The Brunswick times-call. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1900-1902, December 01, 1900, Image 5

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Uock=a*Bye Baby These are sweet words, but >fcow tjvueh pain and suffering the/ used to mean, it'e different now. Since Mother's Friend has become known expectant mothers have been spared much of the anguish- of child birth. Mother’s friend is a liiuroent to be applied externally, ft is rubbed thoroughly into the muscles of the abdomen, ft gives elasticity and strength, and when the final great strain comes they respond quickly and easily without pain. Mother’s Friend is never taken internally. Infernal, remedies at this time do more harm .than gSod, if a By woman fs supplied with this splendid lini ment she need never-fear rising or swelling breasts, morning sickness, or any of the discomforts which usually accompany preg nancy. _ fhs ppffetor of a large hotel In Tampa, *n*., write*: "My wife had an awful time wuh her first child. During her second pregnancy. Mother's Friend was used and the baby was born easily before The doctor arrived. It’s certainly great' 1 Get Mother’s Friend at the drag atore. St per bottle. THE BRADFIELD REGULATOR CO., Atlanta, Ga. Writ.- for ourfree illustrated book, "Bclure Sab ' la Burs." NOTICE TO VOTERS. Bkc*vvick,?Nov, 3, 1900. To, the Voter* of 26th Dirt. G. M.., Glynn County:—l respectfully eollpit the rates, and ask the support of my friends and fellow-citizens of the 2(>th Dist, G. M., of Glynn county, far the office of Justice of the Peace forsaid District, at tbe election to be bald next month, Deoeraber, 1900. Respeotfally, A. W. Ookker, Lumber Inspector. J. W, Watkins will loan you money on personal prop erty and real estate. WE MUST HAVE RO In consequence of tremendous purchases of Holiday Goods we are compele rMMjjsMtssMstsrjSkC RI FI C E OUR PROFITS*^/ For the time being, in order to give room to show this magnificent stock. Worth wi - ed during this sale, to move the goods is what we want, and we say candidly now is you argains In Every Line Monday and Tuesday Only. Monday an; . Don’t wait, come now and look at our stock. The shelves are teeming wit! Dry Goods, Dress Goods* Clothing, Notions, .And everything in the store will be sold during this sale at Money Saving IfOiJfeeaci Tliese Trade Qatcli < .Millinery We the swellest and most up-to-date Hats in the south, j Skirts—Just received a large assortment Skirts. Correc , Give us a cal/ Waists—A fine assortment Taffeta Silk Waists; new ani . A big line of boys all wool Caps. Solid colors and plaids, worth 39c, a bargain at 25c worth $7.00. Special Ribbons-A fine assortment of Satin in all colors; special, yard .~1 4c and ujf Bu its-Orie lot Tailor-made Suits, new and correct styles, oaeke, ,med wh.i Ajuu ,ia Site; Hats—We are showing the largest and most complete stock of “Ready-to-Wear” Hats I n castor, gray and brown. A bargain $8 96 in the city. Correct styles..... •<".'“P Ladies Undershirts 17c Best gingham, per yd 41c Best Calico, all color, per yd 4}c C fcw U and r “Ttty Sell'" 6 . eB .. . Tl “ “ d .S£f“ -2? -P ¥ Waists from 15c up Boys pants from 20c dp Petticoats—A big assortment Mercerized Petticoats, with wide plaited flounce. All **°y 3 Suits from $1.25 up Men s pants worth $1.50 at 85c > colors and black, Special ; $1.39 A special sale on Men’s Clothing and gents Furnishings / 3VL RS . JVX. ISAAC, THE LEABINS 6RY 09®BS EME9RIHM. 208-208! NEWCASTLE BT. DAIOIB or ST ART ATI O If. Typhoon Left Things Dea itate in Guaas. Washington, Not. 30.-The navy de partment Is in receipt of a cable from Rear Admiral Retney, commander of the Asiatic squadron operating on the trans-pacilic station this afternoon, stating that there was grave danger of starvation on the island of Guam, On account of the recent disastrous ty phoon which swept that remote island Doosession. Secretary Long has given imnera -tlve instruction* to Admiral Remey to eomjply liberally with the 'demands of tho governor of Asowin who nas asked the admiral fo* "in tbe shape of food. MALE HELP WANTED.—Reliable mea to sail our lia of fin* lubricating oils, greases And paints. Salary or commission. Address “Reserr* Oil GO.*’ Office* No. 82 Superior street, Cleveland, Ohio. For the serious diseases that attack tbe kidneys. Prickly Ash Bitters is an unfailing remedy. Relieves backache, tvreiliag of the TeeC. j*'nd“per*i6t“nt headache—s’jßypfotns which indicate kidney trouble. W. J. Butt*. The editor of the Ferdville, 11 y., MlocaUan sens, ■wrltae as a postscript to a business letter: *1 was eared .of kidney trouble by taking Solcy ’§ Kidney Cura,” Take aotliingelse. W. &- Uujts Slops theJCouflh (and works off the Cold. Lfsiativc BroumlQ rlnine Tablets cure a eold in,one day. No Care, No Pay. Price L 5 cents SCROFULA THE CAUSE. Kceema, catarrh, hip disease, white swelling, and eren consumption, hare theirorigin in scrofulous conditions With the slightest taint of scrofula in the blood, there Tire remedy for this dfeoaee is Hood’s (Sarsaparilla, which goes to the root of the trouble and expels all impurities and disease germs from the blood. The best family eathartio Is Hood’s Pills THE BRUNSWICK riMES-CALE, DECEMBER 1, TWO BAD BLOOD, BAD COMPLEXION. The skin ia the seat of an almost end less variety of diseases. They are known by various names, but are nil due to the same cause, acid ami other poisons in the blood that irritate aud interfere with the proper action of the skin. To have a smooth, soft skin, free from all eruptions, the blood must be kept pure and healthy. The many preparations of arsenic and potash and the large number .ol face powders., and lotions generally used !|t this, class of diseases cover up for a short time, hut cannot remove per ntatiently the ugly blotches and the red, disfijrui mg pimples. Efmia/ vigilance* is tho prloo vf is fooauiifut complexion when such remedies are relied on. T. shobp. *704 Lucas Ayernte, St. Louis, Mo. .-riv-: "My C.iuglUer was afflicted for years won a ’disfiguring eruption on her tace, which resisted r.II treatment. S v r was taken to two eeienratej healtii springs,'Cut received no bene fit. M tny tnedifisies wine prescribed, but with out : all, until we derided to try a. S. B.,and by tin- 1 hue the tint bottle vas fini.-hed the eruption begen t t disappear- Ad. ::en bottles cured her completely and left her skin perfectly smooth. She ts now seventeen years eld, and not a sign of the •embarrassing disease has ever returned.” S. F S. is a positive, unfailing cure for the worst tortus of skin troubles. It is the greatest of ail blood purifiers, and the only one guaranteed purely vegetable. Bad Mood makes bad complexions. Srtfgh SMS purifies and invlgo rktes the old and makes new, rich blood V k. H that nourisbes the body and keeps the skin active and healthy and in proper condition to perform its part towards carrying off the impurities from the body. If you have Eczema, Tetter, Acne, Salt Rheum, Psoriasis, or your akin is rough and pimply, send for our hook on.filcgjj' 834 Bkin,Di3C.ses_and writs, offr' physl dans about your case. No charge what ever for this service. SWIFT SPECIFIC COMPANY. ATLANTA, OA. EVERY MOVEMENT HUBTB When you bay* rheumatism. Muscles feel stiff and sore and joints are painful, It does not pay to suffer long from this disease when it may be nursed so promptly and perfectly by Hood’s Sarsaparilla, f hi* medicine goes right to the spot, neutral izes the acidity of the blood, which causes rheumatism, and puts an end to the pain and stiffness. Biliousness is cured by Hood's Bills. 28c CITATION. Goorgia-Qtynn County. Wboress, John J. ftpears, administrator of I). It. Emory estate, represents to the court In ms petition, duly filed and entered ou record, that be has fully administered said P. B. Em ory estate. This in therefore to cite all persons concerned, kindred and creditors, to Show cause, If any they can, why said administrator should not be discharged from his administra tion, and receive letters of dismission on tbo first Monday in February, 1901. Holt AO B DART, Ordinary. Qm ho mmmm o the u 0 Pirn fW Hill THANK M* ;IST BE GIVEr To our Drugs and Medicines for restoring health to many and permitti enjoy their nr hh a ivj kc s <3l 1 ivj cs Holiday* Those who are suffering should avail themselvesjof the advant; unlimited Stock of DRUG [AND^jjMEDICINES Offer. We can fill the physicians’Jprescriptions or supply a remedy fr< poprietary articles. Hi I Icilf. I Is some Where on our shelves, f 3ur Stock of x/ ru ? B and MeuiCi”C' is necessary to ewe youi ills, give you strength and r° fitore you to Whether you prescribe for yourself or get a PHYSICIANS PRESCR] We car fill it. Our compounding department is in competent b purest drugs obtainable at eru L SMITH'S PHflßf