The Brunswick times-call. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1900-1902, December 01, 1900, Image 2

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Difficult Digestion That 1* dyspepsia, k makes life miserable. Its sufferers eat not because they want to—but simply because they MUST. , They complain of a bad taste In the mouth, a tenderness at the pit of the Stomach, a feeling of puffy fulness, headache, heartburn and what not. a Hood's Sarsaparftla cured Joseph F. I.atne, Flanagan. Ky., who writ*#: •’ I was troubled with dyspepsia for a number o 1 years and took medicine that did me no (rood. I was advised by friends to t#y Hood's Sarsaparilla which 1 did and It pnt my bowels in perfect condition, irave me strength and energy and aula me feel like anew person." Hood'* Sarsaparilla Promises to cure and keeps the prom ise. Beware of substitutes. Buy Hood’s and only Hood’s. Moth makers and circulators or counterfeits commit fraud. Honest men will not deceive you Into buying worthless counterfeits of He witt’s Witch Hazel Salgp. . The Origluel is in fallible for curing piles, soros, cctema snd all (kin diseases. W. J. Butts. CALENDARS FOR 1901. The Plant System passenger depart ment has recently issued a beautiful calendar for the year 1902, which also contains a sheet for December, 1900. You ean obtain ono by calling at the Plant System passenger offioe loot of Gloucester street or telephone 52 and you will haye one sent to your oflice, For LaGrione and enza use CHEN El'S EX PECTORANT: We offer a Holland "Window Shade, heavy fringe, all colors, size 3X 6 at 45 CENTS Regular price 75 cents. AT KAISER’S. We have brought to this city this season the grandest and most complete line of CARPETS ever shown in Brunswick. We offer for the next 10 days, Carpetat prices that will make them a veritable bargain to everyone- We offer all new goods and styles. Call early and select your Carpets and get the pick of styles- THESE PRICES ARE GOOD FOR 10 DAYS ONLY. E52J£ NOVEMBER 26 TO DECEMBI 5, NOTE THESE PRICES CARPETS MM No. I—Velvet Flush Carpet, riclrpatterns beautiful suitable fot vour bedroom, parlor or library, with border to match, at 92c regular price sl-50 yard. Special No. S—Smith’s Axministers. handsome designs and exclusive styles, suitable for your bedroom, par for or library at ..871c regular price $1.50 yard Special No. 3—-Velvet Flush Carpet, in red and black mixture, will make you a very swell carpet for your hall with stair carpet to match 92‘c reg price $1.50 yd Special No. 4-Fine Velvet Carpet in rich colorings of red splendid for your hall, a beautiful carpet at Ba*c regu lar price $1.25 yard ■lf you wantjaaything ia Carpets,|Liaoleums, Oil Cloths, Wmdow Shades. Rug*. ouifprica this week win suit yoa. Come early. Note oar pries*. .GOOD SCHEDULE. Cumberland Route Equal to Aay and All Occasions On account of the gala week carnival at Jacksonville, the Cumberland Route a* has put on an eieellsnt schedule. The steamer makes close connections with the trains at Fernandlna and sells tickets good until December Ist. Following Is the schedule: Leave Brunswick Ba. m.; arrive 1.80 p. m. Arrive Fernandina^lS'noon; leave l .SO p. m. Leave Fernandlna 2-40 p. m,; arrive 11.30 a. m. Arrive Jacksonville 3.50 p. m ; leave 10,20 a. m, Fare—Brunswick’to Jacksonville and return 83. Hsve you s sens*; off fnllnession Ithe regies your itomaoh;*f!t SStIHTg? If so you wilFbe honoured by using Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tub is to. They; also cure belching snd sour stomach. They regulate the bowels too. Fries We. Sold by Bishop’s Drug Store. Hslf the World is in Dsrknssi ss tolthe cause of their llHieaUh. If they would start to treat their kidneys with Foley’s Kld neylCore,libel weariness of body and mind, back ache,)' headache ’andjrheumatlc '.pains would disappear. W.V. Butts. DeWitt’i Witch Hose! Salve wUI quickly heal the worst burns and scalds snd not leave a scar, ft can be applied to cuts snd raw aur fsces with prompt and soothing effect, Use It for piles end skin diseases. Bewsrs of worth less counterfeits. W. J. Butts. CORD WOOD, Large Quantity of oak and pin* wood on hand, for prompt delivery. No rotten, storm wood sold by us. ’Phone 114-3 Bi.Oodwoeth A Jokes. SPECIAL &HNOBNCEMGHT imp 10 DAYS ONLY THE BRUNSWICK TIMES-CALL, DECEMBER 1/ l*te. A Talk On Lumber With soy builder in Brunswick will prove to your entire satisfaction that vou can buy tbs best quality of soft or bsrdwood lumber, faney hardwood trim or flooring at price* that we will cbalti ng* competition on, quality con slderad, with anyone dealing in lulu her in :h B:ste of Georgia. Our stock is picked from the oholcest. LANG, WOOD & CO. feoDPosmoNs II ■ ? 1 B/ctT.'e.Wuie tsaly IggMi Young Men j ' V ISll OGfpvictica! v - Q|&! COLLEGE 1 SndforCniiJtam' Instructions l l wMftiTtoromcfc OABTIOFIIA. Bears the j* WEW ¥ Vm Msajs Bsdgirt Special No. s—Five frame Tapestries, very heavy and ele gant for your hall, dining room, will be sold at 72*c regular price #I.OO yard Special No. 6--“lliggins” Tapestry Brussels, a large vari ety of designs for hall, dining room or bedroom we will oner at 67*c regular price 90c yard Special No. 7—Five Frame Tapestry, very heavy in red and black an/i other rich patterns, suitable for halls with stair carpet to match at 72* c regular price SI.OO yard Special No, B—Threo Frame Tapestries for hall and stair at 67*c regular price 90c yard Special No. 9—\ard wide wool Ingrain, choice variety of patterns at 43*c regular price 75c yard Special No. 10 yard wide all wool Ingrains, 3 ply, hand some designs at 6Sfc ragular price 87*c yard i "Whole Codfish is the best. Campbell’s Condensed Soup ioc, i Can makes soup for the family. “Clover Hill” Butter has no equal. • ' , ’ t: '' 'y s '< >7 *’>* v The best io cents ean ot corn in the city, A. C. JEFFERS, RECOMMENDS IT TO TRAINMEN. G. H. Hannan, Lima, 0., engineer L. E. &W. railroad, write* : “I have been troubled a great deal with back ache. I waa induced to try Foley’s Sidney Cure, snd one bottle entirely relieved me. 1 gladly reoommend it 1.0. any one, especially; my friends among the trainmen, who are usually similarly afflicted.” When you feel tfat life Is hardly worth the candle take a dose of Chamberlain's stomach and Liver Tablets. They will cleanse your stomach, tono up yoor liver and regulate your bowels, making you feel like anew man. For sale at Bishop* Drag Store. J. W. BryaD, of Lewder, Illinois, writes: “My little boy was vary low with pneumonia. Unknown to the doctor, we gave him Foley's Honey sod Tar. The result wts magical and pui xlcd the doctor, as (t Immediately stop ped the racking cough, end he quickly recovered.” STOVES REPAIRED. Rice, the stove doctor, repairs all kinds of cook stove* and ranges, and buy * and sells second-hand stoves. 414 HOW’S THIS? m We offer One Hundred Dollars Re ward for any esse of Catarrh that can not be cured by Htli’e Catarrb Cure. F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, 0. We, the undersigned, have known F, J. Cheney'for tbe lest fifteen years and believe him perfectly honorable in all business transactions, and finan cially able to carry out any obligations made by their firm. *- West A Trusz, wholesale druggists, Toldo, O. Wilding Kinnan A Marvin, wbole.-alc druggists, Toledo, O. Hall’s Catarrh Cure is taken inter ally, acting directly Upou the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Testimonials sent free. Price 75c, per bottle. Sold by a!! druggists. Hall’s Family Pills are tbs best. Georgs A. Points, Upper Sandusky, 0., writes: “I have been using Fo ley’s Honey and Tar for hoarseness, and find it tbe best remedy I ever tried. It stopped tbe ooogb immedi mediateiy, and relieved all soreness.” Tamest quality Scotch Holland Window Shades fringed, all colors, size 3x6, sale price 75 CENTS Regular Price ££>i.i2 2 ART SQUARES Al&B RUGS V, Special No^ll—Axminister’s Rugs, siae 9ftxl2ftJ special price $26.50 regular price $35.00 Special No. lS;-Axminister’s Rugs, siae Bft 6in by 10ft Gin special price $22.50 regular price SSO-Q0 Special No. 13—Smyrna Rugs siae 7ft 6in by 10ft 6in spe cial price $19.50 regular price $2£.00 Special No, 14—Smyrna Rugs siae 6ft by Vft special price $12.50 regular price $16.60 To appreciate these Rugs you must ee them, any de scription we could make would be incomplete as to their beauty. Ihev are elegant in design and a grand quality. We also offer special prices on every Rug h our houselfroiu the smallest sia* up. A Frightful Blunder Will ottea.causc* horrible Burn, Scald, Cut or Bruise.; Bucllan's Amies '.Salve, the best In the world, will kill the pain and promptly heal It. Cures Old Sores,* Fever. Sores, Clears, Boils Felons, Corns, all Skin Eruptions. Best File Cure on (earth. Only re cts, a bos. Cure guar anteed, Sold by all druggist. Fragrant as ripe fruit—Pure as a mountain spring—Hoary “'with age and a blessing to men, when rightly used. That’s what Harper’* Whiskey is. Bold by T. Newma.v, Brunswiok, Ga. A Card. The manufacturers of.Banner Salve have su tborlaed the undersigned to .guarantee it for burns, cute, sores, ulonrs, tetter, eczema and all akin diseases Youibave your mooey .back t>'tV: 1* v claims. W.J. Butts. This is the season when mothers sre alarmed on account of croup. It is quickly cured by One Minute Cough Core, which children like to take. W, J. Butts.