The Brunswick times-call. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1900-1902, November 29, 1900, Image 4

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The Brunswick Times. Established I**B. The Brunswick Call. Established Im. The llrimswick Times-Call, CONSOLIDATED im. Fabtisbed X VICHY MOKNING EXCEPT MONDAY. < ■ ———— ASTHffB H. USAVY - - - - - Editor BOLAND A. XOUUtS. Bmiaess Manager j TO SUBSCRIBERS: Snbecriber* are requested to notify the office When they fail to get any Issue of the Tlmes- OaU. Attention to this matter will be appre ciated by the publitbera. The Timea-CaU [will 'bet Delivered by carrier or mall, per year. $6.00; per week 16 cent!. Correspondence on lire subjects ■elicited. Seal name of writer ehonld ac company came. Rnbasriptiona payable in advance, Failure to receive paper ehonld be reported to tbe.buineea office. Addreee all aommnnieaUone to - * THE TIMES-CALL, BrunaWlck.Ga. NOTICE. Hereafter all legal advertlic mente must be paid for after the first insertion. The management has been put to a great deal of trouble and delay In collecting in the pant, and in future must take advantage of the Georgia law on this subject. Oot. 10,1900, YT ANTED, AT ONCE.—Two print ers—usk-up and straight type-setter. sc —u-ionbr ANNOUNCEMENT. The Times -Cam. force bat as much to ba thankful for as nioct other peo ple, and there is no reason why wc cannot observe as other folks do. Tba management bac decided not to issue •ny paper tomorrow, in order that the men who make the Times-Cai.t. may •pend the day with their familiei, and aooompany them to tha houses of wor ship; The paper will bo out as usual IBaturday morniag. The Tnißs-CxLi. is glad to say that quite a large number have oonnec c l their premiaea wI.L th< sewerage sys tem, hut there ar* Itili many who per sist in vlola’lig ihe cuverage ordi nance. Mayor Atkin.mi ih making every effort to enfurcs the law and bis successor will do the same thing. =—■ — ALL HAVE COURAGE. Courage is so common a trait among railroad men that examples of bravery attract only passing mention. Duty is as big a word to the engi neer, conductor and brakeman as it is to the soldier. Men die beoauss of that word. They have been burned, mashed and mangled in wreoks be cause of it, and every year, tbe rail toad mao, aa a type, stands higher among men. SBHMPRie, switchman, and 8. J. Anderson, engineer, saved many lives •a the Southern railway, near Ciocin> aati, last Saturday. They pursued a runaway engias that was traveling a mile a minate towards tbe fast mail. While Aodcrsoe struek to the throttle Of tbe pursuing engine, Malone climb ed over the pilot, fell, caught himself, fell again, but nabbed the long soupl iag her and pulled himself upon tbe runaway in time to stop it and avert a disasterr At tbe same time, Engineer John Ferkinc, on the Central railroad, near Batavia, N. TANARUS„ caught sight of a string of ruaawey freight cars, oom ing- with tha speed of a wind taward bis train. He didn’t jump. Every man in the train erew stuck to bis poet. John Perkins stopped bis train, backed, and when the crash came lit tle dsmaga was done. Rev, Myron Heed, a noted evange liet, once addressed a gathering of railroad man. “1 want to pay you an honest tribute" he said. ‘‘Supposing aoyooe of you ware oaught under a wreck, and, crushed and bleeding, knew that you oould live to Bpcak bu eight words. Would they be a prayer for tbe salvation of yonr soul '( No Would they be a menage to wife or or mother, No* “You would ssj: ‘Put oat a flag to the train following.”’ THE NEXT ADMINISTRATION. Tbe general tone of the letters of acceptance of tbe candidates for mayor end alderman, nominated by tbe Good Government club, ia to be oommended. These gentlemen have tbe absolute confidence of those who know them best, They are all known to be men of tbe highest integrity, deeply and sincerely interested in tbe welfare of Brnnswick. Each of the oandidates pledges his earnest support of the policies and principles set forth in the strong plat form adoptid by the club. The people are aware that tha city owes a consid erable floating debt, and that the ten per oent discount allowed by tbe may* or aod oounoil caused tbe payment of a Urge portion of the taxes in the sum - mer which have ordinarily been payed atjthe oloee ofj the year. Tbit will necessarily deprive tbe incoming ad ministration of the usual revenue tbe first of tbs year, end will be snj addit ional embarrassment. It will require three or four years, with tbe most rig id economy to pay off the floating debt and the expressed determination £of those who vote eonetitnte tbe majority of the new board to make heroic ef forts to put tha city on a sound finan cial basic, should receive the suppoit and co-operation" of all the citizens *nd ix p*vers is wait as those who wit hold over for another year. Tii#*eaalidatei nominated by tha o ub r# ospable and sincere, and the pu ’ Ho can rest assueed that their in ternals wilt be faithfully guarded. The Tuns -Call job office is now in full'blast again and those jwho desire to aavo money should let it bid on their work. Best workmen and. best equipped. jT Special Prices. II t Just in by expre** ; V Florida Orange* 100 dozen. Ripe Banana* 100 to 200 doz, Hard New York Apple*. Well bleached Celery LLOYD’S, 'PHONE 255-2 0 (Next door to Fleming A Waff) . - -v*.,. . . . . THEIBKONBWICK TIMES-CALL. NOVEMBER 29,1900 House work- Ssema easy to a but there as a great deal of lilting and reaching to do j a great many trips up and down stain to make in the course of day’s house Wk. It’a hard where a woman is we3t For a woman suffering with some form of •female trouble ” itr—- is daily torment. ra&aA ■ There arc thousands pyjEpk f j J of such women . Struggling along, day y by and ay, in increasing {BSaP\, Jiff misery. There are Xjß other thousands who feSr have found a com- r 3 plete cure of their Sb disease in the use of %.// Dr. Pierce’s Favorite Ja/[ j I yvf&ffj Prescription. It LSLa fCfIH stops debilitating ufiTTjS /**SSh® drains, cures irregu- [Sgjm lsrity, heals iufUm- ..Ilf 1 / , nation and alcera- *Tfrf j tion, nourishes tbe j—i NJfgSiiSJ nerves, and gives L vitality and vigor. It makes weak women strong and i/' I siak women well. It / IJ contains no cocaine nor other / BK •For a Dumber of // H with nat trouble they ever h 4. I decided U> write te you for help I wd>id a very antjqragW reply, and cohuaKVWa treatment at o#e. I had not used reef* Favorite Preecripttoß • a week before I beMn to feet better, a<L a* I Eitiuned, my heaUh gradually uuytovec. it U proving every day.'’ Dr. Pieree’s Common Sense Medical Adviser is sent fret an receipt of tamos to pay cost of mailing only. Send it one-cent stamps for a book in paper covers, or 31 stamps in cloth, to l>r, tL V. Fierce, Buffalo, N. V. Don’t wait until the cool wave cotaes before having your overcoat cleaned, pressed or repaired by Jim Carter Srnd it in now. Ovd jtohia. ... Bei the _y> 111* Kind Yoti Haw Always gji: Signature Sy?* - - - -|fc|l —— r py ? HHEitiKrff salic GEORGIA, Glynn County. Will be sold before the courthouse door ta Brunswick, on first Tuesday In December, nineteen hundred, the leasehold estate explr ing January ut, m. In the tollowtog parcels of land rn Town Common* of Brunewiek: tot number lit between Gordon ass Johnson streets; and tbs eontheastcra quarter of lot number 111 between Johnston and Bartow streets. Sold as property of eel ate of A. TANARUS, I’atnam, under elocution issued hy the tax collector of said county against A.T. rutnaaa, tor state and county tan*. W. H. BEEHTE, Sheriff ANNOUNCEMENT. To the voters of Ike 26th District Gk, M., Glynn comity! *- .4, I hereby solicit the support of tbe voters of said district at the election to he held for justice of the peace on the first Saturday in December next. If elected will endeavor to perform the duties of said office faithfully. Respectfully, Jas. T. Lambright. Burnett’s Special Mixture is uo vquiieu es a milk produc-r, QUESTIONS ANV. Ki KD. Ves, AugustjjFlowrr stiu h M the la -.'re*, ealejof any mudlciue is theolv •’*! world. Your .. 'thrr- moths, a never thoufc hi oi any thing else Ifor indigestion or biliooe oe*e. Doctor* were soarce. and they seldom heard of apendlcltia, nervous prostration, heart failure, etc. They used August Flower to clean out the system and stop fermentation of undi gested food, regulate tbe action of the liver, atimulate tbo action of the ner voji* *nd organic system, aod; that is ail they took when feeling dull and bad with headache and other (aches. You only need a few doses of Green's Au gust Flower, in liquid form, to make you satisfied there is. nothing Serious the matter with you Sample bottles at Butts drugstore or Browu( Drug Cos Should ba In every household naede oine obest. It afford* certain relief OUR UIISE Op Gents Furnishings is nw compuktg. New Goods Arriving Each Week J H. HELLER Sc BROS., 314 Newcastle St. Between.C. McOarvey’s and Thomas Keaney. CHAP AD7EBTISINB. CASH IN ADVANCE Advertisements ia this column will be insert ed at the uniform rate of One Cent a Word for each insertion. So advertisement, however mall, less than 50 eenta. Cash in advance. Morphine, opium, laudanum,cocoains habit; myeelf cuted, will inform you of harmless, permanent home cure. Mary 8. Baldwin, box 1212, Chicago. Hustling young man can make (60 per month and expanses, Permanent position. Experience . unnecessary. Write quick for particulars, Clark A Cos., 4tb fc Loous Streets, Philadel phia,-Pa. ; : Hiw ; wXH ED~M AL E. Manager.—Old established mercan tile house wants honest, capable man to manage branch. Salary f 125 mootb, extra commfaaiona. No soliciting re quired,-but most take general direc tion and be ambitious, Good refer ences aod *Boocash required. Experi ence as manager not necessary, if qualified in other respects. “Opportu nity,” Drawer 74, New Haven, Conn, FOR SALE—BUTLKK’S ISLAND.— This well-known rice plantation, sit uated on the Altamala river, opposite Darien, containing 1,200 nnder bank; also, summer residence on tbejsalts, with amall house, fire miles from Da rien, containing 17 acre*. Price for whole, *II,OOO, For further particulars, apply to Mr. B. T. Sinclair, Darieß, Mclntosh county, Ga. 1.1 n'—III FOB BENT.—Seven-room bouse, near the hospital. Only *lO 00 per month. W. W. Brockington. ~ HAY FOR SaLk.'—FivTcar loadsoif choice Bermuda hay, a* §16.00 per toe, laid down in Brunswick, Ga. Sold only in car load lota *t this price iplfeD. Brown. Jr.. Greensboro, Ga.H FOR &ALE—LITTLE ST. SIMON’S ISLAND, ’containing 6,000 aores Good game preserve—deer, ducks, etc. besides beat fishing,en tbe eoaat, with hard beach of several miles in extent. Excellent nyiter bed. Price, *20,000. Also, Canon’* point, on Great St. Simon’* ttland, containing abont 680 acres, directly opposite Little St. Si mon’s Island. Good tabby foundation* for a nlvr bou*e. TH* property i sixty Jgffrs from Havannah, fourteen miles from Brunswick, with both of which place* there is daily connection by steamer, It it on the Island next to Jekyj, aod suitable in every retpect for a hunting and fishing club. Price, *IO,OOO. For further particular*, apply Mr. J ames T. Dent, Evelyn, Glynn county, Georgia. FOR RENT.—Furnished or unfur nished room°, 003 Mansfield street. Mrs. 'W. H. Anderson. * : . *- Fob ?Aj.p-Cah register and iron safe, Apply at this office. For Asthma use CHE NEY’S EXPECTORANT: CALL ON L. A. Miller FOB Kiln Dries Mr Ming . selling nni Filing • -. Large Stock Just Received. Corner Bjr sad Mansfield. Phone irf > Only place in town where kiln dried lumber can be bought. 900 Drops] A\c ; •• , '\~ similatingilteroodandHeguJa ting the Stoaacte andikrwels of ! I.MAN IS./C HiI.DKi.N Promotes Digestion .Cteerfuf ness and Rest Contains neithef Ophim,Morplune nor MiueraL lior Karc otic . j*vafouDrsm:B.mam SA-*- R*4MU,U*- iS^Sgrw, Apedect Remedy forConslipa- I lion, Sour Stomach.Diarrtioca Worms .Convulsions ,Fe ness and Loss OF SUEEKp Facsimile Signature of NEW YORK. \to ut IH old l) Pom s-J'jti ms SXACT COPY OP WRASPETR.; H. IH. HILLER & SON. Mondayifi#eamer will bring us a line ot Oriental Tapestries, Screens, Couch Cover, Cur tains, etc. direct from those fa mous importers of Oriental goods of A* A. VANTINE & CO Also a be of muslin and Bobbin ct C urtains, Cut Glass, Silverware, Rugs, etc- WINE OF CARDUI HEALTHY OLD AGE. jgfg Laiuts, Bavros Cos. Am* , Aug, 4. lam *9 years old and bava baen tuflarliic with S|LjA\ ) 17" JB Ohanga ot Life J had fioodloe epella o baa that , •one thought X could lira. My huebasd got m* wise ot Cardal and ft saved my Ufa. lam Ilka ' *■ aaoUier penoa ainca taking it. W Mas. B. B. TOWNSEND. ® 'Tgi ft WuetOrt*' E b the devout wish of nearly all people to five to s ripe old .age. None of us want to die young. This universal desire can be realized if car* be taken of the health tn early and middle life. A l.ttie precaution then will add many years to our existence. Death can be kept away a long time. Happy, healthy old age wifi b tbe lot of the woman who promptly corrects the ailments which sffiict her sex. hi youth, Wine of Cardui will take the female child safely over the dividing line between girlhood and womanhood. Asa wife she needs ft to help her through the trials of pregnancy and childbirth with as tittle discomfort as possible. At the Change of Life it will help her over the dangerous place that appears in her pathway between 40 and 5a Then will corns many years of truly blissful existence. She will grow old slowly and gracefully. To tbe last she wifi preserve that charm and beauty which are always characteristic C- - . of perfectly healthy grandmothers. Mtiis* savisesi exiAirntiiT. <°r women alone to decide roradvice tn com* raqabing vpeciai whether they will be healthy or *•, Th remedy for their sick- KiiHmif (o„ (;hatt&Doog&, Term. ocss is close at hand. LARCE BOTTLES OF WIRE O F CAUpUI SOLD FOR *I.OO BY ORUQOISTS. WINE OF CARDUI !H I For Infants and Child ran. The Kind You Have Always Bought j Beam the / a l Signature /To# \bjr For Over | Thirty Years CASTORIA Mte THE CEMTAUW fiOMMNV. MEW VOflK CTT. f