The Brunswick times-call. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1900-1902, November 24, 1900, Image 8

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Absolutely Free! GRAND PRIZE OFFER. Ist Prize —A Fine Oxodized Silver Clock, valued at $40.00, 2nd Prize —A pair of Fine Large Vases valued at $16.00. These Expensive presents are given away absolutely Free as a compliment to my customers. Every purchase to the amount of $1 00 entitles you to a ticket free. Drawing from Nov. Ist to Dec. 31st, 1900. A committee of prominent merchants will take charge of drawing. % ' KENNON MOTT, Jeweler and Graduate Oeticiaa. 118 Newcastle street, inspector ol Welch™ (or Southern Railway. l’lmc hr Wire rtallv from W whin (twin Coney & Parker DEALERS IN Coal and Wood, Brick, time, Cement, Plaster, Hair, Shingles and Laths. Agents for Morris’ Brick, Phone 18- 525 Bay Si. Eiderdown Dressing Sacks An immense assortment of blue, red and pink Eiderdown Dressing Sacks, new effects SI.OO to $3.50 Don’t Forget the •- GIRL, A. shoe as good as the name OXFORDS $2.00 LEVYS. BRUNSWICK TiMMS-CALL, NOVEMBER 24, I**. SOCIETY NEWS. FORGIVENESS. Mr heart was heavy, for ite trust had been Abased, Its klndneee answered with foul wrong: So. turning gloomily from jny fellowmen, One Bummer Sabbath day, I strolled among The green mound* of the village burial place, W here, pondering now ail human love and bate Find one nail level, and how,noon or late, Wronged and wrongdoer each with meekened a Tare, And cold hands folded over a still heart. Fans the green threshold of our common grave. Whither all footsteps tend, whence none de part, Awe for myself, and pitying my raee, fjur common sorrow, like a mighty wava. Swept all my pride away, and, trembling, I forgave. Brunswick baa been quite gay (or tbe past week. Three good plays st tbe opera hotue and three per formances of Spark’s clrcna were sup plemented in the social world by a ger man, card parties and dinner parties. A bazaar for the benefit of St. Jude’s cbnrcb drew a crowd to Newcastle street en Friday and Saturday and a general holiday spirit seems to hare pervaded the entire town for the six days which bava intervened between Sunday and Sunday. A' The second german of thasowfltl was danced on nlghHE ih*, par lors of the Oglethorpe which were beautifully decorated for occasion. The german was given in honor of Mr. U<*orge Smith, It was led by Mr, Har ff du Btgiyuyuo his u-ual graceful style and was a complete success in every way. toils.Urof the iMtoy anil Exquisite and the rooms presaStfosC quite a picturesque appearance as gfl l&nt men and winsome maidens trod the measure to the strains of sweetest music. Those present were Mary Mc- Cullough, El ;- >tjoth F au * me Grant Nightengale,’Oiiyik Fleurtne Madden, Mary Lilia Blahs ton, (Hr;rude Allen. Ethel Conoley, Messrs, B. P. Coleman, R. D, Meaner, 11. P. du Bignoc, B. J, Butts, George B. Brahe, \V. 1. ll.^arith^E. J. Alien, L, A, Von Weller, Hoyt Gale, Morton Marye, Howard Wall, Met dames F. D. M,, J. C- J. A. Montgomery, C- A. Taylor. C A, Montgomery The chaperones Mcsdames J . E. E. do Bigcon, Raeney, Eubanss. Mrs. C. L. Elliott entertainea a num. ber of her friends at a very charming card porty on Friday afternoon. Thg, rooms were decorated palms. The '"most enjoyable ons, 'euchre being played, The first prise cut for by Mrs E. F. Coney and Mrs. W. F. Parker wu won by Mrs. Coney. The consolation prize was cut by MrtbK, H, Mason. Those present were: Mesdames Howard, of Griffln, C. A. Montgomery, of Chicago, W, F. Park er, of Brooklyn, E. F. Coney, E. H. Mason, W. M. Tupper, J. A. Montgom ery, J. C. Stiles, I, N. Bishop, A, C. Blain, R. E, Sherman, R. S Pyles, H. G Curtis, A. M. Smith, J. J. Wimber ly, MissesColesberry, Madden, Web ster. Goodyear, Syuames, Blanton. Delightful refreshments were served after the game In farewell compliment to Mr. Geo. fl. Smith, a dinner at the Oglethorpe was tendered Saturday night by a numi ber of his young men friends. H’i many friends regret his departure Many toasts to bis future bappiaees and good fortune were offered. Tbe dinner was elegantly served and tbe affair was oae of ihe social events of the sea son. Those present were: Messrs, G, H. Smith, C. ID. Parker, N. Emanuel, M. Marye, M. X. McCul lough, F. E, Twitty, Charles Fleming, B J. Butts, J. H. Smith, E. J. Allen, H. F. du Big Don, C. D. Ogg, V. Coleman, E. D, Walter, W. J, Butts. Mrs. Howard, of Griffin,is the charm ing guest of Mrs, C. L. Elliott. Mrs. E. F. Coney and children. Miss Katie Dillon and Miss Nellie Greenlee spent Saturday on St. Simon, Mrs. J, H. Whitmire, of St, Simon, came oyer on Friday to attend the play. Mr. Goldsmith Lehman will spend Ohristmas in Brunswick with his grand parents Mr. and Mrs. L. Goldsmith. Miss Hope Curtis it quite ill in Bos ton. Her many friends hepe for her early reoovery Mr, John Hi Mltchelson, of St. Sim on, spent several days of last week in Brunswick. Misse* Ada and Diisy Wright, of Sterling, are the guests of Mra,P. W. Fleming on George street. LftoT Elizabeth Walter la much im proved**,,,, her recent llluoas. Carey Mari in Jaud children' relumed fro® a visit to Valdosta. —— Mr. N ilson.Norissls located in Moul trie, where he has accepted a splendid position. ;■ Trie music at the Baptist church to day promises to good. The folio wieg singers will .take part: Meadames Blanton, Porter, Wallace. Miss Ad en. Mefajs. Waff, LaMance, Dr, HajuUm. .Jar.ia Symons-te organist. t - .. Dr. U. M. Br-nitum left la tti ght for iis tome In Fort Valley after plcarant week’s visit among his many Brunswick frields. Mrs. A. J . Crovatt lent es <'uVmggEa day for a visit Atlar.tamf^wß Miss Daisy M c^MKßg||plnting fu •*" are comfortably located In corner of Union and George ttreats. Mrs. Mallard and children left on the steamer Friday for Boston. Mrs, Julias May entertained at din ner Thursday evening In honor of Mr. Percy McSweeney, leading man of the ‘'Toe Rich Rich to Marry’’ Com pany . Covers were laid for ten. Mrs Cstherioa E. B. Harker, of Augusta, arrived in the city last nigh’, and Is visiting her daughter, Mrs. John H. Poihill. Mr. George H. Smith, who for sev eral years ka been cashier of the National bank, leaves tomorrow tor ms future home in Tampa Mr, Srai.h is very popular in social circles and he will be yerv much missed from Bruns wick. TRY •• • • Boromol Tootli Powder. - BUTTS, The Druggist. BROWN’ Hot Chocolate and Cold Soda Something Delicious PRESCRIPTIONS Filled accurately. DRUGS Sold cheaper than the cheapest All we want is someone to enquire into the truth ot the above assertion to make a customer of you Perfumes and Toilet Articles in abundance, Call in and make yourself at home Brown-Drug Cos. lIggRUGS |HHH -AND ife Art ssir %m$ Square BjjHHBl In tapestry *22x iffiiftSfflS 36 l%c and up wards, in latest designs and patterns. Fresh and new goods arriving weekly. Msee our new llllili Ul Gil O. M'GARV ~V LOOK THE WORLD OVER AND YOT CAN’T BEAT ; CREAM OF KENTUCKY Whisky SI.OO PER ‘ QUART; $4.00 PER GALLON. NOT MADE BY AITRUST’ I. Trager &. Cos,, Independent Distillers. ?old Exclusively in by F=? V. OOU C3 L.AS, 206 Bay Street. The World Listens When Leaders Talk. This is as true of ;the Fur niture business as of state craft, naturally, we we have considerable pride in being LEADERS IN OUR BUSINESS. Quite a strong expression, but quite easily proven—the fur niture and prices to be the evidence, you to be both judge anemury. Come and be con vinAd.