 Upra.. T Warn . Ar New fork Lv 8 25pm BETWEEN BRUNaWICH AND~b>AVANNAH VTA JEBPP. ..... INB>.. 805 pm .I lv Hr<.aewick ar i.SKpui 835j5n.,1.. 805 am.. 1080 pm j ar Jeeup lv *oopm . 655 pm. 1. Diroet connection made at Waveroaa with Pullman Sleeping Cars for ail petal* Bstwsin Port Tampa. Key West and Havana. GOING. | RETURNING Lv Port Tampa 11 00 pm Mon. Thar*. Sat Ar Port Tampa 2 8* am Thur. Sun. and Tueg. Ar Key Weet 8 01 pm Ttica. Fri. Sim Lv Key Waet 10 OOj.rm. Wed. Sat. and M0n..... Lv Key Wealß 00 pm Tuea. Fri. Sunday Ar Key West 800 pm Wad. Sat. and Mon-.,.. Ar Havana 500 am Wed. Sat Mon Lv Havana 2 30pm Wed. Sat. and Mon... . Sflicti SI! Sill. Mi Ai ' Whan vhs liquids com from our stock. Wa carry such fiaa Hue of -iS u""" \ that It is ioaposslhla to find a brand ML- J which is not pleasing U some point, kKtS-rr-A * V Thoi9 Roods are Lilly matured, f|<2 have a fine rich body and mellow -& Excellent for family or any use. R ‘ Y * ®OUGLAS. ki* V - 206JBay Street. J. J. LISSNER, WHOLKSALE • -■ Groceries, Tobacco, IFlou\ Bacon and Provisions, ' GRAIN, HAY AND BRAN A SPECIALTY. 216 Bay Street, Brunswicl^Georgia. W- H. BOWEN AFVJCZD BUIL-DERS Ot Stone,. Brick aad Building