The Brunswick times-call. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1900-1902, November 27, 1900, Image 4

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The Brunswick Times. XcubUiktd itte. The Brunswick Call. Eetatiliihed IMS. The Brunswick Tiraes-Call, CONSOL I DATE I) WOO, rublisbed * vkky mokning kxcklt Von day. AETHUB E. LEAVT - - - - - Iditor BOLAND A. MULLINS, Business Manager I in Oglotnorpe Block, 211 f Street OFFICE J lIUEFUOKS MO SI. TO SUB80KIBEBS: subscriber# are requested to notify the office When they fall to get any Issue ot the Xlmea- OalL Attention to this matter will he appre ciated by the publishers. The Timet-Call twill .bet Delivered by carrier or mail, per year. $6.00; per week 16 eente. Correspondence on live subjects solicited. Beal name of writer shonld ac eompany tame- Subscriptions payable in advance. Failure to receivo paper should be reported to tke bueinees office. Addreeeall communications to THE TIMBB-OALL, Brunswick, Ua. • NOTICE. Hereafter all legal advertlte ments must be paid lot after the first insertion. The management hat been pat to a great deal of trouble and delay In collecting in the past, and in future must take advantage of the Georgia law on this subject. Oot. 10, 1900, , President McKinley 1 ailll busy -workldg on bla measago. The saltan of Turkey still owes America that little balance. Key. Parkhurst of New York, is going to Urt a “truthful" newspaper. It takei very little apaoe to tell of the buelneßS transacted by the legie 'Mature. Govern - r Beckham ol Kentucky, cannot now be called ‘'the boy gov ernor." He is married. Between the circus and Christmas L’Mlle average head oi the house will find his pocket book yeiy iltm, Mr. John Hay do a not care about remaining in i ha cabinet. He would rather goto Eugloid red worship the prince When business is good John 1). Bock feller makes fifteen mlllon a week. There was "nothin’ down” seven days last month and he only cleared ten mil lion. W, J Stone or Kisrouri, thinks there Ja enough in Democracy’* paat to worry nbout without borrowing troubles over the future of the party just now, says the 1 enver Republican. The Prince of Wales hrs diaejutiu .Med wearing ueasud trousers, and *ny are following ’is ■ "*ii|p^nßitheyalways do. WIU BRYAN LEAD? The Georgia newspaper* sre talking of whoihor Mr. Bryan will bv the fas lure leader of ih> democratic party and In thiscouneotlon the Albany Uorsld, feolcrt tor string editorials, says: Will Mr. Bryan soak to continue his 'Jeadardhlpr <fth > democrat c part; V It .la portUleuily aaaered in. sump quar .Wars that he will try again (or the prcal ■Ueocj ia 1904 A letter written by the Nebr t-kan to a friend in Msxloo ha* be en made public, and contains, among other t bfug t.. following: ‘‘Mill believing In the principles sst forth in the Chicago ftUtform, I shall continue to defend the jk' en * * American people will yet see the neces sity for the repudiatioce of repablicav ism/' Mr. Bryan is hardly less popular with the people than he was prior to the last election,acdjnlnetyfira per cant of those who voted for him would still like to see him in the presidential chair. But we do nat think he will again be the.nominee of bis party for the highest office within the gift of the people. It is evidont that the party cannot or will not unite in supporting him. Democ racy, when not divided against itself, will triumph over any political combi nation tbe country is capable ef pro* ducing. But to succeed it must present a solid front, aud that seams to be Im possible under, Bryan’s leadership. LET US UNITE Lately Brunswick has seen some ol ww vw-nwsspw^snrwaasrwwaasa. swa the hottest .oonteats of any municipality in Georgia. Fathers and brothers have been divided, business partnets have been with opposing fac tions, and as a I'csu’t the people have not thought of the commercial part of our falr’clty. Ona faction has triumph ed, andjnow let us unite In assisting their officials to operate Brunswick in a bnslness-like manner. The Tikbs-Call Is glad to sar that during the past six months tbe people have been working to one common end—thelbettermenl of Brunswick, and t'iat they.have accomplished a great dial shows that concert of action ifs bound to bring good results, Let us unite in every way and we will have a city, ■> oi MILLION AIKB WBDS. New York, Nov. 26.- John Hamilton Brown, 66, famous as th< inventor of the segmentdd tube wire gun, and a millionaire, a widower wLh a married daughter, has taken as hit bride Helen Wilson, a pretty girl of 20, whose only dowry was hsr beauty. Mr. Brown be fore her marriage was* a waitress lea restaurant of Smith Sc McNeil. It was th-re Brown mother. bumeit’s Special Mixture is un* equaled ss a milk produoer. Always think of this store as the one most likely to have what you want. Harper’s. When you drink, drink one of our brand Mocha and Java coffees. It’s tbe best. Harper’s. rSay, • , Young Maul I have just gotten in a dandy line of FINE CHOCOLATE and BON BANS and tbers is nothing that your best girl woud appreciate more than one of our faney gift packages. It's a regular 800 candy for from 40 to J *O3 a lb. Nothing bet ter made, and deligbt | fully fresh. LLOYD’S” •PHONB 255-a | (Next door to Flaming & Waff) | THE BRUNSWICK TIMEB-CALL. NOTHCBE* 27.1900 Of rsjj Orange Street, Loe Angeles, Cal., writes: " I had been afflicted with my •yes tor oyer a year with such a dreadful itching and inflammation that I could not use them for anything. Physicians bad given me many different remedies which were like using so much water; they measured my eyes for glasses, which I got and wore for sense time, but they did no! benefit me in the least. My mother desired me to write to Dr. B. V. Pierce and explain the condition of my eyes. I did fo, and after following your advice, and Using eight bottles of the * Favorite Prescription ’ and eight of the ‘ Golden Medical Discovery,’ can say my trouble is entirely cured. I would advise any one so afflicted to try these wonder ful medicines. My health was never so good as it is now, and 1 shall never tire of praising Dr. Pierce's medicines. * Sick women are Invited to commit Dr. Pierce by letter and secure a specialist’s advice fitr Of charge. WRITE]® BR.R.V.PIERtt BUFFALO. NY. Alt COUttSPONDENtI PRIVATE KOBBOW THBATKE COMPANY. Will Begin an Engagement Here on December 3rd. Bruoswlckiacs will be glad to learn that the Robson Theatre Comanv wIU play an beginning December 3rd, This Company charmed jßruoiwiok last season and they are sure of doing a good business. NEARLY FINISHED, v The new tug Raymond is now at Brlesenick’g machine shops where W will have the finishing touches put on. The work is being rushed and _ will only,ha a short time before the excel lent craft will be at work. The Ray mond will be used for towing by Mess. W. M. Tupper & Cos. MANYSTHTB FILED. Qrile a large number of suits have al ready been filed for the coming term*of the Soperlor court, and W bids fair to be one of the most important seeaiona In the hiatory of this tribunal. A large number of prisoners ar*;now In tail awaiting the court, among* th number being three murderers. There Is ho pleasure in life if you dveatl going to the table to eat and can’t rest at on #- coun* of indigestion. Henry Williams, of Hoonvills, ind., says ho suffered that wsy for years, till he commenced the use of Kodoi Dyt pepsla Cure, and adds: “Now l can eat any thing I like and nil I want and sleep soundly every night.’* Kodoi Dyspepala Cure will di gest what you eat. W J. Butts. ForaCroup use CHENEYS EXPECTORANT Both makers nnd circulators of 'counterfeits commit fraud. Honest men will not deceive yon into buying worthless counterfeits of Ibs- WlU’a W Itch ifaael halve. The original la In fallible for curing piles, sores, eczema and all I akin dI-eases. W. J. Butte. ‘ OUR IvINK Of* Gents Furnishings is now compuktg. New Goods Arriving Each Week J H HSIXER & BROS., 314 Newcastle St. JictweenU. Mctiarvey’s andfthomas^Keaney,! CHEAP ADYBBTISII. CASH IN ADVANCE Advertisements in this column wilt be insett ed at the uniform rate of One Cent s Word for each Insertion. No advertisement, however mail, Isas than to cents. Cash in advanee. Morphine, opium, laudanum,cocoaine habit; myself cuted, will inform you oi harmleae, permanent home cure. Mary S. Baldwin, box 1212, Chicago. Hostling young man oan make M 0 per month and expenses, Permanent position. Experience unnecessary. Write quick for particulars, Clark A Cos., 4th & .Locus Street*. Philadel phia,'Pa. HELP WANTED—MADE. Manager.—Old established mercan tile bousr'Wanta honest, capable man to manage branch, balary $126 month, extra commissions. No soifoiting re-" quired, but must take general direc tion and be ambitious, Good refer ences and 800 cash required. Experi ence as manager not necessary, if qualified mother respects. "Opportu nity," Drawer 74, New Haven, Conn, FOR SA LE—BOTLEH’B ISLAND.— This well-known rice plantation, sit uated on tbe Altamaba river, opposite Darien, containing 1,200 under bank; also, summer residence on tbeJssDs, with small '.house, five miles from Da rien, containing 17 acres. Prio# for whole, SII,OOO. For further particulars, apply to Mr. B. T. Sinclair, Darien, Molntosh county, Ga". FOR KENT.— Seven-room house, near the hospital. Only $lO 00 per month. W. W. Brockington, HAY FOR SAGE.—Five car loads of choice Bermuda hay, nt $16.00 per ton, laid down in Brunswick, Go. Sold oaly in car lead lota at this pri£* Jas. L. Brown, Jr., Greensboro,Gayfl FOR SALE-LITTLE BT. SIMON’S IfiLAND, containing 6,000 acres Good gam* preserve —deer, duoks, etc. besides best ashing on tbs ooatt, with bard beaob of several miles in extent. Excellent oyster bed. Price, |20,Q00. Alao, Canon’s point, on Great St. Slmdn’s Islaod, containing about 680 acres, directly opposite Little St. Si mon’s island. Good tabby foundation! far anew boose. TMi property is etas* mil vs from Savannab, fourteen miles from Brunswick, with both of which place* there is daily connection by steamer. It Is on the Island next to Jekyl, and suitable in every reeprot for a hunting and fishing club. Price, |IO,OOO, For further particular!, apply Mr. J am** T. Dent, Xvelyo, Glynn county, Georgia. WANTED.— A book-keeper with experience in lumber office. Address “Lumberman.” ears this oMce. FOR RENT.—Furnished or unfur nished rooms, 603 Mansfield street. Msa. W. H. Anderson. Morn new Gaudies at Lloyd’s, Stop end see them. ’Phone 255-2 CALL ON L. A. Miller for l. DM Mf Bonin Ceiiino nod Flooring Large Stock Just .Received. Corner Bay and Manufkld. Phone 177 Oaly place in town where kiln dried lumber can be bought. ( )oo Drops t * ! ji AYegelable Preparaiionfor As similating the Food andßeguta ting the Stomachs areUßowels of I,\l VN l s/< HlliiKLN ■ Promoles Digestion.Cheerfuf ness and Rest. Contains neither Opium,Morpliiue nor Mineral, not Narcotic . - *W' , Jlx.SmM - j j.‘—i-Jff ShAS- j A perfect Remedy forConslipa lion, Sour Stomach.Diacrhoea Worms,(Convulsions .Fevmstw ness and Loss OF SLEEP. Facsimile Signature of NEW YORK. Alb iiioirfhs 4*l cl Dost s-J jli ms EXACT COPY OF WRAPPER. H, H. MILLER & SON, steamer will bring us a line ot Oriental Tapestries, Screens, Couch Cover, Cur tains, etc. direct fromrthose fa mous importers of Oriental goods of A, A. VANTINE fc CO Also a lot of muslin and Bobbinet Curtains, Cut Glass, Silverware, Rugs, etc- WINE OF CARDUI HEALTHY OLD AGE. iaf X ra 4i Yr* old and hav® aufLerlug lA ) J/ Cbange of Life I had flooding tpelU so bad thlk * "ScVJB pone thought I could lira. My husband got mm Wins of Csrdai and It savd my Ufa. 1 axa BV N m another parson sinoa taking U. 8} \, 'J MB*. R B. TOWNSEND. }\ Wiielowl^ • It Is the devout wish of nearly all people to live to a ripe old age. Nona of us want to dit young. This universal desire can be realized if care be taken of the health in early and middle life A little precaution then will add many year* to our existencai Death can be kept away a long time Happy, healthy old age will be the lot of tba woman who promptly correct! the ailments which afflict her sex. In youth, Wine of Cardui will take the female child safely over the dividing line between girlhood and womanhood. Asa wife she needs It to help her through .he trials of pregnancy and childbirth with as little discomfort as possible At the Change of Life it will help her over the dangerous place that appears in her pathway between 40 and 50. Then will come manv years of truly blissful existence She wid grow old slowly and gracefully. To the last the will presene that charm and beauty which are always characteristic - . of perfectly healthy grandmothers. UtliS’ Ajrsßf.J mmxtmmit. It is for women alone to decide TvrwiT!f*< tniu‘.rinf wnrthtr they will be hraltUy or , vr,'?Sn : uV2S. sicic The remedy for their aldt i ■io., ni itT-im. ness Is close at hand. * LA. ' • ROTTL'3 OF WINE f% CARDUI SOLD FOR SI.OO BY DRUGGISTS. * WINE OF CARDUI CASIH For Infants and Chi. The Kind You Always Bougt. -Vj * I.' jm Bears the if v ; Signature /m\wj of K Ktv**— k * ft Jv .In (w u k vJP For Ovt^ 1 Thirty Tears CASTORIA THE Ot NT Acre COMPANY. NSW VONN CITY.