Newspaper Page Text
That is dyspepsia.
k makes life miserable.
Its sufferers eat not because they
want to—but simply because they
They complain of a bad taste in the
mouth, a tenderness at the pit of the
stomach, a feeling of puffy fulness,
headache, heartburn and what not.
f Hood'* Braprftl* cared Joseph p. Lain*.
Flanagan. Ky., who write*; "i iu troubled
with dypcpl* for a number of years and
took medicine that did me no rood. I was
advised br friends to trv Hood's Sarsaparilla
which I did and It put my bowels in perfect
condition, gave me strength and energy and
made me feel like anew person.”
Hood's Sarsaparilla
Promises to cure and keeps the prom
ise. Beware of substitutes. Buy
Hood’s and only Hood’s.
noth makers and circulators of counterfeits
commit fraud. Honest men will not deceive
yon into bnylng worthless countejfelts of He
witt’s W Itch Hazel Halve. The ortginel la in
fallible for curing piles, sores, eczema and aU
skin diseases. W. J. Butte.
The Plant System passenger depart
ment has recently Issued a beautiful
calendar for the year 1901, which also
contains a sheet for December, 1900.
You can obtain one by calling at the
Plant Syatem passenger office toot of
Gloucester street or telephone 52 and
yen will haye one sent to your office,
For LaGriDoe and
enzause CHENEY’S EX
'We offer a Holland
Window Shade, heavy,
fringe, all colors, size 3X
6 at
Regular price 75 cents.
We have brought to this city this season the grandest and most complete line of CARPETS ever shown in Brunswick. We offer for the next 10 days, Carpetat
prices that will make them a veritable bargain to everyone. We offer all new goods and styles. Call early and select your Carpets and get the pick of styles-
rvionr these f=fric^e:s>
Ipecial No. I—Velvet Plush Carpet, rich patterns beautiful
Wfo goods, suitable foi vour bedroofh, parlor or library,
with border to match, at 92c regular price $l5O yard.
Special No. S—Smitli’s Axministers. handsome designs
and exclusive styles, suitable for your bedroom, par
for or library at ..87ic regular price $1.50 yard
Special No. s—Velvet5 —Velvet Plush Carpet, in red and black
mixture, will make yon a very swell carpet for your
hall with stair carpet to match 92'c reg price $1.50 yd
Special No. 4-Fine Velvet Carpet in rich colorings of red
splendid for your hall, a beautiful carpet at fta'c regu
lar price |1.2& yard
-If yo wantlasythiag i Carpets,|Liaole*s, Oil cloths, Wtodow Shadis. this week wit exit yo* Come early. Mete aar prises
SSOO Reward.
|fWe will pay the above reward tor any case
of Liver Complaint, Dyspepsia, Sick Headache.
Indigestion, constipation or Costlveues* we
cannot care with Lirerata, the Up-to-Dete
Ltttfe Liver Ptlla, when the directions are
strictly oompUcd with. They are purely vege
table and never fall to give satisfaction. c
boxes contain 100 pills, 10* boxes contain 40
pills, Sc boxes contain 16 pilla Beware of sub
stitutes and imitations. Sent by mail. Stamps
taken. NEttVITA MEDICAL CO., eor. Clin
ton and J ickson Sts., Chicago, IU. For sale by
Brown Drug Co- Brans trick, tie
Money loaned on personal
property and real estate. Ap
ply to J.|W. Wat Kins.
A Night of Terror.
“Awful anxiety was felt tor the widow of the
biave.Uen Burn ham. of M affairs, Mewhen the
doctors eaidlehe could cot live till morning,
writes Mrs. 8. H. Lincoln, who attended her
that fearful night. “All thought she must
soon die from Pneumonia, hut sb begged for
Dr. King's Hew Hissovery, saying it had more
than once saved her life and had cored bar of
consumption. After three small doses She rested
easily all night, and Its further use completely
cured her.” This marvelous medicine Is guar
anteed to cure all Throat, Chest aad Long Dst>
asses. Only 60c and f 100. Trial bottles free at
11 drag stores.
Have yon a Sense of fnlinession the region
your stomach.aftcr estlngf It so yon will be
beneflted by using Chamberlain's Stomach and
Liver Tablets. They, also cure belching aad
sour stomach. They regulate the bowels too.
Price Ka. Sold by Bishop’s Drag Store.
Half the World is in Darkness
as toitho cause of their 111 health. If they would
start to treat their kldneya with Foley's Kid-
weariness of body and mind, back
ache,! headache ’and;rheumatic pains would
disappear. W.'J. Butts.
DeWitt’a Witch Hazel Salve will quickly
heal tho worst burn* and scalds and not leave
a scar. It can be applied to cuts and raw sur
faces with prompt and soothing effect, Use it
tor piles and akin diseases. Beware of worth
less counterfeits. W. 3. Batts.
Large quantity of oak and pine wood
on hand, for prompt-delivery. No
rotten, etorm wood sold by as. 'Phone
24-3. Bloodwouth & Jones.
A Talk On Lumber
With any bdiider in Brunrwick will
prove to your entire satisfaction that
you nan buy the Best quality of soft t r
hardwood lumber, fancy hardwood
trim or fiuoring at prices that we will
challenge competition on, quality con
sidered, with anyone dealing in lora
br io Ibe State of Georgia. Our
atook is pioked from tbe ohoioeat.
B Secured'
3/ActTve >u),. i.aif
practical '
wAim;7MMvm(A m
-T3M- 'TT*
Bears the kind You Have Always Bo#t
Special No. s—Five frame Tapestries, very heavy and ele
gant for your hall, dining room, will be sold at 72*c
regular price SI.OO yard
Special No. Tapestry Brussels, a large vari
ety of designs for hall, dining room or bedroom we will
offer at 67*c regular price 90c yard
Special No. 7—Five Frame Tapestry, very heavy in red and
black and other rich patterns, suitable for halls with
stair carpet to match at 72*c regular price SI.OO yard
Special No, B—Three Frame Tapestries for hall and stair at
67*c regular price 90c yard
Special No. 9—Yard wide wool Ingrain, choice variety of
patterns at 43*c regular price 75c yard
Special No. 10 yard wide all wool Ingrains, 8 ply, hand
some designs at 62*c regular price 87*e yard
"Whole Codfish is the best.
Campbell’s Condensed Soup ioc,
i Can makes soup for the tamily.
“Clover Hill” Butter has no equal.
The best to cents can ot corn in
the city.
• A. O. JE FF BR.S,
“1 -
O. H. Hauian, Lima, 0., engineer
L. E. &W. railroad, writes: “I have
been troubled a great deal with back
ache. I was induced to try Foley’*
Kidney Care, and one bottle entirely
relieved me. 1 gladly recommend it
to any one, especially; my friends
among the trainmen, who are usually
similarly afflicted.”
When you feel that life 1* hardly worth the
candle take a does of Chamberlain's stomach
and Liver Tablets. They will cleanse your
stomach, tone up your liver and regulate your
bowels, nuking yon feel like anew man. Fov
sale at Bishop* Drug Store.
J. W. Bryan, of Lowder, Illinois,
writes: “My little boy wa* very low
with pntumania. Uokoown to the
doctor, w* gave him Foley’s Honey and
Tar. Tbe result was mtgicsl and puz
zled tbe dootor, a* |t immediately stop
ped tbe racking oougb, and be qniokly
Hioe, tbe stove doctor, repairs all
kinds of cook stoves and ranges, and
buys and sells ttoond-band stoves. 414
We offer One Hundred Dollars Re
ward for any case of Catarrb that can
not be cored by Halt’s Catarrb Cure.
F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O.
We, tbe undersigned, have known
F. J. Cheney for tbe ieet fifteen years
and believe him perfectly honorable
to all business transactions, and finan
cially able to carry out any obligations
made by their firm.
West & Truax, wholesale druggists,
Toldo, O.
Welding Ktnnan & Marvin, wholesale
druggists, Toledo, O.
Hall’s Catarrb Core is taken later
ally, acting directly upon tbe blood
and mncous surfaces of tbe system.
Testimonials seat free. Price 75c, per
bottle. Sold by all druggists. Hall’s
Family Pills are tbe best.
George A. Points, Upper Sandusky,
0., writes: “I bave been using Fo
ley’s Honey and Ter for hoarseness,
end find it tbe best remedy I ever
tried. It etopped tbe coogb itnmedi
raediately, end relieved all soreness.”
quality Scotch
Holland Window Shades
fringed, all colors, size
3x6, sale price
Regular Price si.i2 2
Special No^ll—Axminister’s Rugs, sue special
price 126.50 regular price $35.00 * *'•'* si~ 1
Special No. IS-Axminister’s Rugs, sise Bft 6in by 10ft 6in
special price $22.50 regular price ssooo
Special No. 18—Smyrna Rugs site 7ft 6in by 10ft '6>zf spe
cial price $l9 50 regular price jBS.OO
Special No, 14--Smyrna Rugssiie 6ft by Vft epecM! price
$12.50 regular price $16.50 ▼
. To appreciate these Bugs you must aae them, any de
scription we could make would be incomplete as to their
beauty. They are elegant in design and a grand quality.
We also offer special prices on every Rug is our houeelfrcra
the amalieafc sia up. v
A FrtgMfai Blqndsr
Will Qftcif cause * horrible Burn, Scald. Cut.
or Brnlesu" Bnoklaa’* Aroiea'.Bslve, the ben *a
tho world, will kill the pain and promptly hip
It. CnresOld eoree,’Fever;sorea, I'lcerr, Boiis
Felons, Corns, ell Skin Eruptions Belt file
cure on learth. Only *s cts. a box. Cure jin**
anteed, Sold by *ll druggist.
Fragrant as ripe fruit—Pure as a
mountain spring—Hoary 'with age
sod a blessing to men, when rightly
used. That’* what Harper’s Whiskey
ft. Said by T. Xkwmak, Brunswick,
A Card.
The manufacturer* of .Banner Salve have su
thorized the undersigned to it for
burns, enu, sores, ulosrs, tetter, eczema and
all skin diseases Yoaihave your money back
t *m” l> 1" H claims. W-J. Butt*. .
This Is tbe season wbeo mothers are on aooonnt of croup. It ie
quickly oared by One Minute Cough
Care, which children like to take. W,
J. Butte.