The Brunswick times-call. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1900-1902, November 28, 1900, Image 1

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THE BRUNSWICK TIMES-CALL. r VOLUME XI. NUMBER 87. LPARISAN PLOT TO KILL > PRESIDENT M’KINLEY —r* — f -Police Are Investigating’ ? the Story 05 THE FACE OF IT sWttS RfAL FISHY Officer M if Plot By a Letter i Wil'i II PLOTTER Was Written On a Slip But the Police Will Not Give it Out New York, Nov. 27.—The police of Hoboken, N. J„ have received a letter* alleging the existence of a plot to as sassinate President McKinley. The writer *t the letter gave in hie commu nication the names of the alleged chief conspirators, which the police refuse to make pubiie. The letter, which ie illegibly signed, follows: ‘‘Sir: Having almost thoroughly assured myself of aa anarchist plot against his exesllanoy, Mr. McKinley, 1 consider it my duty to adviss you of the name of one who ie more than sus pected of being a leader, whose uame is found in the enclosed slip. Ha is a fugitive from justice and a dangerous man, having been oonvioted several times, and oa the laat ocoaalon sen tenced to five years’ imprisonment for an anrobist attempt. My statement can be verified on ap pealing to the prefeot of police of Paris, France. In the course of the past year he concealed himself with a man named Franooia, the author of an anarebiat attempt at Scranton, where ha mortally wounded an agent of po lice.” The writer of this letter, ths police •av, has been looated and the story is being Investigated. J HONDURAS AID. Tbe Claim for an Americas Soma Time Ago. Washington, Nov. 27.—Tbs itate department today telegram from W. Godfrey Hob ter, United State* minuter to Gutamala, Hondu ras, taying tbat be nad reoeired from the Hodoraa government ten tboneand dollar*, in gold, in fall payment ef our claim for killing Frank Poare, of Fittebnrg, by Honduras soldier* in January, 1899, THANKSGIVING SKRVICIi AT BT. MARK’S CHURCH. The at St. Mark’s church on Tbnrsday, will be marked by a display of frails, Cowers and vegetables—“tbe fruits of tbe earth”—arranged iu tbe obanoel. Af ter service, thie oifering will be given to tbe poor. WOOD Most for the mon ey Phone sl, Yard corner Glougister and Gi ant streets CHILD BILL DID NOT PASS Decisive Vote Apist il Yes Way. Atlanta, Nor. 27.—The session of tha house this morning wan largely taken up with the debate on Ur. Houston’* child labor bill, which was the only Important business ot the day on the floor of the house, Tha bill was killed by a vote of 104 to 40. TERM SOON RXPIR2B. > _____ Adjutant General Byrd Will Go Into m Jj 36 Rubber Culture, The Atlanta Dally News says: General Phil G. Byrd has only one more week In office as adjutant gen eral, hie term expiring next Saturday. When seen this morning, General Byrd said that he expected about tha irstofthe year to join hla brother, Captain R, Lee Byrd, who baa been for two years in Central America. Capt. Byrd ban a large plantation near Bo eas del Toro, in the United States of Columbia, where he grows sod ships tropical fruits and rubber. THE GATriS-KILCO CASE, Many Witnesses Examined —New Ev idence to Close Thursday, Nileigb, N. C., Nov. 27 —Rapid pro gress !a being made ie the Gattia Kllgo SIOO,OOO libel case nt Oxford today. Examination of plaintiff’s was re sumed. Of the number examined were m iny obaraoter witnesses, among them Rev. F. D. Swndcll, of Goldsboro, J. H. Southgate, Virginlus Ballard and R. L. Flowers. Durham attorneys say the plaintiff will probably rest his case Monday afternoon. It ia now thought the evidence will be concluded Thursday night. MARRIED IN CHARLESTON. Charleston, S. C., Nov 27.—Miae Isabel Aebley Paine, of Charleston, and Mr, Alexander Lawrence, of Sav annah, wars married at 1 o’clock to day at St. Philip's obursb by Rev. John Johnson. Tbe ohurcb was dec orated with chrysantbsmams. A large number of lovitod gueatt were pres ent. Tbe bride's sister, Miss May Pains, was maid of honor, and tbs groom’s brotber, Samuel Lawrence, of Norfolk, Va., ws best man. Mr. Lawrence is well known in Bructwiak. DEATH IS NEAR, ft. Paul, Nov. 27.—Senator Davis’ death Is expected at any moment. Mr, J, T. Colson, of Brunswick, i( registered at tbe hotel Marlborough, New Tork City. BRUNSWICK, GA. WEDNESDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 28, 1900. ie ttiv ai i ni i Negro Slot Dicer Was ■ Tta Killed • MI EMM PREVAILS Mob Fired Two Hundred Bullets Into the Despera do Lake City, Fla , Nov. 27.—Spencer Williams, a negro gambler was ahot to pieces near this city this afternoon by a posse composed of over a hundred Williams arrived from Pensacola last night and in resisting airest he shot and dangerously wounded City Marshal Strange and William Strickland a promlneut business man. As soon as the news of the shooting spread, a posse was organized and went in hot pursuit of the negro. He was oyertaken a few miles from town and shot to pieces, Fully two hundred bul lets were found in the negro’s body- * THURSDAY MOIINJNG. By an oversight, ths noUjie of the onion Thanksgiving servloe, to be held at the Preebyterisn ohureh, has been quits confusing. Our attention has bean called to tbs faot, and itianow stated authoritatively, that it will be held Thursday morning at ten o’elook. The service will not ba long, and ia plaoed at above hour ao ae not tointer fere with household affaire. Beoause of siokness, absence, etc., the Baptist choir have aeked to be exouaed,and the choir of the Presbyterian church will b&ve charge of tha mueio. TOO SEVERE. Amrr.ea Against Demand of the Powers;*, ' , _*•; - . Washington, Sv, 27. —Demands trade on China by the Powers as cabl* ed by Conger yssterday are regarded aa altogether too severe to be approved by the United Siates. MOKE STRIKERS Several Hundred Join the Strikers in Tampa. Tampa, Nov. 27—8everai hundred men were added to the striking foreee here today. These oame mostly from among unorganized labor and the baildlnge in course of construction are at a standstill. POPE NOT DEAD. London, Nov, 27, —The report of the death of the pops, which reached New fork today, was baaed on Paris rumors circulated by a small news agency. The pontiff waa quite well ycaterday. Furniture Auction The household goods of fl. 11. Raymond will be sold at auction in the store adjoining the Brunswick Bank & Trust Cos., Friday morning at 10 a. m. Thisjis a good chance to get some fine furniture at low figures. Fob Sai.k-Cash register and iron safe. Cheap. Apply at this office. 111011 HU Was fo Haro Been Blown Dp Sunday HEIMS WIRE ARRESTED Conspirators Had Laid a Mine Under a Churoh but it Was Discovered r ' ' ' r I London, Nov. 27 .—According to a special edition of the Evening Stand ard, a plot to assassinate Lord Roberts in which twenty foreigners were con cerned has been discovered. It appears that the conspirators laid and mine which was designed to be blown up Hun 1 1/ v U tend ingchurchin Johannesburg, but the police and guard frus trated the movement. Ten men meet ly Italians were arrested. THE CANS HERE. Oyster. Factory Will Soon Begin Oper ation of Canning. Several truoka of the Cohen Trans fer Company were kept buay yester day hauling oane to the plant of the Aiken Canning Company, and from this we are lead to believe that the factory will be in operation within the next few days. Messrs. Bloodwortb & Jones removed the mamoth boiler from the care yesterday, and will be plaoed in position today. SHIPPING REPORT. Osrreoted Daily byi Oapt. Otto /shaineaen Port of Brunswick, Nov. 27,1900. ARRIVED. British S. 8. Bencedlclr. Jackson, St v Vincent, C. V. S. 8. Klogrande, Johnston, New York. Sehr. Waltham Barthor, Boston, CLEARED. Tjohooner Gladys Colson, New York, SAILED. Spanish bark Linda, Ferrer, Barce lona. Sehr. Harold, Harold J. McCarthy, Flynn, Sat Ula. The greatest evidenoe of the dangers of ebolera morbus, diarrhoea and dye eatery le the increase in the death rate during the summer months. Ton can not be too oarefni, and partienlar at tention should be paid to tha diet, A supply of Pain-Kili should always be et band, for It can be relied on at all times as safe, sure and tpaedy. A tea spoonful will oars any ordinary rase. Avoid eobetitntee. There ie bnt one Pein-KUler, Perry Davie’. Pnoe 350. and 50e. FOR LARCENY. Pater Evans, colored, waa yesterday tried in Justice Lambright’e bourt on a charge of larceny made by tbe local branch of ihe |Amsrican of Labor, acd he was bound over. Mr. A. L- Franklin represented the plain tiffs, and Mr. Ernest Dart the defend ant. i FOE ARBITRATION. Patiis, Noy. 27.—President municipal council tomorrow will propose in council a vote arbitrating Transvaal disputes. THREE DAYS OF RAIN THEN CONIES A FLOOD Pittsburg District Scene of Destitution VOTING WAS, VERYUVELY Hiss Claudia Lucas Now Leads io tie Times-Call circisjloatesl HOW THEY STAND. Miss Claudia Lucas 49 Mias Janie Symons 45 Miss Madge Young 42 Mias Dollie Tison 26 Mias Addle Tankersly 20 Seattering Total cast 224 The Times-Oall circus contest 3tarts ed in realearnest yesterday and many votes were polled for the different young ladieis in the race. The voting boxes were placed in front of Brown’s and Butts’ drug stores and all during the afternoon people could be seen going up and dropping in the little white ballots for their favorites, aud the "contest editor” had somewhat of a job counting the ballots. □ Three m-ire young ladles were enter ed by their friends, Mis-es Janie Sym ons, Madge Young and Addle Tankers ley and they start off with a good number of votes to their credit. Hereafter, the ballots each day will be dated and must be cast on that day. For instance the ballot that appears in today’s paper is dated Nov. 28. Should some of these be cast tomorrow, they will not be counted. Tbe ballots that appeared in Sunday’s and Tuesday’s piper however, will be oounted if cast today. The ballot boxes are placed in front of tbe two above named drug stores early every morning, and are remoyed at 6 o’clock in the afternoon, therefore you should vote before that hour, or they can be mailed to tho contest edi tor. The management of the Timeb-Call Is determined that the race shall be a fair one, and no one connected with this offloe will be allowed to partici pate in the conteet. During the count last night a large number of votes blank on one side were found and were thrown out. Theee ballots were obtained from spoiled copies of tbe paper and are no good. OFFICIAL BALLOT. For the Most Popular Young Lady in Brunswick, I Vote tor Miss ROBINSON’S SHOW November 28. A SMALL BLAZE. An alarm ef fire was turned in yes terday about 12 o’clook from box 6. A small blaae was looated io tbs Cath olic church. Nodauige was dons. FIVE CENTS MANY LIVES AND MUCH PROPERTY Tloosaafls Tlrowi Oat of Eiployieat iLHDSMER HEAVILY Hundreds of Families Driven From Their Homes By the Water Pittsburg, Nov. 27.-After three days of incessant rain, a flood unpre cedented for this aeaeon of the year swept down the Menongabela and Al legheney rivers last night, ruining hundreds of thousands dollars’ worth of property, drowning at least thirty persons, temporarily throwing ont of employment thousands of workmen by foroed suspension of many industrial establishments lining the banka of both streams, and rendering hundreds of families homeless. The lowlands in Pittsburg, Alleghe ny, South Pitteburg, Sharpaburg, and McKeesport are inundated, and nearly every plant fronting the two rivers have been forced to abut down. Hun dreds of families are [either driven from their homes or are living in up per lloora and using skiffs. There ware many narrow escapes from drowning during the night, and several men are reported missing. At Neville island four spins of a railroad bridge in the course of construction were swept away during the night. IN TENNESSEE. Jamestown, Tenn., Nov. 27.—Rain baa fallen here unceasingly for four days. All the creeks and rivera are out of their bank). It ie feared that muoh damage is done to farm lands, rafts, and timber by the high water. Jamestown is in the Cumberland moon tain eection. TORNADO IN GREENS. Augusts, Nov. 27. here of a tornado wbioh passed over Siloana, Greene county. Many head of oattle were killed and crops much damaged. No loss of lives is rsported yet. WARNING! Tenderness, acbing J in tbs smell of tbe baok is a serious symptom. Tbs kidneys ar* suffering. Take Smith’s Su-s Kidney Cure at onoe. It is a re liable kidney remedy and eyetem reg ulator, and will cure tbe trouble be fore It develops ite dangerous stag*. Price 50 cents. For sale by all drng gists. Wh* yea want prompt acting little pills that never gripe one IJeWltt’s Uttle Early Kiwis. W. J. Betts. WOOD—Most for the mon ey’.. Phone 3l ' u Yard corner Gloucester and Grant streps