The Brunswick times-call. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1900-1902, November 29, 1900, Image 1

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THE BRUNSWICK: i iivita-uALL VOLUME XI. NUMBER 88. •UNDIDATESwR, MAYOR AND ALDERMEN SEND IN , LJEItERS OFACCEPTANCE 'Mr. Emanuel Is Aware of the Great Responsibility HE WILL HAVE TO DO MdCH WORK HOPEFUL Of I 111 Will Do All in lis Power For Bmnswicß All of the Letters Are Full of Pa triotism—What They Have to Say in Their Letters. Below the TtstEi-CALi. publisher letter* of acceptance from Mr. X. Emanuel, nominee for mayor, and frqm Messrs. du Bignon, Wenz, MaGarvej and Calhoun, the gentlemen nominated for aldermen: Brunswick, Oa., Not. 28,1900, Messrs, U. F. du Blgnon, J. T. Celsoo, Cbas. Id. Tilton, Committee el Notification, City; Dear Sira—l am in receipt of yours ol ths 19th notifying me of my nomina tioa by the Good Gorerorfiant Club for ths offict of msyor of the city of Bruns wick, I recognize the fact that under the present condition of the citv’s finances, that the man who accapts the office of mayor, does so with the full know ledge of the large responsibility, and ths prospect of haying to do a yery large amount of work in order to ac complish th ß desired reform, and the much to be desired improvement of the city’s condition. Believing at I de that Brunswiek U naturally one of the beet placet In the South, and that she can be made to take her place in the front ranks of our most progressive being largely identified f business in terests of the city, of oor future growth, I to accept the nomination for mayor and promise If eleoted to do ail In my to pro mote the welfare of the city, Respectfully yours, N. Em an oat. Brunswick, Ga., Nov. 29, 1900, To tfie Chairman and Members of the Good Government Club, Messrs. H. F. du B'gnon, J, T. Colson, C. M. Tilton, committee Gentlemen—lt is with pleasure that I accept your nomination as a candi date for alderman ou ticket, and I endorse ti.* platform as adopted at your meeting of the 10th Inst, and can see no reason why the city of Bruns, wick should not be conducted on busi ness principles so as to restore the con fidence of the citizens of the town and the people abroad, thereby establishing a business prestige which our city is justly entitled to, and to place if second to none in the state. Thanking you for the honor conferred on me, I am, Tours respectfully, Aliikrt E. Wknz. Brunswick, Ga., Nor. 87, 1900, Messrs. H. F. du Blgnon, J. T. Colson, sod C. M. Tilton, Committee: Gentlemen—l beg to acknowledge your courteous notifisstion et my se lection by the nominating committee of Club to fill the vacancy on the aldermsnic ticket. . My friends ere aware that 1 have been a steadfast supporter ot the prin ciples and policies of the club since ths Inception of the movement. I have carefully considered the platform re cently adopted by tbs club and which is to be the guide for the club should we be elected, I earnestly advocate each plank io that platform,end should Ibe chosen, shall cosoperate with the mayor and ths gentlemen wbo have been selected on the aldermanic ticket In faithfully fulfilling tbe pledges therein made. I beg to express my apprecias tien of this evidence ot confidence of the ommHtee, and to assure the tax payers and citizens that if elected 1 shall administer the duties as 1 believe to be for their best Interests. Very respectfully, J. C. Calhoun. B*unswick, Ga., Nov. 20,1900. Messrs. H. F. du Blgnon, J. T. Colson, and Cbas. M Tilton, Committee of Notification Good Government Club, Brunswick, G*.: Gentlemen;—l acknowledge tbe re oeipt of your communication of the 19th inst,, advising me of my nomina tion for alderman of toe city of Bruns wick, at tbe regular election, to be held on December 11th next. In reply, I beg to say tbat 1 hesitate to accept. Shall my auswer be in the negative or affirmative? Shall I de cline to perform the duties (for they are bard end unpleasant at this partic ular crisis), or shall X aooept? Believ ing, however, it to be tbe duty of e- ery good oltizjn to respond to the call of fbn people, and to be willing to sacri fice personal interest for tbe public good, 1 cannot decline to aeoept, and will therefore make tbs race as oue of your representatives. I wish to say to those who have boo- BRUNSWICK, GA. THURSDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 29, 1900. Pits’ PIPS 11 HIS The Corn Speze Won In a fall FOURTEEN DENTS A BUSHEL H Mads This On the Grain Sold Yesterday - ** Only Chisago, Nov. 28.—Ths largest grain oorner sines Joe Belter tried to grab the earth’s supply, ended successfully today. George H. Philip*, corn squeeze, won and he now holds less than twenty.flve thousand bushels, having sold out all at fifty cent* per bushel which onlj cost him frsm thirty-five to thirty-six cents. Philips’profits run up Into the millions. ored me with their confidence, that J endorse fully the platform of the Good Govetrhment Club, and if it were pos sible to make it stronger, I would do so. The duties to be performed sreoner ous, sod ths tusk Is bard aud unpleas ant-such as will nsosssarily take moeb time and faithful servioe te straighten out tbs oonfused mass of blaok clouds ibat now overshadow os, in the shape of debt, mismanagement and misspprspriation. To a faithful service on the part of tbe representa tives of tbe Good Government Club, these clouds muat at first give a silver lining, and then gradually to the full light of the sun, so that you all can tea what ia being done for tbe welfare of Brunswiok. There should be perfsot sympathy and oonfidenoe betweea the city council and the oiti zsns of Brunswiok. We must have their commendation when we deserve it, and if it be possible for us to sot otherwise, their condemnation if we fail to do our duty. Our acts must be ss an open book to all the citizens oi Brunswiok, aud for tbe best Interest •f tbs ontire community. A. grist painting once graced tbe walls of ths Paris sslod, representing La Ruche Jtqueiein io the midst or bis coustrymen with bat in one band aud sword in tbe other, and although there was no insoriptiva explanation, those wbo knew, knew that La ltocbe Jaqaelein said this to his countrymen, “I wave my bat, follow me; it I fsui ter, shoot me down; and if I fail by the hand of the enemy, avenge my death"—and this sentiment, I endorse fully. Our city government ebouid be of all the people, by ai) the people, and for the goed of a 1 tbe people, and by tbe grant, of God, and the help of the good citizen* of Brunswick, it will bs so. Respectfully, J. E. c Bignon.^ Brckswick, Ga., Nov, 28,1900. Messrs. H. F. dußignon, J. T. Col Ii ill lIIJI1 1 Sultan’s Sinister nails On Secretary lay BUT i MEAN BUSINESS That Small Amount Most fie Forthcoming So He Says Washington, Nov. 28.—The Turkish minister called on Seoretary Hay today to inquire about the visit of the battle ship Kentucky to Smyrna. Mr. Hay was non-committal oa the subject, but assurred the minister that Thar* was no hostile purpote at present, This is all the secretary would say, but the minister was made to understand that this country coqp! not play about that little debt'much longer. eon, C. M. Tilton, committee: Gentlemen:—l min receipt of your eeteemed communioiation apprising me Of my nomination for the offioe of aldermen for the ensuing term of two year*, end after mature and oarefnl oonaideration, I have deoided to accept the nomination, with a deep eenee of appreciation for the unsolicited honor wbloh I have neither nought nor de sired. Perhaps one of the moat encour aging eigne of the time* ia that citi zens may meet in pnblic meeting and make tbeir own nominationc without any long oast diet, or disturbing pre arranged plana. This ia Just ea it abonld be, and will be, if tbe people awaken to a true realisation of what mismanagement haa ooet them (with alight intermiaaion) In the last thirty years, in retarding the g rowth of what was destined by nature to lie o:;e of tbe promising cPles of the South. I believe in platforms out to catch votes, but to put in practice. I sub scribe to tbe platform, not in part but In wbole, as adopted at your meeting. The organized efforts of tbe many oltizena comprising the Good ■sent Club is worthy of highest com- mendatloo and Is already bearing frnitful results, and ought to receive hopeful and cheerful encouragement from all wbo bejieve in better ideas and thoughts in public office. Bight is right, and wrong is wrong. Do net allow anyone to move the dividing line, but with a vigorous public sen’f ment, uphold the right and cond,iron the wrong. Yours very truly, C. McGarvky CRUISER SUNK Auxiliary Cruiser Yosemite Goes Down. Manila, Nov. 28.—The United Stales auxiliary ernher Yosemite went down in a typhoon on the loth Instant. Five of the crew were lost. THANKSGIVING TODAY. BRUNSWICK OBSERVES, MAYORS PROCLAMATION ■ ‘ ; : - • •’w -, 4 v ■ All Public Buildings Will Be Closed ADMIRAL McNAIR. He Died Suddenly Yesterday After noon of Apoplexy. Washington, Nov, 28.—Rear Admiral MoNair died suddenly this afternoon of apoplaxp. He did not speak after being stricken. for arbitration France Wants Engllsh-Bosr Trouble Settled, Paris, Nov. 28.- The general oouncil of Lien today unanimously adopted a resolution, the gist of which demanded that the French take initial steps In an endeavor to bring about arbitration between Great Britain and the Boera, ADVERTISED LETTER LIST. The followiug is a list of letters re maining in tbe postoffice at Bruns wiok, Ga„ unclaimed, for the week ending Noy. 24,1900. A—Mrs, Rosa Allen. B—Muss Amanda Bingham, Worm Bullocks, W. S. Bullard, Browning Sons & Cos. C—J. U. Copeland, Alex Collins, Mrs. Millie Chatfield. *b —Mrs. Sarah Davis. F—E. O. Fortes-. G—E. Gent, Mrs. Matban] Griffin, Dora Goldstein, H—O. Hicki.' K—J. Killebrew, M I). L—l. L. Lowie. M—lt. A. Malone, TANARUS, G. Matthews, Mrs. W. E. Munroe, .Tames G. Marlow. N—B. Newberger, P—Sol Perilz, S. A. Powell. B—Murray Robinson, Miss Mami Rons, Mrs. Lizzie Roberts, Miss Oa: tnllla Roberson, William Robinson. 8 -Key. C. Smith, Mias Sallie Steph enson, Joe Stevens. T—D. Terry, Miss Clifford Thomas. W—John P. Wlnand, Fanny Wil liams, Hattie Walbarg, Miss Elsie Ware L. W, Wilson, Parties calling for ietiers must say advertised and pay one oent. Today is a legal holiday, and the post office will be closed as on Sundays, be ing open between 9 and 10 o’clock. Patrons of ti?e office will take due notice hereof, end govern themselves accordingly. F. MoC . Bkovvn, Postmaster * A BANQUET. Mr. H. 0. Raymond, who leaves in a few days for New York, his future home, will tender his friends a ban quet kt the Oglethorpe Saturday night Cavers will be laid for thirty. PRICE FIVE CENTS, HALF HOLIDAY WITH MERCHANTS maw mm Onion Service to Be Mil Tiis Morning The City Hall, Post Office and Pubs lio Buildings Generally Will Be Closed Today is Thanksgiving and the fes tive turkey having gobbled his last time is now to be gobbled, showing that thore are two sides to the question of gobbling. Most of the churches hold services to day in thanksgiving for the many bless ings enjoyed through the year. Com pared to some of our sister cities, storm swept and fiood ridden, Bruns wick has much to be thankful for; and if our prosperity continues we may have a great deal more next year in the way of new enterprises, etc;, to makr us thankful that we live in the little city. Here's a health to Bruns wick; may Bhe live long and prospsri The banks, postoffice, city depart, “ente, and In fact ail the • public'll liutions will bo ’ closed. Following is the mayor’s proclama tion Whereas, fn conformity to a van erable custom, His Exoellenoy, A. D. Candler, governor of the State of Georgia, has appointed Thursday, the 29tb day of November, A. D., 1900, aa a day of tbankcgiving and praiaa to Almighty God for Ilia mercies, and, Whereas, It is right and proper that all of our oitizens sbould reader thank* uuto Almighty God for Hi* manifold blessings Now, therefore, I, Dean I). Atkin son, mayor of tbe oity of Brunswick. Georgia, hereby issue this, my pro clamation, declaring and jncffintiiMr Thursday, the 29th day of A. D., 1900, as a day of thanksgiving and prayer, and do earnestly request and invite all oitizens to lay aide their secuiar avooations on that day, and to assemble at tbeir respective p.aoes of woiship and give thanks cn to Almighty God for the preservation of health and tbe many blessloga vouchsafed unto them and this city ; and to this end, that the officers and employes of the city may enjoy these privileges, 1 hereby direct that the va rious departments of the city govern ment be closed on said day.