The Brunswick times-call. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1900-1902, November 24, 1900, Image 5

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JOXUf ROBINSOM’S SHOW. A Oorgeoua, Sumptions and Impres sive Augmentation. To apeak of the merits of John Rob inson’s Great World’s Exposition is merely “lore's labor lost” with the people of this nation. There is not an amusement lover On the oontinent the is fall; cognizant Cit. the feet that it is vow and has ever been the best among the best. Everybody does not know however, that during its last winter’s vacation the ebow has received an ■pigmentation so vast and so impor tant as to dwarf bv comparison even k Tts own great exhibitional excellence. We allude to the grind, gorgeous and sublime biblioel epectaoleof “Solomon Hie Temple and the Queen of Sheba,” in which innumerable people find ac tive participation, and which ie replete in grand soenograpbic effect, typical reproduction of biblical personages and events prolific in pegeantic and prooeseional features, lavish In en traocing ballets and terpsioborean di vertisemente, and rich in trappings and appointments, requiring for its production largest etege ever con structed, and conspicuously portray ing sacred events, scenes and Incidents as tbs Judgment of Solrmoi*, Arrival of the Queen of Sheba, the City of David, the raises and Temple, Court of King Solomon’s Temple, the Walls and towers of. Jerusalem, Solo-' mon’e 700 wives, the Srored Ark of the Covenant, ihe Great Ivory Throne, I’rooession of War Chariots, Slaves Bearing Inecenoe, lovely Cresset Danolcg Girls, martial and courtly Parades and exoiting Chariot Races. This eminently moral, historical and mind elevating spectacle will commend Itself to every lover of the jacred and beautiful. WE MUST HAVE ROOM I In consequence of tremendous purchases of Holiday Goods we are competed to RIFIC E OUR PROFIT For the time being, in order to give room to show this magnificent stock. Worth will not be consider v . ed during this sale, to move is what we want, and we say candidly now is your chance to secure Bargains In Every Line Monday and Tuesday Monday and Tu-esbay ONLy Don’t wait, <yme now and look at ou fetfewk., I'he shelves are teeming with new ana stylish Dry Gqods, Dress Notions, Etc., Etc. And everything in the store will be sold‘during this sale at'Mdney Saving Prices. ■ilii These Trade Millinery—We are showing the swellest and most up-to-date Hats in the south- Give us a call. + A big line of boys all wool Caps. Solid colors and plaids, worth }9c, a bargain at 25c Ribbons —A fine assortment of Satin in all colors; special, yard 4c and up Hats —We are showing the largest and most complete stock of “Ready-to-Wear” ITats in the city* Correct styles 15c, up Neckwear Just received full line of Ladies’ Stock Collars, fancy Ties and Chiffon Boas, new and pretty styles 65c, up Petticoats— A big assortment Mercerized Petticoats, with wide plaited flounce. All colors and black. Special $1.29 / UVI RS . 2VII SA.A. O , THE LEABING BRY GdMDBS EMPORIUM. „ ?08~208l NEWCASTLE ST. MAYOR’S PROCLA MATIOY. All the City Officials Will Have Holi day on Thanksgiving. -v.,.. Whereas, In oonformity to a ven erable custom, His Excellency, A. D. Candler, governor of the o‘ate0 ‘ate of Georgia, has appointed Thursday, the 29th day of November, A. D , 1900. as a day of thanksgiving aod praise to Almighty God for Hts mercies, and, Whereas, It is right and proper that all of our oitlz ,> nß should render thanks unto Almighty God for His manifold bles&ogs Now, therefore, I, l>ean P. Atkin son, mayor of the oPy ofßrunswick. Georgia, hereby my pro clamation, declaring and appointing Thursday, the 29th day of November, A. D., 1900, as a day of thanksgiving and prayer, and do earnestly request and invite all oitizens to lay aside their secular avocations on that day, and to assemble at tbeir respective places of worship and give thanks un to Almighty God for the preservation of health and, the many blessings vouchsafed unto them and this city; and to this end, thnt the officers and employes of the city may enjoy these prlvil-ges, 1 hereby direct that the va rious departments of the city governi ment be closed on said dey. Given under my hand and the clli ciat seal of the municipality of lining, wick, Ga., this the 24fh day of Novem ber. A. D , 1900. (Offilcial seal.) Dean D. Atkinson, Major. By the Mayor. Clerk of Gounoii. THE BRUNSWICK riMEB-O&LL NOVEMBER 24. I*io NEW TRAFFIC ASSOCIATION. Cbioago, Nov. 24.—Representatives of the western lines, who have been discussing plans for tbs forma. ion of a trans continental association, have fi nally agreed on all point*, ard ths new aseociation was organized today. Twenty western |iine., nearly all op erating beyond the Mi*aouri river except the Northern Pacific and the, G-eat Northern, have signed the agreement. Jarne Charlton, late gen eral .arsenger agent of Ihe Chicsgo and A"on, was ohosen o’ aim an of th * association, with Ipe* quarter at Den ver. Tsstee good, ie good—Sweet India R-!i-h. HarpeiV. ship notice: Neither the master, nor owners of rtie Norwegian bark Borghild, will be responsible for any debts contracted by the orew of said bs:k. Eriksen, Master. NEV ARRIVALS Pickle Beef (in bulk) Saur Kraut (In bulk) Sweet India Relish (in bulk) Capo Cod Cranberries (in bulk) Also Nuts, Raisins, Currants, Citron, etc.' for your fruit cakes. if it’s good-, v,AhaSk^i^ ■.Jw ' * its (gug.-. Finn jfifSI 1S Miner THANK la"T El GSIVEN To our Drugs and Medicines for restoring bitth to many and permitting them to enjoy their THAINJK3QIVING Holiday- Those who are suffering should avail the advantages that our unlimited Stock of DRUG AND MEDICINES Offer. We can fill the physicians’ prescriptions or supply a remedy from the many proprietary articles. frail Praiiis Wi. §§H ispni WHAT YCDU NEED Is some where on our shelves. Our Htoch of Dings end Medicines contains that which is necessary to cure ypiti ills, give you strength ard restore you to health. ' Whether y§u prescribe for j curse f or get a PHYSICIANS PRESCRIPTION We can fill it. Our compounding department is in competent hands and we use the purest drugs obtainable at I SMITH'S PHARMACY, Skirts—Just received a large assortment Skirts. Correct styles. ATeac(£f;. 2? up Waists—A tine assortment Taffeta Silk Waists; new and pretty effects. All new shades worth $7.00. Special gs.9B Suits—One lot Tailor-made Suits, new and correct styles. Jaeket lined with Taffeta Silk; In castor, gray and brown. A bargain $8.98 Ladies Undershirts 17c Best gingham, per yd 44c Best Calico, all color, per yd 44c Ladies’ Jackets from sl.2s up Boys Waists from 15c up Boys pants from 20c up Boys Suits from $1.25 up Men’s pants worth $1.50 at 85c A special sale on Men’s Clothing and gents Furnishings