The Brunswick times-call. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1900-1902, December 01, 1900, Image 4

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The Brunswick limes. XsUbttsk*4 nil. The Brunswick Call. XstsbUsbsd MM. Tbe Brunswick Times-Call, CONSOLIDATED WOO, IttUlsbed CVUtr MORNING EXCEPT MONDAY. ARTHUR H. LEAVY Editor ROLAND A. HOLLINS, Business Manager 1 mO*leniorpeßlook,3HFStrt*t O'Nio* } t^ratfeaxoM. B" J — J!S!!;i TO SUB80RIBIIR8: ■nbeoribers ar requested to notify tbe offlce Whoa they fall to get any issue of the Ttmes- OalL Attention to this matter will be appre ciated by the publisher*. The Timee-Oail [will -bet -Delivered by carrier or mall, per year. 56.00; per week 15 ante. Correepondenca on live anbjecta aellelted. Real name of writer ahonld ac eeaapany tame. Snbacriptione payable in advance, Failure to receive paper ahonld be reported to the bnaineea office. .Addreeiall anmmunleationa to the times-oall, Brunswick, tia, NOTICE. Hereafter all legal advertlee menta must be paid for after the first Insertion. The management has beep put to a great deal of trouble and delay In collecting in tbe past, and Ih future must take advantage of tbe Georgia law on this subject. Oot. 10,1900, mm - ■ W ANTED, AT ONOE.—Two print ers—mak-up and straight type-setter. There le really an eleotion today. Thanksgiving le paet. The gobbler was tbe martyr. IfiOQ ean appropriately be termed ’'the year of defalcations.” Mr. Bymona’ state board of health .'|bill will psee, but with certain amend ment*. Von Waldersee wanted to be the whole push in China but be found a few Americans to deal witK ——— l 1 ’ ""“lilSB The merchant > advertises only onoe a year should g-t bis sd. ready now. This 1* the a. t..oa for good re cults. The secretary of tbe board of adu nation of Cincinnati has gone wrong to the’ extent of a hundred thousand. Wext! Tbe Tim as- Call oiroui contest is at tracting a great desl of attention. Tba targe vote stows that tbe paper goes into hundreds of Brunswick homes, IS THE YBKEOFF. Those dose to McKinley ear he has Uicardsd tbe yoke and hereafter will be president in every sense of tbe word. sChe personal and political enemies of qMHMpKfnley will have to admit thnKKTa good man in ever way, bot the faot that be owes bis present *x hlted position to friends, Mark Hanna Among the number, may have caused him, for tbe sake of policy, to do things against which his consoienoa rebelled. But Mr. MoKlnley has been In politics a long time, and we all know Mat he was a poor mao when be en tered the white boose, aod this, in W*r judgement, shows that he was hon est. If a man who has held as many poeitioni as Mr. MeKinley does not oome out riob he mast esftainly be honest. It is the smbition of evsry presi dent to have his name enrolled in the history of his oouotr'v as “great,” and this, no doubi, has caused Major Mc- Kinley to throw off the yoke of Han • , naism and serve hie second term as bis conscience dictates. SHOULD ALL ASSIST. Not only the Board of Trade but every eitizsu of Brunswick should as sist in making the National Maritime Congress, which is to be held in Jan uary, a big success, not that we think it will result in any great bene fit to Brunewiok right now but it will promote marine interest in all parts of the country and this, like other sea ports, will reap tbe reward. We may be aucoeesfnl in getting a shipbuilding concern to locate here. It Is a well known fact that timber suit able for tbe construction of all classes of craft ia available within a very short distanoe of this oity, and there is no reason why saoh an industry cannot be successful hsre a* well aa anywhere else. The oost of building a vessel would certainly be less, becausa of tbe fact that our forests is abound in tbe very finest kind of ahip timber and at a lower price tbao it can be obtained elsewhere, But we mast uot look npon the mar itime congress as a gathering to bene fit any one locality—it is a national affair, and national benefits will be tbe result. CURBS BLOOD AND SKIn TROUBLES. I Trial Traatment Free. Ia your blooa pure? Are yon sure of it? Do out* or seratobes heal slow ly? Does your skin itch or burn? Have you Pimples? Eruption*? Ach ing bones or; baok? Kozema? Old Sorea?M{Bolls? Scrofula? Rheuma tism? Foul Breath? Catarrh? Are you pale? Then B. B. B. (Botanic Blood Balm) will purify your blood, heal every aore, and give a clear, smooth, healthy akin. Deep-seated oases, like uloers, cancer, eating sores, Painful Swellings, Blood Poison, are quickly cured by Botanic Blood Balm. Cures when all else fails. Thoroughly tested for thirty years. Drug stores, 11 per large bottle. Trial treatment fro- by wntinglßLOOD BALM < 0., Au.mta, tin. Desoribe trouble- tr e medical advice given. Over 3,000 v.,i ii ry testimonials of cure* by It. B. B. After exposurs or when you feel a cold ooming on, take Foley’s Honey and Tar. It never fails to cure, and will prevent pneumonia or consump tion if taken in time . STOP THAT A COUGH n t „ You can quickly do so by us i mg some of our freshly made Triple Strentfli Hoarhoniid Drops They are for Congbe. Colds, Hoarseness, Tickling in the throat, etc. Try 5c or 100 worth LLOYD’S, •PHONB 965 9 (Next door to Fleming A Waff) THE2BRUNSWICK TIMES-CAXL. DECEMBER 1,1900 Boose wopst Seems easy to s man, brat there is * great deal of tiffin;; and reaching to do ; A great many trips up and down stairs to make in the course of day’s house work. It's hard where a woman is We... r-or a woman suffering with some form of "female trouble” it >—.. . is daily torment. _ 1 There are thousands T I J of such women hB Hruggling along, day V* Tkl by day, in increasing JMI misery. There are other thousands who feajZZf VN C* <S have found a com- M plete cure of their SjW/f TB disease in the use of 111 , Hhr , I>r. Pierce’s Favorite JWJt! i JrSfT] Prescription. It AjTn stops debilitating mIJL I JSggsil drains, cures irregu- (’'flaSHsE larity, heals inflam- >/ ' nation and ulcers- "TwT f tion, nourishes the Juj 1 nerves, and gives vitality anl vigor. It makes weak [ft II I women strong and 1 /** B I siak women well. It / II contains no opium. J nor other / S3 "For s Bomber of // months 1 swShrsd with // Ebvstfiite h m or t*i Bask at, Wash- w _ logtoa, D. C, -1 Hied 5 siPbg3g§&l various rsthedtes, but 1,11 11 nous orm-fl to do mt say permsusnt r 'C The doctors ssfcl It was tbe went esse of Inter nal trouble they ever ImU. I headed to writ* to you for help. I reuutvOtia eyry feWsrsln reply, and cohwriwtd treatment at oetre. I bad not used Mur Pseorita t-rcscriptm’ a week before I began to fbel better, and, aa I Enttnued, me health s.mduaUy improved. It is iprovinjj every day." * Dr. Pierce's Common Sense Medical Adviser is sent fret on receipt of stamps to pay coat of mailing only, bend 31 one-dent stamps for a book in paper Covers, or 31 stamps in cloth, to I>t. R. V. Pierce, Buffalo, tf. V. Don't wait until tbe cool waveoomss before baviug your overcoat olvaned, pressed or repaired bjr Jim Carter S-nd it in now. OA JTOILIA. Bears the Ito Kind You Haw Mwap Bouglfi HHKRIliqg SALE. GEORGIA,GIyan County. Will ho aold before tbe conrtbonee doer ia Brunswick, on Unit Tueeday In December, nineteen hundred, the leasehold delate expir ing January Ist, W7*, In the following parcels ofland In Town Commons of Brunswick: Lot number 111 between Gordon and Johnson •treets; and tho southeastern quarter of lot number 111 between Johnston and Bartow streets. Sold as property of estate of A. T. Putnam, under execution Issued hy tbe tax collector of said county against A, T. Putnam, for elate and county taxes, ■* W. If BERIME, Sheriff ANNOUNCEMENT. To tha voters of the 26'h District G. M <# , Glynn county! I hereby solicit the support of tha voters of said district at the election to be held for justice or tbe peace oa tbe first Saturday in December next. If elected will endeavor to perform tbe duties of eald offlce faithfully. Respectfully, Jas. T. Lambkight. Burnett’s Specie! Mixture is un rq>Mid sea milk prodo, QUESTIONS ANV Ki'.ED, Yea, AugueCFlow.-rts- ,1. has the lrgst salejof any mudteiu- ?.n theolv- U,:o*d world. Your mother- on i grand mothers never (bought of cur-.c any thing else jfor Indigestion or bilious ness. Doctors were scarce' and they seldom beard of apeodtoltls, nervous prostration, heart failure, ate. They used August Flower to clean out the system and stop fermentation of undi gested food, regulate the action of tbe liver, stimulate the action of tho ner vous and organic system, and; that la all they took when feeling dull and bad with headache and other Caches only need a few doses of Green's Au gust Flower, In liquid form, to make you satisfied there ie. nothing serious tbe matter with you Semple bottles at Butts drugstore or Brown; Drug Oo Should be In every household mede oine chest. It affords certain relief OUR UINK OF % Gents Furnishings now COMPUBTG. —. New Goods Arriving Each Week J H HELLER & BROS., 314 Newcastle St-. Between C. McGarvey’s and Thomas.Keaney, CHEAP ADYEBTISIHG. CASH IN ADVANCE Advertisement# ia this column will be Insert ed at the uniform rate of One Cent s Word for each insertion, No advertisement, however ■all. Ims than SO cents. Cash in advance. sr Morphine, opium, laudanum, cocobldu habit; myself cuted, will Inform you ot harmless, permanent borne cure. Mary S. Baldwin, box 1212, Chicago. Hustling young man can make <6O per month and expenses, Permanent poeition. Experience unnecessary. Write quick for particulars, Clark A Cos., 4th & 'Locus Streets, Philadel phia,-Pm. HELP WANT ED—MALE. Manager.—Old established mercan tile bouse wants honest, capable man to manage branch. Salary $125 month, extra ootnmiselons. No eolioiting re quired, but must take general direc tion and be ambitious. Good refer enceaand SBOO cash required. Experi ence as manager not necessary, if qualified in other respect*. “Opportu nity,” Drawer 74, New Haven, Coon, FOR SALE—BUTLER'S ISLAND This well-known rice plantation, sit uated on the Altamaha river, opposite Darien, containing 1,200 under bank; also, summer residence on tbejaalts, with small ;booae, five miles from Da rien, containing 17 acre*. Prtoe for whole, |11,003. For further particulars, apply to Mr. B. T. Sinclair, Darien, Mclntosh county, Ga. FOR BENT.—Seven-room bouse, near tbe hospital. Only $lO 00 per month, W. W. Brockington. ' HAY FOR SAGE.—Five car loadiof oboioe Bermuda bay,, at $16.00 per too, laid down in Brunewiok, Ga. Sold only in oar load lots at this price: Jae. L. Brown, Jr., Greensboro, Qa.|| FOR SALE—LITTLE ST. 81M ON’S ISLAND, containing 0,0(0 seres Good game preserve—deer, dusks, etc. besides best fishing on the ooast, with hard beach of several miles in extent. Excellent oyster bed. Price, f20,000. Also, Canon's point, on Great Bt. Simon’s Island, containing about 580 eereSj directly opposite Little St. Si mon’s Island. Good tabby foundation* for anew housn. TMi property is sixty mfletrfrom Savannah, fourteen miles from Brunewiok, with both of wbicb places there is dally connection by steamer, it is on the Island next to JekyL and suitable in every respect for a bunting and fishing alub. Price, 110,000. Pur further particulars, apply Mr. J amea T. Dent, Evelyn, Glynn county, Georgia. FOR RENT.—Furnished or unfur nished rqms. 603 Msnefleid street. Mrs, W. fi. Anderson. •mm I*M Fos Sami-Cash register and Jron safe. Cheap.- Apply si this office. For Asthma use ORK NEY'S EXPECTORANT: CALL ON £j. A. Miller 3 l Dili Weomer Mi Geilino oil Fill Large Stock Just Keceived. Corner Biy and Mansfield. Phone 171 Only place in town where kils dried lumber can be bonght. CASTORIA Wp'* J'' * -T' :"J - Avfcgeiable Preparation for As - lbeFoodandßegula ling the Stomachs andßowels of I .\i.vN is /“Children Promotes DigestionjCheerfufr* ness and Rest Contains neither Opium,Morplune nor Mineral NotUarcotic. >a <v* afOUJk-SAKVELtmmit /Jwfafc* W- , Jtx . Smn*7 - 1 t- I <*swJM * I 'itaMMkk, 1 MeM feg&SXm, ) Apetfecl Remedy forConslipa- Tlon, Sour Stomach,Diarrhoea Worms .Convulsions .Feverish" ness and Loss OF SLEEP. Facsimile Signature op NEW YORK- ■A I b monies old }j Dos IS - JyCl INIS exac/copy of wrapper. H. M. MILLER & SOW. will bring us a line ot Oriental Tapestries, Screens, Couch Cover, Cur tains, etc. direct from those fa mous importers of Oriental gor>ds of A. A. VANTINE & CO —-—----- - ' ■ - - Also a i>t ' of muslin and Bobbinct Curtains, Cut Glass, Silverware, Rugs, etc- ■TO! fTsTiiUHr±l =1 inw HEALTHY OLD AGE, ijlgtf | Lic, Biirroa 00. Am*, Aug. 4. W !]■ ’’lt Bm I m it nin aid uj have been "uttering with M - t.A I Jj" M Ghongoof Life J hadflooding pelU o baa that TL 1KT’ l' ■JB jl&Ji mono thought I coaid live. My haaband got ms (WTij Wlaa ot Cantal and it aaaed my Ufa. lam Uka H ■ ' V 15/1 aaathat person tinea taking it. ■ MBS. B. B. TOWNSEND. Wl' ML l\ US MwTSn** 1 1 Rls the devout wish of nearly *ll people to live to * ripe old age. pi None of us want to die young. This universal desire can be realized if U c*re be taken of the health in early and middle life. A little precaution then Wm will add many years to our existence. Death can be kept away a long time. Happy, healthy old age will be the lot of the woman who promptly llg corrects the ailments which afflict her sex. In youth, Wine of Cardut will take the female child safely over the dividing line between girlhood and bfl womanhood. Asa wife she needs It to help her through the trials of Mut pregnancy and childbirth with as little discomfort as possible At the Cw Change of Life it will help her over the dangerous place that appears In her pathway between 40 and 50 Then will coma many years of truly Mgi blissful existence. She will grow old slowly end gracefully. To the last N she will preserve that charm and beauty which are always characteristic Wm . ueits' tint on HttiTHiiT.. It for women alone to decide My for*avio:acMMr**aixiagdai whether they will be healthy or mJwi i!5E?IIwlllTt ferSlKVooifi *iok_ The remedy for their Sick- FJ xaaicim co, ctmimaoogq. Tens. ness Is close at hand. Ml LARGE BOTTLES ON WIRE ON if CASTORIA Forjniants^and^CMldren^. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the £ * j Signature /jkw \hf u se La For Over Thirty Years CASTORIA UlttK TM OCNtAUN COMPANY. HEM? VOHM OPPV.