The Brunswick times-call. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1900-1902, November 27, 1900, Image 8

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bi> lutely Free! GRAND PRIZE OFFER. Ist Prize —A Fine Oxodized Silver Clock, valued at $40.00. 2kd Prize— A pair of Fine Large Vases valued at $16.00. 4 These Expensive presents are given away absolutely Free as a compliment to my customers. Every purchase to the amount of SI.OO entitles you to a ticket free. Drawing from Nov. Ist to Dec. 31st, 1900. A committee of prominent merchants will take charge of drawing. A BENNON MOTT, Jeweler and Graduate Owtioian. lit Newcastle Street, In.peetor ot Wetchci for fcouthorn Bsllwsy. Time bjr Wire daily from Winking ton Coney <fe Parker DEALERS IN Goal and Wood, Brick, Lime, Cement, Plaster, Hair, Lath.. . Agents for Morris’ Brick, Phone 18- 525 Bav Si. Eiderdown Dressing Sacks An immense assortment of blue, red. and pink Eiderdown Dressing Sacks, new effects SI.OO to $3.50 i Don’t Forget the if AMERICAN GIRL, A shoe as good as the name so. OXFORDS $2.00 x LEVYS. ■Mnrsvnoi TUfw-aujL. notembbk t. THINGS THEATRICAL rhe Robson Theatre Company will begin an engagement of three nights and a matinee, commencing Monday, Nov. 3rd. This company has new peo ple, new specialties and new plays to offer, end should do a good business, flea's will go on sale Thursday. Prices are 10, 2*3 and 30j, NOTES. Nothing until next week at the op era house. Other People’s Money lea popular production which will be seen at the opera house seme time In December, This play comes from the pen of the author of “Too Rich To Marry,” and should do a good business. The Olympia Optra Company has been secured for a week’s engagement the latter part of December. This company is one of the heat oomlc opera organizations in the South. When We Were Twenty One, a dra matization of Thaokaray’e novel Henry Esmond, Is one ef the Inter bookings; this play wiU be here the earlier part of January, Manager Wolffs has presented to the school children who stand first and second in their Respective grades,tick ets to the matineejto be given on Wed nesday, November sth, by the Robson Theatrs Company. BOCIBTT MEETING. A Very Pleasant Program Was Rendered. The 6 Sorosis literary Society of Misses Gale's school met yesterday, and rendered the following program: Recitations—Helen Palmer, E. B. Arnold, Louis Baker, Nettle Baker, Moritz Isaac, Moritz Baumgartner, Al fred Christie. Reading—Vaßsr Cates, Roy Botlet, Olivia llathway. Recitations—Madge Voting, George Douglas, Estelle Miller, Arthur L. Rainey/ Reading—Maud Nightengale. Recitation—Alvin Gale. Composition—Lucile Kay. Recitation—Verner Olewine. Reading—Jessie Thomas Recitation—P. tal Eubanks, Effle Arnold, Lilly Arnold, Marion Baker, Annie May Arnold, Annie L*u Bailey, Reading—E'h- Fox,Raymond Gran berry. Recitation—^Verdery Roberts. The recitation of Miss Madge Young was one of the best on the pros gram, the subject being Brunswick. Miss Annie May Arnold’s recitation was very nlea, also that of Verdery Roberts, Arthur Rainey, Katie Lamb sad Moriu Baumgartner. Miss Luorle Kay's composition was ▼sry good and instructive. The recitations by. the following lit tle girls were ysry [much enjoyed, Nsts tie Baker, Helea Palmer and Kstella Millar. Try Boromol Tooth Pow ders. Butts, The Druggist. s Try aar aiee Jniey Pleklad Beef and ladia Relisb, Harper’s. Gardi Comb Honey—la poaad sta tions—the prettiest yon aver raw. Harpar’s. Rate, ftaitlia, Onrraau, Citron, Spices, Eta., tor Frail Cakes. Bar pot’s. PERSONAL POINTS. Mr. C. W. Doming is in Atlanta. Representative Sj moos baa returned to Atlantr Mr. J. P. Shelly has accepted a po sition in Jacksonville. Mr. j, D. Burfcheimer, of Wilmington N. C., is spending some time in the city. Miss Lula McLaughlin has returned from a pleasant visit through Georgia and Florida. Mr. Burr Winton lain Jacksonville. The colored labor nnion will have a demonstration an Thanksgiving. ■VKBBTT NOT TO RUN Oat of Town Bna'ness Caused Him to Decline the Honor. The Timis-Call learns from a good aonrea that Mr, R. H, Everett will not accept the nomination tendered him by tba Good Government Club as alder man. It Is stated that Mir. Everett's busi ness pravents him from giving the city the time the position requires and for this reason he deems It beet to decline to serye. The Tiues-Cali. made an ef fort to see Mr. Everett yesterday but failed, sod for that reason no state ment from him la printed this morning. is said that Mr, J. C. Calhoun will be named for the vseant place on the ticket. ■ . \ SHIPPING REPORT. Osrreeted Daily by! Oapt. Otto Jobsnnsssu t Fart of Brunswick, Nov. 26,1900. - V rttWVED. shfv Gibrgla L. Drake, Skolfleld, Bermuda. cliaued, ' Spanish bark Linda, Ferrer, Barce lona, SAILED. BrigC. C. Sweeney, M'ller, JNew York. gchr. Harry Prescott, Gray, New Haven. DIE IN THE CHAIR. . dCluiira, N. Y , Nov. 2*".—Fred Kris’, who Bho’ and kIJUd Catharine Tohin, In Wliflrly I**l Ami v.ill die in iha electric cVi*l rat Auburn stale prison during the week of Jar, 6, Sentence was pastd~da him this morn'ng. The “Good Goods Store” is what we are known by. If it’s goed, we bave it, Harper’s. Opera House Three Rights One Matinee COMMINCING MONDAY, DEC. 3rd. Robson Theater Cos, IN REPERTOIRE. NEW PLAYS: NEW SPECIALTIES PRICES IOC. 1 306. • , Boromol Tooth Powder. BUTTS, The Druggist. BROWN’ Hot Chocolate and Cold Soda Something Delicious PRESCRIPTIONS Filled accurately. DRUGS Sold cheaper than the cheapest All we want is someone to enquire into the truth of the above assertion to make a customer of you Perfumes and Toilet Articles in abundance, Call in and make yourself at home Brown Drug Cos. HHRUGS ■Square In tapestry 22* 36 7?c and up wards, in latest designs and patterns. Fresh and new goods arriving weekly- See our new 111 Hi MS. LOOK THE WoVd OVER ' AND TOT CAN’T BEAT—- CREAM. OF KENTUCKY Whisky. SI.OO PERCQUART; $4.00 PER GALLON. NOT MADE BY AITRUST*. I. Trager & Cos„ Independent Distillers: • Sold Exclusively in Braonswick by FR- NX. DOUVSUAS, 206 Bay StMat. The World Listens When Leaders Talk. This is as true of Jjthe Fur niture business as of state craft, naturally, we we have considerable pride in being LEADERS IN OUR BUSINESS. Quite a strong expression, but quite easily proven —the fur niture and prices to be the evidence, you to be both judge and jury. Come and be con vinced.