The Brunswick times-call. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1900-1902, November 29, 1900, Image 6

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THE ONLY BIG SHOW To visit Brunswick this season NOTHING OLD BUT THE NAME 76 Tears Catering toAmeriean People OLD JOHN ROBINSON S 10 Big ghows In One In conjunction with the grand sublime spect&nle of King Solomon and the Queen of Sheba. The newest, Greatest and Richest Circus in America coming to Brunswick, December 12th Great World’s Exposition, 4 circuses in one. 2 menage ries in one. 2hippodromes. 1 gigantic museum. 1 grand Biblical spectrcle. 10 truly good shows merged into one. IQOQ men/women and children. 200 horses. 60 ponie 30 camels, 8 herds of elephants, 50 cages, $ brass band£ 30 chariots. The circus features this season, obtained from America and Europe, will startle the \yorld; nothing like them ever before presented in this country. A recent acquisition, a baby sea lion born in captivity, the only event of that kind that ever ocurred in America An Algerian cow. the only one ever in America, 2o inches high. A herd of Philippine water buffalos from the island of Luzon, the only ones ever exhibitedjn America A family of 20 black maned lions, o mammoth snow white polar bears, 6 royal Bengal tigers, Herd of sacred cattle from India. A feature of the street parade: 30 camels driven to a *20,000 cnariot* 40 Shetland ponies harnessed and driven at one time. 10 handsome and costly traps'. The cages and cbariots alone in this glittering procession, the only %nes of the kind in the United States, cost more idST• money than the entire outfit of any three or- Two performance daily, Main opena jIME BRUNSWICK TII4ES-CALL. NOVEMBER 29, i960 SHIPPING REPORT. Osmstsd Daily by] Cspt. Otto lohanneien Port of Bnmswiok, Nov, 28, 1900. tUUUD. Steamer George Fsrwelß Ireland, New York. Schr. J. H. Parker, Hammond, New York. SAIL*D. Schr. Gtadje, Colson, New Y' rk. A Night or Terror. “Awful anxiety wu felt tor the widow ot the kraveGen Burnham, ot Mactors,Ate , whan the So**or# saidCthe could cot tire Mil morning, write# Mr*. S. H. Lincoln, who ttided her Shat fearful night. “All thought the meet ■non die from Pneumonia, bat #be begged for Dr. King'# New IMueovery, **ylDg it had more Mian once eared her life and had cured her ot consumption. After three small dace# she retted eaeilj all Bight, and it# further use completely cured her." Xhi# msrvelou* medicine Is guar anteed to cure all Throat, Cheat and Lung Dm. ease*. Only iOo and 81 00. Trial bottle# free at n drug stores. S6OO Reward. HWe will pay the above reward for any ca#e of Liver Complaint, Dyspepsia, Sick Headache, Indigestion, Constipation or C enliven cm we eennot euro with Riverain, the Op-to-Date Littfe Liver Pills, when the direction# are •trlctly complied with. They are purely vege table and never fail to give satisfaction. 23c boxes contain 100 pills, 10a boxes contain 40 pill#, to boxes contain It pill# Beware ot sub stitutes and imitations. Beat by mail, stamps taken. NKBVri A MEDICAL CO., cor. ClitT ton end J wkum Ms ,Chicago, 111. Tor saleby Brown Dmg Cos. Branswtak. Us □ Money loaned on personal property and real estate. Ap ply to J.|W. Wat Kins. Kbdol Dyspepsia Cure Dipests what you eat. It artificially digests the food and aid* Nature in strengthen lug and recon* structlog the exhausted digests* or gans. It lathe latestdlscovereddigest* ant and tonic. No ether preparattoa can approach It in efficiency. It In stantly relieves and permanently cure* Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Heartburn, Vlauaettoe,- Sout- Stomach, Sick Headache, Oastralgla/’rampsand all other results of Imperfect digestion. Pates 60c * nil Si. Large sue oontsln* 2H *MM smell else. Book si 1 shoot and y*pops* n. aPedfrae 'Pfaporrd hv E. C. Os WITS A CO.. Chicago. W. J. BETTS. A bottle of Prickly Ash Bitters kept in the haute and used occasionally means good health to the whole bouse hold. W.J. Butte, • BDon’t badaoeivod or hninbuggad by pcool#' who claim the discovery of some hitherto nn . known herb or root in swsmps, or on tome mount sin or prairie for the ear* of kidney sod bladder troubles, Any doctor; ordrnggltt with •ell you that soon claims ot fraudulent. Folsy’s Kiduey Cure simply contains remedial that ar* recognised by tho most skilful physicians as best for ’he*e complaints, so don’t be orerinlaua or foolish. W.J. Butts. Dewitt’s Little Early Kisets are the btat liver pills erer made. Basy to take and never grtce. W.J. Butts. The Quakers Are Honest People. tThs Quaker Herb Ton ic is not only a blood purifier, but a Blood mater for Pals, Weak and Debilitated pooplo who have not strength nor blood. It acts as a tonic, 18 regulates di rection, cores dyspepsia and lends strength and tone to tbe nervous ay •- *ein. It ia a medicine for weak women. It la a purely vegetable medicine, and can be taken by tbe moet delicate. Kidney disease, Rheumatism and all of the Blood, Stomach nod Nerves aoon succumb to Its wonderful effect on the human system. Thous ands of people in Georgia recommend it Prise fl.OtX QUAKER PAIN BALM is the raad leine that the QuaketDoetor made all ef his quick ceres with. It’s anew and wonderful medicine fer Neuralgia, Toothache, Backache, Rheumatism, Sprains, Pain in Bowels; in fact, nil paio can bo relieved by it, Price c snd 50e. QUAKER WHITE WONDER SOAP, s medicated heap ter the skin, scalp and o. mplexiW Price lOe nmnkn. QUAKE* HEALING sTlvb, a vegetable ointment fog the core of sfrvsSYtr'’ 1 -* “• POR SALE BT ALL DEUGGISTS ~^Vif* , ||? ILLIXgMAM ’ Preprietor, Druf Store THINGS THEATRICAL. ROBSON THEATRE CO The Robson Theatre Company will opea their three night’s engagement with the etirring romantic play entitl ed “A Romance of the South.” T'lie company bae an entirely new reportoire and no doubt will please. A matinee will be given on Wednes day, Prices are only 10, 20 and 30c, which are In tbe .reach of ail. Seats go on sale today, o— NOTES. Sale' of seats for the engagement of the Robson Theatre Company begin to day. Manager Wolffe’e offer of tickets to the most merltorleas scholar* in tbe pablle sohoole for the matinee next week, will no doubt preve an incentive to tbe students to be preficleat in their studies. Peanat parties are quite popular; parties of society young people buy seat* in the gallery of tbe theatre, take hag* of peanut* with thorn, pro ceed to enjoy themselves. Corona Rlccarde will be tho lead ing lady in "Whon We Were Twenty One,” which will appear here shortly; she will be remembered as the leading lady in "Bon Hur.” —•— Other People’s Money will be the next high priced attraction; it is a most auccesatul play. The tiiumphtaut success of Secret Service still continues unabated. There Is but one organization producing Mr. CHI let t a’* baauliol War story this year. ;** be seen In thia city sometime during Yhe preaenv season. A BTONE IN THE BLADDER. My son has (offered with stone in the bladdsr eight years. 1 baas taken him to several watering places, ale* to Cincinnati, New York, Chics go and Nashville, where be was put under eminent physicians, with no improve ment. On tbe contrary, it was grad ually getting larger, until' I lost all bop# of getting him cored, when I was dpi of Hroith’a More Kidney Cure. I bid bim try it; snd to my surprise he began to improve at once, and be was uured with two bottles. Hj* general bsslrh bss improved wonderfully. John 15, Dedrnan, Msmphie, Tenn. Price 50 ®ents. For sale by al! drug gist*. ForLaGrione and enza use CHENEY’S EX PECTORANT: efeoise o Bning Si from the many bsantifal models in onr display of TRIMMED HATS than ascertain the price. It will be lea* than yea think the hat is worth. Onr milliters got the inspiration from ex pensive Preach models, bat the mate rial and workmanship are American therefore naeob ebeapcr.bat none the eas good and artfstis USS KATE SLATE m CLCCWM sr i * 1 A Note I of Triumpir^^^jm^ B has been souuded to ail man-* j[ B kind —success unparalleled iu the\^ R history of light beverages has every/ \ fj where marked die introduction of B* , n - S%z&o!i£k . HE Ml AN IV 1 / M ’ -Kin* <4*ll Bottled Bscra- 'f-®.'" llt stands preeminent as the finest bottled beer brewed in America, V j and leads all ethers in annual X li exportations to foreign countries, I/L ■ Qadorlrom J h||H Bmr.awlek WbOick Wine and Liquor Cos. ff? PLANT SYSTEM PASSENGER DEPARTMENT. —bead ; %? —kelfttp : ii”" no. m *o.Ba. Tim© Table *<>.. mo.m. Effective Oct t, I*B9. IIIII!."**** Psseenger Mixed Paueoger Mixed „ „ „ „ Daily. Dally, ""i::”;." Dally. Daily. 1.. 00 am.... 546 pm... lv Brunswick *r 0 00cm.... 10 00am..!'. 1 11 40pm... t ooam.. Iv Wttten ar ........... ioo#m_ |4 10 0m... 828 am... ar CbarleSoQ' lv 1216 pm...” *. (11 Soam... 10 pm... ar JackaonvlUs lv 100ptn.... swam... •. jl 16 pm... SI OS am... ar TbOTnasvUle lv 8 15am VIA WAYCROSS A MONTGOMERY. Soo am..,15 4pm.... lv Brnn#wtok ar S 00pm.. .’ 10 00 a m .’. . OSO.’pm, 8 10;am... i Montjromery lv 746 pm H 50am ... 710 pm... ar Namtville lv i 0 00am —■ 7 ipm ... 720 am... ar Bt. Lcuis lv* 835 pm I.!!’.!!: ;:v, 00 am. TipmTTv JtiTOwid ArT Aoopm 10 00 am u m.. Ar Savannah Lv ........ 62onm * S.,am.. 7 25pm.. Ar Richmond J,v 9 00am „ IS 4 ”" Ar Washington Lv 4 f'i am ii... SJjam . ltfeam.. Ar Ballimoio Lv ........ 166 am - Ar Philadelphia Lv 12 20am [.... BETWEEN 3BUNSWICH AND SAVANNAH VIA JEBUP. S**™ - -1 **' Brosiwick ar *6ipm.. pm., i ........ Direct connection made al Wavcrosa wttb Pnllmaa Sleepfnff Care for all pottos. Between Port Tampa. Kej West and Havana. Gonto. j rrtcrninu Lv Tort Tampa I! oo pm Mon. Thor*. Sat. )Ar I’orl Tampn IMiamThar. Sun. and Toes- Ar ?.®f r m Toes. Fri. Bnn.. Lv Key Wert 10 00p.m. Wed. S#t. and Mun Lv Key West Hi pm Twj. Fri. Sunday Ar Key Weal 9 00 pm Wed. Bat. and Stou Ar Havana 5 00 am Wed. Bat Mon I Lv Havana * 80 pm Wed. Sat. and Mon ism i mm. - aI- /WX/ When the liquids come from’eur ,toclc ' We carry such a fine Line of ■“that it is impossible to Snd a brand *K* ) which is not pleasing in some point, :■ These goods are fully matured, ' jjßk'' IT *- have a fine rich boJy and mellow 5. Exoclient for family or any use. pISfW R- V- DOUGLAS. J. J. LISSNER, Groceries, Tobacco, Bacon and Provision^ GRAIN, HAY AND BRAN A SPECIALTY. 216 Bay Street, Brunswick, Georgia. W- H. BOWEN 4* . APsJCDj QLJ|| tZDEHt-Q Of Stone. Brick and Frame Build in*